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  Helpful Adventurous Toddler Explores 3.0
Posted by: Toki - May 04, 2018, 05:11:56 PM - Replies (1)

Sitting quietly in an expanse of vivid spring flowers was a sweet white child, his bum tucked under him as he sat, looking more like a rag doll than a pup. Lifting his pale nose to sniff at the breeze that drifted by, inhaling the sweet smell of spring. Born to the winter, Toki hadn't much cared for the cold bleakness that was his young world and as spring slowly rose upon the pup's home he marveled at the explosion of colors and scents. Closing his pale blue eyes, the boy lifted his face to the sky, letting out a sigh of joy as he felt the sun's warmth on his face. This day was amazing, so fresh and new, Toki smiled to himself. Birds called and swooped over the flowery area, catching bugs to bring back to their fledglings while a grasshopper landed on a bright orange flower right in front of the pup. Boof. Toki teased, sending the bug leaping away as fast as it could, Toki couldn't help but giggle, he was still a child after all.

It was so rare to be on his own like this, normally he was surrounded by siblings and packmates, chaos reined whenever they were around. Toki much preferred the quiet to the rambunctious activities of his siblings, it wasn't so much that he didn't enjoy their games but it was hard for him to keep up. Something inside the young boy was different, it caused him to be tired out more rapidly than the other pups his age, as a result, he was a bit... chubbier than the rest of them as well. Differences aside, Toki loved his family, he just desired time to himself every now and then. This morning was one of those times, he'd snuck away from the chaos and found himself this small patch of wildflowers to enjoy some peace. He knew it wouldn't be long before someone came to find him until then he sat, enjoying the sights, smells and most of all, the warmth of the sun on his snowy fur.

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  New Faces...
Posted by: Concinnity - May 04, 2018, 04:38:06 PM - Replies (3)

Lithan had been loping slowly through the foothills for most of the morning. the fine warm spring weather had made his throat dry. A fine layer of sweat prickled through his coat.

He was not used to the heat, snow and general cold was what he used to and at this moment it was hard not to miss the cool bite of the spring wind.

Then as he reached the top of the latest hill he saw the glint of a stream ahead. His thirst rose up more at the thought of cool sweet mountain water washing down his throat.

With a renewed urgency he trotted down the hill towards the inviting water. Crouching down by the streamside, he closed his eyes in enjoyment as the icy water cooled him and sent small shivers down his spine that made his hackles raise.

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  waited / anticipated
Posted by: Razlok - May 04, 2018, 12:57:32 AM - Replies (4)

The morning had started out awfully, with visions that left Eldr shaking when they awoke, but the questions they were left with had no answers -- except to wander more. It was regrettable. The lion had been wandering for... well, as long as they could remember. To be more specific, they'd seen the moons of at least a year pass, maybe more. There had been a period of time at the beginning, where Eldr had just been... running. From whatever thing that had latched onto their dreams and gave them waking nightmares that left their heart stuttering in their chest. 

Now, they paced a forest between two dark barked trees some distance apart from each other, in the hopes that the repetition might bring some order back to their life. Eldr reached the end of their path, scraping the bark of the tree with their hip to leave some residue on their light fur as they turned around. The other tree was far in the distance, barely visible, and Eldr began their pacing again. The tension in their body made it impossible for Eldr to remain calm and retract their claws, so the tips of the overgrown appendages dug into the leaf litter, pulling up little bits on their points as they moved. The ginger banded tail of the lion moved rapidly in irritation as they mumbled. 

"But who would know? I've asked the bones an' I've asked the deep waters an' I've asked the- the- No, they gotta be sentient, right?" They barely slowed down to dodge a fallen branch, continuing to talk rapidly. "Who would know? I can't keep this up, I gotta go somewhere, I gotta-" They reached the other tree and turned on their heel abruptly, continuing their manic ritual as they reasoned out the issue.

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  Transformation [Terracotta]
Posted by: Amalthea. - May 03, 2018, 06:17:28 PM - Replies (4)

What had been a dry, sunny day had suddenly and without warning darkened and the brush about Amalthea's paws began to whip back and forth across her fur. A soft humming noise escaped her as her gaze turned toward the blackening skies with its occasional flashes of light and with an even quieter sigh rise and begin to slowly make her way back across the lowlands and to hopefully better weather. There was as of yet no rush to her movements; Thea was already certain she couldn't beat the storm and wasn't willing to expend unnecessary energy trying it. 

