Event Thread  Peace of Mind and Sound Walls.
Viewing: 19 Guest(s)
Sekirei She/Her
Resident Changling
Posts: 185
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: Toledo

(This post was last modified: August 03, 2018, 10:03:37 PM by Sekirei.)

Movement: [Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png][Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png][Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png]

Akutan took notice that Kyra and Vienna headed in the same general direction as him. He figured the others teamed up as well. It wasn't what he expected but he supposed he might have confused them with his own move. He was frankly a bit out of his depth as well. Leading the Jovians Winds was one thing because all it entailed was ensuring they were pulling their weight and watching the borders. This mission was an entirely different animal. It wasn't just the borders he had to secure but the packland's interior as well. He knew in the back of his mind that this mission was going to make or break him as the leader of the new Bear Guild but he wasn't overly worried by success or failure. As long as his homeland was reclaimed by its rightful inhabitants and his family could return to their sacred grounds, he would accept whatever came his way whether he succeeded or he failed. 

He owed Mercury a lot, including a second apology for stepping out of line. He wondered where his sudden hotheadedness had come from. He remembered his parents were more even-tempered. He chalked it up as an out-of-character moment, something he was probably going to pay for no matter what happened on the mission, but to hell with taking a page out of Aylie's book. That wasn't him. Merc didn't strike him as particularly unforgiving but he didn't want to make assumptions either. For now, he didn't know how bad a mistake had to be for repercussions to be made so he ran calculations for every possible outcome of his next meeting with Mercury when the mission was complete. Prepare for the best and assume the worst. He was willing to pay for his mistakes but getting back into good graces was secondary to everything else. Like with this mission, his future actions would speak for themselves if he was worthy of forgiveness. Merc was likely under a lot of stress herself so when those two forces collided, it found them standing side by side on the same crossroads.

Best cross that log when he got to it. He didn't know what the future held so he focused on his goal of seeing the pack reestablished in the land that was rightfully theirs. Once that objective was met, then he could focus on getting the Clan back to the home Storm and Starfire had built for them.

On a lighter note, Akutan realized this was actually the first time he had really gotten to really explore the land of his birth. He had been young when Loath came and hadn't seen much of his home because he hadn't been old enough to wander too far from the family den site. All things considered, he was grateful that Mercury had let him keep the mission. It was an opportunity to really walk in the pawsteps of his parents. Had they seen what he was seeing? His attunement to the wind seemed have gotten stronger. He could almost feel someone brush against his fur and he smiled a little, imagining his mother and father walking beside him, guiding his paws.

If Roman Reigns has millions of fans, I am one of them. If Roman Reigns has only one fan, that is me. If Roman Reigns has no fans, I'm no longer in the world.

Hail the Roman Empire. Hail the Guy. Roman Reigns fan for life.
Kastra he/him
Posts: 37
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 446

[Image: nRus6E7.png]

    He kept going, giving small glances to those that were going the same way as him. This was territory that they didn't know, with many possible dangers. The prince kept his focus forward, but let his eyes wander and let his ears swerve at every little noise. He didn't so much as hear the fall, but noticed the sudden disappearance of Aylie. As he looked over, he could see slight dirt kicked up into the air like smoke. "Aylie! Are you okay?" He called over, not really thinking she would actually need his help. A little fall wasn't going to stop stubborn Aylie, he figured, as he kept walking but continued to glance her direction until given an answer.

Kastra moves [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png] [Image: 12px-U%2B2191.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png]

[Image: CBHlfyW.png]
Kimster Eh
Sparkles a Little
Posts: 76
Pronouns: Eh


Schimmah moves one Up, one Right, one Up (I can't seem to copy the arrows for some reason)


A cat was walking with her she was walking with a cat this is so cool! No wait, not cool. Cats are dangerous. They stink. No, no this is cool. Big brown/cream guy on her other side can protect her from the cat, so all is good.

All is fine.


