Private Roleplay Place in This World (Arik) | |||||||||||
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Resident Changling
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After the dire let silence fall, Ticon contently followed Kyra where she led. So far, she hadn't told him to sod off, which he took as a good sign. However, he had to actively prepare himself for whatever came next. Something Akutan did as a matter of habit. After a bit, Kyra finally turned to him. Ticon stood there patiently, meeting her bi-colored eyes with his icy blues. "Who are you, Ticon?" she asked. He sat down, his face remaining neutral. "No one, really. Just an ex-loner who learned from the birds about a certain Fringe Dire who I just happen to have a close resemblance to, barring my breed and eye color. We even share an identical tattoo. He's the reason I'm here in the first place. I never knew X. He was already dead before I came to the pack but I decided to find his family and see if there was a place in this world for me, too." he explained, motioning toward his shoulder as he did.
Ticon didn't do much to make his presence known to the pack at large. They knew he was there and such but he didn't draw attention to himself very often. Having grown up outside of a pack, his interactions with other pack members were minimal at best because he was used to solitude. Part of his reasoning for attaching himself to the X Clan was to get an education on pack living on a smaller scale and apply what he learned to the greater pack. "There's really not much to my story, truth be told. Born to loner parents, ignorant to pack ways, and a follower of the Call of the Wild philosophy. The Call led me here, thanks to the stories I heard of X. I wanted to know more about him and his family. I am, learning what I can about pack life and wanting to give back in some way aside from my border guard job. Serving the Clan was only the first step in finding my own way through life but I'm grateful all the same for welcoming me as one of their own." he mused. His expressed gratitude towards the family went a long way explaining why he had stuck with them to this point and would continue to in the future, even as he starting making his own mark on the pack. Being on the outside made it easier for him to look at what was going on without his attachments getting in the way. It was why he came to the conclusion that Akutan was mentally unsound and that he was stuck in a vicious cycle no one else was noticing. Ticon had expressed the idea to Hakan so perhaps, the healer would do some observation of his own to see if his idea had any merit to it. He was the only one who could at this time. Sara had turned her back on him, Kyra had bigger things to worry about (like her unborn kids), and Ticon himself had decided to step away and see what happened from there. Buckshot was Buckshot. He'd do his best to keep Sara grounded and overcome her own doubts about her place anywhere. Akutan himself had to recover physically and mentally. The former, he would make a full recovery from. The latter was up in the air. It depended solely on how things progressed on multiple fronts. |
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Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me actions - “speech” - thoughts
His story wasn't interesting. He didn't even try to make it interesting. "So?" She said about him looking like a member of the clan at one point, "So what you looked like him." She huffed and shook her head. "That's a lame excuse to go around knocking on peoples doorsteps." She looked back at the lake and onward to the castle. She didn't know what to make of him, and his answer was dissatisfying. "Is that it? The only thing that makes you loyal and serve them? They didn't save your life, they didn't kidnap you, they just said hi, cool, you look like this dude in our family, might as well make you one of us. No! That's ridiculous." She stood and started pacing. Her tone was serious, a hint of anger laced her words but she was careful not to yell, "A loyalty based on something so weak as being a look alike is easily broken. What makes you stay? What are you really hoping to get out of this? Are you really up to serving Akutan and his precious bunny headed cousin until the day either of you die? Why should I trust you to have my best interests in mind when you come to me asking to serve me just because I'm carrying the kids of that fish-faced-sorry-excuse-for-a-lover?" She stopped and swung her head to glare at him with a challenge, "Is that the only reason you would help me? Would you help me if I were carrying someone else's kids?" She had been lashing her tail but it grew still as she waited his answer.
Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon |