Open season 2 episode 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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August 06, 2018, 07:02:57 PM
(This post was last modified: August 07, 2018, 11:51:06 AM by Sumitra.)
ooc; this thread is for anyone interested in meeting Sumitra and possibly becoming friends with her to start her gang! if you don't wanna join that's totally cool you can just come say hi and have dinner BREAKFAST with her. :+)
The dagger-mouthed saber stood atop a pile of rocks overlooking the forest in the pale dawn light, a quiet breeze ruffling her coat. For days, her giant paws had flexed impatiently and itched for unfamiliar earth beneath them and between her toes. The forest had served her well, providing plentiful food and water. She had never been more comfortable. There were peculiar neighbors, sure, but she's met stranger. It was time to break that record. She couldn't stand flourishing in one part of the world and not thriving in another. But where to? Sumitra sighed despondently, unable to brainstorm ideas. She'd have to postpone her brooding until after her meal. So she turned to hop down the rock pile and slowly picked her way down to her makeshift camp. She had pulled a large tree branch down far enough to shield the nest she'd made of leaves and moss up against the stones. It was quite a dainty canopy, and kept her warm and dry for months. In the spring, she adorned it with strings of flowers and blooming buds and splattered wild berries all around that brought color and life to her home. She smiled, remembering the wild, fun, drunk times she'd had all to herself here. Another celebration down in the books. But the first she had celebrated alone. Her stomach growled. Reminiscing would be saved for another time as well. She was hungry. As she lumbered over to her small fireplace in the middle of the clearing, her ears pricked at the faint sound of rustling nearby. A neighbor? It had been awhile since she'd met any. But there was never a bad time to have chai with a stranger. She lifted her head, her eyes carelessly scanning the foliage for her guest. "Good morning! I hear you over there," she sang. After a moment of no response, she chuckled to herself. "You're velcome to my home if you're hungry. But please, don't try to take anything that isn't yours or bring violence here. That vouldn't be very smart." |
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Living alone was tough, Ifyla decided but had its few rewards that made it worth it, in Ifyla's opinion. She didn't have to deal with nosy people or anything like that. Although, it was dangerous. If she injured herself, she could die or if she fell sick she wouldn't be able to hunt or defend herself. And sometimes, the lack of social contact left her lonely with a numbing ache in her heart. She didn't want to join a pack and force herself to stay within their territory, but she didn't want to be a mere loner any longer.
At the moment, she had just recently woken up at the crack of dawn and began her morning routine to hunt down food. She hadn't been able to eat yesterday, too clumsy to catch even the dullest rabbit, but today seemed promising. Especially considering her rare burst of optimism. It was the alluring smell of food that beckoned her, guiding her paws from the opposite direction she had been originally traveling toward. Following her trustable -- but not always trustworthy -- nose, Ifyla crept along the forest floor in search of food to give her energy for the day ahead. However, she was wary. The scent of a predator larger than she hung in the air, despairingly strong. She wanted to eat today, dammit. Perhaps if she were lucky, she might be able to scavenge what remained. So, she continued her crawl until she came to the edge of a clearing. The Ethiopian Wolf hung back in the bushes, goldenrod eyes peering out from her hiding place. It was then that she spotted the source of her worries. Shit. A saber cat. Seriously, how unlucky could she be? A feline like that could easily snap her up in its jaws and swallow her whole. Wincing at the thought, the nomad carefully assessed her situation. If she didn't get away without being noticed, she was probably cat food. Really shitty cat food. She had to search for an opening, a lapse in the big cat's attention that might provide her a chance to flee and live another hungry day. When the saber began to move toward the center of the clearing, the she-wolf made to make her escape. But, to her horror, her faint rustling was noticed. She nearly swore out loud when the female feline's voice rang through the area. Until she noticed that they seemed friendly. Sure, the saber could be trying to lure her out to kill her or something, but what if they weren't. At least she could die with her belly full, right? Peeking her orange-furred head out of the bush, Ifyla looked at the much larger individual. "Personally, I wouldn't try to steal from you. Ever. I rather like my life, if I'm honest." |
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The feline's lips turned upside as a small she-wolf's head appeared from the bushes, reassuring her that she didn't come with malicious intentions. Good! Not that she was worried anyway. A creature of her size was quite formidable to any natural habitants of this place, and made her stick out quite a lot. She has never worried a day in this forest of thieves swiping her food or ruffians trying to harm her. But that didn't mean she wasn't careful and prepared to take necessary actions.
