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  Last of the Real Ones [Rainer]
Posted by: Basma - July 04, 2018, 10:09:56 PM - No Replies


Bacchus stretches out beneath him like a lover reunited. Even with the moon in a sliver, the snow shines brilliantly, and all-black Basma is an obvious monolith above the horizon. There is pride in his posture, and a path to this overlook just beside the residential dens. It has a perfect view of the progressing cemetery.

Ears swivel to the sounds of an approach, but Basma doesn't look. He suspected Rainer would come. Who else would?

Those polished-platinum eyes and their claw-mark black holes don't acknowledge the Bacchus as he admits, I suppose I owe you an apology, Rainer. He will not reference him by title, doesn't offer a mockery of deference, as he has in the past. There is nothing but honesty between them, now, on the cliffside where Meztli tasted death, and lived to regret it. You have to understand, I was brought up from birth with the promise of this place. When it fell, I sought that power everywhere, I bent foreigners to my will, led them in war--

Claws cut gouges in the ice, an paw pads smooth over the scars. I lost my brother to be here, and out of nowhere you appear to claim an assortment of offspring and accept your sibling's congratulations on taking up my throne. I was livid, naturally.

Family is complicated among Bacchus-- as well the overseer of breeding pairs and Historian are well aware-- everyone bearing the blood is related to some degree, but they socialize as they would with any other citizen. Littermates are the only family they have, and likely the only children to be produced by that pair-- arranged, more often than otherwise. Rainer has several, and a plethora of niblings besides: Basma never had opportunity to locate his only sibling's remains. Perhaps that's why he so desperately desires children. He is half-ethiopian, far from pure, fallen from royalty, and there is nothing special to his genes that isn't already in half-sisters and several cousins of varying degrees, but even in his ancestors' homeland, he is still somehow the last of his kind. It's lonely at the top, and cold on the crest of the cliff.

Finally, his gaze falls upon the Prime Minister. There is nothing peculiar in his expression-- not an initiated blankness, or the twitching tells of any emotion fighting onto his face, of course nothing close to tears-- but an acute observer may note a particular lack. He is not smiling. As much as it pains me to admit this, you've done better than even I could.

Basma looks out over what will soon be a cemetery, appearing absolutely indifferent. Tell anyone I said that, and I will have you quietly killed.

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  I Don't Believe We've Met [Kyron]
Posted by: Batzorig - July 04, 2018, 09:05:06 PM - No Replies

    He spends a lot of time on the beach, two paws in the ocean, two planted firmly in the unstable sand. He's not patrolling, really. Not hunting, either. The five-foot lion is really just out for a walk. Maybe he'll collect some seashells along the way. The ocean is calming, even more than it is frightening. He doesn't believe in absolutes-- in true safety, or eternal love, or the word "always" even though it may come up in his vocabulary, on the rare occasions he speaks.
    There's a conch, half-buried in sand, about the radius of his paw-- the sort of thing children try to hear the ocean through-- and he doesn't have need for such a thing, but he's almost certain someone else in Tortuga might. They have crafters, more than their share of vanity. He rinses it in the ocean, and just as he's deciding if it's worth picking up in his jaws and tasting salt all the way back, he smells someone on the sea breeze.
    The male visibly tenses, but he relaxes at the sight of the stranger. Those are the colours of nobility. It's doubtful a superior would have cause to speak with Batzorig.

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  Whispering Grass
Posted by: Amando - July 04, 2018, 11:01:29 AM - Replies (9)

Bracers are long since lost, and the leather that's wrapped his body since Borogrove has finally quit creaking as Amando approaches the border. He knows better than to trespass; he used to be the one that handled those sorts of things. Flowering trees rustle in a light breeze, midmorning sun already shining off the plate on his back and sticking fur with sweat underneath. He stops, a few feet back, plants himself in a sit with an uncomfortable clank and watches the way they beckon. He's been running from Borogrove for months now, BlazePack for years, his father his entire life. Green eyes close, and he breathes in the scent of flowers and sentries.

Amando's always had a fear of commitment (ask every man he's fallen in love with and then violently avoided) and that hasn't changed just because all his wandering has hit ocean. He doesn't howl, out of pure nervous procrastination, but the border markers are fresh. Besides, it's not like he has anywhere better to be.

When a sentry-- anyone, God, how long has he been alone now?-- appears, the timbre wolf jumps to his feet, tail flicking anxiously as they approach. "Hey! Um..." You had how much time to think about this? "I uh, I'm Amando. Don't mind the armour, I kind of... can't reach the buckles." That's what the boyfriends were for. "This is probably a silly question, but, I was wondering... Well, can I come look at the trees?"

He's hesitant, scared as the swamps, terrified to tell anyone that he's only here because the grass has been waving him this way for weeks, and the flowered trees are practically begging for a friend. He's just so, so lonely.

