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  Sinner and Saint [Orcrist]
Posted by: Vesper - November 27, 2017, 12:13:09 PM - No Replies

She follows the fat wolf, as instructed by the Spirit's harsh stare and Dragon's lofty speech. The others split to investigate their new possible alliance, and although Vesper's eyes are ever-watchful, her mind is elsewhere. Is the Red Dragon also divine? How does their Father and Sun fair against unknown enemies? It is her responsibility to secure borders, even as they expand.

Her daydream is broken only by Orcrist's words, although the meaning escapes her. "Pardon?" she requests. What a fine Sentinel the cat would make.

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  look mom, i'm making friends [rook] [FINISHED]
Posted by: Harriette - November 26, 2017, 03:17:31 PM - Replies (13)

[Image: fxRP7W1.png]
It was winter, and the wind was biting. Temperatures had dropped low enough to allow the formation of dazzling snowflakes, and Gemini had quickly become coated in a thin spread of white. It wasn’t Harriette’s favorite season, she was not afraid to admit that. It was cold, it was dark, and the snow muffled many sounds, making things seem oddly quiet around the pack land.

As the days grew shorter, Harriette found it harder to get herself out of her den in the mornings. She’d rather stay within the cozy warmth of her bed than make the chilling trek to the healer’s tree. There was typically a large amount of internal debate before she found the ambition to get to her feet and make her way to the ill.

This morning had taken a little while to get herself there, but eventually she did. A younger packmate had shuffled to the tree shortly after Harriette arrived, looking for something to help a pesky cough. It was definitely the season for it, and Harriette had no shortage of licorice root to offer the adolescent.

Grabbing a good piece of root with her mouth, Harriette lowered it to her paw and peeled back a few layers of the outside flesh, then gave it to the young one. “Just chew this for a while, it will help soothe your throat and will help with the cough. Come back tomorrow for another piece and you should be feeling better in no time.” She smiled, using a paw to push the leftover licorice root pieces into a pile against a thick root of the healer’s tree, so that they could be used in a potion later on should anyone need it. “Keep yourself warm and hydrated, alright? It’s chilly out there today.

The adolescent chewed the root a few times, making a slight face at the taste, but nodded and smiled. Harriette nodded, motioning for them to carry on and go rest up. And so her first patient of the day turned and left. She watched them depart for a moment or two, until the darkness swallowed them whole and Harriette could no longer see.

A yawn escaped her maw and a strong thirst rose within her. She realized she hadn’t stopped for a drink before coming to the tree, and after instructing her patient to stay hydrated, Harriette decided she needed to follow her own advice. Looking around, she saw another acolyte a ways away and Harriette briefly told them she’d be back soon, unsure if they really cared to know.

She walked to a nearby stream where the water wouldn’t be frozen yet, kicking up clusters of snowflakes as she went. She imagined the snowflakes turning into lightning bugs as they floated upwards, so light and airy. She watched as their rear ends lit up, watched as they ascended into the slowly brightening sky. She used a paw to throw more snow into the air, smiling as each flake transformed into those little flashy bugs, watching them go higher and higher until they became stars in the morning sky – bright flecks of yellow splattered on a deep pink and purple canvas, streaks of orange beginning to stretch further and further from the horizon.

Harriette came upon the stream at last and she drank deep and long. The water was so shockingly cold on her tongue and throat, forcing her to take a break before she was fully satisfied as she waited for a small bout of brain freeze to pass. Squeezing her eyes closed for a moment, she pushed her tongue to the roof of her mouth, trying to relieve the ache in her skull and throat. She imagined an intricate pattern of frost spreading over her brain, delicate patterns growing larger and larger as she squeezed her eyelids tighter. Once it passed, she breathed a sigh of relief and opened her eyes, the frosty coating melting away.

Suddenly, across the stream, someone had appeared. Harriette almost jumped lightly, surprised by their sudden appearance. Perhaps they were there all along and she didn’t even notice. “You scared me…” She said, her voice small, a nervous chuckle following her words. “The water is … Cold.” Of course this was common knowledge, but the words simply fell from her mouth without giving her mind enough time to really think about what she was saying.

Still thirsty, she bent her head down to take another drink, this time not for quite as long, to avoid the brain freeze. She wasn’t a huge fan of that – it hurt her fragile brain. When she brought her head up again, she smiled lightly at the stranger. “I’m Harriette,” she offered, hoping the stranger was friendly enough to stick around for a conversation.

She found herself becoming more open to social interactions, and she figured it had to do with the amount of time she spent talking with patients who came and went at the tree. It opened her mind to social situations and helped her to overcome her slight anxiety around the whole situation. She was growing, and it was evident in the way she carried herself around the pack the older she got. It did make her feel proud of herself to some extent, but it was also still exhausting to spend so much time meeting new people and making conversation. She was still getting better, however, and that was a win any day.

