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  darkest night, brightest star
Posted by: Century - December 10, 2017, 12:05:14 AM - Replies (3)

In the early light of dawn, a boy who was not yet a man but no longer a child sat and watched the sun rise. Red eyes took in the last of night fading away, darkness chased across the sky by pink-orange-red-yellow light. He didn't have the golden sunrises his mother had, or the clear blue skies of his father. None of his brothers or sisters shared his striking eyes, and while maybe in one universe that would've been a blessing--something to stand apart from the crowd, a way to be noticed immediately upon walking into a room--in this one, it felt like a curse.

A little red boy with blood on his paws (chest, face) and ruby eyes.

A tangle of red strings choked his heart. Were they ropes? Chains? Maybe his own veins had constricted against the pumping muscle, protesting with every life-giving pump.

Century closed his eyes, and a soft breeze blew through his fur. He was a lanky yearling now, paws still too large and proportions not quite right for adulthood. He wondered when the weight would ever be lifted off his heart, if it ever would be. He wondered what the weight even was. Was it guilt at seeing Traveler torn down? Exhaustion from too many sleepless nights? Disappointment at finding out that Gemini was not what he'd always believed? It could've been some combination of all three; it could've been something completely different.

It could've been the specters that plagued his waking moments as often as his sleeping ones. Why did Gemini have so many ghosts in the first place? How much blood stained the lands they called a refuge?

A soft, lilting sigh drifted from him as he opened his eyes again and dispersed his thoughts. Today was the day.

Century made his way down from the wall, still firmly on the highlands side. The shadow of the wall was so long. How much history had it seen throughout the years to still be standing? The yearling couldn't ponder it long; he had work to do. He needed to get everything together before most of the populace started stirring, and the sun was rising as fast as it always did. The light frost on the ground didn't hinder him from finding the gifts he planned on leaving his family, but it did leave a pretty clear trail. It was a good thing that it would all be melted before they got up.

Seashells and flowers, the prettiest he could find, left at the mouth of the den(s) where they slept.

Pretty blue morning glories found especially for his favorite brother, set apart from all the rest.

The red child turned back after everything was in place, and made his way back to the wall. Determined, sure steps. This was what he wanted to do. This was what he needed to do.

He made his way through the gap in the wall. Past the skulls.

(The weight lessened.)

He kept walking.

He turned around once he could smell the borders of their lands, and he looked back across the rolling grasslands to the ominous wall that had haunted him for so long.

It was so small.

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  When the stars align [Maia]
Posted by: Skylar - December 09, 2017, 05:51:03 PM - No Replies

speech thoughts

The crickets began to sing their song as the sun headed towards the opposing horizon, leading the way to the end of another day. Gemini had gone through its daily tasks, and was about to complete the list for now. The rest can be done tomorrow, would be a phrase in the minds of many as they headed to their dens to get some well-deserved rest. Many, though, would be continuing on their patrol or going about their duties. Most activity stopped within the walls of the sheltered pack, but a good portion of it remained in motion, ensuring the safety of those who went to sleep.

Others were up for the mere curiosity of exploring in the dark. Skylar was one of them, evident by the shining blue eyes shimmering in the darkening environment as he walked in the tall grasses. The boy, now a yearling, was branching out in his little circle of familiarity. His curiosity was pushing him to the lines he knew never to cross in his puphood. Things that made him shiver still at the look his mother gave him should he wander too close. Now... now he was older. If he was going to help his family, keep them safe, he had to start exploring into unfamiliar territory.

Or so the logic of his mind told him.

Skylar exited the tall grass, heading towards the wall that represented so much for him. Safety. Protection. Fear. He trotted along it, feeling a mixture of emotions just being in the presence of the tall structure. Occasionally he caught glimpses of some of the scouts traversing the wall, and he wondered if Lev was on the wall, too. His mother always seemed to be working. "I'll make you proud, Momma," he muttered to himself with a small smile as he came upon the well-known gap in the wall. A short entrance to allow potential newcomers. Here he paused, sniffing about the entrance. Many scents mixing in the dirt below his paws, making his nose wriggle and his ears swivel as he listening. At most grass rustles he lifted his head and listened.