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  Worth the Lie [Cuff]
Posted by: Orcrist - July 04, 2018, 04:32:47 AM - Replies (4)

[Image: orctitle_by_lunecy-dboiega.png]
As the sun dipped down below the horizon and the heat was simmering down, the Chariot decided to venture out into the world once more. One thing was on his mind though now that he was alone except for the occasional visit from his daughter. He was surprised to see Sarissa around and even alone, he figured if she was around, the other twin was also around, but he had not seen her either. He knew Atlas was gone now that his leash wasn't pulling at her neck. Orcrist didn't mind though. She was nothing more than a trophy that had outlived her usefulness.

There was someone else his attention turned to now.

He'd seek her out, a growl bellowing from his chest to announce his presence. She knew of his annoyance toward past offenses and he was more than generous to give her a new chance at her job considering she had bore children from a border rat. In fact, she was lucky Anya had been gracious enough to save her children from Azuhel. She was lucky and Cuff had been understanding enough.

"Cuff..." he called, clicking his teeth together. "Been sometime since we talked." Face to face, and together. Their last conversation was about loyalty, which he had gambled with wrongly. Azuhel had been promising, yet she had flown into her own sun and burned.

"I think it's about time we talked again." he said, laying down and getting comfortable.

So come, talk with me.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: wolf_skull_by_nayuki910-d5dlzpz.gif]

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  Wrong turn, maybe. ((open))
Posted by: Sabre - July 03, 2018, 05:48:34 PM - Replies (6)

[Image: sabrefull2_by_arkyls-d9aulku.png]

As far as his family knew, or cared, Sabre was dead. As were all the children of Blade and Dagger to his knowledge, even the pair could be. Their bones long rotted deep in Alteron's soil, territory that ruined lives. Ruined everything. Ground he had slipped away from and sworn to never return to if his blood still stood on the throne, if even then. Could a place so corrupt truly change? Time changed all, but some things had poisonous thorns so deeply wound they would never untangle the bloody mess.

The old rose garden surely had overtaken them all, with her poisons and disgusting mind tricks. Was she dead too? Or fucking whoever stood on the throne now? He snorted at the thought of each of the members of old blood, as he stood on the border that made his stomach churn. Why had he brought himself here? It began with a wander from the rut of neutral life, that turned into a long trek without a destination, that quickly became a burning curiosity of the fate of the pack that threw the child away. A child of old royal and noble blood, that had meant nothing when Blade made his choices to cull the entire litter.

Dagger had done what she could to stop it, shuffling the few children she could away and whisking them over the borders to safety... Then leaving them after some time to a fate that could have been worse than a quick snap of the neck. He'd been alone as long as he could remember now, nervous, jumping at the sight of another wolf when they happened upon one another. Keeping hard to himself and planning existence around avoiding others.

This late hot afternoon Sabre stood on the border in silence, the scents were unfamiliar and had grown over generations of leadership he'd skipped. Lingering scents of that old blood remaining, but not the set he grew from exactly... Relatives, distant perhaps. He wouldn't stay, only stand here a while longer... Thinking of the memories from this place, breathing the humidity in, standing frozen for far too long. Maybe someone would change his mind.

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  Radioactive Marvel/DC Crossover
Posted by: ALOY - July 03, 2018, 07:36:08 AM - No Replies

[Image: v18e08.png]

Canons Wanted Advertise

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Bug blood chorus
Posted by: Dirt - July 02, 2018, 03:27:44 PM - Replies (3)

D I R T,

[Image: dirt_pixel_by_skulled_dogs-dcfizbx.png]
i don't wanna be ignored, oh god
when i'm a gun in a fistfight

actions - “speech” - thoughts

Alteron was dying, with heaving, shuddering gasps. With the announcement and crowning of triumvirate, came the slow and steady bleed of last week's regime, gutted and splayed for the new leaders to feast on, blood pooling for them all to drink with mirth.

Dirt could feel its last heady breaths, in his bones and innards and his skin, the insects taking refuge in his fur whispering it into his ears. His blood surged with it, revelling in it. Death was nigh, and then would begin the decay, consuming and hot and slow, skin and flesh dissolving, shedding from bone and being devoured.

He took his time, slinking to the nearest body of water, a murky pond. One of the few nearby that wasn't poisioned with decaying bodies. Not that the presence of bodies would deter him, of course. A skull rested on the shore, bright white and small, fragile. After drinking his fill from the dark water, he took the skull into his jaws, cradling it at first, gentle as a mother with her young, before closing his jaws and c r u n c h i n g solid teeth down into the fragile bone. He would chomp on it again a few times, breaking it up and swallowing it, almost ravenous for the taste of marrow on his tongue.

Dirt dipped his head down to drink once more from the swampy depths, flicking the flies away from his ears.

Hail Alteron, land of the Glorious Dead.