Schimmah just tucked her chin into her chest, taking mental refuge in the ruff on her neck standing up like porcupine quills, though it made her look more like a disgruntled pidgeon than something to be afraid of. Her ears twitched at what sounded like a rock fall, and when Kastra cried out to Aylie, Schimmah looked around till she saw the little dust cloud kicked up. Uh oh. She paused, waiting to see if she should go help. If no help were needed she would continue on her journey.
Ayliyra she, her
Posts: 82
Pronouns: she, her
Location: Nardir
Rank [IC]: Astronomer


She had been moving towards the lake as the flat surface would not only provide an excellent viewing platform but a good scenting platform as well. As she had neared she had noticed scents that seemed to indicate a sort of hollow somewhere nearby which she figured she should probably locate and investigate. As she wasn't entirely sure where the hollow was or what it might contain she had proceeded cautiously, unfortunately it would be just her luck to still find the hollow my being plunged downwards into it. It was a sensation she was rather familiar with at this point so rather than panicking she simply went with it, using what control she had over her descent to avoid the larger bits of debris to minimize chances of injury.

When it was over she was in the lake, not exactly what she had intended in coming this way but at least the water provided a more forgiving landing spot and the coolness of the water would help with any bruises and would help minimize pain and soreness which would be quite useful for the days activities. The sapling she spotted bobbing slightly near her might also be useful so with some careful movements she would reach out and grab it and begin hauling it to shore. While she was in the process of doing so she heard a voice asking if she was okay. She couldn't put a name to the voice so she didn't think it was anyone she'd met but whoever it was knew her name, but given her history that wasn't exactly surprising. She still needed to answer the query though..so once she got to where the water met the shore and it was safe to let go of the sapling she did so and answered. "I'm alright! The ground just gave way, there may be other weak points around though so they'll need to be watched for!". There information relayed now well..she supposed she would have to figure out what to do with this sapling now that it had been rescued as it was something that could be used but wasn't exactly something to try and lug around on an exploring mission.

Movement: [Image: 25px-U%2B2190.svg.png] rest
Influence: -1 investigate surroundings

((i have no idea if the form is correct or not...))

Tallulah ...
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 19
Pronouns: ...


Movement: rest
Influence: -1 investigate surroundings
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

Movement: down 2, east 1,

standing on the bank of the lake, wondering if we're skirting the edge of the lake, heading through the pass they had come through to go south, or just plain heading south. Shes raising an eyebrow at Akutan and trying to exchange a look with her dad on Mercs balcony of the castle.

Kodiak He
Drowning in the Sea of Stars
Posts: 29
Pronouns: He

All Accounts Posts: 843

Movement: [Image: 25px-U%2B2190.svg.png][Image: 25px-U%2B2190.svg.png][Image: 25px-U%2B2190.svg.png]

I go wander through the pines
and make my way to nature's shrines
« aesthetic profile played by: waka »
Firebright She/her
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 43
Pronouns: She/her


Movement: down, right, down

Following Kyra to go around the lake

Posts: 46
Location [IC]: Nardir

All Accounts Posts: 617

Round 3
Let's Split Up

Current Participants

The Map

[Image: 25px-U%2B2190.svg.png] [Image: 12px-U%2B2191.svg.png] [Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png]

[Image: nardirexplorationmapr2_by_ehwazazi-dcjpev8.png]


Despite his role as temporary leader, Akutan's mate seemed to be the one taking charge.  While Akutan wandered about, more on a stroll than a mission, Kyra quickly became all business.  Her role as a guard came as naturally as breathing, giving Akutan little choice but to follow her.  Her glance not only reached her father, but she momentarily caught Mercury's gaze as well.  Mercury inclined her head only slightly, but Kyra's shrug made it clear that neither of them really had any idea what he was up to.  Akutan could see that the interior of the crescent Vienna and Kyra continued to leapfrog along the trail, back the way they had come.  The beach on the edge of the meadow was a wide, gentle slope, perfect for wading.  Then there would be a short walk under a canopy of willows before they reached the old stone ruin they had passed on the way in.