Her head shook, along with her neck, her hide, and finally her short stubby tail in a rippling motion, and then she settled in beside the fire. "No vorries, little girl. I vould never rob you of your life." Killing was not in Sumitra's nature. She has crossed paths with others she didn't get along with, and they proved to be terribly rude to her, but never has she maimed or murdered. She was far too savvy for that nonsense! All the energy that people put into fighting could be put to eating. And napping. Did no one realize that? The hungry saber placed her tiny kettle over the fire and fished through a satchel nearby to find a piece of ginger. She tossed it into a mortar and started grinding it with a pestle that her father had gifted to her. Her family's crest, painted in gold, rested at the bottom of the smooth bowl. Her ear flicked, and she glanced over at the small she-wolf who still stood in the bushes and offered her an amused smile and another chuckle. "Arre ya, come. Please, it's alright! I vas just starting breakfast." Sumitra unsheathed one long claw and flicked the ginger out of her mortar and into the kettle, letting it boil. From her satchel she also grabbed the green cardamoms and loose tea leaves packaged in many tiny bags for her to use, and brought it over to wear she sat. She looked up from her work, realizing that the girl had no place comfortable to lay down and wait. She raised a claw to her lips, thinking, then let out an abrupt "OH!" and scurried to the side of her nest. Hidden nearby, under a bunch of leaves and birch bark she used for fire, was a second nest she had constructed in case a stranger like herself stumbled upon her humble abode. She pulled it out with her teeth, swaying her behind as she backed up and laid it across from where she sat, humming old songs as she did so. Then, she returned to grinding up the cardamoms and added them to the kettle. "I have rabbit and duck for you, vhichever you'd like. Caught them earlier today before the sun came out. They're over there, under the blanket," she gestured to the colorful rug placed just outside of her nest. "You can bring me vhatever, I vill more than likely still be hungry later." |
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August 15, 2018, 09:54:50 PM
(This post was last modified: September 02, 2018, 03:40:53 PM by Kazmiere.)
![]() Bored. Bored, bored, bored.
There was never anything to do in this fucking wasteland. Just wandering, hunting, drinking, sleeping, eating. Then repeating it all over and over and over again until you just go fucking CRAZY! All this boredom and no play made Kaz a very dull boy. A long, dramatic sigh was expelled from his mouth as he collapsed into the ground in a heap. He needed some excitement, something to stimulate his senses, to bring his brain back to life. But what could that be? He’d already done most things that could be done in this godforsaken forest. The forest… Maybe that was the problem here! Maybe he needed to get out of the forest, see what things were like on the other side of the treeline. He’d been cooped up in the forest for what felt like forever. It was time to break free once again. Jumping up to his paws in an excited fashion, he set on his journey – his journey to the outside. He smirked, then barked a laugh. – About forty-five minutes later, he found himself breaking through the thick vegetation of the forest, the sunlight beating down on him with more force than he ever remembered. God, he missed the open space. He missed the open sunlight. The free-flowing air. He took a long, deep breath in through his nose and smelled the smells of the world outside the forest. “Ohhhhhhh, fuck yes.” He exclaimed, a grin spreading wide across his face. However, his brief moment of quiet and enjoyment was interrupted by a voice in the distance. Two voices, actually. Tilting his head, he turned to find the source of the sound. Craning his head, he saw movement up on a rocky ledge, too far to be able to make out the exact forms that he saw. Hmmm, he thought. Giving a shrug after less than a moment’s hesitation, he decided to head on over. Kaz approached the rocks and began his hike, trekking up the side of the rocky ledge with a surprising amount of agility and skill. He actually got up there a lot faster than he thought he would, puffing his chest out in a sort of prideful way. He reached the top and began his little hunt. Who was up here? What was he missing out on? God, he hasn’t talked to another person in days. This would be good. This would be great, in fact. After a few minutes of following voices and scents, he stumbled upon an interesting scene. A small camp had been set up, with large tree branches draped over top, leaves scattered about the floor, trinkets here and there. Some of these things Kaz had never seen before, and he grew extremely curious. What was all this shit? Mismatched eyes continued to scan the area, taking in the curious scene. Having found himself completely distracted from the fact that there was actually two beings having a conversation here, he blinked a few times. A saber and a small… Wolfish… Foxish creature… Were standing there, probably staring at him by now. “Oh – shit – uh …” He cleared his throat. “What the fuck kind of séance did I stumble upon here?” He asked, motioning toward the kettle – which he did not recognize – and the various other items, like the satchel and the rug and all these human items that had never graced his presence before. It seemed as though Kaz found the entertainment he was looking for. Noice. |
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August 16, 2018, 02:15:33 AM
(This post was last modified: September 30, 2018, 05:34:04 PM by ifyla.)
