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  I was gonna get some water, but then I got high
Posted by: Saki - November 29, 2017, 02:18:35 PM - No Replies

The sun was slowly setting, casting a beautiful bright orange over the sky. Contrasting with the once bright blue that was slowly bleeding into the dark blue that belonged to the night time stars. The moon was starting to peek it's little head up from the other side, and casting shadows of it's shap onto the land. Most prey animals were going into their homes for the night to sleep. As for the ones that walk at all times, they thrive.

Slowly, it started at a light faded color. Saki's glowing markings start to light up the darkening world. Her paws leading her towards the nearby stream, her path being illuminated by her own bio-illiminated markings, making it hard for her to hunt, but easy for her to see. She was a walking firefly, flashlight in other words. She could never seak out of trouble at night, always used to lead the way in dark places. Her fear of darkness still scares her to this day, but her beautiful glow always seems to calm her. Her night purple eyes just need to look towards the glowing reflected on the dens walls and she'll feel relaxed again. 

Small paws moved forward on the slightly lighted path. The evening was upon them and Saki was out for some fresh air before she settled in for the night with Vaude in their little camp for the night. They were moving slowly, so that he didn't hurt his injured leg even more. But the slow pace made the young beauty a bit anxious, she was used to them moving at a slightly faster pace, always looking at the males back in longing to keep up. Now that he was beside her as they moved, she felt a little useless, unable completely help him with her lack of most herbs. She was only able to do so much with her knowledge. So, some fresh air and excersize should help the young female.

Saki moved through the forest and sighed quietly as she pushed through some trees that were hiding the enerance to the stream. The sound of running water filled the womans ears and she felt her stiffened muscles relax. Water trickling down the streem, babbling as it moved. Always a relaxing sound. The young female made a move to move forwards for a drink, but stopped quickly as she swiveled her head to the side and jumped. She hadn't even smelled anyone else in the area, and yet this stranger was in the clearing with her. "Ah, I'm sorry." Saki quickly apologized to the stranger, her hears going back as she shrank back a little as she looked at the dark colored wolf. "I-I didn't realize anyone else was out." Her soft voice continued, her light purple eyes looking down as she shrank back a little, to make herself seem smaller. "I-I'm sorry for walking in on you." She mumbled, her apoligetic nature shining through like a star in the night sky. Saki has been so used to having others take care of her, that she tends to not worry about having to protect herself.

"I-I'll just leave." The young lady said as she turned, wanting to give the dark furred male room to have his peace and quiet back.

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  The other side of paradise [ PRP Micah.]
Posted by: Rosanna - November 29, 2017, 12:52:04 PM - Replies (2)

It was only easier to acclimate into the tense world around her because her identity had never been compromised by pack culture.Beyond the pain that twist in her chest, sharper than any knife, the little rosy hell-dog can manage to breathe despite a fog of mucus in her throat. Sitting wide and deep like guilt's black mold. A manifested representation of anxiety. The same sort that had kept her complacent for most of her childhood - and would well into adulthood as well. It's strange ... so strange outside of the area she'd always known... but never had it been her to fear the unknown; Her twin had always managed to suffer the brunt of reality. And it'd taken Rosanna a long time to believe it existed. Despite the heavy undertone of her current youth. She'd been drug out to sea from her family, fabricating some great fantasy that'd died out holed up in a cove.

Rosanna almost calls for it's guidance - begging again for that sense of wonder in her chest... in the hushed silence of her own wandering mind where she's harshest to herself. Yet, still manages to draw strength through the link of silence. Wishful thinking enough motivation to keep the girl moving and moving. Until Saboro... her life... was miles behind her. Over crags and nannies, hills and valleys, -- further than her eye could make out the towering volcanos detail. Another reminder of that places cementing lore. Standing like a tall man to cast a great dark shadow Rosie would always feel just over her shoulder.

Free, but still at what price?

Paranoia... suspicion... it crawls and curls from the bottom of her gut to curl around her heart. It's tendrils branching out like a thorn bush. A heart-beat and she's reminded it's there. Further away, Rosanna needed to go further than anyone would miss her. Than she could remember how the jungle moss felt between her paw-pads. Until no face was familiar besides her own... Maybe trimming the briars might erase the pain eventually. In the mean time, the golden daughter weathers the storm. Drawn from her thoughts and dreams to jog further into the span of alien territory. Surrounded by nothing but expanding questions and new smells. 

