Event Thread  Peace of Mind and Sound Walls.
Viewing: 17 Guest(s)
Ayliyra she, her
Posts: 82
Pronouns: she, her
Location: Nardir
Rank [IC]: Astronomer


Follows in Kastra's pawprints almost literally.

Movement: right 3

Tallulah ...
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 19
Pronouns: ...


Decides to try and find someone else

Movement: Up 3
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

Kyra bounds along the edge of the lake reaching a wonderful little copse of trees. The location seemed excellent for an outpost or family den site. It was full of willows being so close to the water but the forest being so close to the cliffs was an excellent defensive position.

Movement: Up, Right, Right.

Firebright She/her
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 43
Pronouns: She/her


Vienna makes a mental note of the critters, avoiding the snapping turtles, and makes her way into a grove of trees.

Movement: right, right, right

Kodiak He
Drowning in the Sea of Stars
Posts: 29
Pronouns: He

All Accounts Posts: 843

decides it's probs best to stick with kastra
Movement: [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png]

I go wander through the pines
and make my way to nature's shrines
« aesthetic profile played by: waka »
Posts: 46
Location [IC]: Nardir

All Accounts Posts: 617

Round 5
I Sense Something on the Wind

Current Participants

The Map

[Image: 25px-U%2B2190.svg.png] [Image: 12px-U%2B2191.svg.png] [Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png]

[Image: nardirexplorationmapr5_by_ehwazazi-dcmuexa.png]


With Akutan and Kyra trailing behind her, Vienna headed into the forest.  The trees weren't very thick, but they created enough of a visual barrier that Vienna heard the growls before she saw anything.  The sound echoed over the rushing water of the waterfall that poured down the side of the trail.  Here, a few boulders had been worn into large, flat steps, upon which the trail snaked upwards towards the river that fed into Moonstone Lake.  At the top, both sides of the river were at equal height.  From their position, the "low road" party would not yet have Kastra and the "high road" party.

Meanwhile, as Kastra was making his way around the lake, he was climbing a less sharp incline.  Here the ground sloped gently to another beach, before becoming more rocky as they approached the waterfall.  Kastra and Kodiak also heard the growls, and as they climbed.  Then, a scent upon the breeze. Bear.  For the moment, it appeared that the expedition was downwind.  They had a moment to plan, and they would need to consider their next step carefully.

Shimmah was continuing her spelunking adventure.  She walked passed an opening back out into the forest, beginning to turn down another of the darker tunnels.  From the opening, she could catch the scents of Kodiak and Kastra as they passed close by, then Aylie's scent as she followed along behind them.

Tallulah walked among the pines, her quiet steps muffled even further by a blanket of pine needles.  Even the birds here were quiet, as though a permanent hush dwelled here. Then there was a tree with a stone marker at its base; A moon and well worn runes scratched upon its surface.  A few feet away, another.  There, a pair of sticks fashioned together with a bit of sinew, human trinkets dangling from it.  No breeze blew, and the stillness was omnipotent.


Red Event "!" 

Red Events are dangers to your characters.  They can take various forms, including enemies to fight, or negative effects on your characters.  Red events cannot be avoided, but how your characters handle them may change their outcomes.  A Character triggers an event when they touch it with their Area of Effect.  If an event lasts for multiple rounds, characters may join as soon as their area touches the event.  A character must complete a red event before they can continue. A movement restriction is placed upon characters in range of the event, while they are free to adjust their position around the marker, characters cannot move so that the marker goes  outside their AoE.

Movement Effects

[Image: kastrarankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcd3w0m.png] Movement: [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] Red Event
Effect: Kastra's movement is restricted until the event is cleared
[Image: kodiakrankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcd41dl.png] Movement: [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] Red Event
Effect: Kodiak's movement is restricted until the event is cleared
[Image: viennarankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcfyj5i.png] Movement: [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] Red Event
Effect: Vienna's movement is restricted until the event is cleared

[Image: summit2_by_preimpression-d83tp0g.png]  [Image: crust_by_preimpression-d83tpkc.png]  [Image: core_by_preimpression-d83tpke.png]  [Image: broadcast_by_preimpression-d83trxi.png]  [Image: baseline2_by_preimpression-d83tsx6.png]
please direct all questions involving Nardir to EhwaAzi/Scy. thank you.
Kastra he/him
Posts: 37
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 446

[Image: nRus6E7.png]

    As the small group walked, Kastra paused when the hard scent of bear came to him and he heard the growls. He looked at Kodi, tilting his head towards it. The prince didn't want to make much sound, just in case the bear might hear it. The less they talked, the better, or at least he hoped. From what he could tell, the pair were the only ones within true reach of the bear. He would get close to Kodi, sniffing at the air. "We're downwind." He breathed out. This was one of their advantages. There was little chance they could actually kill the bear, even though Kas felt some hatred from the past building up. "If we can't kill it, we can chase it down the beach, out of the territory." Was it a good plan? He wasn't sure, he hadn't dealt with a bear before. Plus, he wasn't sure how far the territory kept on stretching. His mind was racing, trying to find a solution. The boy didn't think in words, mainly pictures and feelings. It would probably be a bad idea to chase it south, towards the others. But that would also bring in more Nardarians to help fight it. Kastra decided the best idea was to attack, and see where it went. He kind of hoped the other group would join them and they could take it out. They had options, and they would only be chosen once the steps were taken towards them.