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  Keeping Promises (Canaan)
Posted by: Achilles - November 26, 2017, 01:18:35 AM - No Replies

I will seek out the Rosa upon their return, I will learn their fates and come for you here

His words, his promise, it echoed in his mind while he strode through the Valley with a determined purpose. He swore to his beloved that he would learn the fate of their three sons that had followed the Rosa into war, that risked their lives for the grace of the Rosa and their righteous crusade against the Red Dragon and it's evils. He would have spoken to Foetida but he knew in his heart that she'd have been gentle with him, maybe even made up something to pardon his fears. She favored him so much it would not have been the truth he sought.

There was Gigantea but he had issues going to the White Goddess he'd watched grow from puppyhood to adulthood. He'd went to the Rosa, a child at the time, to gain her blessing for the love he shared with Sphinx and the union they both sought. That had been far more difficult than anything he'd ever done, throwing yourself at the mercy of a child to understand your feelings and sanction them. He'd been granted his wish though and for that he'd be forever grateful but he couldn't stomach asking her another favor, even if it was only for information. He also knew the majority of White followers embellished the truth to fit their needs, he was no fool.

That left only one option.

He'd met Her a few times, in passing or important events that required the Rosa and their Seour but never had he sought for an audience. Red was the glue that kept White and Yellow from tearing apart. She was truth and honesty in as much as Foetida was ferocity and power. He'd have to trust Chinensis, it would be easier than with Gigantea but it would never be like with his Foetida. He prayed to her, that this Rose would grant him the mercy of honest truth, no matter what that meant. 

"I am here to request a word with Chinensis, if she would have the time to spare for me." There were guards, apparently the Red Rose had taken a hit, the details were not clear but Achilles knew that could mean as little as a scratch she didn't want the people to see or as big as a terrible scar from some sick heathen. He sat down, obviously not going anywhere until the message was delivered by whoever this protector was. "I can wait until her convenience." He whispered a quiet prayer, for Chinensis and then his mate.

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  Screw The Moon
Posted by: Karma - November 25, 2017, 07:12:43 PM - Replies (2)

The smell of autumn was everywhere. In the air, in the meat, even in the company that Karma kept around her at times. The cool, relaxing smell that screamed change was filling the valley and the young slave was finding it all but amusing. It was the bringer of cool weather and cold did not fair well for the young beauty. As all she wanted to do on those cold nights were to snuggle up with a warm body and wish away the cold that was outside andmaking it hard to thrive.

Thankfully though, it seemed that the Valley didn't get to cold. At least, it wasn't that cold yet. A small sigh escaped from the dark colored female as she looked up towards the sky from her position. Back legs hugged to her body, her front ones folded in to keep the pads that weren't covered by fur warm. Just because it was still a bit warm, did not meant that the young lady was enjoying the change in tempature.

"At least it's not freezing out and snowing." She mumbled to herself as she looked at the sky for a moment more before she looked away from the coudy sky and back towards the water that was in front of her. A small yawn escaped from the young female as she closed her eyes as the yawn took over her body. Then, started to open then again as she came out of her yawn. 

Then, her eyes widened and she jumped as she realized that there was someone else across the water from her. Karma hasn't even heard anyone approaching her, but she was quick to hide her surprise with a mischievous grin at the newcomer. "Well hi there." She greeted them, her head tilting to the side as she blinked at them innocently. "Don't you know that it's rude to sneak up on a little lady like me?"

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  Daddy Dear [Crow]
Posted by: Miasma - November 25, 2017, 05:28:32 PM - Replies (4)

  "Dad?" Miasma questions, stalking tentatively after the timbre wolf. She curled up not far from where he spent the night, just barely close enough to feel his heat, but not enough their fur might brush and he realize her presence in his sleep. "Where are you going?" Do you really want to know? YES.

  She stops for a moment, one paw raised. Ready to follow, ready to run. Big, pretty eyes, nothing like her parents. Deceivingly innocent. "Can I come with you?"

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  Pretty Girl [Sarissa]
Posted by: Miasma - November 25, 2017, 05:14:40 PM - No Replies

  She waits, patiently, in view of the family den, watching the children that have not yet evacuated mill about. Waits for Sarissa, with her ears drooped in consternation, thick tail swishing at odd intervals, worry on her features. She hopes she likes it.

  Miasma immediately jumps to her feet upon seeing Sarissa, sprints over, overshoots and claws her stop ungracefully. "Sarissa!" She bounces, rears up playfully, but doesn't dare touch the pretty princess. "Sarissa, I made something for you! Come on, come see!" Just as quickly she returns to where she had sat, looks down at the bracelet where she's left it just behind the trunk of a tree, then positions herself between it and its recipient. "Close your eyes!" Frantically, she says, something she hasn't thought out very well. "Please?"