On any other day she'd perhaps get a bit wet and that would be the end of it, but today...Today was going to turn out to be something else entirely. The flashes that had simply been streaking their way across the sky began to head downward toward the glass fields leaving her thus far unconcerned (they'd all seen such things happen before, or at least she had anyway). But still, the girl would quicken her steps just that little bit more as her ears flickered back from the boom of nearby thunder.

Off in the distance a figure would catch her attention and Amalthea would hustle her way toward them with a pleasant enough, if somewhat forced sounding call of, "Wasn't expecting this, how 'bout you?" Awkward...Not that there was going to be much time to dwell on it though, not when another strike would land and this time just far enough from the glass to startle her into a full body twitch as she jerked around as though to get a better look at it. For a few brief moments everything was normal enough and then, then the very first wisps of smoke began to curl from the brush and her eyes would widen in what in other circumstances might've been a comedic expression but the realization of what might actually be happening was made that the furthest thing from her mind.

"That's," a pause then, "that's not good..."

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  Unintended Consequences [Harriette]
Posted by: Genim - May 03, 2018, 05:42:39 PM - Replies (5)

The day had started out well enough for Genim; a slow rise long after the sun had already risen it was the kind of day the youth enjoyed most. You see ample time given to actually getting out and about meant the day was automatically going to be awesome, the boy was sure of it. And what with few real responsibilities to speak of yet (Nim would have to make a note to himself to get on that) he was free to simply meander about doing whatever he felt the day would be good for, and today that was foraging for new supplies.

If only he'd known what that one decision would set into motion.

It was supposed to be a nice, leisurely, trip around the woods and maybe even the crystal trees (he could make some beautiful things out of the colors found there he was sure of it!) to gather twigs and other such things for a new idea he had in mind. And had it no been for a strange bit of clumsiness not far into the woods, clumsiness he would later blame on still adjusting to his newly grown features, the trip probably would've gone just as expected. Instead, however, Genim's stumbling over a bit of god only knows what resulted in an all but flailing motion through some brush and straight into a gathering of...he wasn't really sure what they were. Not that there was time to really think about it anyway! Not when one strange noise brought about by his surprised call of, "I'm sorry!" was quickly followed by another before he registered a sharp pain in his leg bringing him to his haunches.

Oh god, what were they?! A startled yelp would escape him as he tried his best to scramble to back to his paws and away, which probably would've been easier if there didn't seem to be a million of the weird, angry creatures coming at him all at once and each armed with a beak coming straight for wherever they could reach. Another hit, this one aimed well enough to snag onto an ear and tear painfully at it, would result in the boy lashing out with a snarl and scrambling up with his back to a tree.

Oh god, this was how he died wasn't it? Taken down by some kind of bird things.

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  Going to Alaska
Posted by: Shiisiln - May 03, 2018, 01:12:16 PM - Replies (38)

Willow trudged through the snow, closing his eyes against the icy wind that lashed continually over him. Black bears weren't made for this kind of weather; the cold seeped right in through his thin coat and bit at him until he was numb and exhausted.

He never would have tried to climb this high on the mountains if he knew such a vicious storm was coming. He still wasn't used to living anywhere but the forest; he didn't know what signs to look for that signaled a change in the weather.

Now he just had to keep moving and hope he could find some kind of shelter before he froze to death. He put his head down and tried to move faster, pushing back against the wind.

After a minute, he looked around, startled. He could have sworn he just heard footsteps... was it just the wind playing tricks on him, or was there someone out there?

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  So much for Anti-Social.. [PRP Sloan]
Posted by: Arcas - May 02, 2018, 10:22:59 PM - Replies (4)

[Image: tumblr_p6le9gvxne1vtjcxso1_1280_by_cryzt...c8bpb3.png]
"A rocky nap."

actions - “speech” - thoughts

It was an unremarkable day. The dense snows of winter had become nothing more than icy slush and muddy puddles, scattered across the landscape as Spring had now arrived in force. With it, colours were more vivid and the noises of life echoed throughout the pack lands. To most it was an energetic and inspiring time of the year in Gemini's borders.