She watched warily as the saber settled by the fire, every bit the hulking beast that a small thing like Ifyla was taught to fear. If the little canine were honest, it seemed that the large feline was clearly more interested in relaxing than she was in being watchful of the flame-colored she-wolf. She contemplated leaving what meager comfort that the shrubbery she practically cowered amongst offered her. However, to appease her paranoid nature, the female still stayed amongst the greenery for a few moments longer, still cautious about the saber.
However, she eventually skulked from the bushes as Sumitra invited her over. The stranger sounded kind and decent and Ifyla decided that, if anything was worth getting murdered brutally over, it was food. She stood by awkwardly as Sumitra went about preparing the food, occasionally stepping out of the way with a mumbled apology. The saber was odd. Very odd. Or maybe most mammals around here were like this and Ifyla simply hadn’t met enough of them to get the whole gist of it. That didn’t change the fact that, to her, the large feline’s behavior was very odd. Ifyla blinked when Sumitra retrieved a nest from nearby, then setting it across from the saber’s original one. For a moment, she almost winced. She didn’t want to intrude or be abother and.. the looming possibility of too many questions being asked was always a possibility that the young adult had to keep in mind. Especially when interacting with strangers who could eat her if they so pleased. Deciding that it would be ruder to refuse the saber’s offer, Ifyla sat awkwardly on the foreign material. It was odd to feel beneath her but... pleasant, in a way. It was then that the other female offered a choice between duck or rabbit and Ifyla felt her discomfort spike. While she was hungrier than hell, she didn’t want to take a stranger’s food. The catch was Sumitra’s and Ifyla had no right to it. Besides, what if the saber had done something to it? The Ethiopian wolf could tell it would be out of the feline’s nature if she did do so but it wasn’t a possibility that Ifyla could rule out. Still, her stomach growled at the delightful smells, much to her embarrassment. ”The rabbit, if you didn’t already want it, of course,” the female said sheepishly. It was then that a newcomer intruded on the situation and Ifyla flinched away from the sound of his voice. Immediately, the small female tensed into a position where she might easily flee the scene. Her momentary expression of fear and surprise quickly melted as she saw an opportunity presented to her on a silver platter. “The kind that those of the feminine variety conduct when their counterparts are not nearby to witness it. A pity that we’ve been discovered,” she replied dryly, blinking at him with a deadpan expression on her fox-like features.[/align] |
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Sumitra only smiled and squinted her eyes at the young girl, the way a cat does when they're content and comfortable, then resumed preparing their tea. She was delighted that she had taken her offer and decided to join her this fine morning. If she hadn't, it was likely that Sumitra would dismiss her politely and wish her a good day, but probably never speak to her again if they crossed paths in the future. She never forgets a face, but she often pretended that she didn't know people who have turned down her invitations in the past. And that was quite rude of her, she knew. Then again, in her culture, it was rude not to finish a meal in someone's home and leave whenever you please. You must be instructed to do so. The concept wouldn't have dawned on anyone outside of it, but to her it was just plain common sense. Let your host provide you their haven for however long they desire, and leave with a full belly and full heart. Sumitra's smile only grew as she unscrewed the cap to her travelling bottle and poured goat's milk into the kettle... Probably shouldn't ask her how she got goat's milk.
