Not About That Life [Acceptance] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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January 13, 2019, 09:32:32 PM
(This post was last modified: January 13, 2019, 09:33:36 PM by Ruen.)
[OOC: Seeking acceptance or enslavement at the borders, come what may]
Snow-capped mountains had always been a favored climate of the wolf. She thought her white fur blended just beautifully with fresh powder. Wasn't it grand how she could travel so scarily seen amongst a backdrop of white? Yes, her lush coat was quite a sight to behold- If you were lucky enough to spot movement against the darker shadows of pine and spruce. She stepped lightly, paws gingerly parting a path into the frigid forest. A pack lay somewhere beyond the hills ahead; Ruen could smell them sure as she could hear the obnoxious squirrel chattering high above. Red eyes lifted to the pointed trees. "Dreadful little beast," she commented, ears flicking back in a vain attempt at dismissal. Yes, yes, there's a wolf below- Everyone could hear his squealed alarms. If only he would scitter right on down that tree, then she'd really give him something to holler about. He had probably just ruined her chances at lunch- If they were near, any mice or birds in the area had fallen silent. How she loved a good cardinal or a bluebird now and then; difficult to catch, but oh so rewarding to crunch into and savor. Guess she'd go hungry, but then again, perhaps it was wise not to hunt so close to packlands. Instead, Ruen forged on through the snowdrifts. The scent of the pack wafted closer with each step, so she entertained the idea of a visit. Who might call such a place home? The wolf paused to assess her surroundings. Perhaps in summer, this sleepy forest might transform to lush greenery, thick with rabbits and young fawns. Ah, she hadn't tasted the luxury of larger prey for quite some time. It's simply too much effort to hunt down a deer by oneself, and the odds of success were slim to none alone. In a pack, however, surely it would be easier to dine on the richer of red meats. Would it be hard work though? See, wolves in packs were obligated to work and look after the well being of the group, and well, Ruen's just not about that life. A sudden gust of frigid wind pulled against her coat. The wolf squinted into it, bracing herself. If not for food, then shelter must surely be the next impetus behind joining a pack. This place was a whole new kind of cold; She liked it. Snuffing snow from her whiskers, the girl straightened and headed closer to the borders. If anything, it might be interesting to see what they called themselves- Why they were who they were. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? She could leave anytime. Wait. Was that movement? There... Between a broken, bare pine. Lightening must have struck it clean in the middle some time ago. It had split ten feet up and the top half had long since fallen to the ground, now covered in snow and ice. The bark at the split lay splayed open and half connected, creating the point of an upside down 'V' between the two halves. Her head tilted, but the falling snow made it difficult to see if someone might be lingering near the gnarled branches of the splintered tree. She waited a moment more, then decided she might as well address this shadow. If it was nothing but a tangle in the branches, she might as well be speaking to the wind. No one would know. Ruen cleared her throat expectantly to drawl in idle fashion, as if bored or amused, "If by chance I'm correct, and there is someone lurking just ahead- Why don't you introduce yourself, dearie~" Proud and poised, she arched her neck to peer into the haze. It's horribly rude to creep from the shadows, you know. What a terrible first impression of this place. My, hopefully this pack wasn't all so garishly insolent. |
Old Blood
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January 24, 2019, 02:08:37 PM
(This post was last modified: January 27, 2019, 12:15:24 AM by Gabriel♞.)
It's not intentional, really. He's prone to introspection, surveying the same tree as she, from the opposite side. His mottled markings blend easily with the scorched tree and snow. He considers briefly apologizing, before it occurs that she is the one to approach unannounced. Teal eyes narrow as another gust of snow kicks up, swirling between them. "Gabriel," he obliges, rising to bound over the downed tree between them. She alone means this likely isn't a political visit-- at least not with that disposition. Long legs close the distance between them quickly, imposing in stature and seething, "Sentry, of this pack." A pack whose name he deliberately omits. "State your business." Sentry yes, but he was a Howl long before that. |
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January 26, 2019, 09:42:35 PM
(This post was last modified: January 26, 2019, 09:47:16 PM by Ruen.)
Through a gust of whirling snow, a figure appeared. Ah, so she'd been correct. Ruen considered it a matter of pride to have successfully coaxed him from the shadows of the splintered pine; it showed in a nimble arch of the neck and a fluff of her tail. He bounded forward to split the distance, but she had to give him credit. He'd worked some fine trickery with how well his coat had blended into the shadows.