"Anyone there?" he called, his voice deeper now in his growing phase. Skylar figured it would be friendly, but something still brought a chill down his spine. "You can come out, promise!" Then again, he might just be expecting a play buddy.

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  eventually [mercury + a halos]
Posted by: Kodiak - December 09, 2017, 03:30:35 PM - Replies (9)

ooc: a halos can join, or i can npc one, doesn't really matter to me

[Image: ePgW4lb.png]

[Image: lds_05_by_akumiirako-dbfgoev.png]
song inspo
Saying sorry ain't as good as saying why
But it buys me a little more time
Lost in the moment for a second time
Each fucking doubt I make, unleash a cry

He'd slept for a few days, the rest was well needed and he was surprised for how long his travels had put him out of commission for. It was unlike him to just laze about and recover, he hated it frankly. Perhaps that was the dog in him, always needing to do something.

His bones itching to move and yet he was under strict orders to stay put, he had no visitors, no wandering eyes to see the new guy or anything of that nature. It had been quiet besides the occassional attendant passing through to bring him food and ask him how he was doing.

This was going to be his home now, Kodi's mind wandered back to when he'd told the Vicory that. The shock Merc probably felt and at the time he couldn't tell her why. She'd seen a fool and an idiot before her then, a broken man, and knowing full well he wouldn't be able to keep it from her. Fuck.

The wolfdog rolled to his side, inhaling deeply and exhaling slow and tired. Bi-colored eyes opened just as slowly and he'd peer out of den to the world outside. Winter had come, at last. The snow had begun to fall and all the world outside was coated in a blanket of white. Slumbering and quiet till spring.

An attendant walked in then, herbs in her mouth and she motioned to him with a warm smile and she'd open her mouth to ask the same question that had become repetative these past few days. "I feel fine, thank you." He'd answer before she could ask, his deep voice still a tad hoarse. She'd eye him with a raised brow and snort in spite of his answer. "But, could you find Mercury for me?" He'd roll to his stomach, laying up right now. Kodi's ears would pull back and a feeling of tired dread washed upon.

The female blinked and nodded, leaving the area with little more than that. No doubt, Tikaani- No, Mercury, wanted to see him as well. The attendant returned, stepping aside to make room and then left entirely, and the male felt a prickle of cold run up his spine. "I've sure got some... explaining to do, huh?" If you could even call it that, Kodi. A sigh. "And you deserve the proper answers."

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  bark bark, he says [puffin]
Posted by: Alue - December 09, 2017, 01:04:29 AM - No Replies

Having been giving the training rank of artisan, Alue had possibly been neglecting his role as a halo. The way he saw it, no one was running to his den asking for help. He checked on Phillip, having kind of claimed the elder as his own patient to look after, and made sure his stores were stocked and that he was up to date with anything that was going on within the halo ranks. Before he had been doing above average as a halo, and now he was just doing average. It felt bad, but he couldn’t stop himself from getting excited as he went out foraging for random items. The things that interested him the most were crystals and rocks. He almost always carried the crystal Kestrel had carved out, filled with basic herbs out of anxiety, and commonly compared what he found to it, and what he tried to do. So far, he had not done so well in trying to copy his friend. He had started with some basic rocks and crystals, and ended up ruining them. He felt he was making progress, but it would be easier if he could learn from someone.

   But right now, he wasn’t thinking too much about crystals. Winter had really started to set in, and the cold somehow brought life into his bones. The summers had been hot, and had drained him. But when he felt the soft cold breeze roll over him, he felt the excitement burning in his marrow. For what, he wasn’t sure. But it had always brought forth happy times. It was really the only season that brought back old memories that he had almost forgotten, and it brought some happiness to his heart. Even if life was no longer the same, the reaction remained. One of the things that stuck out about winter had been sledding. With his newish interest in crafting, he knew this was around the perfect time to seek Puffin out, learn how to attempt to make a sled. As a child, he had learned about sledding, but it had been the humans that made the sleds, not the dogs. Now they lacked humans and Puffin had made up for it, and Alue wanted to continue along with him.