Within the safety of the high lands a hellion puppy sat motionless, blue eyes were un-focused as he gazed into the reflective surface of the muddy pond that stretched out before him. He half-watched the tadpoles as they dipped and darted in the shallows of the water, nibbling at algae and playing in the shadows under the reeds. They didn't have a care in the world as they grew and developed rapidly, some already had fully formed legs kicking along behind them. Soon they would lose their tails and reach the pinnacle of their life cycle, adult-hood.

The cycle of life had only just begun for Arcas, he was a long way from being an adult and yet already could feel the crushing weight of exhaustion. Nights of restless sleep continued to plague him, he had nightmares of a thousand eyes staring into his core. Being exposed to his multi-eyed freak siblings only made the nightmares worse as their eyes remained open to stare ominously at Arcas, while they all slept soundly.

Ever since mother had encouraged them to leave the den, the pup had taken every opportunity possible to do so. He had recently ventured out into a storm and found himself at Gemini's borders, face to face with a stranger of unknown intentions. Fortunately the meeting had gone favorably and Arcas had still found the entire ordeal MUCH more palatable than being around his freak siblings. He had managed to have the first bit of decent rest that night and had been chasing the illusive sensation ever since.

Orange and black fur stood on end as a brisk breeze whisked across the pond, waking the pup from his daze and sending his body into a shiver.  The temperature was still waiting to warm up as the sun slowly found its place in the sky for the day. With a shake of his coat the hellion stood and stretched his body out - startling the tadpoles and sending them skittering for the cover of the reeds.

There was no sign of his family around and the thought was calming to Arcas. He finished his stretch and began to look around at the surroundings, sniffing the air for signs of anything interesting. The grassy plains that flanked the pond rustled as a gust of wind passed through the assorted plant life. The hellions large ears fell back casually and he stifled a yawn. His eyes focused on a small rocky outcrop positioned near the pond. Standing proudly among the stones was a large, flattish boulder that took pride of place nestled between its smaller counter parts.

The hell pup set himself into motion and meandered over to the rocks - feeling his fur rise as the warmth of the sun radiated off the stones. Satisfied with his find, Arcas stepped up onto the smaller rocks. The pup used them as stepping stones and hopped his way up onto the large boulder, hind legs scrabbling as he pulled himself up.

Once all four limbs had found their way onto the boulder, he turned and surveyed the land proudly from the new perspective. Paw pads spread across the warm surface, lightly scratching the rock face with sharp tipped puppy claws. This was the perfect place to try napping and to see if he could shake off the eye filled nightmares.

The fluffy hellion stretched his body down into a bow, after giving another small yawn the pups rump followed suit and he laid his entire body against the warm slab. Enjoying the sensation of warmth was a new experience for Arcas, one he had never known from his family.

The comforting feeling lead to heavy eyes which began to droop. A sleepy smile crept across the pups maw. He blinked slowly a few times and nestled closer to the rock, rubbing his fur against it to absorb more warmth. The sun also continued to beat down from above - providing the warm sensation all over as Arcas finally drifted into a light doze, listening to the sound of the pond water lapping at the ground. He would sleep this unremarkable day away, or wait and see what it had in store for him this time.

coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia

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  Oh, bother...
Posted by: Shiisiln - May 02, 2018, 05:36:29 PM - Replies (1)

It was time for Willow to admit it; He was lost.

He'd had the nagging suspicion for some hours now that he was going in circles, but he kept trying to convince himself it was all in his head. But now it was impossible to deny- he'd definitely passed that exact same boulder at least three times, maybe more.

He sighed heavily and sat down on the forest floor. He's been wandering for days now, and hadn't come across a single soul. He was beginning to think this part of the countryside was absolutely deserted.

He spotted a tree nearby with some low-hanging branches, and decided to climb up and try to get a bearing on his surroundings. He stood up on his hind legs and scrambled up, his claws catching on dips and cracks in the bark. He managed to haul himself about halfway up the tree before he ran out of branches that he felt comfortable trusting his weight to.

He raised a paw to shade his eyes and peered off into the distance. All he could see was an endless ocean of green, stretching out to the mountains on the horizon. The sheer size of the forest baffled and intimidated him; he could probably walk through these woods for months without finding a way out.

