Private Roleplay let this be our little secret // miriam | |||||||||||||||||||||
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k a x l a n
Word got around fast. The birds sang and the Aviaris whispered. He's arrived. The chosen one. Our new king. The Roc felt an overwhelming sense of suspicion, even betrayal. Who was this new leader and what made him worthy? Kaxlan was mostly surprised that it happened as quickly as it did. She heard of his promotion in the same breath as she'd learned of his arrival. While others were viewing this as a blessing, some sort of gift from the stars, the Obsidian felt as though it gave her enough reason to be defensive. It didn't feel right. Through the use of bargaining, threatening, and persuasion, Kaxlan got a pair of parrots to share that fellow Aviari Miriam had taken part in the new leader's trial. It was Miriam she set out to see today, wherever that obscene Crystalline was hiding. Because Kaxlan was so magnificent, finding Miriam was not a problem. Confronting her seemed to be more of a chore. While clearing her throat, the small Aviari stepped towards her pastel packmate. "Miriam," The greeting was flatter than days-old pepsi. Miriam wasn't as dreadful as most Crystallines, judging by the miniscule number of instances they've interacted, but being overly excited may inflate her ego. That wasn't necessary. "A little birdy shared you've met with our new Phoenix, is it true?" |
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M i r i a m
The Crystalline woman wasn't very far from her den, preening herself next to a crystal clear stream that sparkled in the sunlight. Kai and Saline sat in the grass by her side, soaking up the sunshine. However, as serene as this scene may appear, what one couldn't see from the outside was anything but peaceful. Miriam's fur still bristled at what she saw in Xiu's temple, and in response, her preening was more aggressive than usual. No one else would be able to tell the difference, though, not unless they knew how the woman cleaned herself normally. The weasel and snake by her side could see the difference, and they both kept an eye on their master. It was unsettling to see her this way, because they knew all to well how far she could fly off the handle. Fortunately, they were never on the receiving end of such moments, but they pitied the fools who saw the blazing fire in the woman's pastel pink eyes.
Miriam twitched an ear at the sound of approaching footfalls, Kai and Saline lifting their heads. The pastel woman turned her head, eyes hard and narrowed. She hated being snuck up on or approached from behind. Plus, her nerves were already rattled from current events, her fuse shorter than usual. Needless to say, she wasn't in the mood for more snide remarks from other families. Miriam was surprised, however, to see Kaxlan materialize from behind the foliage, expression one of expectance. The Crystalline could find no sign of mockery or scorn on the Obsidian's face. So, it appears the Obsidian woman had been looking for her. Whatever for? "Miriam." The flat tone did not go unnoticed, and turning her body around to face Kaxlan, Miriam greeted the other with the same flattery. "Kaxlan," she said in a monotone voice that lacked any sort of emotion, as if bored by this mere exchange of greetings. "A little birdy shared you've met with our new Phoenix, is it true?" Ah, so this is why the Roc sought her out. Why was it any of her concern? Why did it matter to the Obsidian? As far as Miriam was concerned, Obsidian's didn't dwell too much in the politics of the tribe. They were more interested in their barbaric culture and finding something to sink their teeth into. Politics surely wasn't on the menu. Sitting properly with her head high and tail wrapped neatly against one side of her body, Miriam gazed at the dull visage of the other with scrutiny. "Perhaps..." she drawled while shrugging her shoulders, refusing to give a straight answer to the Roc. It was hard to say what Kaxlan's motives were. The Crystalline didn't know what side the Obsidian was on. Did she approve of their new Phoenix, or did she feel the same as the Crystalline woman? "Why so inquisitive? I was under the impression that you and the...others did not incorporate thyselves with such principal affairs." While subtly calling the Obsidians "dunderheads," she also added an extra amount of fluff to test if the Roc had the brain capacity to understand, or if all the fluff would make her insult float right over the Obsidian's head. It would be amusing either way. But it would also be interesting to see what the Obsidian thought of their new Phoenix, and if other families shared the same sentiments as the Crystalline. ooc: |
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k a x l a n
The lush greenery and the tranquil roll of the stream was a sheer contrast to how Kaxlan assumed this transfer would conspire. But, the information she was requesting was important. Valuable beyond any ego she’d stroke, beyond her own pride, even. “Now, Miriam… Wouldn’t take you for someone who made such rash generalizations.” She stepped closer to the Crystalline, nodding in courtesy towards her companions. Having a pesky follower was never in her interests, though she could reason why it may be attractive to others. “Let’s forget that I may believe you’re a pompous asshole and you probably think I am a self-righteous hothead. Rather, focus on the idea that we may have more in common than you’d care to recognize…” Kaxlan’s tone grew to carry the grave seriousness that she’d been feeling. “I want to know what you think of him, Miriam. Truly. I value your opinion. I’m concerned with facing another Civil War. We cannot handle another divide. Will he bring us unity?” That was the most concerning aspect, in Kaxlan’s opinion. She didn’t care for his strength or charisma so much as she cared for his ability to help El Dorado grow as one once more (or… for the first time?) It was a daunting task, but a true leader could get it done. Is that what he was, a true leader? He'd came out of the depths of the sea with no credibility. He gave no sweat or blood for El Dorado, yet now he was who Kaxlan was meant to bow to. It seemed unjust. But if another Aviari would admit to trusting him, even a Crystalline, perhaps it'd settle her nerves. Sitting now before the pale girl, she narrowed her eyes. “Do I have reason to be concerned for the well-being of El Dorado?” Spill your guts, pretty bird. |
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April 07, 2019, 06:47:01 PM
(This post was last modified: April 07, 2019, 06:48:52 PM by Miriam.)