   They had already set up that the lesson was to happen today, and were planning on meeting where Puffin had been working on sleds. Alue had ventured into the forest where the other worked before, but not that far. It felt almost haunted, if the walker didn’t know who made the sleds. Now as Alue walked further into the forest. As he went, it was almost like walking through a show. As he went along, the sleds progressively changed, progressively got better. In all honesty, it made the boy feel a little more confident. Everyone started somewhere, and the starting point was not really pretty. But it was something, and the more they worked, the better they got. Alue knew the first sled he’d work on would be awful, but it would help him learn. He sped up as he saw the other dog standing not too far off. When the half dog approached, he dipped his head happily to his friend. “Hey, Puffin.” He started. “This forest, it’s cool. You made them all? The sleds, that is.” Small talk before the lesson. Alue had too much anxiety and couldn’t just leap into something.

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  all flesh is equal when burnt [acceptance/trespassing]
Posted by: Falcate - December 08, 2017, 10:41:11 PM - Replies (19)

[Image: fxRP7W1.png]
ooc: please wait for Waka to post first with Haldred. it will be determined in that post whether or not they have crossed the Gemini borders.

So much had changed.

Falcate was once a brawny, hot-headed, angsty young boy. He was a royal brat, through and through. He’d stop at nothing to get what he wanted, and he believed he deserved everything. No one was better than he was, and no one could prove that wrong. He had a one-track mind, and the only opinion that ever mattered was his own, never taking a moment to consider anyone elses thoughts or feelings. At least, not until he met Vapor – but even that didn’t last forever.

One might say that for a while, something in his unorganized “plan” worked – for a while. When he was young, he manged to hold his own. He had many enemies, he was sure, but he managed to climb the ranks to a certain extent. He didn’t necessarily prove himself to many people, but he perhaps instilled a fear in others. He was able to work above the regular class of people in Saboro, he held a decently high rank and he was respected by his underlings – and even if they didn’t respect him, they had to listen to him. They had to obey him. They had to answer to him. He was their master, and they were his sheep.

But that didn’t last as long as Falcate would have hoped. He slipped, and in that minuscule moment, he lost it all. His fall from grace was anything but graceful. He lost everything. He was stripped of rank, of ego, of pride – everything that he had worked toward was taken away in a matter of fucking seconds. That’s all that it took, that’s all that it ever took.

And that’s just how Saboro worked. You drag your ass, you lose your privileges. They are not forgiving. They never have been, they never will be. Unless you found yourself in some fucking pact of some sort, you were not immune to the ferocity of Saboro’s monarchy and you would be burned. You would be torn apart, ripped to shreds, and left for dead.

Falcate found that out the hard way. And he would never forget – no matter how hard he tried.

He saw the lives of many come and go, tasted the blood of even more. Siblings included. They were all dead for all he knew, though he didn’t think about it much. He was never close with any of them, really. Serrate was the only one he saw make something of herself, and even she fell to the gnarled claws of the Saboran demons. Where she ended up was beyond the battered male, he hadn’t seen her for many moons… She had gone far away, and he hoped to God she was smart enough to never look back. Ever.

Falcate knew he would never look back. Even if he was stuck wandering the world aimlessly, using his daughter for eyes since he lost his own. Leaning on his offspring like a crippled old man, depending on her for every step, every meal, every taste of water. He was a write off and was completely useless to the world at this point. So, why did she stand by him? Why didn’t she leave, to live her own life, to fly as high as her wings allowed her?

He wanted, so badly, to set her free. To tell her, ‘Hallie, fly with the birds, you have so much potential, you need to fulfill it’. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t send her away. He couldn’t bring himself to be selfless for one fucking minute, for the betterment of his own blood. Did that make him a monster? Did that really make him any better than those bloodsucking gargoyles of Saboro?  

Falcate needed Haldred. He needed her more than he knew. More than she knew.