Kas goes right and then down, to try and get the bear by surprise

[Image: CBHlfyW.png]
Kimster Eh
Sparkles a Little
Posts: 76
Pronouns: Eh


Schimmah turns down the dark tunnel - right, right, down
Ayliyra she, her
Posts: 82
Pronouns: she, her
Location: Nardir
Rank [IC]: Astronomer


Aylie wonders where the outliers are and recalls they seemed to be heading north and so decides to make a slight detour in that direction to see if they can be located.

Movement: Right, Up, Right

Tallulah ...
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 19
Pronouns: ...


Tallulah takes note of the interesting things and then moves on trying to find one of the rest of the party.

Movement: Right, Right, Down
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

Kyra pricked her ears and saw Vienna react to something. She glanced back to Akutan but he hadn't quite heard it yet. It was just on the edge of her listening and she couldn't quite figure out what it was yet. Cautiously she threw Vienna a cursory look since she was slightly ahead of her to see what she had to say. She nodded back to Akutan, "Hey somethings up ahead, something grumbly but I can't make it out, Vie do you have a better idea?" She asked.

She decided it was best to move forward, cautiously and try and figure out what it was without being seen, though her bright red pelt might make that a bit harder. She was ready to signal her teammates to attack or retreat at a moments notice. It gave her butterflies in her stomach. Oooh now was not the time babies...

Movement: Up Right Right, carefully crossing the creek and keeping her eyes ears wide open ready to pounce. What did she see?

Firebright She/her
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 43
Pronouns: She/her


Vienna heard growling in the brush and stiffened. Her ears strained forward and she recognized the sound: bear. She heard Kyra ask what it was, and she paused until the red wolfess and her cousin Akutan came closer.

“A bear, I’m sure of it. Do you think we can chase it out of the packlands?” After she got an answer from Kyra and Akutan, she would melt into the shadows and attempt to catch the bear unaware. But the wind wasn’t on her side, and the bear would probably smell her before she could attack, making her a great distraction.

Movement: up, right, up

Kodiak He
Drowning in the Sea of Stars
Posts: 29
Pronouns: He

All Accounts Posts: 843

Flicks an ear in Kastra's direction, the kid doesn't even need to tell that something's up, he had already smelled it on a breeze. Luckily, they were down wind of it, he'd follow the boy quietly, just what they needed, bears. Ugh.

Movement: [Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png]

I go wander through the pines
and make my way to nature's shrines
« aesthetic profile played by: waka »
Sekirei She/Her
Resident Changling
Posts: 185
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: Toledo


Akutan noticed the shift in Kyra and Vienna's demeanors and got on alert. "Hey somethings up ahead, something grumbly but I can't make it out, Vie do you have a better idea?" Kyra asked, first to him, then to his cousin. “A bear, I’m sure of it. Do you think we can chase it out of the packlands?” Vie asked. "We'll have to try either to run it out or kill it. Whichever opportunity presents itself, we take it." Akutan said. He was pretty sure the bear was going to smell them but if luck was with them, the others probably sensed the bear and were moving to surround it on the other side while it was distracted with them.

Movement: Right, Right, Up

If Roman Reigns has millions of fans, I am one of them. If Roman Reigns has only one fan, that is me. If Roman Reigns has no fans, I'm no longer in the world.

Hail the Roman Empire. Hail the Guy. Roman Reigns fan for life.
Posts: 46
Location [IC]: Nardir

All Accounts Posts: 617

Round 5
Oh No! It's a BEAR!

Current Participants

The Map

[Image: 25px-U%2B2190.svg.png] [Image: 12px-U%2B2191.svg.png] [Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png]

[Image: nardirexplorationmapr6_by_ehwazazi-dcrg21s.png]


[Image: BEA-03-WF0004-01P.JPG]

Akutan rushed the bear, leading the charge against the threat Vienna and the others had come across.  With not so much as a token shout to the Nardirians on the other side, he engaged the ursine.  At first, the bear was surprised, jerking it's head up out of the water where it had been attempting to fish. Akutan's charged the young grizzly, who was barely more than a cub.  The first strike was clean, Akutan's fangs burring deep into the bear's thick ruff.  It roared at the Son of the X Clan, rearing up as it focused entirely on it's attacker. At it's height, it easily brought the Ursa Major off his feet, and with a downward swat, made to dislodge him.  Seeing this first attack, Akutan let go, dropping from the bear's shoulder to avoid the claws.