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  The clock strikes Midnight [Enslavement]
Posted by: Corbin - July 02, 2018, 03:34:42 AM - Replies (5)

[Image: tjVAKfn.jpg]

The pale moon shimmered full and luminescent in the black expanse above the land of Alteron. Her soft rays of moonlight illuminating the clouds that drifted around her presence and yet, in all her splendor, she did little to light the forest floor below. Her silver rays blocked by the thick canopy of trees that sought to hide the scene unfolding in its shadows. For, at this hour, the land below thrived in darkness which was accompanied only by the grey fog that hung thick and heavy in the silence of the night. It curled and caressed each object that was caught in its misty grasp; gentle yet restricting. 

Yet there was a stranger here that traveled, hidden, amongst the shadows. 

His presence went unnoticed for he blended in so effortlessly with the darkness that covered the domain. The only thing that might have set him apart from the shadows were his olive green eyes; bright and piercing. Yet the fog hid him well. Allowing him to traverse the land swiftly and carefully. No sound penetrated the silence not even the footsteps of the stranger below. The small wolf was doing his best to keep his presence hidden. Each step was careful to avoid making noise for he did not want to attract any attention; not yet. He fully intended to let his presence be known but when he was beyond their grasp.

As he crept deeper into the forest, albeit painstakingly slow, he came across a moss covered plank that acted as a bridge over a deep trench. The wolf peeked over the side of the plank and down into the inky blackness below but he could not make out how far down the drop went. Not that he wanted to take a plummet anyway. So steeling his nerves that black figure gently crossed the bridge into the land beyond. He knew he was trespassing but he wanted to be out of his pursuers reach before he let out a loud howl. 

Come and hear my tale for the clock has struck midnight and the raven calls out nevermore.

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  lessons we learn [leonora]
Posted by: Anglachel - July 02, 2018, 01:04:31 AM - Replies (1)


The silver haired healer made sure to keep his distance for only a day. Just a day for the girl to recover, for her to sort out what had happened in her own mind before hesitant gestures of comfort or words of empty wisdom. Anglachel knew there was not much he could truly do to alleviate the guilt and grief she was surely feeling. It was often all too easy to remember the ones failed than the ones saved. He knew all too well that the heavy weight of death never left them — each name left a permanent mark in them. He would never forget a single one.

There was not much he could do for the young healer — but oh did Anglachel want to try.

He spent the morning cleaning the ruined garden, salvaging what he could and planting new herbs. The task had taken hours, but he worked diligently, the only sound that escaped him was a soft hum — a song he used to sing to his baby siblings when they were barely days old. It was not the most beautiful song or voice, but it was soft and familiar, filling the silence as he waited for the girl.

Her scent reached him as he finished up planting a few stalks of cotton. "I didn't get your name." The former Saboran called gently in greeting, not turning from the swaying plants. "Come sit with me for a bit? I need a break, and company would be nice." Anglachel posed his offer gently, but there was a firm finality to his tone that would not leave room for refusal.

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Bug in our finest regalia
Posted by: Dirt - July 02, 2018, 12:59:49 AM - Replies (4)

D I R T,

[Image: dirt_pixel_by_skulled_dogs-dcfizbx.png]
i don't wanna be ignored, oh god
when i'm a gun in a fistfight

actions - “speech” - thoughts

Teeth and bone clacked together, grinding and crunching and giving. Dirt had taken it upon himself to, well. Take apart a corpse, his teeth shearing away at skin and flesh, twisting and pulling and forcing joints to pop and separate, for the skin to cave in between bone and cartilage, to render flesh and tear ligaments. He did this almost obsessively, single-mindedly, as if he was incredibly determined to desecrate this one body, as if there was a purpose to his actions.

There was none, no rhyme or reason, just sheer brutality. A large millipede creeped up one of his front legs, the cockroaches skittering and dislodging some of the filth in his fur. He didn't snarl, barely made a noise beyond a stray pleasured grunt when the body caved beneath him, ribs crunching and collapsing and destroying the precious innards within. It was grotesque, it was cruel, it was disgusting. But to feel flesh squelching under his feet and coagulated blood slowly seeping, to taste decay and filth, to feel the jungle quiver around him, the insects crying out for a feast....

It was breathtaking.

He exuded joy, pride. A dizzy sort of lust, for blood, for bone, for flesh, for the desecration and destruction of something fragile and bare and open and his for the taking.

He felt the body ooze beneath him, greasy and wet and so, so sweet. He salivated copiously, letting it drip and hang from his lips as flies landed on his nose and in his open mouth, still as a corpse as himself, save for laboured panting and a heaving chest.

Dirt lowered his head, stepping off the body's chest, moving to tear the broken ribcage and free the mess within. He heard someone approach, refusing to acknowledge them until they drew closer, his mouth tasting of spit and blood and a delicious sort of victory over the memory of a corpse.

When they came close enough, he would turn, showing her his face, smeared in gore and decaying flesh, a wicked, manic smile spreading.

"Come t' pay respects, missy?"

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