Haldred,” the crippled male breathed. The pair was half-heartedly attempting to find a new home, somewhere new for both of them. Maybe Haldred could make a name for herself while still sticking with her sick old dad. He just wasn’t ready… To leave her…

Wasn’t ready… To die.

Where are we?” His voice was rough, having not spoken for a while. This world was unfamiliar to him. He’d only left Saboro once before, and this did not smell anything like that expedition. This was new, and this was unknown. He wasn’t sure why he was asking Haldred – she wouldn’t know either. How could she know? Perhaps he was just asking to fill the silence… Not that they didn’t talk. They did talk, quite a bit. Haldred had learned plenty of Falcate’s past, of Saboro’s past. Of her mother. She’d learned probably more than what she wanted to hear, but Falcate had decided that at least one of the kids should know the truth.

He sighed heavily before stopping dead in his tracks. “Wait…” he murmured, what was left of his ears standing upright. His nose twitched as he sniffed extensively, trying to catch the scent that just passed through him.

What was that … Smell? Who


Hal, what’s up ahead of us?” The scent was faint still, but he could definitely smell it. Smell her. His sister. The lost ex-Saboran. She was here, or she had been not long ago. She was alive? Where were they? Every other scent was unfamiliar, but there were many smells.

He started forward again, with or without Haldred at his side, limping slightly as he always did, his nose high in the air, then low to the ground. He picked up his pace, dragging his nose through the skiff of snow on the ground. “Serrate…” He breathed, pausing and raising his head.

A strange feeling rose within him, a feeling he couldn’t understand. His heartbeat had quickened, and his nerves were tingling. The last time he would have seen his sister… Well, he couldn’t even recall when that was. It was probably when she was still Sabora, the crown still sitting neatly on her head. He had despised her, for doing the job he felt he so rightfully deserved to do. He was so confused about how she, of all people, could have been crowned as Sabora, knowing full well how pathetic she was as a child.

He hated her for so long, but was forced to respect her. It drove his anger even further, it fueled the burning flame within him, knowing that she could overpower him at any given time. He was better than her. He was always better than her.

But why didn’t he feel the anger now? What was it that he was feeling? Was it sorrow? Was it longing? Did he miss her? Did he need her now?

No… He had Haldred. Truthfully, he didn’t need anyone else.

He settled on curiosity. That was what he was feeling: a strong need to know where she ended up, what kind of state she was in. Perhaps she was worse off than he was. Perhaps she was on her way to dying, just like everyone else was. Just another fading soul, looking for its way out, joining their brothers and sisters, and Vapor, and Falcate’s other children, maybe.

We need to go there.” He nodded with his head, pointing in the direction of the scent. He could feel the temperatures dropping, he guessed it was close to dawn. “Serrate is there… I can smell her.” Maybe Haldred would understand, or maybe she’d be mad at him for wanting to seek out the fallen Queen. He wasn’t sure – he didn’t care. He wasn’t the Harrier any longer, but he was still the boss of his child.

He knew she would follow. He knew she would lead him.

And so he pushed forward, walking toward the smell, toward Serrate, and whatever else lay beyond them. He’d keep walking until someone stopped him, whether it be Haldred or Serrate, he wasn’t sure. He didn’t care.

This was the first glimpse of hope he’d felt in a long time.

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  remembrance [Julek]
Posted by: Zaniah - December 08, 2017, 06:18:09 PM - No Replies

Their family had grown quiet. The golden prince had certainly been no help, but even as a child he had often preferred keeping to himself. He had always felt a pressure to be what he thought Nardir wanted him to be: their proud and noble Prince. He could never admit it, but there had been occasions where he wondered how different things would be if he were born to a non-royal family. What kind of man he would grow up to be. He couldn't bear the thought of disappointing his parents, of befouling the royal bloodline of Nardir. He had re-emerged before he became too ashamed of himself - there was no place for a hermit prince.

The man let out a long sigh.