Just as she began searching for her clay cups, a new stranger intruded. Possibly accidentally? He looked rather muddled, and as he spoke the saber couldn't help but blink and grin widely at him. She glanced between her two guests as the girl shot him a sarcastic remark, and she let out a boisterous laugh. Alright then, she would pull three cups from her stash today. "Pity that I now have to vash an extra dish. But no matter. I am astonished that my dwelling has brought to me not one, but two new friends. Velcome!" she greeted the newcomer as she poured the tea into the three cups and, placing them on flat dishes, carried them carefully to place them around the fire. One by the girl, one for her, and... She gazed at the male for a moment before approaching him and setting the cup of tea down in front of him but far enough that he would be forced to come closer and join them if he wanted a drink. As she looked up, still standing by his tea, she found it hard to contain her excitement. She wanted to bounce around with joy. How wonderful it was to eat and have tea with company again. She hoped it would last a very long time. Finally, she nodded and went back to her place beside her tea and lie down, lapping her thick tongue over the cup. She had to be careful not to spill, but she'd done this long enough to know how to drink from such a small container. Or was she just too big? It didn't really matter. She was good at this sort of thing. She looked up, feeling much more refreshed. Now the morning had really begun. "Ahh... So, my new friends! I'm sure I know vhat you're both tinking. But let's put those questions aside for later, yes? Let us start with names. I am Sumitra Shah Rai. But you may just refer to me as Sumitra. It is a pleasure to meet you both. Oh, young man, there is duck under the blanket if you wish to share it with me." Sumitra took another lick of her tiny beverage, smiling and glancing between them both as the tea slithered down her throat and warmed her belly. What sorts of stories did they have to share with her? She was eager to find out. |
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September 02, 2018, 03:37:25 PM
(This post was last modified: September 02, 2018, 03:39:20 PM by Kazmiere.)
![]() Kaz was confused by the scene he had stumbled upon, to say the least. There were so many objects he had never seen before, and couldn’t even take a guess at what each one might be used for. However, these two – a large feline and a small … fox? – seemed to be totally comfortable with what was happening. So maybe Kaz ought to take step back and take a closer look at what exactly was happening here.
Hmm… Yes… … Nope. Still nothing. What the fuck, though? The fox’s retort rank in his ears and he cocked his head playfully. “Oh, you mean girls do shit other than gossip?” He laughed at his own joke, something he’d grown used to doing since it didn’t seem that many people found him quite as funny as he did. Oh well, his opinion was the only one that mattered to him anyways, it never bothered him. Kaz turned his attention toward the large feline as she began to speak in what sounded like riddles. Her accent was different, and interesting to the male. It seemed she was welcoming him, and he shrugged. “Cool,” he replied in a lazy tone. He watched as she poured something out of .. something… into something… and then placed the somethings onto another something. What the fuck was actually going on here? As delicately as a giant cat could – which was surprisingly delicate for this lady – she placed a something in front of each of them, Kaz being last. She paused for a moment, setting it a ways away from him, yet still making it clear that it was intended for him. Raising a single eyebrow, he looked at the liquid in the stony container and then looked up at the cat as she raised her blue eyes to his. After an awkward few moments, Kaz cleared his throat. “Uh, thanks?” He offered, unsure of what to do or say. The feline nodded and went back to her own drink (he assumed) and she laid next to it. Confirming his assumption, she carefully dipped her thick tongue into the tiny container and drank the liquid. He stared down at his own cup and screwed his face up into a look of confusion. Suddenly, the feline was speaking again, her voice boisterous and full of life. She seemed weirdly energetic compared to most of the strangers he’d run into in the past, and compared to the snarky little fox over there, too. She introduced herself as Sumitra, then spoke directly to Kaz – ‘young man’ she says – and tells him there is a duck to share with her if he wants. Under a blanket. Why is the duck under a blanket? “Uh, okay. Is it still alive or something?” He asked, curious, but obviously not about to pass up a free meal. He wondered why such a large animal would share such a small meal with someone, but he wasn’t here to be kind or empathetic. She wanted to offer him the food, he was gonna take it. That was her own mistake. Then, he decided he should maybe introduce himself. “I’m Kaz.” He said as he stepped toward the cup before him. He looked down at it briefly, peeking up at Sumitra with a raised brow. She drank hers and seemed to be fine, and it all came from the same place. Obviously this wasn’t going to kill him. Craning his neck down, he lapped at the surprisingly warm liquid, his tongue thrashing at the cup with a lot less delicacy than Sumitra expressed. Tea splashed here and there, and soon, the cup just toppled over, clanking against the flat dish beneath. It tasted weird, and Kaz didn’t really like it. Making a face, he lifted his head and sat down. “That shit’s weird, man. Where’s that duck, I gotta get this taste outta my mouth.” Licking the inside of his mouth in attempt to rid himself of that taste, he continued to make a disgusted face. These poor ladies had a real dipshit on their hands now. |
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nudges gently
