Open hope in the air | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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She spreads her wings when she's gonna fly, the crow
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A h s o k a
The new chapter has begun, a new story being written with the delicate strokes of the author's feathered pen. They graced the parchment with the small footfalls of a new star that had been born among a sea of blue. She was ready to start exploring this new world she had entered, her light shining bright enough to guide her. Where exactly? Who knows, but if she could still smell her familiars, she knew home was still around her.
Poppy red eyes were alight with exploration, every nerve ending and fiber of her being feeling the pull to learn more about her home, as well as the inhabitants that called this land the same. Her family were the only true familiar scents, but she was willing to change that. There were so many others here. She knew. She could smell them. However, the fresh and innocent mind still had much to learn. Her paws, though tiny they may be, fell to the floor in steady thumps, surely alerting anything in the vicinity of her whereabouts. Perhaps that's what she wanted, so new faces that needed to be met could grace her with their presence. The youngster still lacked knowledge of those less kinder than her mother and father. They were so loving and gentle, so everyone else must be that way too! She would learn soon enough, but until then, her steps would be heavily trodden as she bounded through the dried leaves of autumn, frozen over by winter's impending appearance. Her bounds continued until she could hear the ebb and flow of the waves on the shore. An unfamiliar sound. The child had not wandered this far yet, and for that, she began to feel a sense of uncertainty. Should she go back? Had she wandered too far? Not far enough. Yes, there was still more to find out about her sanctuary, the place she felt safe in. Nothing bad could happen to her, especially since mother and father were here. Thinking of her parents, she clutched the courage they gave her and continued forward, nervous and eager to find the source of the commotion. "Hello?" ... Hackles raised on the small body as she skidded to a halt, scarlet eyes wide. She was frozen in place like the leaves around her, as if winter came early. It was an unfamiliar voice, one that sounded...older. Older than mother and father, that is. Unease started to replace the confidence she had earlier. It was her goal to meet new people, but now that she was faced with the task, what was there to do? What should she do? What should she say? The young princess swallowed, toes fidgeting against the leaves in her nervous anticipation. Someone had to make a move, and it may as well be her. She was the one being called out. Taking a deep breath, she eased her way forward, gently pushing aside the undergrowth that stood between her and the stranger. Slowly, she stepped out, the early morning light revealing her to the lightly colored female. The child stopped as soon as she exited her barrier, poppy eyes taking in the foreign sight before her. She stood rigid as her eyes traveled over the stranger's face, features so unlike her mother and father. Where did her fur go? Where was her eye? Where were her EARS? Her mouth didn't hang agape or anything of the sort, but her eyes were as wide as the full moon, ears slanted back, tail slightly tucked. Lowering her head, still looking up at the unknown female, she uttered one soft-spoken word. "...H...Hello...." |
She spreads her wings when she's gonna fly, the crow
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A h s o k a
"M-my name is Eve."
It was immediate, like someone suddenly flicking on a light to erase the darkness. The young girl's eyebrows furrowed, and she raised her head up to look at Eve more clearly. Her head cocked as she contemplated the older figure, who's voice held no aggression or any reason to instill fear into the child. In fact it was...nervous, uneasy, quite like how Ahsoka had felt at the initial sighting of the scarred female. There was also a gentleness about the woman, which caused Ahsoka's hackles to start lowering. "I know I look, ah, scary, but I'm not mean, I promise." The girl started to straighten up, crawling out of her timid stature. Her ears perked back up, muscles relaxing as the female moved to lay down, splaying out in what was an obvious non-threatening gesture. The girl decided to follow suit, making herself comfortable in the spot she was in. She only sat however, because she was too interested in this woman to put herself in a leisure position. Her fear was fading to be replaced by curiosity. "What's your name?" The girl gave the woman a small smile, straightening up more in her sitting position. "My name's Ahsoka. What's yours?" She felt the pulling need to know more about the scarred female. With all those scars, she must have so many stories to tell, so many experiences to share. But it was then that a wave of guilt flowed over the girl, thinking back to Eve's reaction toward Ahsoka's timid demeanor. She didn't want to make anyone unhappy, but it seemed she had. She'd just never seen anyone with so many scars before, so how was she suppose to react at this first sighting? But that was no excuse.... Ears drooping again, she looked down to her paws, shuffling them against the frost bitten ground. "...I'm sorry about how I reacted earlier. I didn't mean to make you do seem really nice." Looking up again, her poppy eyes connected with Eve, head cocking again as she leaned forward, though slightly uncertain with her next question. She wasn't sure if it would be a question that would further Eve's unhappiness or not, but it was eating away at Ahsoka's curiosity. Besides, if this could happen to a wolf...she needed to be prepared. "How...How did you get them? If it's okay to ask.... |
She spreads her wings when she's gonna fly, the crow
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March 13, 2018, 04:05:16 PM
(This post was last modified: March 13, 2018, 04:06:27 PM by Ahsoka.)
A h s o k a
The more time spent with Eve, the more at ease Ahsoka felt. This was a prime example of the saying "looks aren't everything". There was more to a character beyond their exterior, and Eve's appearance certainly didn't match what was held within, as far as the young girl could see. The older she-wolf had given her nothing but kindness and reassurance thus far, and the girl felt herself warming up to the woman.
"Eve. It's nice to meet you, Ahsoka." "Nice to meet you too, Eve," the girl said, smile lifting and poppy eyes brightening. The hesitation she felt in her voice earlier was dissipating, being replaced by a new wave of confidence. She had been cautious before, but it was now evident that, indeed, Ahsoka had nothing to fear from the scarred female. After her apology, she was relieved to hear more reassurance from Eve. "It's quite alright, really. Looking like I do, you get use to certain reactions." A thought occurred to her then, but she didn't say it out loud, lest she provoke anymore unhappiness from Eve. The thought of growing used to seeing the same terrified, shocked expressions when others looked at was a thought that was hard to comprehend for the child, but it made her feel uncomfortable. Ahsoka knew she didn't want anyone else to look at her that way, but apparently Eve had no choice on her end. Other wolves would look at Eve that way, and continue to give the older woman the same expressions that Ahsoka bestowed upon her only mere moments ago. The young princess suddenly felt empathetic toward Eve, and felt the urge to do something for the elder woman...but what, she had no clue. "Well, I got the ones on my back, my brands, from the humans in the man village where I was born." A cock of the head at the mention of the words "humans" and "village," the girl's bangs flopping at the movement. "Do you know what a human is?" The princess shook her head in response, eyes widened in bewilderment. "No, what is" She drew out the strange, foreign word, letting it roll from her maw. Her curiosity heightened, subconsciously leaning forward in anticipation of Eve's reply. ooc: Just realized I goofed on the last post and made Eve introduce herself twice haha. Sorry about that! |