He may not have believed in Nardir's Goddess (unless the people of this moon-blessed place expected it of him), but he always found a comfort in the night. He was not scared of the shadows, of the darkness that loomed around him. But whether it was some kind of powerful being or not, the silver moon that hung above him always lit up the path for him. And his pelt nearly glowed in it's light, a golden ghost that now roamed around Nardir with practiced ease. In his travels of the night, he had collected a relatively large stone, smooth and round and white as ivory. Carrying it in his mouth, he paused outside the royal den. He wasn't sure why - it wasn't where he planned to go, but passing by it had perked his curiousity. It had been a long time since he had slept in there.

He decided to move on, not wanting to disturb his family and unaware of any attention he may have garnered.

Disappearing into the thick forest to the north, Zaniah finally stopped in the center of a circle of stones, surrounded by thousands of poppies. Quietly, he placed the stone down in Nardir's graveyard, and stood there, staring at it.

He did not know anyone who was buried here.

But this was something he wanted to do. Maybe there were some naturally noble traits in Zaniah after all.

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  some of that dank catlife [trespass!]
Posted by: Gaia - December 08, 2017, 04:23:40 PM - No Replies

Gaia Wrote:Silver eyes gleamed in the darkness only when the moonlight streaked through the thinning canopy, the whisper of the bones around her neck touching the earth the only sound as the predator crept closer to that antlered creature that would soon be her prize. A wide, rough tongue swept across her nose at the thought, her mouth tingling as saliva began to pool in it, and round ears flickered forward to keep track of the deer she had been lucky enough to find when she had seen it hovering uncertainly at the edge of the forest. Like it wanted to run.
Had she the ability to smell she would have realized that this was wolf territory and she would have kept a wide berth, aware that despite her superior strength over a wolf or two that a pack of them would spell out absolute disaster for her. Despite it strangely not making any noise as it moved except for soft sounds she assumed were more emotional than physical, Gaia never lost her from her sights. She was a sloppy hunter she knew the other lionesses would say (with a pang of longing in her heart their words rang in her ears), but she got by with the little knowledge she had. Perhaps she would have gotten better had she more time to spend with Sekkai, with Collenia, with Belle, but by the time she had found her way back to Aryion after her capture her home had disappeared and her family scattered when those sabertoothed cats moved in.
A breath exhaled from between those thick lips, a translucent plume in the chilly air.
She swallowed against the sandpaper that was her ruined throat and watched as the creature settled against a rock after indecision made her seemingly wear a trail into the cold ground. From afar she had only been able to see the antlers and the longleggedness of the figure, but from this close, from brush just behind the girl, it seemed as if it was carrying some woolly pelt over her shoulders. Her toes flexed, her tail trashed in frustration. If only her nose worked she could see exactly what was going on!
But she was a lion, and a hungry one at that. A last twitch of her whiskers, a jiggle of her rear, before those thick muscles in her thighs exploded and she covered the ground in an instant with her lunge, claws extended toes flexed as she made contact all near four hundred pounds of her a wrecking ball as she grasped on that wool cloak and wait where was the body in all that fluff where was the everything what the fuck I didn't ask for this is this dirt in my mouth did I miss
"What the fuck?" she wheezed as she begins to shake herself off, all this while a wide-eyed Equinox still in shock freezes like the deer she is and has no fucking clue what to do except glow but she doesn't even control that really.[/size]

[size=undefined]I'm not gonna post separately with Equinox so this is open to maybe 2-3 people? Spot save for Jonas and maaaaaaaaybe Akira, depends on what she commented on Weiss' blog this time Wink also tell me this is not the laziest post you've ever seen
- Gaia stalks a deer who is actually Equinox.
- Equinox who, after Aeon's death, is thinking about running away and is hovering around the borders but is indecisive.
- Gaia pounces but instead of catching a body to hold onto she misses and lands in the dirt because Equinox is all fluff.
- She gets up and starts to shake herself off, and Equinox freezes. She is probably gonna attack again.