Kastra's call was immediately answered, and so he moved forward with his route.  At the northernmost point of the lake, more hills rolled up over each other until they became mountains.  While not impassible, this north shore was steep, and the incline a sharp angle.  Several seated boulders, similar to Aylie's hidden titan, were embedded in the ground.  Unlike the boulder further down the bank, these were firmly rooted in solid ground, with no water to erode their foundations.  Kastra was proceeding cautiously, but seemed to have mostly ignored Shimmah scampering along at his heels for a little while.  But then the blue youngster struck off on her own, climbing up into the heights of the hills.  A pass that lead into the higher peaks wound out of sight around a peak above her.  Below her, Kastra and his route around the lake was still open to her.  Would she strike out on her own?

Tallulah had found a pass, small and narrow as it was. Clear lines of different sediments banded the walls as the water level had reduced into the nothingness it was now.  Ferns, grasses and ivy were already reclaiming the space, clinging to chips in the walls and nesting in the riverbed. The feeble creek collected in between the stones it had once worn smooth, forming small pools that hosted the occasional batch of tadpoles or sunbathing toads.  The canyon was tall and mostly narrow.  One of the litters that Kastra and the other Nardirians had pulled on their way here would fit, but probably no more than two Nardirians could walk abreast here.  Above her, the birds were perched and singing in the overhanging canopies, adding to the hushed, peaceful feel of this place.

Kodiak had climbed up the hills and was now standing at the edge of a cliff.  Below him, tiered balconies of stone, much like the other side where the pack had taken up residence.  This area, however, was missing the comfortable caves, and the tiers suddenly dropped vertically down to the ground below, easily 5 times his height.  He wouldn't want to walk straight off this one.  Could he jump down the cliff-side most of the way? That drop at the bottom would certainly be dangerous.  North and east of him was Tallulah, still standing in her pass, contemplating her own route.

Ayliyra was no worse for wear from her tumble, but her caution after the experience was evident.  She was able to climb back up onto the bank without trouble, and would emerge dripping and a little muddy, but not injured. The tiny sapling bobbed along in the water, carrying on to it's watery fate. The brisk dip seemed to have taken the wind out of Aylie's sails, as she remained on the bank.  Now that she was looking at it, it was pretty obvious how she had ended up in the lake.  It wasn't a hollow area, it was just the bank itself.  Several areas showed signs of old landslides, like the hill was losing it's fight with the water's edge.  There had been nothing for Aylie to sense, and it was her own misstep that had dunked her in the lake. She was going to have to study her surroundings closely.  This wasn't like the mountains they had come from, there was a lot more water here.


Character Influence and Rest

A character's Influence tokens [Image: yellowtoken_by_ehwazazi-dci9v1d.png] are spent to overcome challenges, find out information, or otherwise put your skills to use.  Influence situations will be assigned, but you can also ask to use an influence token at any point.  If the situation will yield anything useful, Mother Moon will grant your request and tell you additional information to aid you. In the event that no information can further be gleaned about the situation, an influence token will not be spent.

Rest is used to recover lost tokens. You must preform a round of rest to recover 1 spent token [Image: spenttoken_by_ehwazazi-dcjr640.png] .  If your character is missing multiple tokens, you must state which token you want to recover. A character cannot rest during any type of Event.  In the future, you will skip a turn if you rest, even if you have not spent any tokens.  (But since I forgot to tell you guys, this one doesn't count)

Movement Effects

[Image: tallulahrankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcd43cp.png] Movement: Rest
Effect: This character skips the Movement phase of next round.
Influence: -1
Effect: Tallulah can tell that this small canyon is the result of water erosion over time.
There is a small creek that trickles along a floor, of river rock with a bit of moss and the occasional foliage.
In certain places the creek forms little pools, but these are more puddles than anything.
The walls, also overgrown with moss and a few ferns, rise up to at least three times her height.
She cannot see what is above her, except for the occasional tree canopy.
There is no immediate danger.