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She rolled her eyes at the male's response to her sarcastic remark, scoffing slightly to herself. She shifted slightly on her "nest," a bit more relaxed now. She might as well enjoy herself, especially since Sumitra didn't seem keen on being hostile. Although, the newcomer seemed a bit irritable. "I could share the rabbit," Ifyla offered, "I wouldn't mind, really." The big cat was being plenty generous, she might as well do something in return. As she offered up the thought of her sharing instead of Sumitra, the saber placed an odd cup in front of her, the contents of which Ifyla eyed warily. She didn't know what it was and she didn't exactly trust Sumitra all that much. Not to mention, the entire situation as a whole was rather odd and peculiar. Should she really be drinking this weird-smelling liquid? Was it even safe for her? She peered at it, soft yellow eyes cautious. She took a sip of the drink, finding that it wasn't intolerable but it wasn't exactly great either. An odd taste, but all things considered, she really shouldn't have expected too much. She shrugged, mostly to herself, leaning forward and lapping occasionally at the still somewhat-suspicious liquid within the cup. The longer she drank, the more tolerable--and almost enjoyable--the drink became. She didn't particularly mind, however, she did note that it had a somewhat evident aftertaste that wasn't exactly pleasant. So be it, at least it was mostly good. "Ifyla," she said, introducing herself in a curt manner. "A pleasure, both of you," she drawled, remembering her manners as her gaze flicked from Sumitra toward the other canine as he began speaking and making odd faces. The newcomer--Kaz--spoke with an expression that Ifyla found just amusing enough to laugh softly. However, that didn't stop her from chastising him in a mild tone, "Have you no manners? Sumitra is being kind enough to host us and you insult her... uh, drink. Shame on you, really." |
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October 02, 2018, 10:19:51 PM
(This post was last modified: October 03, 2018, 12:28:49 AM by Sumitra.)
The giant woman had to suppress a laugh as the wolves bantered, and it almost came out in the form of a gigglesnort. They were such curious creatures. It might have been true that the women Sumitra knew were known best for their gossip. She was quite talented herself. She recalled several memories back in her homeland when her spare time would be spent with her friends lounging in their common areas surrounded by their luxuries and joking about other sabers that would pass by. They'd poke fun at their appearance, their personalities, their reputation, their children, their mates, their ranks. Never to their faces though, of course. This was all private fun. What someone didn't know can't hurt them, right? Wrong, Sumitra learned that the hard way. But it was still funny, can't lie about that.
She chuckled and squinted her eyes at Kaz as he inquired if her kill was still alive under her blanket. "Ohohoho, no, no, no. Dead as my love for gossip. Please, eat. I promise it's clean." She then turned to the other woman (secretly thankful that her feminine energy was present) and her laughter carried on. "Oh, don't vorry, my dear. I hunt small tings troughout the day and eat mostly at night. That vay I don't have to stop eating and go out for more! Ohohohoho!" Not even 30 seconds passed before Kaz tipped over his cup as he lapped at the tea and... clearly hated it. Sumitra's only complaint would have been how much her face hurt from smiling so much. This bunch was truly the most entertaining she'd come across in quite some time. She didn't care that Kaz didn't like her tea. She was overjoyed by how much these two could make her laugh. And they tried her food and tea, at the very least. Most would turn or run away in fear or couldn't be bothered to waste their time. But that's all she wanted to do. Waste time. Ifyla tenderly criticized Kaz for offending her, even though she found herself just as amused as she, and Sumitra gingerly lifted a paw over her mouth, poorly concealing her long teeth as they clenched in laughter. They were good people, she could tell. "It's alright, it's not for everyone! Maybe not for canines, I am not sure. All of my friends and family drink masala chai. It must be exclusively a cat ting? You never know unless you try. I'll be honest, I did not tink you would like it. Ahh, let's see... I tink there is vhiskey here somevhere? I vould have to look... Normally I pull that sort of ting out when friends are staying a long vhile, but you are most certainly velcome to it!" she offered, hoping just one of them would take her up on it. She didn't mind either way. Sumitra wasn't really a drinker but she found herself sipping if others were too. "There is also a stream nearby vhere I collect my vater... Listen, friends, I know I seem strange for inviting you here, and you don't know me, and I am quite out of the ordinary." She crossed her paws and took another sip of tea. "The truth is, this forest is very lonely and desolate. I haven't made a single friend here yet and I've been here for... I vant to say, a few months? That's vierd to me! I make friends everyvhere I go. But this place is so alluring... I don't vant to leave. Not yet, at least. I believe there is someting here that I'm not seeing quite yet... And I tink you--" She stretched out her paws towards the two, pads upward in a welcoming gesture. "-- are just the ones to help me discover it." The large she-cat stood then, her determination to socialize with these wolves overwhelmingly strong in her body language. And just as she did, she caught something glinting in the morning light under her nest. As she glanced down, she prodded it with her paw and an unopened bottle came rolling out in the middle of the three and stopped somewhere near the fire. It was labelled in something she couldn't read, but it was definitely alcohol. She smirked, and looked up at them. "I have anyting you could possibly need here. Name it, and I probably have it or could get it in less than a day's time. I can make my home anyvhere. Vhat do you say? Vill you help me feel at home here?" |
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![]() Sumitra seemed strangely amused by anything and everything that came out of his mouth or the fox’s mouth – who introduced herself as Ifyla. Kaz simply shook his head, wondering why the fuck he decided to stick around at this little circus.