Quote: The moonlight bathed everything in a pale blue light as it filtered through the branches above her head. The night was relatively calm, the only sound the occasional call of an owl or the screech of a bat. Well, that and Aela’s footsteps as she patrolled the border. She’d been home long enough to feed the pups and soak in their love and warmth until they’d fallen into a milk induced coma one by one. With practiced ease, she had slipped away from their tiny little bodies and went back to work. The Strider was making it her personal mission to eat, sleep, and breath patrolling.
So it wasn’t long before she came across Gaia’s scent and froze in her tracks, nose going low to the ground as her hackles slowly raised. Cat. Big cat. Like the lion Akira had appointed to her court, the one who’d journeyed with him from the swamp. But this was not that cat, this was someone else entirely. Another assassin sent by Saboro? Alarm spurred her into action and she ran as fast as she could while following the trail. She heard someone curse in the distance and growled low in her throat, a growl that gradually built until it was a ferocious snarl when she saw what was happening.
A small pup with twisted horns stood frozen in terror, the moonlight illuminating her brilliantly so that Aela could see the big cat bunch its muscles as it made ready to pounce on its prey. Tauro’s face flashed through her mind, his chubby little pup cheeks, his not so chubby adolescent smirk, his blood-stained face frozen in death.
[size=undefined]“Oh no you don’t!”[/size]
She roars as launches herself at the gray stripped lion, aiming to sink her teeth into the tuft of its tail and pull her away. At the very least it’d serve in getting her attention. The Strider hops away from the lioness’s reach, her tail fluffed up twice its size and a thick ridge formed on her back as her hair stood on end. “Run.” She told the terrified child who seemed to have gone deaf with fright. “RUN!” Aela screams as she desperately tries to keep Gaia’s attention from going back to the puppy. She would die before she let harm come to another child while she was on duty.

Quote:It was a clear, crisp night.  The only reason he knew this, was because he was awake, again, walking the territory.  It hadn't been long since the day everything seemed to go so wrong, and Echo had found himself a bit more on edge, as of late.  He'd been scouring the mountains, the cliffs, and the border, even though that wasn't particularly his job.  The scene had stuck in his head, and he wasn't going to shake it easily, so he used the time he couldn't shake it, to make use of himself. 
Tonight was no different.  He thought he'd let some of the others rest, everyone knew how on edge absolutely everyone was, the slightest hint of violence and it was a god damn fiasco.  Who was going to die this time? Was everyone going to go into the fury? Were there going to be more dead kids lying on the border of Gemini? He didn't know, though he certainly hoped to be the one to stop it if it came down to it.  He was so tired of hearing about dead children.  Kids were supposed to be happy, and annoying not- still and lifeless..
“Oh no you don’t!”
"Aela?" Echo's ears perked up as Aela's voice rang clear as a bell through the night. And in seconds took off to see what the hell was going on, within his first few bounds, his mind went to the day they found Tauro, and went into killing mode.  No. More. Dead.
It took Echo seconds to reach where the skirmish was happening, Aela was launching herself (her newborn mommy self) at the lion.  Eyes shifted to the pup, a flash of Tauro and Serrate and Hawthorne and Kariya, then back to the horned child.  Leaping forward, Echo put himself between Equinox and the large cat, desperately looking for somewhere to place her until they got this under control.  But he couldn't allow Aela to attack the cat herself, so, he did the first thing he thought.  He grabbed her by her scruff, getting a horn tot he face, and with all his might, flung her to safety (as far away from the lion and the cliffs as possible).  While she was suspended in the air, Echo would yell at her "RUN WHEN YOU CAN!"  And also sorry, but there was no time for that. 
He turned back to the fight, and launched himself straight at the cats face, acting as a shield for both Aela, and to block the cats vision. He wasn't about to let pup, nor new mom get reckt tonight. If it came down to it, Echo would rather throw himself in the line of fire before seeing another one of his pack mates- his friends- dying on their own land.  Fuck that.
And fuck you too, cat.

