Saboro Ring 1 One shot, one chance [Acceptance] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Nyx Warstride
She/ her
Almost Sparkles
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Nyx, a young dire wolf was taking a gamble that was going to change her entire life. She was going to take a chance and join a pack that a lone stranger pointed her out to. She didn't know much, but something in her gut told her to join this pack. She walked with powerful steps up until a strong scent hit her nose. The young female took a look around, it seemed she was in the right place. It was obvious to her that she was outside the pack's borders, so she decided to stay where she was for her own safety. She may be a dire wolf, but she wasn't enough for an entire pack of wolves. Nyx was wandering the lands in search of a pack of strength, and she was hoping she would find it here. She stood with grace as she lifted her head letting out a large howl to let someone know that she was at their borders. Her form looked powerful, but also with grace as she stood waiting patiently. In this case, patience was a virtue, especially in this situation. Anyone who knew Nyx would know she was a strong and capable wolf, and with good reason, yet her true test would start here. Nyx knew to mind her manners here, as this was a foreign pack. She was clean and well groomed as always. Nyx didn't need hope, for it was either you got it or you didn't. She knew that she definitely had potential to join. Her purple colored gaze looked at the borders, waiting for any sign of life to approach. Nyx showed no sign of fear, only confidence. She was curious of what she was walking into.
spiteful daughter
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text: #8fb76b
Eras end above us
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ooc: akante and me will actually be tag teaming this acceptance!
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Morning slipped into afternoon quickly enough and soon it'd be evening, it seemed that this land in the North didn't play by the actual laws of nature. It was summer, so why was there still a chill in the air? Why was there not many hours in the day with actual sunlight? Inconsistency, it annoyed Hidalgo to no end, adapting was something she was forced into doing. Everyone here in Saboro had to, they always had to, but that didn't mean she had to like it. Though the blue female would take on the day just as any other, patrolling the borders with as much charisma as she could manage. So far it had been dull work, not much to do if there isn't anyone coming in, right? She was really able to shake that feeling, that vicious need to sink her claws into some top quality personal banter. An addiction gone awry, and the poor few members of Saboro had to put up with this. Her functionality depended on it, with every step she could feel her teetering toward some unknown precipice. The instability frightened her, what more was there to say. But the sentry's silent prayers were answered by a VERY loud cry of a howl that echoed across the outer ring. Well damn, she smirked to herself almost greedily, moving at a brisk pace toward the source of said noise. But when she arrived there was already another there, Minty, and Hidalgo clicked her tongue against her teeth in annoyance as she leaned against a trunk of a large spruce. The blue female almost left her to it, what was the point of two sentries being there in the first place. HOWEVER, her mind echoed a tempting offer, two birds and one stone. Get double of what you really want, what you're really in this rank for. Rubbing her shoulder against the rough bark of the tree, she pushed herself forward, slinking from behind brush and ferns. Amber eyes glancing at the potential recruit and then bouncing to good ol Minty. "Don't mind her, she's had a stick up her ass from day one. Daddy issues and all, she's really sensitive about it." Lips curled into a sleazy smile speaking directly to Nyx for the moment. "I'm Hidalgo, and this is my f-...f-rien...- acquaintance?? Peppermint Patti." Words were tossed about nonchalantly as she looked Nyx over, she'd come to stop by Sheikra motioning her paw in a shooing manner. "Move over, doll." "Okay so, you're at Saboro's borders. You know an awful lot about us now, we kinda told you our names." Her grin stretched wider and wider, though it was unknown if there was any real malice behind it. "Now you tell us some nice, juicy details about you. For starters your name, and what exactly brought you to this point." Tip toeing around a sleeping lion, she could feel her legs wanting to quake. She'd turn to Sheikra then, shrugging. "Let's be real here, no one just SITS on a pack's doorstep unless they want an alliance or they want in." Duh. |
Nyx Warstride
She/ her
Almost Sparkles
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Nyx looked respectfully at the two females that stood before her, knowing that discipline and obedience was required in this situation. The young dire wolf knew to keep her manners and check, making sure to keep her stature as nonthreatening as possible. She held a respectful gaze at the pair, speaking with complete respect in her voice as well as confidence. She dipped her head in respect before speaking. "I am Nyx Warstride, and as you can see I am a dire wolf. I came to your borders to join Saboro. I am a great hunter, and aspire to improve my skills in battle. I am not sure yet what my purpose or job will be in the pack yet, but I assure you that I will add to the pack's strength and prove myself to be useful. I come from a line of great fighters on my father's side, the family name is called Warstride. I carry that name, and as stated before, I look to improve my skills in battle. I will bring loyalty to Saboro, if you'll have me that is." Nyx said what she needed to say. The young female knew she had plenty of potential, and knew for a fact she would add to the strength of the pack. She was not one to know fear, and she knew she had what it takes to rise in the ranks of Saboro. She waited for the pair to speak patiently. Though she didn't know what specific thing she would do in the pack, she knew she would find out soon enough. The dire wolf waited to hear what the pair had to say to her response.