Driven away hours from her trek, nowhere in particularly but by her own sense of direction. Until finally she loses the strength of running to her stomach. Abandoning her haze for nourishment that lacks the compass to guide. She has never been particularly well at hunting -- not since she'd lost the vision in an eye; Depth perception not nearly trained to accommodate yet. Though still though the gold wolf tries. And only by happenstance catches the smell of a rabbit, close enough she probably should have already realized.

A few minutes of investigating reaps rewards at a den. But the moment she comes into realization so does the other creature. Racing disastrously from it's hide to sprint through scrub underbrush and land. Leading the (promptly following) Rosanna on a wild chase that eventually rewards the animal it's freedom. But only when in the exact moment it's luck both run's out, like the breadth difference between a curse and a blessing

Someone else is among the brush, no more than fifty feet away. Though Rosanna could recognize the shade of brown blind in both eyes. She hadnt known what Lucas had meant about their other sibling... and the edges dont cut inside anymore when her heart rises to meet hope. 


She's so afraid to think it, to call out, to want it - and instead Rosanna can only stare the distance between them stark legged and completely still. Her back still arched with body language, tense and surprised while long ears perk upward and outward to listen; Fearing all at once what it meant if it wasnt, and if it was

But.... "Chickadee?"

She has to know.

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  Civil black [Ashtar]
Posted by: Leocor - November 28, 2017, 05:16:54 PM - Replies (1)


The heat was on, the dry air almost like a cracker breaking, Leocor wasn't sure he could bear it for that long, but he lived through it somehow. It was a rare quiet day where no white follower had asked anything of him and he had been free to walk around a certain area an area he then stuck to. He didn't break the rules given to him and always stayed close by in case he was needed.

He toward a small narrow river and leaned over, lapping a few drinks down to cool off from the heat and sighed happily. Just what he needed.

He lay down and dipped his front paws into the water and closed his eyes, listening to the quiet around him, taking it in and resting his body for moments in the heat - footsteps. He opened his eyes and turned to see someone he knew, though hardly. It was the child who had wounded his foreleg and though now it had healed and the only remains of the encounter was the missing ear tip he remembered her. What had she become? What had others taught her in her short life, was he to worry for her?

He looked softly at her, no blame or anger in his face and he offered a friendly smile. He tried to wave her over wanting to get to know her a little better. He was worried what the white seour had taught her, what did she know of right and wrong, black and white? He knew he couldn't teach her much, he was just a slave after all, but he wanted to know what she thought was right and wrong in this world. He watched as she either kept her distance or came closer to him.

"Hello. I don't believe I ever got your name little miss." He gave her a friendly smiled and stayed on his stomach. If she misbehaved she was not that large that he couldn't stop her from misbehaving, but he would prefer she stayed polite and civil with him.

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  until the next time
Posted by: Sveyn - November 27, 2017, 10:31:37 PM - No Replies

[Image: Kjn9Xus.png]

He had spent the last week hunting. Scavenging. Ensuring that pups and the women would be fed, at least for a little while, during his absence. He knew that there were others to pick up on his slack, but he couldn't help to feel guilty for leaving... and so soon after their arrival.

He wondered how Crocuta would feel, maybe frustrated with him for not saying goodbye first. But he couldn't bare it. He assumed she would argue, try to reason with him not to leave. He knew he had to, and it'd be gut-wrenching to fight with her.

Sveyn stood before the gap that split the valley, looking over his home. The rolling mountains were so breathtaking, no matter how many times he sat to admire them. They never lost their charm.

He thought about how he'd feel about them after his return. The eagerness to return was already overwhelming.

After a moment more, he turned, raising his head high and calling out a short adieu before racing trough the tunnel. He had many miles to go before he could come back through.

note: i just want an ic trail of sveyn's journey, so here we are! just something short and sweet. he is leaving for diplomatic reasons, off to create allies and advertise bacchus' bounty program.

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  from our wounds
Posted by: Haven - November 27, 2017, 10:06:17 PM - Replies (4)


Haven was fearless, bold, a bastion of strength and power. She was good, ferociously good, and she told herself she would never run from a battle again, after Eschaton. She would not hide or cower from any foe. Approaching every problem head on, teeth bared, was the only path she knew to take. No surrender. Bravery and honor. Duty. Mantras that she whispered silently in the core of herself whenever she was afraid. 