M i r i a m
“Now, Miriam… Wouldn’t take you for someone who made such rash generalizations.”
The Crystalline woman never dropped that sardonic smile of hers, for she knew the Obsidian spoke ironically. No one here was innocent of prejudice thoughts, even if they liked to believe they were pure of heart. Admittedly, Miriam was pleased to see the courtesy Kaxlan gave to her companions. They returned the chivalry with nods of their own as the Roc stepped closer. No matter what Miriam thought of Kaxlan and her barbaric family, at least the Roc of Ravens had some sense of civility. “Let’s forget that I may believe you’re a pompous asshole and you probably think I am a self-righteous hothead. Rather, focus on the idea that we may have more in common than you’d care to recognize…” A small "hmph" of amusement issued from Miriam's throat at these words. "Why Kaxlan, such rash generalizations you have." She couldn't help herself, even though what the Obsidian said couldn't be further from falsehood. The Crystalline knew her words could cut to the quick with just one sentence and that she acted all high and mighty, but she was born with blood untainted by contamination. She was born with the right to flaunt herself, and besides, those that speak the harsh truth often come off as an asshole, right? But Miriam decided to hear out the Roc and somewhat dropping the grandiose act. However, she remained skeptic that this could be anything worth her time, especially considering who instigated this informal meeting. "You have my attention...." The woman narrowed her eyes, unwavering gaze never leaving the Obsidian. “I want to know what you think of him, Miriam. Truly. I value your opinion. I’m concerned with facing another Civil War. We cannot handle another divide. Will he bring us unity?” It was like the blow of a tidal wave crashing against the shore. With one swell, Kaxlan surged the waters forward and beat down the wall of stone before carrying it out to sea, uncovering what lay underneath the surface. Miriam's face changed, dropping that guarded façade she held up so tightly as the stoney surface was washed away. Her smile faded into a frown, eyes opening wider as a new light shone on the other woman in front of her, as if the Crystalline were seeing her, her, Kaxlan, instead of the tainted bloodline she hails from. Kaxlan uttered the words Miriam's conscious spoke on a daily basis since that fateful day. “Do I have reason to be concerned for the well-being of El Dorado?” The Crystalline did not answer at once. Instead, she continued staring at the gray-toned woman with hard, pastel pink eyes. A member from another family sought her out to discuss the well-being of the tribe. Normally, other tribe members tried to avoid the pretentious Crystalline or hurl insults at her to try and break her down, but not today. Miriam had been caught off guard, and it made her uneasy. She hated this feeling of uncertainty, but fortunately, it didn't last long. With an intake of breath, Miriam cast her gaze around at the surrounding jungle, searching for any prying eyes or ears. However, one could never be too careful. The Crystalline knew this all too well. With a final glance at Kaxlan, she murmured, "Follow me," and without waiting for a reply, began making her way toward her den, Kai and Saline right on her tail. As she reached the foliage surrounding her rocky home, she suddenly had the suspicion of a trap. What if this Obsidian was playing her for a fool? What if this was a way to knock Miriam off her high horse and expose her for harboring treasonous thoughts? She would have to play her cards right and tread lightly. Entering her den, she turned to Kaxlan with an invitation of, "Come, make yourself comfortable." The blue and pastel female immediately set to work making tea. She felt the most comfortable and at home with these formalities, not to mention they tended to settle her nerves. On the outside, she appeared calm and collected, unlike on the inside where her worries set her heart rate ablaze. "Tea?" she asked Kaxlan, expecting the Obsidian to refuse such a Crystalline tradition, but it was polite to offer. Once she was finished with her craft, she turned back to Kaxlan. She paused before pursuing the conversation, allowing herself to take a sip of fresh, warm tea first. A sigh escaped her lips as she felt the warm liquid sooth her tense body, and continued where they left off. "I figured it would be safer to converse here. You never know who might be listening." Situating herself more comfortable in her moss bed, she went on. "Now, you would like to know my stance on the matter of our new Phoenix." A pause to let the other woman hang on her words. "To answer your previous question, yes, I was there at the temple. I was the one who brought Kukulkan to his trial." She took another sip of tea. "I saw the mark of the Phoenix etched into his forehead. I don't presume to know why. Our gods work in mysterious ways. Perhaps they see something in him that we do not, yet." Her words were set to encourage the Obsidian that she did not, in fact, have treasonous intentions. Miriam had no idea if Kaxlan would run to tell her friends the news right after their little meeting, and the Crystalline wasn't about to set herself up for failure. Miriam continued looking at Kaxlan over her tea cup as she sipped more of the warm beverage, sizing up the other's body language and expressions, trying to decipher any ill-will intentions she may have against the Crystalline. "You are concerned with unity, Kaxlan. So am I." Miriam spoke after swallowing her next sip of tea. "Despite my doubts and...personal opinions of those who are not of Aviari blood, perhaps the gods have decided an outsider is just what we need; one who is free of the prejudice that resides in our tribe." Miriam was aware of the irony she spoke of, and she confessed to herself that she did not fully believe in what she spoke. "As far as unity goes, it appears it has already begun. Why else would you be here with me, having a civilized conversation; an Obsidian and a Crystalline?" The woman took another pause for the other to consider these words. "Whether it is out of his leadership or his demise, here we are, united together out of concern for our tribe." Miriam couldn't deny the truth of these words, yet she still disdained the thought of an outsider leading their tribe. Hopefully, it wouldn't last long. ooc: |