[Image: ting.jpg]

Quote:Round eyes flashed emerald in a sliver of moonlight as the enormous predator began to stalk towards the child who shook, fearless and confident in her power now even now that she was exposed from the shadows that she preferred. Thick cords of muscle rolled with every movement of her shoulders under thin fur as the lioness lowered her head and dared the little creature to bolt, pupils narrowing to slits as her entire body tensed ready to pounce-
“Oh no you don’t!”
She growled, a noise with a terrifying amount of power despite the jaggedness at the end that suggested it tore her throat raw like a wildfire, and curled her heavy lip as a wolf of all things lunged at her, ready to meet it. So this was how it was going to be, huh? Gaia allowed its teeth to sink into the end of her tail even if it made her jerk reflexively, as she knew the lure of it would pull her attacker close enough to land a bat with paws that had enough strength to snap her neck like it was a toothpick. But the female danced away just as her claws grazed cerulean fur, and she moved to advance before another one popped up from the trees and herded the animal away.
Those terrible creatures, they weren’t even trying to eating it!
The lion retreated a few steps as the male had tried to disorient her by getting in her face and began to prowl along the edge of the clearing just out of their reach, circling the two that were trying to stand between her and a warm meal as she looked for an opening to get at their throats. Whereas usually she'd try to con the wolves out of their meal with soft words and harmless tricks, the fuse to her patience had long been shortened by cruelty and hunger and she knew that brute force was the only way to win this skirmish as two wolves were not yet enough to pose a major threat to a lion such as herself. ”Get the fuck out of my way, dogs.” she spat as those pupils in silver eyes narrowed, long tail lashing out behind her with with a feral fury fueled by the emptiness of her stomach. ”That deer’s MINE!”
Dirty lips curled to reveal fangs like scimitars, and claws engaged the ground underneath with every frustrated flex of her toes until finally holding fast and giving her the traction she needed to lunge at the male and use her body like a wrecking ball to try to break his back, his legs, anything by pouncing on him and aiming to puncture the skin of his neck with those teeth as claws gripped to take him down.
She wasn't going down without a fight.

Quote:She’d never been more thankful to see someone than she was the moment she realized Echo had arrived in time to help the child get away. The feline had retreated to a relative safe distance, displeasure plain on its face as its tail thrashed about behind her. She didn’t seem to be taking the loss of her meal ticket very well. Aela’s sharp blue eyes never left the feline as she stood waiting and alert, body tensed to throw her into action at the slightest hint of an attack.
In one last attempt to keep things as civil as possible and avoid a potentially dangerous battle she tried to reason with the big cat. “Listen, lady, you can’t just show up in someone’s house and start attacking people. That’s rude.” Those emerald eyes narrowed into narrow slits of jade and her tail twitched with pent up aggression, ”Get the fuck out of my way, dogs.” She hissed and all hope of resolving the problem peacefully vanished. ”That deer’s MINE!” Deer? The resemblance was faint, if you didn’t know anything about hellhounds she supposed they could be mistaken for deer.
She’s not a deer she’s a pup!” Aela barked but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. Either she was too dense to understand or the feline was already beyond reasoning. Lips peeled back to unsheathe mighty sabres, long with a slight curve. The moonlight glinted off them, highlight the edges to give them a more sinister appearance. Her sapphire eyes sharpened and adrenaline filled her veins and she shifted her body weight, changing her stance to be able to move as quickly as possible. Aela focused on her opponent, trying to anticipate her strike, there it was the unsheathing of the claws, thick and cruelly curved scoured the earth before she launched herself at Echo.
With a mental curse she pushed herself into motion, aiming for the cats ear that was closest to her, deciding to take full advantage of her attention being focused on the male. If she broke the cats focus and it tried to take a swipe at her she would try to leap out of range, and let out a cry of pain if she was too slow. But if Aela was able to sink her teeth into the cats ear she would growl through her mouthful of flesh, “Hon’ess’y c’nt we justh ta’k ab’ow dis?”