  She brings the item over in her mouth, gently for the fragile skull between her teeth, and sets it down, with a glance to ensure red eyes aren't spoiling the surprise. "Hold out your paw." Taking the preferred appendage (or choosing one at random) she sets the bracelet on it, reaches underneath with her mouth and paw to tie it on. "No peeking!" Miasma mutters through the sinew in her mouth. Once secured, she steps back, adjusts the mouse skull so it sits centered, snug but not tight, and licks her nose, concerned. "Okay. Open your eyes."

  Miasma bites down on her tongue, watching with concern for how Sarissa reacts. Her ears fold back, prepared for berating when she asks tentatively, "... Do you like it?"

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  Bleach in Your Teeth [Luke]
Posted by: Miasma - November 25, 2017, 04:40:18 PM - No Replies

[Image: TI16FtO.png]
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]
  She's always wanted a pet.

  Miasma had no real interest in the Red Rose of her home, had no time to determine her alignment (White, undoubtedly) but she loved seeing Canaan's eagle in the sky, perched on her shoulder as she surveyed her lands. A faithful beast to give her even more air of authority than a Rosa already carried. A gift given to speak for Ezekiel's stolen voice, to claw at his shoulder and nip at ears that heard more than reality. Anya had the lynx, Orcrist that bear.

  She wants some lesser creature, to pamper when she is alone with it, to command when others are watching, and the calls of a kitten on their borders fit the bill. Miasma knows better than to approach the territory's edge, as Rosalind did, and was escorted, chagrined, back to her mother's mansion. Miasma has not that sort of oversight. Her parents only acknowledge her existence when it suits them. She wants to suit them.

  She waits, just on the outskirts of Cuff's direction, only in range to overhear the murmuring of words, and not their contents. The Outrider can direct him and protect him, but she has to return to her own responsibilities eventually-- and Mia waits to take this one from her workload. It's an underhanded sort of scheme, all things considered. She was raised by a cannibal and murderer, you know.

  Miasma skips into a clearing the direction Luke faces, agile and playful. "Kitty!" Is her first call, just to catch his attention, to repress her excitement. Can't be scaring off the little thing. She draws to a stop, rear end wiggling still, but plants it in the dirt, to make sure she doesn't pose any threat. "What's your name, kitty?" She isn't gifted with social graces, but her upbringing consisted of torment and abuse. It's wonder she's coherent. "I'm Miasma. Did I hear you lost your mom?" This is where her energy droops, quickly replaced with sadly folded ears. "I don't have a mom either."

  It goes as fast as it came, pressing, "Come play with me, okay?" It's not the most tactful extension of friendship, but her first introduction to the idea was being pinned to the ground and told she belongs to Sarissa now. This is child's play.
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]

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Posted by: Miasma - November 25, 2017, 04:04:18 PM - Replies (1)

  Fragile life, clasped in strong teeth. Life blood dripping to the dirt, sprouting saplings from scorched soil. Carefully, she pulls the squirrel open, saves the meat for later, leaves digestive organs to feed the plants. She needs the tendons, still warm and pliable, to bind her creation.

  The owl pellets peeled open, compacted fur discarded, matted feathers left in shreds to dig out the bones. A rat's skull, with long yellowed teeth, makeshift, ichorous twine threaded through empty eye sockets, knots that hold vertebrae beads in increments along the length. Even the extent of squirrel's tendon is not enough for a necklace (which she'd like to be leather anyway) but if she ties a bow with the remaining length at the back of Sarissa's wrist, just above her four toes, but below the vestigial fifth, it may just fit.

  Her tail swishes across the ground, eager for how Sarissa will respond to this gift. It's small, amateur and easily overlooked, but it's bone, and they seem to like that in Alteron. Miasma displays even more excitement upon seeing she's not alone. "Hiya! I'm making a friendship bracelet for Sarissa." So trusting, so naive. A daughter of the Valley that somehow avoided its horrors.

  Maybe she just took them on in a different way. "Do you want one?"

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  Passing Inspection [Julek]
Posted by: Mercury - November 24, 2017, 06:51:04 PM - No Replies

 The Dark Moon of Nardir                    ☿
[Image: divider_by_polarshockka-d8ceg2q.png]

"Being brave means to know something is scary, difficult, and dangerous, and doing it anyway, because the possibility of winning the fight is worth the chance of losing it.
- Emilie Autumn

The Dark Moon brooded on the fact that there was now a darkness in Nardir that there had not been before her absence.  She placed most of the blame solely on her own shoulders, feeling that she had indeed let her pack down by failing to return to them sooner. The fact that Nardir was still here was something she was grateful for, but she was not pleased by all of the changes.  Most of all, she was suspicious of the male who now called Alana mate. She had been told good and bad about the King who had assumed her role.  The bitterness from Ayilyra, the outpouring of love from Alana. But it was action that had always been the unit by which Mercury measured.