Right now she was nervous. 

Taking a deep breath, she approached the den, peering silently into the depths. The birds in the trees chirped warmly, the purple leaves from the trees billowed down in the autumn wind. The queen didn't feel like a powerful ruler, right now. It was just past dawn now, and the last flowers of summer had died. She wanted to meet with the elite before he began work, so she had risen early. 

"Trice?" She asked, her voice quieter than usual. 

I just spoke with the medics. You're going  to be a father. No, it wasn't soft enough. We need to talk about what the implications of our relationship is for the pack. He cared for her, didn't he, so why did any of this matter, why did any of the words matter. I don't know how to do this, I don't know how to be a mother, I don't know how to be in love. I don't know how to have family. No.  

"I need you for a moment."

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  what's black and white and red all over? [HEALER!!]
Posted by: Sybella - November 27, 2017, 09:09:55 PM - Replies (8)

[Image: PC4Adyj.png]

It was quite apparent, almost immediately upon being welcomed into Gemini, that she lacked quite a bit of height compared to the majority of the pack here in Gemini. She was short, which was why she took her place upon a ragged boulder when she decided to make herself heard to the rest of the pups. There was a lot of them, more than she anticipated when she decided to join the ranks of a shepherd... but she had quite a bit of help, which made it a bit more bearable.
Anyways, she took to the rock because when you're in a crowd of puppies and you raise your voice, you just aren't heard. Especially when you're small.

"Huns!! Hullo, lit'le ones... up'ere please." It took a moment more, but finally she had several small twinkling eyes staring back at her. Ah, her heart melted. "Ah, thank you, sweets. We-- she stared at the other shepherds accompanying her, have a lit'le game for you! A scavenger hunt." She was particularly careful with her dialect and pronunciation here, as she already had confused a few of the babies with her foreign slang and heavy accent. "I will give you a few riddles, Ugh, did she have to explain that one, too? Was a scavenger hunt kind of over their head? .. or clue.. you will have to solve the riddle by searching around the area here, and come report back to one of the shepherds with what the riddle is! Some of these items can be transported back to us! If you can pick it up, bring it here! Sound fair? Alright now, get together in pairs! It's more fun when you have a partner." She watched as the wheels began to turn, the scurrying began as each pup grabbed a pal to adventure with. Once they found a friend, she continued.

"Here is your first clue!" She cleared her throat, "I come off a beautiful creature, which soars in the sky, I come off a peckish creature, which has a tail as mighty as the sun! I am sometimes dirty, and parents beg you not to pick me up... what am I?"

Heads began to turn curiously, some of them ran off, and Sybella called at last, "Okay, now! Once you find it, bring it to us! We will give you the next riddle!"

She looked back to the shepherds, grinning sheepishly, "Oy, this'll keep'm busy for a bit, aye?"

note: if you wanna be a shepherd post here!! sybella can't rank you?? but she can give you tips and stuff and train you or whatever idk.


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  Bold Encounters [Achilles]
Posted by: Corvus - November 27, 2017, 09:00:11 PM - Replies (2)

speech thoughts

The stoic Captain was on the move.

Corvus always had a mission in mind; even when she was standing still, she really wasn't. She was a wolf that was always restless, always looking for something to do. Hating laziness, the god-child attempted to run from it by keeping herself busy. Even after the war, she found herself moving within the valley with purpose. Speaking of... many were coming back still from the war. Now that it was over (but was it truly?), Corvus waited to see what would possibly be coming towards them now. One thing was clear, though.

Even though she may not say it, she was proud of her Ashigaru.

They had moved in and taken the war by the horns, fighting for their Rosas. It almost made her smile (almost), and perhaps she would acknowledge that. While she wasn't one to praise often, she knew sometimes soldiers did better when they were given merit. Nonetheless, other things were also plaguing her mind that kept her from doing such a good deed.

Such as now, finding herself at the borders of the maze. Corvus was staring out into the endless labyrinth that surrounded the Valley. The wall that kept them secret from the outside world for the most part. Even still... that hadn't stopped Oukoku-kai from encountering its own opposing forces. The fire, the war, the intruders... all things that Corvus remembered, and even still tasted on her tongue. Her body was still healing in some places, the familiar itch of wounds still scabbing over and taking their natural course of healing. Death Valley fought valiantly, and still remained standing. Corvus would ensure that.