[Image: ayliyrarankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcd41dr.png] Movement: Rest
Effect: This character has not lost any tokens.  Character does not skip Movement next round.  [this time only]
Influence: No further information can be provided.  Influence token not spent.

[Image: summit2_by_preimpression-d83tp0g.png]  [Image: crust_by_preimpression-d83tpkc.png]  [Image: core_by_preimpression-d83tpke.png]  [Image: broadcast_by_preimpression-d83trxi.png]  [Image: baseline2_by_preimpression-d83tsx6.png]
please direct all questions involving Nardir to EhwaAzi/Scy. thank you.
Sekirei She/Her
Resident Changling
Posts: 185
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: Toledo

(This post was last modified: August 10, 2018, 03:49:55 PM by Sekirei.)

Movement: Up, Left, Left

Should take me out of the mountains and overlay with Kyra until she moves.

If Roman Reigns has millions of fans, I am one of them. If Roman Reigns has only one fan, that is me. If Roman Reigns has no fans, I'm no longer in the world.

Hail the Roman Empire. Hail the Guy. Roman Reigns fan for life.
Kastra he/him
Posts: 37
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 446

[Image: nRus6E7.png]

    Nodding towards Aylie, Kastra kept moving around the lake. There seemed to be a silent agreement on how everyone was moving, trying to stay in groups that fanned out. He hoped that Aylie's little falling accident would be the only obstacle that they would face, but he could tell this unknown land was mountainous and would pose threats and obstacles. Hopefully going around the water's edge wouldn't bring too much trouble. Besides, it was a good place to look for tracks, scents, or anything else that could be left by someone of danger. He would glance around occasionally to those who traveled with him, to make sure they were all still doing well.

Kastra moves right, down, down (to the very edge of the land piece in the last box)

[Image: CBHlfyW.png]
Kimster Eh
Sparkles a Little
Posts: 76
Pronouns: Eh

(This post was last modified: August 21, 2018, 07:42:38 PM by Kimster.)

Schimmah will be aiming for the pass - I can't zoom into the pic, so hopefully my directions are correct: Up, right and right?
Ayliyra she, her
Posts: 82
Pronouns: she, her
Location: Nardir
Rank [IC]: Astronomer


As she stood thinking she noticed how faint everyone's scents were starting to get which indicated that everyone was starting to spread out more. It wasn't anything she wasn't used to, she had survived living by herself and dealing with things that came up on her own so doing it again didn't bother her except that she had been born into a family that..couldn't really be called a family so she had had to learn to take of herself rather young, she wasn't sure the same applied to the others though. Not that their sizes wouldn't help in a confrontation, if there was one, but still experience counted for something as well. If one of the party were inexperienced and came across a threat that was time in reaching them to provide assistance would be vital. Which meant there was indeed a limit on how far everyone should spread out, even though she wasn't keen on agreeing with Akutan..he still had a point. What she could do about it though she didn't know none of the big, scary dires wanted to listen or do anything a little timber said to..that had already been made very clear from previous interactions.

Though perhaps not with all of them..there were some on this mission that she hadn't interacted with before. Perhaps one of them would listen and perhaps get others to as well so she would head that way and call out loudly. "We're spreading too far out! We need to move closer together!". Whether anyone would listen to her, or could even hear her, was yet to be determined.

Movement: Up 3

Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: n0HcaK9.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me