Wait- he caught sight of something in the distance, drifting over the trees. Was that... smoke? He leaned forward, trying to focus and get a better look-

And that's when he heard an ominous 'crack' from the branch he was straddling.

He had just enough time to look down in panic before he was abruptly sent tumbling down from his perch. His paws flailed wildly, failing to find any handhold to stop his fall, until he landed hard- but not quite as hard as he'd expected.

He saw up, shaking his head- at least he hadn't broken anything. whatever he's fallen on had been soft enough to break his fall without cracking his skull on, which he was grateful for- wait. Was exactly had he landed on?

He looked down. Then he gasped and scrambled backwards as he realized it wasn't a matter of what, but who.

"I am so sorry!" he said, putting his ears back and hoping that whoever he'd just squished wasn't going to be TOO mad at him. "Are you ok?"

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  Silver Joins (Hopefully)
Posted by: Silver - May 02, 2018, 04:53:59 PM - Replies (2)

(Did I put this in the right place?)

It was a sunny day outside in neutral territory. Birds were singing, and a silver wolf with red and grey markings was out and about, looking for prey. The she-wolf was a bit smaller than average, with silver fur and a red chest from chin to tail start. Her lower legs, ears and tail tip were grey, and she moved quickly and gracefully in her search for prey. She had rabbits on her mind, a squirrel or two would do for her, being a bit smaller and needing less to sustain herself. She spotted a rabbit, a nice big one she could easily grab. She lowered herself to the ground, licking her teeth as she hid in the grass.

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  Strangers Like Me (Alu/Riss)
Posted by: Reath - May 02, 2018, 09:52:35 AM - No Replies

(Ooc: Not sure if I'm suppose to put this here but this is an rp between my character Reath and Alu (Riss) while Sveyn is visiting Gimini to form a possible alliance.)

The small silver dire pup stirred in the dark confines of the den that the 'King' of Gemini had so graciously allowed the traveling pair to stay in; while the proceedings were being worked out between Sveyn and the adults on the alliance that was being offered. It was also to give the pups sore paws time to heal before their trek back to Sveyns home; Bacchus. Sveyn didn't want Reath to attend the meetings since the pup would more than likely loose interest and cause a scene out of boredom or fall asleep. So that left Reath to his own devices within the den that he had previously fallen asleep in. The pup turned over and huffed as his conciousness was slowly coming back into reality and sadly Reath had no say in this matter. Which was completely unfair seeing as he would only lay awake alone and unable to do anything. Plus Sveyn had told him not to leave the den until he returned but there was a whole new world outside just waiting to be explored and sure his paws were still tender but he could walk and he was determined to get out of here today.

Bright blue eyes scanned the area to make sure that no adults would stop him from having some fun. A smile of victory lit up his face as he saw that the coast was clear and he proceeded to sneak out further into the territory. He had never seen a 'sea' before and he wanted to get a look of one before they left and he was sure that Sveyn, the overcaring big brother he was, would sit on him to make sure that he never left that den until the day of their departure. That was not what the little spit fire wanted though. White paws stepped lightly over twigs and stones that might make any noise and alert someone to his presence. He pointed head up to the air and took in a big snort of air only to cough continuously for about a minute before trying it again and, this time, he did it slowly. Taking all the scents in the air. Don't blame him he was still new to this sniffing business. He was overrun by a wide variety of smells but one that stood out the most was a very stale smell that carried a distinct scent that he couldn't place. Perhaps this was the smell of the sea? 

Eager to get his little exploration expidition underway he bolted after the smell. So focused on getting there as quickly as possible he ended up not focusing on what was infront of him. Until it was too late. He knew he would never be able to put on the brakes and he did the only thing he could do when he saw a white figure suddenly pop out infront of him....he ran into the bushes. A blur of silver flashed by the stranger as he took a hard left into the closest bushes before he letting out a yelp of suprise when his world was suddenly turned upside down. His stop was sudden and hard. The pup grunted as he tried to get up only to find that he was stuck. His face distorted into a grimance as he strained against his prison which was actually a hole in the tree he had ran into. A variety of grunts and groans escaped him as he struggled to escape the trees grasp on him. Sighing he relented and called out, "Hey is anyone out there," he hollard, "I'm stuck please help." Tiny ears twiched as he heard noises approaching him and he could only pray that it wasn't a scary monster.....or Sveyn...that would be bad.

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