Sounds of another approaching made her ear swivel back to listen. The breeze kicked up a convenient wind, bringing scent along with it. "Yellow Seour," came the natural formality from her maw. Then she caught herself as she turned her head to look at her bond. "Achilles." Sharp purple eyes gazed sternly at the Yellow Seour, not because she meant it that way -- it was just how her natural gaze was. "It's been a while." Many questions hanging on those simple words.

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  The heart bites back
Posted by: Haven - November 27, 2017, 08:48:13 PM - Replies (5)

The queen didn't often come to this part of the packlands. She just really, really wanted to be alone right now.

Xenia's suggestion rang out in her mind like the sound of a tolling bell. (It's not like it's a bad thing, she should be happy.) Haven didn't know what to think about it. She didn't want to talk about it. Didn't know what to DO. Her hip ached and she suddenly felt old, despite being in the prime of her life. She wanted to be alone, away from the rest of the pack and their sunshine and lavender, and so she'd come to the graveyard, walking curiously among the ancient skulls of the mammoths that had once dominated this land. She didn't often come to this part of the packlands. Death everywhere, except in her. 

Haven knew how to lead nations and armies. She did not know how to love something as gentle as a family with her hands so covered in blood. 

She sat down in the curve between the two tusks of one of the smallest skulls. She stayed there for some time, forepaws draped over a jutting piece of ivory. The quiet was good, and it lasted, until a feeling of unease began to creep through the queen like a shudder. Someone was watching her. Within seconds she had scrambled to her feet, hawk-yellow eyes scanning the surrounding area - skulls and dust and moss, someone was hiding here. (The part of her brain that always watched for brown fur and green eyes said ITS HER ITS HER but she didn't let her expression falter.

"Show yourself." She said at last, her gaze sharp and firm, her stance unyielding. "Now." 

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  Awake In a New Light
Posted by: Ulvar - November 27, 2017, 05:40:34 PM - Replies (9)

Moons had passed since he felt the crunch of snow beneath his heavy paws, the familiar chill that found its way to his black hide even under his layers of white fur. For a time he felt as though the warmth would drive him mad, but there would be no turning back now. He'd come too far from his birthplace at the top of the world, suffered too much to simply give up. Doing so would be to forfeit his life.

The huge male leaves the shadows of a quiet forest and emerges at the grassy edge of a still lake. In the early morning dim, a thin fog swirled just over the mirror like surface. Ulvar stops just at the edge of the water, toes sinking into the soft soil, and he allows himself to sit and gazes at his reflection.
His coat, once as white as the snows of his homeland, has become dingy. His eyes, still sharp, have a tired stare to them and perhaps a little droop beneath. The worst of his scars, a split in his upper lip that reveals his fang, gives him a permanent grimace that adds to his fearsome appearance. Life had certainly dealt him a cruel hand. But he's alive and strong, and there isn't much more he can ask than that.
He considers slipping into the lake, to cool off and rid his pelt of the filth he'd gathered on his travels, but he simply continues to sit.

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  All Seeing
Posted by: Vesper - November 27, 2017, 12:23:06 PM - No Replies

Vesper considers herself an aspect-- an extension of the Trinity, an infallible vessel of God's will. She is humble for it, almost to the point of self-flagellation. If she did not have the Spirit, she would not be. This truth is simple. Incorruptible. Ineffable.

There was some sort of uprising here, that placed the Dragon that invited them in her position. She controlled from a throne without worship for how long, and now wears a rosary about her neck. Truly, this is an alliance meant to be. It begs the question, however-- what has become of the prior ruling class? How does dissidence breed, what allows it to overtake? Ripley bested the witches of the Grove, just as Azuhel righteously took her place as High Dominus-- but how? Could an unbeliever use these same techniques to wrest power from their carefully constructed hierarchy, and demolish their way of life?

The leopard considers, as she stares out upon the lands. These trees, with their charred, flaking bark, are not so easily climbed, but the Captain has managed. She waits, in the treetops, in the shadow of the canopy, for who may catch her attention. Someone she could question on these topics. Someone to probe for the weakness of Alteron-- in case the need should ever arise. In case this alliance is not of God's plan.

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