Now she would meet him, without an introduction.  She wanted to measure him herself, without anyone adjusting or influencing his behavior.  She hadn't yet decided on how she would handle their meeting.  Part of her wanted to test his strength, to pit herself, an experienced fighter in her own right, against him.  He was a Bacchus Dire, whatever that meant.  Mercury had not heard of the species, but was not surprised, considering Nardir's move to this new land.  Still, she was not afraid.  She had fought things bigger than wolves. Still, attacking her sister's new husband was probably not the best impression she could make...

She was not the speech queen, unbeknownst to her, she and Julek were similar in this regard.  Alana had always been more comfortable doing the talking. She paced in thought, wondering what she would say.  Turns out I am not dead, what makes you think you are fit to take my place?  What makes you worthy to love my sister?  It was rude, but it was direct.  It was also very much Mercury. She continued to consider her options, trying, and failing, to come up with what she would say.  A frustrated sigh escaped her lips, fighting would be easier.  Still, she knew it would not do.  She needed to talk to him.  Hopefully he would have more to say.  Otherwise they were going to be reduced to grunting at each other over family dinners.  Awkward.

"Action is the real measure of intelligence."
- Napoleon Hill

[Image: divider_by_polarshockka-d8ceg2q.png]

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  The Wind Rises (Jovians)
Posted by: Sekirei - November 24, 2017, 10:36:58 AM - Replies (3)

Decided since we moved that I need a Jovian check-in thread. Jovians have a month from today to reply. Anyone seeking to join the rank is also welcome to post. Deadline: Christmas Eve


Akutan was heading for the lake. Ticonderoga was with him as usual. It was time to call his Jovians together and see who was still actively running the border. Reaching the rock that jutted out over the water, the Maelstrom let out a howl. Listening to it echo across the packlands, Akutan sat down facing the shore. His pale green eyes were fixed on the sky in the distance. 


"Do you think she'll give us trouble, Akutan?" Ticon asked, taking his place while they waited for the others to arrive. The one he spoke of was Aylie. The Clan was past the stage of paranoia now but they were still nervous over it and only let their guard down when they were asleep. Akutan himself was constantly on edge but had grown to be an expert in keeping it hidden. About the only one who wasn't really affected was Byakko. He didn't fear what Aylie could do to them. He was more afraid of what she would do after he was gone, leaving the Clan without his own protection. Sara kept her focus on her healing arts and her family but Ticon was usually her bodyguard when she was herb-hunting and Buckshot wasn't available. Sara wanted to take no chances for the time being because of her life choice to never bring harm to another. Thus, she was a painfully easy target. She didn't want to leave her pups without a mother.


"I pray everyday that she doesn't. So far, she hasn't sought us out or tried to undermine us but I'm not about to be lulled into a false sense of security. I could be overestimating her desire to knock us down a few pegs for slights both real and in her own mind but I'd rather overestimate than underestimate. Underestimating anyone is a surefire way to get hit from behind and my family can't afford that right now. But as long as she leaves us in peace, we'll do the same. Dad's long given up on reconciliation with her and I never had a prayer of such things either." he replied.

Ticon just let a small smile cross his maw. Akutan and Byakko had come to an understanding that the younger wolf had needed him as a father figure, rather than an uncle. So the Fringe had more or less adopted the Maelstrom as his own son. He still referred to him as Uncle when among other members of the pack but among family, he was Dad. As it were, Aylie was rarely spoken of in conversation between family members but the agreement had been reached that each of them stay strong in light of anything she may want to do. Ticon had even voiced his own opinion that she never should've been let back in when it was plain she was bound to go rogue again. He knew rogue behavior as well as he did loner behavior so his insight wasn't misplaced. He had already decided he wanted to take the Clan's concerns to Alana, feeling that as an outsider to Clan matters, he was the best wolf to do so.


The Maelstrom saw others coming to join them and sat up straighter. "Greetings, my Jovians. Thank you for answering the call. I just wanted to touch base with you all and see where we stand both as a rank and on our runs of the border. I know the earthquake did a fair amount of damage but we can't afford to get caught unawares by anything wanting to take a crack at us while we're recovering.  So my first order of business is to ask you all to do a run, reset scent markers, and clear the border of any debris you can move. Our usual patrols have been doing well enough so I don't see the need to double them for the time being but if you feel led to pull more runs, by all means, do so. We can never have enough eyes watching the border. Remember, we are the pack's first line of defense. Keep up the good work. If there are any among you wishing to join the Jovian Winds, see me when the meeting breaks and we'll get started." he said.

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