With a splash, he landed in the river, and slipped between the upraised paw and out to the side of the bear.  He pivoted, going in for another strike higher up on the descended bear's neck.  But now the bear was focused on him, and it turned into his attack.  Wolf and bear tumbled together into the shallows, rolling through the water.  The bear raised it's paw again, going for a sideswipe that would have torn it's way all the way down Akutan's side.  The Black and Silver patriarch saw the blow coming, and intended a similar maneuver to dodge this new threat.  The river had other ideas.  As he dropped, Akutan's foreleg slipped on one of the river rocks, slick with silt and algae.  He found himself off balance, falling into the water and nearly submerging his head.  The awkward angle did not allow for escape, but kept Akutan's head from getting knocked off.  Instead, five white hot razors ripped through his left hip and thigh, leaving deep red ribbons of peeling flesh.  The blow took Akutan's legs from under him.  The bear swiped again, backhanding the male and sending him flying.  He hit the bank, and there was a crack as his head hit a stone.  He didn't rise, and didn't move.  The bear began to advance.

[Image: bearicon_by_ehwazazi-dcrg3lt.png]
[Image: redtoken_by_ehwazazi-dci9v0t.png][Image: redtoken_by_ehwazazi-dci9v0t.png][Image: redtoken_by_ehwazazi-dci9v0t.png][Image: redtoken_by_ehwazazi-dci9v0t.png][Image: spenttoken_by_ehwazazi-dcjr640.png][Image: spenttoken_by_ehwazazi-dcjr640.png]

Movement Effects

[Image: kastrarankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcd3w0m.png] Movement: [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png]  Red Event
Effect: Kastra's movement is restricted until the event is cleared
[Image: kodiakrankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcd41dl.png] Movement:[Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] Red Event
Effect: Kodiak's movement is restricted until the event is cleared

[Image: kyrarankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcd3w0g.png] Movement: [Image: 12px-U%2B2191.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png][Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] Red Event
Effect: Kyra's movement is restricted until the event is cleared
[Image: viennarankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcfyj5i.png] Movement: [Image: 12px-U%2B2191.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 12px-U%2B2191.svg.png] Red Event
Effect: Vienna's movement is restricted until the event is cleared
[Image: akutanrankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcd0t9g.png] Movement: [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 12px-U%2B2191.svg.png] Red Event
Effect: KO'd Akutan is knocked out! He returns to the Castle to heal.

[Image: summit2_by_preimpression-d83tp0g.png]  [Image: crust_by_preimpression-d83tpkc.png]  [Image: core_by_preimpression-d83tpke.png]  [Image: broadcast_by_preimpression-d83trxi.png]  [Image: baseline2_by_preimpression-d83tsx6.png]
please direct all questions involving Nardir to EhwaAzi/Scy. thank you.
Kastra he/him
Posts: 37
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 446

[Image: nRus6E7.png]
    Kastra rushed at the bear, trying to catch sight of Akutan as he took on the bear. With the age they would probably be able to chase it off soon enough. The prince went towards the bear's ankles, not trying to grab a hold but instead trying to make it move. With the pain Akutan caused, Kas assumed that the bear wouldn't want to stick around much longer. As he went trying to somewhat herd the bear out, while hoping someone would get Akutan out of the water. He wasn't moving, and Kastra was too focused to try and help him. This was going worse than he thought it would go.

(Kas is trying to bite the bear into leaving.)

[Image: CBHlfyW.png]
Kimster Eh
Sparkles a Little
Posts: 76
Pronouns: Eh


Schimmah is happily scouting around, picking up some pretty rocks that looked interesting to show to Mercury, hoping it was a good find.

Move: down, right, right
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: n0HcaK9.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me

actions - “speech” - thoughts
As Akutan and Kastra tackled the bear Kyra nipped at its heels but pulled back as she heard her lover hit the water.

"Aku!" She called and snarled at the bear trying to steer it away from Akutan. She hung back for a moment and pulled Akutan out of harms way, her legs shaking from weakness and adrenaline. Once he was clear of the water she went back to try and bite the bears rump to get it to run off.


Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Kodiak He
Drowning in the Sea of Stars
Posts: 29
Pronouns: He

All Accounts Posts: 843

Kodi just barely was able to catch Akutan being swatted away, the male seemed down for the count, Kodi flashed a look to the golden prince who was already charging forward, the wolfdog would do the same. Mirroring Kastra's movements before swinging around to meet the bear's other ankle, snapping his jaws, barking loudly inbetween bites to further startle the beast. With luck the pair + Kyra would be able to get the thing to run. You know, just a normal day on the job, fighting bears and stuff.

I go wander through the pines
and make my way to nature's shrines
« aesthetic profile played by: waka »
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