spiteful daughter
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Eras end above us
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Nyx went on and Hidalgo listened, picking over the words the other said as if she'd be able to rake out some good source material from it. It was all pretty average stuff, good hunter? She snorted, she'd better be a good hunter everyone here kills their own food, that wasn't anything to be overly impressed about. The two name thing though, it caught her attention and made her lips curl only slightly. Maybe something for later if the gal was able to make it into this place. There was something about a line of great fighters, but everyone who so full and confident in themselves thinks their family is the greatest. Hell, the Valley had been full of peeps just like that. Something told her, the monochrome female wouldn't have a nice time if this were actually the Valley, welp. A couple times she caught Sheikra's gaze, boring right into her and she couldn't help, but smile inwardly as outwardly she merely ignored it. Finally Sheikra did speak up and oh boy did she come out the gate swinging. Baby's first insult. "I'm a big kid now." Hidalgo said jeeringly at Sheikra, lips pulled into a wide grin as she tried her best to hold in a snicker. Blueberry Twat, wow, whatta new one to come up with. "I'm so proud of her to be able to express herself in such a constructive manner. It really shows she's growing as a person. I'm so happy your finally opening yourself up to these emotions, this is all so valid and you're so valid." A paw would raise to her chest as she looked from Nyx over to her minty colleague, wiping away a fake tear. Black ears perked at the female's words and Hidalgo raised a quizzical brow, ah ha, so that's how it's gonna be. She offered a shrug. "That's fine, wouldn't want you try'in so hard 'n stuff. Fight'n ain't yer strong suit." She dipped her reply in that mocking southern twang, standing up as Sheikra backed up. "Lemme stretch though, real fast." She'd roll her neck, a nice audible pop, curling her toes and stretching her back legs, a quick move and she'd kick loose dirt at Sheikra if the other didn't move out the way, mouthing an obnoxious 'Sorry' to the minty girl. Blueberry Twat is gonna have to lay a smackdown, I GUESS??? Amber eyes would then bounce back onto Nyx, a small smirk curling her back lips upward and her tail flicking idly behind her. "We start on a count of three and then GO, okay?" The fur running long her back prickled, and her smile seemed to widen then. "1......GO!" Came the shout as Hidalgo launched herself at the monochrome girl, aiming to use her weight and momentum to catch the other off-guard and pin her teeth flashing and snapping for the other's scruff. However, if Nyx was able to dodge effectively, Hidalgo would follow suit, aiming to bite into the female's side. Don't worry darlin', I'll be gentle. |
Nyx Warstride
She/ her
Almost Sparkles
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Nyx was a proud dire wolf who came from a strong line of dire wolf warriors, and now she was eager to prove it. Nyx took this spar seriously, for it was her chance to gain entry into a pack as strong as she was. It seemed that both Sheikra and Hidalgo didn't believe in the superiority of her name, well, now was the chance to prove them wrong. Nyx knew she was capable of proving herself in a fight, and even though this was a spar, she took it as seriously as she did any other fight. This was her ticket to get in this pack, and she did not take it lightly. "I'm sure you'll find that I am more than competent in a fight." That was all Nyx had to say for now. The young female watched as Hidalgo did her stretches. Nyx wasn't the least intimidated at the prospect of a fight, nor was she intimidated by her opponent. Nyx raised a brow when Hidalgo said she was going to count on three then they would start. But Nyx didn't focus on her words. She focused more on her body language, and when she was going to make her first move, for Nyx was no fool. She readied her stance and was as alert and focused as ever. Just as she suspected, Hidalgo began the spar before she even reached the number three. No matter, for Nyx was ready. Nyx watched as the female rushed at her and tried to lock her teeth on her scruff, trying to catch Nyx off guard. Nyx dodged her attack in one swift motion, then attempted to use her back leg to bat Hidalgo away. She would then quickly turn around, attempting to ram Hidalgo's side. If it's a fight they wanted, then they would see that Nyx was more than capable of joining their ranks.
Eras end above us
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So her plan didn't work out quite as well as she thought it would, ah well, no use crying over spilled milk, right? It'd be something to note, filed away behind determined eyes. Nyx moved and Hidalgo followed right behind her, sure that she'd be able to catch the female, but all she was able to catch was a foot trying to kick her in the face. Skidding to a halt, able to turn her head to the side she'd feel those back claws comb through the fur of her neck and ultimately miss her skin. The blue sentry almost looked dumbfounded, trying to shake the feeling of what could have been, and then Nyx came back with the 1-2 punch. Ramming into the blue female's side with all the momentum she could muster and Hidalgo literally felt the air escape her lungs. Staggering away from the other as she once again was left to collect, clearly capable of taking hits, but her ribs ached and there was an unforgivable tension rising up and down her spine. Sheikra would probably not stop this fight, she'd love nothing more than to watch either of them (though Hidalgo especially) get creamed. However, Hidalgo had seen and FELT enough. "Okay okay, that's enough." Calling the match early with a gleam in her eye and a warm wickedness to her smile. "You're pretty good. Probably have to nurse a bruise later on, but it is what it is, no hard feelings. Her teeth glittering as she smiled widely at Nyx, tail flicking much like a cat's would. Sheikra had forfeited her claim to this acceptance when she had volunteered Hidalgo in her place, but don't you worry, Hidalgo would have nice things to say about her if it ever came up. "You should see about joining the jackdaws, the resident meat head fighters here. Ya'know, you'd make a nice addition." Her tone favored being as nonchalant as she was about the whole thing. "Oh yeah, Pep and myself would like to welcome you to Saboro." The words rolled of the tongue, like it was some sort of slogan or product that she was forced to sell, but in this case the product sold itself. Motioning for Nyx to follow her.
ooc: it can be assumed that both hidalgo and sheikra gave nyx the run down about the territory, info about who the leaders are, and rules/ring system
both you and akante can post one last time if yall want, but your character is officially a member and you can start rping her in saboro! welcome!!! |