actions - “speech” - thoughts
Just before moving on Kyra gave Akutan a nuzzle as he came near, always an affectionate type. Give her an inch and she'll take a mile. She took bearings and shrugged her head south and east . "I know you wanted to head west, Aku, but I think we should meet with Kas on the other side of the lake." She was actually trying to be gentle here but it might have come across as a little more brash than she actually wanted. She was never as soft spoken or companionable as her sister and father. She continued to talk to Vienna and Akutan as she continued. "On the other side of the lake we could compare notes. From there we could make more plans about exploring further in or changing directions or swapping partners. Sound good?" She'd hope Kastra and the others would have the same idea, she could barely see the others already. She could see the brown kid shout at someone and head north, she really should figure out names honestly that "kid" was probably her age she was just small, but couldn't really make out anyone else too clearly from here. If they didn't meet up on the other side in due time they could either keep exploring and patrolling or see if they could hunt the down to make sure they weren't in any kind of trouble. She was open to suggestions. Was she taking command? How would her Aku respond? Was he okay that she was changing things up on him? The rising anxiety about how he would respond made her stomach flutter, or was that the babies she hadn't told him about deciding to move about. Ugh made her queasy again.

ooc Down, Down, East

Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Firebright She/her
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 43
Pronouns: She/her


Movement: right down right

Vienna approaches the beach and wades in the water, looking for signs of edible critters.

Kodiak He
Drowning in the Sea of Stars
Posts: 29
Pronouns: He

All Accounts Posts: 843
(This post was last modified: August 27, 2018, 03:00:54 PM by Kodiak.)

Bi-colored eyes stared down the cliff face to the drop below and he snorted an irritated breath through his nostrils. Cool, great, wonderful. The wolfdog could feel the tension in his shoulders, twinging at the back of his neck and making him growl as he sat for a moment to consider his options. You can jump down this way, straight ahead and probably get really hurt, you can go to your left, but there's probably nothing of note there just more mountains and trees, you can go to the right, but eeeeh??? Is it really worth it?? No.

Welp, just gotta go back the way you came then? He'd already settled on the idea. It was easier getting down this way, no harsh drops, just one hill like incline that allowed him to pick up speed and JUMP. Sometimes you overestimate things, and hell, sometimes you even forget that oh yeah there's a den here. Kodi was opting for the easiest and fastest route down, agile enough and gaining a good bit of speed to jump the switchbacks with relative ease and safety. HOWEVER, it's at this time he remembers the den, bi colored eyes catching sight of a rather dark blob laying on a bit of an overhang. What the?? Ohh, that had to be Merc's big ass, he could tell from all the way back here.

Crashing their meeting as he reached her ledge, he'd spring over her. "Don'tmindmekeepingthepacksafe byeeeeeeeee!!!" It was a flash of a moment, his gruff monotone voice calling out to them as his paws finally hit the ground and he stumbled just a bit. God, don't even look back just keep going. It'd be something he'd have to probably explain later. Have fun with your old geezers, Merc.

Briskly, he'd run to catch up with Kastra, a rather odd thing to do even for him, but he knew it'd be easier to pair up even in a small group, than to be on his own. Since climbing that cliff face was a waste of time, uggggh.

Movement: [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png][Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png][Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png]
Influence: 1 [Image: yellowtoken_by_ehwazazi-dci9v1d.png] spent to use his guard ability to rush to Kastra.

I go wander through the pines
and make my way to nature's shrines
« aesthetic profile played by: waka »
[-] Likes: Alue
Posts: 46
Location [IC]: Nardir

All Accounts Posts: 617

Round 4
High Road, Low Road

Current Participants

The Map

[Image: 25px-U%2B2190.svg.png] [Image: 12px-U%2B2191.svg.png] [Image: 14px-U%2B2193.svg.png] [Image: 25px-U%2B2192.svg.png]

[Image: nardirexplorationmapr4_by_ehwazazi-dclcdrd.png]


Vienna's quiet enthusiasm with the whole affair made her appear youthful, more like a child along the beach than a warrior mapping the realm.  However, her brief escapade into the waters of the lake revealed not only tiny, darting silver fish and freshwater prawns, but a few snapping turtles sunning themselves on the banks and partially submerged logs or stones.  With this much going on this close to the water's edge, it was easy to assume that there was richer fare in the depths.  Lost in their own thoughts and following in silence, Akutan and Kyra seemed a couple on a leisurely stroll on the lakeside.  Perhaps, once this mission was over and their worries cast aside, they would be able to properly replay the scene in the correct genre.