As Sumitra assured Kaz that the duck was dead (and clean), he shrugged his shoulders. “Alrighty then,” he said, getting up to walk over to the blanket she was motioning to. As he did so, Sumitra assured them that she didn’t mind the fact that Kaz didn’t like the drink, and Kaz stuck his tongue out to Ifyla. The big cat offered another strange drink that Kaz had never heard of, and as he lifted the blanket with a cautious paw to grab the duck, he laughed. “Uhh, I’m good thanks. I think I’ll stick with water from now on.” He saw the duck laying under the blanket, waiting to be devoured, and he grabbed it with his mouth, bringing it back to his “spot” and laying down with it while Sumitra continued her little speech. She was talkative. Sumitra went on a rant about how she hadn’t made any friends yet, yadda yadda… Something about Kaz and Ifyla being the ones to show her the secret answer to life. Eh, Kaz kind of drowned out her words as he tore into the duck, ripping out the throat and digging into the breast. The cat stood then, a bottle of some type of liquid rolling out into the middle of the group near the fire. Sumitra eyed it for a moment, Kaz pausing his feast to also look at it. She disregarded it, so he did too. “Vhat do you say? Vill you help me feel at home here?” She finally asked, a smile on her lips. Kaz swallowed his mouthful – the bird was pretty much gone at this point – and licked his lips, a small burp rumbling up from his stomach. He looked at her and made a face, unsure what to say. He didn’t really know what exactly she was looking for, since it seemed like she was pretty “at home” now, what with all of her crap sprawled out everywhere. What more could she need? “Uhh…” That felt like a good reply. Did he really have anything better to do, anyway? He had no family, he mostly just spent his time wandering. And if he got bored, he could just take off and do his own shit anyways. “I guess?” He shrugged then went back to his duck, ripping out a few feathers and spitting them out onto the ground before taking a bite of delicious innards. If it meant she was gonna feed him, why the fuck not? |
To birds on a wire
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(Sorry to ruin the roleplay, but is this still open?)
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You're not ruining it! Yes, it is!
To birds on a wire
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(Is it alright if I join in?)
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Of course friend, no need to ask. It's an open thread. :+)
To birds on a wire
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November 15, 2018, 11:41:57 PM
(This post was last modified: November 15, 2018, 11:46:18 PM by WishingWind.)
Wandering the territory was sort of boring when her brothers were off doing their own things. Eventually she'd spend more time in a den of her own when she got older and more grown up, but that sounded awfully lonely to WishingWind . It was hard to imagine having a whole den to herself, although sometimes when her family was all off doing whatever it was they busied themselves with, she'd imagine having the family den to herself. It wasn't that fun, so today she'd decided to seek out some company to chase any loneliness away.
First she'd explored the plains for a bit, tromping through the thin layer of leaves that covered the grass. It was nice because the snakes were less prevalent when it was so kind of cold,but less ideal for finding someone to hang out with. She was still a young she-wolf so she was too short to see far, and it didn't seem like anybody was there anyway. So she'd returned to the thicket and gotten lost on a few new trails she found - how had she still not found them all? - before finally spotting a a figure she'd seen at meetings before. Smiling a tentative but still friendly smile, the she-wolf approached. Whatever the figure was doing looked pretty interesting; it had an assortment of wolves and and grass out before WishingWind which was something she hadn't seen much before; different wolves .Neither of her parents were healers. “Hello there!”she called, stopping just shy of normal speaking range, suddenly finding herself uncertain whether the man might want her bothering him. After a moments pause, she'd grow curious enough to ask, “what is it that your doing, if I may ask?” She looked up at the first figure and smiled with delight, she knew this figure. She had talked to her before and even though she didn’t know the figure we’ll, she knew it well enough. “Sumitra? Is that you?” She tilted her head to once side and barked in happiness “How are you doing, friend?” |