Quote:He was never far from her. Particularly now when evil lurked in shadows and the razor edge of smiles. He has seen war and blood spilled. He has seen wolves forced under the heel of his overlord of a father. He has seen a family torn asunder. The echoes of the days before still haunt her eyes, and he knows he will do everything he can to chase the ghosts from her words. One day he would see that head unbowed. Today was not that day. Tomorrow would not be, either. But it would come. It had to. She was the Don. Horror comes and horror goes. She would persist. So, too, would he.
He laid the King to rest. She protested. There’s so much to do. There is always so much to do, he told her, and only one you to do it. The moon is rising and she must close her weary eyes. He would find something for her to eat. No, he did not need help, Akira. Rest. He will check on you later.
(He would chase her back to bed if she left it. That part goes unsaid.)
He, too, needed to rest. He could feel his bones sagging and begging to go to ground, but he told them No. Not today. The buzz between his ears rattled and he swore he could taste ash on the back of his tongue. These, too, he knew, were falsehoods. It is just one more day. One more day. You are strong and the red boy bleeding is so new to his grave of fireflies and mourning widows. The Don must rest, and when she bounces back, so too will you. One more day. One more night. One more step. Then another. Follow your feet and ignore the stinging in your eyes.
The night opens before him and he dives into it, a silent wraith on the wind. The lowlands smell like an oncoming storm. He will beat it. He will bring home something fresh. He will guard it until she has woken and eaten her fill. Then he would do what was asked of him. This is how it was. This is how it will always be. He lifts his head, parts his mouth, and drinks in the night. Rabbits. Too small. Goats. Possibility. Deer. Too far. Lion. Not food.
Wait. Lion?
His lips curl and something deep within him urges him onward. He is no Don, but this is his territory still. He coexisted with the wildlife (wolves… so many wolves) that called this land their home, but he would not allow a rogue in—he knows what rogues could and often did do. He stalks towards the border and the inevitable struggle that came floats towards him on dark wings. He does not know their voices, not tonight. They are simply wolves involved in something that was beyond their understanding. Growls and cries urge him on.
He explodes from the nearby brush that we can only hope Equinox wasn’t calling safe haven, a grating growl rumbling deep in his chest as he barrels straight into the fray, heedless of the wolves that may or may not be in his way. He aims to crash into the intruder, eyes aglow in the low light and lacking the soft disinterest or empathy the smaller creatures had seen in him before. He intends to knock the lioness—he recognizes that much, now—over, heavy forepaws flying and hanging on where they could.
Gemini surrounded themselves by giants.
(Some were more giant than others.)

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  hope in the air
Posted by: Eve - December 08, 2017, 01:24:41 PM - Replies (5)


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  Dreamless Wandering
Posted by: Clover - December 07, 2017, 08:28:25 PM - Replies (6)

Clover was tired. She didn’t know how far she’d walked, or the last time she’d slept. Her last foray into dreams had left her with hazy, floating images of her...she wasn’t sure. Siblings? Children? Unrelated kits that just happened to look like her and knew her name? Whatever they were, they hadn’t been far from her thoughts since she’d last dreamed. The solution for this, she knew from past experience, was to starve them out. She would go as long as she could without sleep, and when she finally collapsed there wouldn’t be anything, just the deep black of exhaustion. She could manage it, as long as she kept moving.

Distantly, she noticed that the grass around her was very near the color of her own fur. Like she was blending into the land around her. Disappearing, slowly, strand by strand -

A strong scent caught her nose, distracting her from the frankly delirious line of thought. Someone lives here. A lot of someones live here. Other creatures were also a distant memory, besides the visitors in her dreams. This realization unsettled her, as the gaps in her memory always did, but it unfortunately also made her pause in her endless, steady pace, and exhaustion hit her like a falling log. Her legs buckled, and her muscles refused to go any farther, and she collapsed into the grass. Amber eyes drifted slowly shut, despite her every effort to force them open, to keep moving, to keep awake. Finally recognizing the struggles as fruitless, she curled up as much as she could. She really should have found somewhere more sheltered to sleep, but even shifting her limbs into a more comfortable arrangement had felt like dragging rocks across the ground. She let her eyes close and fell into slumber, with a final plea drifting through her mind.

Please don’t dream.

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  Sordid Secrets
Posted by: ss staff - December 07, 2017, 04:49:19 PM - Replies (2)

Forum Name and Link: Sordid Secrets
Type of RPG:  fantasy wolf rpg
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How Many Active Members Do You Have?: Probably around 50 or so?
Is Our Button Visible? Where is it located?: Yep! Static footer

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