Posts: 21
Pronouns: She/Her
All Accounts Posts: 312
November 04, 2018, 09:43:47 PM
(This post was last modified: November 07, 2018, 10:58:16 PM by Smalltalk.)
The Ethical Code
![[Image: simplest_divider_by_misturryaoi-d5hwcjl.png]](
Posts: 21
Pronouns: She/Her
All Accounts Posts: 312
November 04, 2018, 09:44:20 PM
(This post was last modified: November 07, 2018, 11:44:08 PM by Smalltalk.)
Who We Are
![[Image: simplest_divider_by_misturryaoi-d5hwcjl.png]](
The Outlanders | The Kaeri
The Exiled Wolves of Kaer
They were Inaria's Elite Guard, a group of Fringe dire wolves bred larger and stronger to protect the wolves of the purple trees from the sabres of Stoneclaw. Massive and unafraid compared to the smaller dires in the rest of the pack, they were already considered to be others even though they served as their protection.
The captain of the Guard and their leader was named Teak, also known as Swiftkill, who protected the children of Inaria’s queen, Whitewind. She was excellent at her job, but caught the eye of Rapier, Whitewind's daughter whose sadism was not unknown to her. Teak was ambushed by her and her followers, and even outnumbered she fought to protect them from their older sibling who made her intention to kill them clear. A victim of a flaw in her biology, a blinding rage born out of a survival instinct that was prone to few of this Elite Guard bloodline, Teak fell victim to this “fury” and accidentally took the lives of the very babies she sought to protect before collapsing herself. She was dragged out of the den where she awoke covered in blood to the king and queen standing over her. They assumed her guilty and exiled the entire Elite Guard to the barren wasteland of the desert.
Blackbloods, she had spit at them. They were a small, close-knit group brought together further by their unfortunate circumstances as Teak continued to lead them. They found a new home in the Oasis, and adapted to the lack of resources as only the strong or cunning could.
After Teak’s departure (she longed to travel) came the long reign of Sunrush, Teak's oldest daughter, who inherited the pack and guided it with the help of her father Rhinjin and her Council. This era saw a boom of activity as newcomers proved their worth to the scouts in the deserts, and families settled down to make the desert a proper home. Traditions were solidified as the Fringe dires retained and expanded upon the culture already a part of them prior to their Inarian exile. The younger members were sent to allies such as the Greater North to learn about the world around them, mates were found through tournaments and battles, and tattoos were earned to showcase coming of age through successful mammoth hunts in partnership with the humans and dogs of the Man Village.
But things took a turn once news of Teak’s captured by the timber wolves of Alteron reached their ears. A rescue party was mounted for their once leader, while their current beta Eve was also captured by another pack by the name of Asylum. Sunrush weighed her choices and made the difficult decision to leave Eve with Asylum as the threat of retaliation against their homeland by Alteron was just too high. But Asylum fell, and when it did Eve returned. She challenged the alpha female for her title and won, and an exiled Sunrush left with many who followed in solidarity. The Blackblood Outlands would become Sicher.
One day on an ambassador's journey to form alliances with other packs, Eve was again captured by another pack by the name of Tortuga. Morning Glory, one of Sunrush’s sons, took over for the alpha once it became apparent that she had gone missing, but the pack was still struggling to find its footing over the previous transition. The pack was left to his brother Calcifer and Eve’s daughter Emery who tried to stabilize the unsettled group, though it wasn’t long before Emery fell ill.
Three children, Tamarisk, Pigeon, and Zenobia, challenged Calcifer for his position, and he allowed them their victory on the stipulation that they venture out and earn their tattoos. With that task under their belt, the Queens return to reign over the newly named Tjenu and its three city-states of trade, knowledge, and sanctuary. The pack was open to all and prospered with wealth and life once more as it encouraged economic alliances between other nations.
