Staff Information
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everything happens so much
Posts: 109

Wink  (This post was last modified: November 14, 2021, 05:47:49 PM by Forum Guardian.)

A quick guide to our forum's staff!

Who are the Administrators?
Our forum host is Brent. He handles the server, hosting, and other technical aspects. Moderators are his direct lines of communication.

Who are the Moderators?
Our moderators are currently Arkyls, Kay, and Puffin. The mods are the ones who run the forum.

Who are the Admin Assistants?
This role is currently under construction!

Who are the Tech Assistants?
We currently do not have any Tech Assistant/s. They coded the vast majority of the forum, and provide troubleshooting and support.

[Image: MssSKUd.png]
[Image: hostadmi1.png]
Host Administrators
+ Host Admins are responsible for the technical needs of the forum.
+ Hosts the website and handles the server
+ Often take care of back-end issues, coding changes and updates.
+ Adds plugins and other features.
+ Does not handle member disputes.
+ Please don't PM Host Administrators with problems.
+ If you need to get a hold of Brent, an Admin Assistant can reach him the fastest.

[Image: guard1.png]
+ Also known as Moderators.
+ Mods keep the peace and order on the forum.
+ Relate to members and help with problems.
+ Community nominated and then chosen by the current team.
+ Approves/Disapproves Hellion, species, etc. applications.
+ Please DO PM Guardians with problems on the forum!

[Image: guard2.png]
Guardian on Break
+ Do not contact a moderator when their name is this color.
+ Moderators on break do not have any forum powers.
+ They are still able to view the moderator boards, but they have no obligation to post or keep up with discussions.
+ They are on a hard earned vacation!

[Image: adas1.png]
Admin Assistant (AA) -> This role is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
+ Forum clean up crew— fix broken links, update information, keep the forum looking nice.
+ Updates the affiliates and info box
+ Assists with upcoming changes and keeps up with mods on progress.
+ Communicates on behalf of Brent and on behalf of the forum to Brent
+ Will break vote ties for mods and otherwise offer suggestions/input as asked  
+ Does not handle member disputes
+ Please don't PM assistants with problems on the forum unless it is information update related OR if you need to get in contact with Brent.

[Image: techas1.png]
Tech Assistant (TA)
+ Technical assistants who keep the forum looking good and functioning properly.
+ Edit skins and code, also responsible for the upkeep of themes and importing new ones.
+ Please don't PM assistants with problems on the forum unless it is a technical or coding issue.

[Image: S9UddrQ.png]
Roleplay Organizers (RO)
+ Help organize boards, information, and packs in The Reach.
+ Keeps track of Reach Pack of the Month.
+ Organizes reach-specific and forum-wide IC events.
+ Please don't PM organizers with problems on the forum unless it's related to The Reach.

[Image: cdo2.png]
Character Directory Organizers (CDO)
+ The CD Organizers help sort profiles in the Character Directory
+ They are wonderful bees who are never less busy.
+ Please don't PM organizers with problems on the forum unless it's related to The Character Directory.

[Image: adve1.png]
Advertiser Extraordinaire
+ The Advertisers are in charge of maintaining our "Guests and Advertisements" board, as well as getting our forum's name out into the world.
+ The advertisers are volunteers that take time out of their day to assist the forum.
+ Please don't PM advertisers with problems on the forum unless it's related to advertisements or affiliates.

I have a question! What do I do?
You can post in the Questions board! If your question requires faster response from a moderator, or one moderator in particular, we encourage you to PM any one of us. We respond as promptly to PMs as we possibly can.

How can I contact the moderating team off-site?
Many moderators have e-mails and/or instant messaging names. It is their choice whether or not they give these out.

Only contact this account to inquire about or appeal a warning you have received. All other Mod-related business should be directed to individual Mods.

Staff FAQ | Forum Rules | Forum FAQ

If you need help with something, please contact one of our forum moderators!
Our current staff team is Arkyls, Kay, and Puffin.
everything happens so much
Posts: 109

(This post was last modified: July 03, 2019, 11:53:02 AM by Forum Guardian.)

Conduct Rules for Leadership Roles

This is applicable for any position/title on the forum that a person may acquire: includes (but is not limited to) Admin, Moderator/Forum Guardian, Admin Assistant, Tech Assistant, Character Directory Organizer, and/or Reach Organizer. While general conduct on this forum should be followed in being amicable to your fellow members at all times, these particular groups must adhere to the following rules due to their positions of power:
  • Remember you are an ambassador for our community. Keep all forum-related conversations civil, whether it is public to the forum eye, or in private one-to-one conversational settings.
  • When having a discussion about a forum or member concern, if you find yourself getting aggressive for any reason, step away. Refer that member to another member of your group if necessary in order to avoid unnecessary discord.
  • Whether posting on a public thread or privately messaging a member, avoid all uses of passive-aggressiveness (in other words, don’t just dismiss the member with something when it’s clear you’re upset about it).
  • Do not abuse your board powers or "status" for personal gain, influence, or to harm any other member on the forum.
  • It is okay to have disagreements -- that’s human nature. Moderators and Organizers, however, are expected to never act aggressively or insult another member in the course of these conflicts.

Examples of power abuse include:
  • Sharing messages or logs from boards, chats, or servers intended for the use of leadership roles only (what's said in the Moderator/CDO/RO chat stays in the Moderator/CDO/RO chat unless it's going up to the Mods.).
  • Sharing the contents of threads held within the Staff Boards, including (but not limited to) deleted threads, current or completed reports/discussions, current or completed tryouts/applications, etc.
  • Deleting forum or pack information that is still in use
  • Making yourself an exception to a rule (ex. a Moderator approving their own hellion, a CDO letting their own namesave stand longer than the deadline, etc.)

These are not exhaustive lists. We may expand upon these lists at any time, especially at the request of those in leadership roles or regular members. Going forward, warnings may be given out for failing to uphold the standards we hold these roles to. If any member feels these conduct guidelines have been violated, they should report the concern to a Moderator. Repeated violations can and will result in the removal of these individuals from authority positions and groups.

Only contact this account to inquire about or appeal a warning you have received. All other Mod-related business should be directed to individual Mods.

Staff FAQ | Forum Rules | Forum FAQ

If you need help with something, please contact one of our forum moderators!
Our current staff team is Arkyls, Kay, and Puffin.
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