"Stop nagging me! I told you yesterday I was moving them today. I'm fine." Kyra glared at her father, as he made to protest once more that she should be resting still. It had been two full weeks of bed rest and caring for the little buggers, and being alone on this stupid island. Why in the black moons hell did she decide to sleep on the water that day?
She picked up Silverwing, trying to ignore the instant screeching from the infant and the sorrowful whines of Kalli at their separation. If she could pick them both up at once she would, but Kalli was just too big already and Silvi was just too tiny. She nodded for her father to pick up Kallistrate and she headed down out of the den and towards the water. She couldn't spend an iota of thought about the momentous day and what it would mean for everyone to finally see these babies because of the ear piercing squalling. She nearly ran to the little basket on the shoreline with her red ears plastered to her head.
She had asked her father to find a way to carry the babies over the water and he had known just the wolf to ask. He had commissioned Shimmah with the job of creating a basket that floated on the water to keep them dry. It would also keep them close together and less stressed on the trip. She didn't want them breathing in water while Silverwing screamed like the banshee she was. Her father was right on her tail knowing full well that they would stop once they were placed together again. Kalli was more of a whiner grumbly squall, while Silverwing was trying to break your eardrums. Hopefully the kid would grow out of it.
When they were finally placed together in the basket, Kali first, then Silverwing, the mother took a relieved sigh as they started to settle into each other and grumble their little greetings.
She watched them for a moment, it would be nice if she was the one who could comfort them instead of each other? Hopefully they can find a way to live without each other when they grew.
"Did you tell him I was moving them today?" She asked her father after a moment of taking a breather. He knew full well who she meant.
"No, he was sent on an errand. He will visit you when you're all settled in. He'll want to check in on his favorite patient, I'm sure." Hakan replied, a twinkle in his eye.
Alex was on an important mission to gather cottonwood buds, dandelion flowers and stinging nettle. The stinging nettle would be a challenge for the boy, thus keeping him very busy.
Everyone else though was waiting on the shore, Hakan had told nearly everyone else that his grandbabies were finally going to be moved to the castle, though he wanted Kyra to rest longer. He would be grateful to have her closer to the castle as much as she would though. The daily swimming was a hassle on his own health and the isolation was probably more detrimental to her than less bed rest.
She huffed at his answer, refusing to look at him, instead
looked up at the mid morning sun.
"Nothing to it then. Here we go." She looked down and saw the gathering crowd on the opposite shore and she was more than a little excited to see them all up close again.
She pushed the basket ahead of her and waded into the water. She paddled along, feeling strong, leaving her father behind her as she pushed ahead.
It was starting to get harder and harder to push them ahead of her and swim at the same time. She had been out of practice with her training. Panting, she gave them one more big push with a short bark of
"Help!" (they were fine, mumbled a little,) and
she trusted someone to wade in and grab the basket to pull them in as she veered away to swim on her own and scramble onto shore. She panted and laid down. She was so going to be running every damn day after this to get her stamina back up! This was pathetic! How was she going to be Ursa Major while she could barely swim across the lake without getting winded!?!?