Private Roleplay darkest night, brightest star | |||||||||||||||||||||
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In the early light of dawn, a boy who was not yet a man but no longer a child sat and watched the sun rise. Red eyes took in the last of night fading away, darkness chased across the sky by pink-orange-red-yellow light. He didn't have the golden sunrises his mother had, or the clear blue skies of his father. None of his brothers or sisters shared his striking eyes, and while maybe in one universe that would've been a blessing--something to stand apart from the crowd, a way to be noticed immediately upon walking into a room--in this one, it felt like a curse.
A little red boy with blood on his paws (chest, face) and ruby eyes. A tangle of red strings choked his heart. Were they ropes? Chains? Maybe his own veins had constricted against the pumping muscle, protesting with every life-giving pump. Century closed his eyes, and a soft breeze blew through his fur. He was a lanky yearling now, paws still too large and proportions not quite right for adulthood. He wondered when the weight would ever be lifted off his heart, if it ever would be. He wondered what the weight even was. Was it guilt at seeing Traveler torn down? Exhaustion from too many sleepless nights? Disappointment at finding out that Gemini was not what he'd always believed? It could've been some combination of all three; it could've been something completely different. It could've been the specters that plagued his waking moments as often as his sleeping ones. Why did Gemini have so many ghosts in the first place? How much blood stained the lands they called a refuge? A soft, lilting sigh drifted from him as he opened his eyes again and dispersed his thoughts. Today was the day. Century made his way down from the wall, still firmly on the highlands side. The shadow of the wall was so long. How much history had it seen throughout the years to still be standing? The yearling couldn't ponder it long; he had work to do. He needed to get everything together before most of the populace started stirring, and the sun was rising as fast as it always did. The light frost on the ground didn't hinder him from finding the gifts he planned on leaving his family, but it did leave a pretty clear trail. It was a good thing that it would all be melted before they got up. Seashells and flowers, the prettiest he could find, left at the mouth of the den(s) where they slept. Pretty blue morning glories found especially for his favorite brother, set apart from all the rest. The red child turned back after everything was in place, and made his way back to the wall. Determined, sure steps. This was what he wanted to do. This was what he needed to do. He made his way through the gap in the wall. Past the skulls. (The weight lessened.) He kept walking. He turned around once he could smell the borders of their lands, and he looked back across the rolling grasslands to the ominous wall that had haunted him for so long. It was so small. |
Flowers for all!
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speech ♚ thoughts
If only Skylar knew how heavy this sunrise would be.
As the fates would have it, the yearling rose with the light of the sun shining into his face and rousing him from sleep. He stirred, opening his eyes and a wide yawn escaping him. Laying on his belly, his front legs stretched before him as though reaching for the very sunlight that warmed him up from the cool air from the previous night. As he blinked, Skylar noticed something glimmering at the entrance to his den. Curious, he stood and shook his pelt before moving forward to peer at what was left at the doorway. Immediately he recognized them, for he was a natural for flowers -- morning glories. They made him smile, beautiful in the way they almost glowed blue, matched only by his happy blue eyes. When he leaned over to sniff though, another scent hit him -- "Century?" he called, stepping forward and peering out of the den. A soft call, to prevent waking up anyone else around him. Not many others would be awake at this time. Obviously his brother was, though. Skylar wondered why he would come to leave flowers (not that he didn't appreciate it -- he loved them!) and not stay around to talk? It made him worry, and so without hesitation he left his den and followed the trail. Tracked Century just like their Momma had taught him. His concern only grew, and his steps quickened, as he realized he was nearing the wall. Skylar's heart hammered in his chest as his mind ran through the possibilities of what this could mean. He had seen this scene before, and he didn't like what was coming to mind. Without realizing it he was running, the dew kicking up behind him in sparking droplets as he followed the path drawing him closer and closer to his brother. "Century!!" He called, louder now, more concerned with reaching his sibling than ensuring no one woke up. A spark of hope lit his eyes as he saw the familiar back of Century appear in the tall grasses past the wall. One of the few things that will make him run through that gap without further thought. "CENTURY!" he yelled, long legs hoping to reach his brother soon. When he finally did, Skylar practically tackled him in his eagerness to hug him. "Found ya, brother~" His usual playful tone was gone though, since this time he was more relieved to have found him. Pulling back, he looked worriedly at his brother. "What's wrong? Where you going?" Bright blue eyes searched his sibling's face, one star child trying to understand the other. Talk to me. |
To say that Century did not expect to be followed was an understatement. He was basking in the early morning sun, feeling it warm him through for what felt like the first time in months, when his own name drifted to his ears.
Red eyes swiveled in that direction, his head following after, a frown of concern creasing his brow. Why was Skylar here? He wasn’t supposed to be here! Century’s wars flattened to his head and his posture became more defensive, crouching lower to the ground the closer his brother came. When he finally did collide with him, it was a hug he returned. As apprehensive as he was about explaining himself, he did love his brother and did like that he was getting the chance to say goodbye. Because this was goodbye. ”Hey, Sky,” He murmured into his brother’s neck before pulling back so he could look him in the eyes. His smile was brittle. They were so much older than they’d been on that first adventure to find flowers. Not yet men but no longer just boys. ”I’m um... I’m.” He looked at the ground, unsure how to phrase it. He took a deep breath and bit the bullet. ”I’m leaving. I just... I don’t feel like I fit in here anymore, Skylar. I don’t know if I ever did. And this place? It’s not... it’s not what we were raised to believe. I’ve seen it.” A soft shake of his head and he dispelled the thoughts of red, red, red. ”I want to find somewhere that I fit in. Somewhere... somewhere.” He shook his head again, unable to really put his thoughts in order. I’m so sorry, brother. |
Flowers for all!
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speech ♚ thoughts
He barely noticed the way his brother cringed into himself, too eager was he to have seen Century. Caught him before he exited beyond that invisible line for good. As he had seen too many do already. Skylar smiled wide as he hugged his brother tight to him, holding on as though he would never let go. Century smelled of family, smelled of home, and it flooded him with relief.
Little did he know how short lived that would be. "Hey Sky," his brother said softly, and Skylar eagerly returned the smile Century gave. He knew his brother though, and it made his own smile fade a little. Something was off. The fact that they were both even here right now did not bode well. "I'm um... I'm." Skylar tilted his head, taking in his sibling's demeanor of uncertainty. "What's wrong, Century?" he asked, concern lining his voice. "Are you okay?" Maybe he should have brought some flowers with him, give them to Century just like the real pretty ones he had left at Skylar's den entrance. What came next froze him in place. "I'm leaving." Like a jab through his chest, Skylar didn't even realize he had begun to hold his breath. Leaving..? "You're..." his voice faded away as he took a step back from his brother. "I just... I don’t feel like I fit in here anymore, Skylar. I don’t know if I ever did. And this place? It’s not... it’s not what we were raised to believe. I’ve seen it." Not what they were raised to believe? Images flashed through his mind: chasing butterflies through the grasslands, picking flowers with his family, watching the stars twinkle with his mom. Running across the sand bridge with his sister Maia. "But..." he began, his voice more quiet than ever. A whimper lingered in the back of his throat as he looked at his brother with a mixture of emotions in his eyes. Hurt. Confusion. Worry. "I want to find somewhere that I fit in. Somewhere... somewhere." The words barely registered, but it was enough that he voiced more. "Century you DO belong here!" Skylar cried out, ears flat against his head as he pleaded with him. "I don't understand..." He couldn't understand why. This was home. This was the paradise they had been led to believe. Wasn't it, Century? Help me understand. |