But a bad drought forced the wolves from the Oasis, and a sandstorm scattered the remaining few to the winds. The land lay abandoned and a skeleton of its glory days. Murals sat covered in sand, and gathering spots now as quiet as the night. The knowledge of how to find the secret Oasis was lost with the departure of its people. But a group led by Smalltalk, the youngest of Teak’s daughters and sister to Sunrush, returns from the Red Mountains to see what has become of her home in the years she had been traveling. They hope to reestablish it with the help of others journeying from far corners of the world.
Posts: 21
Pronouns: She/Her
All Accounts Posts: 312
November 04, 2018, 10:23:38 PM
(This post was last modified: November 07, 2018, 10:55:00 PM by Smalltalk.)
The Guidelines
![[Image: simplest_divider_by_misturryaoi-d5hwcjl.png]](
Our Rules
IC Guidelines
1. This pack is semi-consent. This means that the pack by default is consent in that your character cannot be killed or maimed without your permission, but you as player give up this right when your character breaks the rules. This system is for when severe IC consequences are needed. Examples of such instances would be a mutiny, attempting to maim or kill one of our members, knowingly trespassing and not heeding requests to leave, etc. A post will be made by the Head or a designated member of the Council in your thread announcing the shift in consent environment. Our survival as we traverse through harsh environments is dependent on each and every member working together- hostile threats to our way of life are not taken lightly.
2. Members of the pack are treated as equals- from the members of the Council to the visitors. The only exception to this would be The Head who is seen as the guiding force and the leader when the situation arises.
3. Ghosts from past BBO packs (including Sicher and Tjenu) are a common occurrence and are very much respected by the caravan wolves (unless they are asshole ghosts, then they are only a little respected). If you have an old character you would like to bring back just shoot us a PM so we can add you to the records!
OOC Guidelines
1. Don't be a dick! Treat others like you would like to be treated.
2. Know the difference between OOC and IC.
3. If there are any issues, please contact the leaders of the pack. Together we can figure out a plan moving forward, even if that means getting the moderators involved. The leader to be contacted is Kookamunga who can be reached over PM or on Discord at Kookamunga #6388.
4. Shoot the leader a message if you are planning any big life-events for your character such as a new litter or if you want to recreate the Wacky Races or something. We just want to know what is happening! There are no restrictions on babies (we probably just want to throw you a party), and plots are absolutely encouraged (as long as it's not the mutiny of everything we love and own)!
5. No activity requirements, just post when you can! We have a discord too if you feel like chat RPing.
6. If you're leaving, just pop a message on the discord or send me a PM so I can update the ranks. You're always welcome to join the caravan again!
Posts: 21
Pronouns: She/Her
All Accounts Posts: 312
November 07, 2018, 10:54:19 PM
Discord Information
![[Image: simplest_divider_by_misturryaoi-d5hwcjl.png]](
Our Chat Guidelines
1. Please read and follow the general Forum Rules and Guidelines. Chat is moderated by Kookamunga #6388!
2. Our chat may tend to be slightly more rowdy/adult than some of the other chats. No, that does not mean you have to let it make you uncomfortable! Please if something someone says bothers you please speak up, or privately come to a moderator listed above with logs of the event and we will handle it.
3. Some situations that you as members report to us can be turned over with proper logs/screenshots to the forum moderators for immediate investigation and action (a.k.a. harassment of all kinds, dogpiling, etc.).
4. If you need to leave chat for any reason, that's all right! Duck out and when you are ready to come back just shoot one of us or someone you know is in the chat a message and we will let you back in. There will be no hurt feelings, everyone needs a break sometimes!
Common Courtesy.
5. Respect requests to tone it down, even if it's not from a chat moderator.
6. Label your NSFW posts with an initial warning, whether it's a link or something explicit that's written out. Don't be explicit about human genitalia or animal genitalia or animal sex and please don't post pornography.
7. Do not post gross videos please. This includes things like screamer videos, gore, vomiting, parasites, and even shit like popping pimples yes I will slap you through this computer screen after i recover u filthy animal
8. Again don't be a dick!
[ Played by yo momma GOTEM high five emoji thumbs up emoji eyes emoji ]