Kastra continued to follow the lakeside, making quick and sure-footed progress around the water.  From his point along the opposite bank, Kastra would be able to see Kyra and her party moving, and would be able to just hear them if they were to call.  Opposite to the water was the ever-darkening forest that lead further beyond.  If he were to continue to follow the bank, he would probably reach the far side of the waterfall they had passed on their route inwards.  It was a shame that the young prince's heart was so heavy, for the land around him was beautiful and full of life.  Birds sang in the trees, and down the hill, waterfowl nested in the reeds.  A fish jumped in the lake, making a splash.  Shimmah was no longer behind him, but Kodiak came racing up, slightly panting with the effort of fast-tracking around the lake.

Shimmah's climb had brought her to a narrow cave, which opened into a small series of gullies, banded here and there with land bridges and wide tunnels with waterworn porous ceilings.  As the light poured down through the gaps and into these caves, rainbows glinted off the walls and in the waters.  Upon closer examination, the rainbows in the walls were opals!  Bands and fractals of the stuff speckled the stone, silica deposited little by little as the water dripped through small cracks over time.  The smoother and less vibrant rainbows in the water were moonstones, tumbled out of their underground seats by trickling springs, and deposited in these pools as the water came to rest before it continued onward.  The little blue girl had stumbled across quite the find! Like streetlights, light dotted down the tunnels, leading onward.

Tallulah appeared frozen in her tracks.  Was she contemplating the way forward? Going back?  Was she afraid? Excited? Nervous?  Nothing about the area was threatening, in fact, aside from the canyon being narrow, it was quite pleasant.  She could hear Kodiak as he rustled around at first, but his sounds quickly faded away as he made his rapid decent further off.  Now, she was utterly alone.  Ayliyra was moving away from her as well, following Kastra behind Kodiak, although much more slowly.


Guild Actions

Guild Actions are actions or perks A characte can make using Influence tokens [Image: yellowtoken_by_ehwazazi-dci9v1d.png] .  These actions will vary from guild to guild, and may be presented to the GM at any point.  If your action fits into the overall story and makes sense for the advancement of the game, it will be taken into consideration.  Think of these types of actions as "bonus" actions to your movement: Dash, Group Up, Jump, etc.   Guild Actions can also be used to produce items you need (Torches, pouches, etc) or additional knowledge.

Movement Effects

[Image: kodiakrankicon_by_ehwazazi-dcd41dl.png] Movement: Guild Specialty Movement
Influence: -1 [Guild Action: Group Up]
Effect: Kodiak has dashed to catch up to Kastra, taking a rather fast route down the side of the castle (and through the council meeting)

[Image: summit2_by_preimpression-d83tp0g.png]  [Image: crust_by_preimpression-d83tpkc.png]  [Image: core_by_preimpression-d83tpke.png]  [Image: broadcast_by_preimpression-d83trxi.png]  [Image: baseline2_by_preimpression-d83tsx6.png]
please direct all questions involving Nardir to EhwaAzi/Scy. thank you.
Sekirei She/Her
Resident Changling
Posts: 185
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: Toledo


Movement: Right, right, right

Akutan pauses to look at the pond, looking to see if there are any sort of plants Sara could use in her healer duties. 

I assume that counts as using an Influence token?

If Roman Reigns has millions of fans, I am one of them. If Roman Reigns has only one fan, that is me. If Roman Reigns has no fans, I'm no longer in the world.

Hail the Roman Empire. Hail the Guy. Roman Reigns fan for life.
Kastra he/him
Posts: 37
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 446

Kastra is like, dope, dog boy is joining him. They gonna explore. He moves to the right three times, trying to go around the lake.

[Image: CBHlfyW.png]
Kimster Eh
Sparkles a Little
Posts: 76
Pronouns: Eh


Schimmah is very chuffed on finding sparkly caves, and she makes a mental note to try and describe all the shinies she sees.

She then moves onward, trying to find a way out. Right, Up, Right.
Forum Jump:

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