"Gabriel. Sentry, of this pack. State your business." Straightforward and to the point, this Gabriel fellow knew how to cut out the chit-chat. His demeanor held every bit of the authority she expected of a strong pack. Good. Maybe his people held promise after all, despite how rudely he'd been creeping just moments before. Ruen stepped to the side, movement fluid and agile as it put just a little more space between them. "Ah, it's a pleasure, Gabriel," followed by a quick acknowledgement with a dip of the head. "I am Ruen," She paused to allow the name to sink, "And I've only come to compliment you and your pack on securing such a marvelous patch of land." The wolf drawls, spinning her oh-so polished verbiage with an equally dazzling smile. "Really, the weather here is quite wonderful, don't you think?" She wouldn't wait for an answer. Besides, she didn't quite care for his thoughts. It's all hypothetical, darling- a necessity to accentuate the real star of the show. "It suits me." Red eyes blinked against a backdrop of white: fur and snow. "So~ I'd like to join you." Shouldn't he be thrilled? |
Old Blood
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Ocean eyes track her movement, not missing how she dances just that bit more away from him. Intimidated, it seems, although most are by his size. She hides it rather well, however, which is a promising sign. Then come the compliments-- thinly veiled if you know what to look for, and he is looking, as opposed to absorbing. His only response up to her comment on the weather is a blink to clear the errant snowflake, when he finally huffs, "Is that sarcasm, or are you more of a northerner?" They seem to be attracting more of those recently. Must be the environment. Ruen states that it suits her, and he abruptly responds, "Don't get too comfortable; it'll only last the winter." Hopefully. Her smooth platitudes obviously unable to penetrate his affront, but he understands the use that sort of demeanor can be-- particularly in diplomacy. They're lacking in those, he knows. Her final sentence is so carefully crafted with pleasantries and endearments Gabriel is immune to. Her expert wording earns a long blink. "Well, what can you offer?" |
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January 28, 2019, 09:54:43 PM
(This post was last modified: January 28, 2019, 09:58:15 PM by Ruen.)
With all her crafted speech and pleasantries, not even Ruen could break his stoic countenance. Surely, if a pack can raise a sentry such as this, it has merit. "Why yes," how perceptive he was, "I'm from the northeast. I mean no disrespect, hmhm," and yes, she does intend to make herself comfortable here- winter or not. If only he'd be so kind as to grant her access to the land beyond.
He inquires as to what she can offer, and for a moment, she stills to eye him skeptically. Hello? She is Ruen- Why wouldn't this pack want her? Bitch I'm fabulous. Then common sense returns, and she realizes Gabriel has no way of knowing her intentions, friend or foe. He's only doing the duty assigned to him. He couldn't simply let any wayward fool wander inside his homeland. After a moment's hesitation to run this line of thought, her maw splits into a wide grin. "Oh Gabriel," she croons, airy and full of mirth, "I can offer whatever you've a need for~" She could certainly offer a long winded explanation of how wonderful she was to have around... But maybe, he just needed a little convincing at just how persuasive she could be. Red eyes narrow, "Though I find pursuits in strategy and debate to be most rewarding." A pause, as paws carry her a step closer with a swish of her tail. "Perhaps even, I'm best suited for helping you get what you want." Would he prefer a demonstration of skill? She begins, nonchalant and factual. "Surely, your pack needs extra legwork during the harsher months." Ruen glanced at the surrounding snow for subtle emphasis, then back to his blues. "Let me help you dig your dens, feed your families, and safeguard yourselves against any who might be foolish enough to wish you harm. I assure you- As I learn your ways, I'll be of utmost benefit by any means necessary." Let her do the grunt work for a spell. Let her learn. Let her gain trust, and then... Once she's assimilated, wouldn't they adore her? Oh yes, this might be a fun adventure indeed. Saboro: why should we let you in Ruen: ![]() |
Old Blood
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A blink is all that hides the roll of his eyes. If she's flirting, it's a terrible time-- though he suspects she's just trying to get on his good side. Commendable, if not effective. She pauses after a mention of strategy, and he softens slightly. Debate and long conversation are his favourite pastimes-- they might make fast friends, if she would just say what she means. But, she comes closer, coy, offering in no uncertain terms to aid him specifically, and advances are quickly rebuffed. "I don't want anything you're offering." He bites his tongue, before anything even more offensive slips through. Gabriel isn't a prude by any stretch, but he played the mind games of girls in his youth, and grew quickly sick of them. Quietly, he lets her continue, interjecting only when she's finished suggesting hard labour. "There are better positions for you, trust me." He sighs, realizing how that sounds. "Harsh weather makes strong inhabitants, and I can tell you're qualified. Keep up that attitude, you'll do well. I've just been here so long, manipulation doesn't really work anymore." Honest, and concise. He hopes to eventually get the same out of Ruen. "Come on, I'll show you the rings." |
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Apparently her charm does little to convince Gabriel that she's worthy of his trust. He's not interested- For now. She likes the guy all the more for it; how she enjoys a challenge. Ruen tilts her head and listens to learn that maybe she has made an impression. At least, he thinks this land may have something of a use for her, something better than hard labor and time spent digging dens. Wonderful~ A grin splits across her maw. She wouldn't have it any other way.
Though a pack with natives resistant to manipulation, that may be cause for concern. No matter, she could adapt. She simply needed to learn their customs. And rings, apparently. If ya like it then ya better put a ring on it. The wolf blinked, offering a light apology if only to gauge reaction with a compliment to pair. "Ah, forgive me. I can see you're perceptive," she chuckles. At least he didn't sound offended, if not bored. Step light, her paws fell to follow amicably. "Do lead the way into... ah..." And flashes a purposefully hesitant smile. What should she call her new home? |