Private Roleplay Winter Wrap Up [Charley, Pawprint] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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April 17, 2018, 05:36:24 AM
(This post was last modified: April 17, 2018, 05:38:57 AM by Tallulah.)
She did not feel well actually she felt really really not well and not for the first time either. It was also not the first time she wasn't entirely sure where she was or how she had ended up there. Things were so blurry and jumbled and thinking took too much effort and it hurt besides. There were voices around voicing things she didn't really feel like trying to figure out and the didn't seem to be voices for her anyway at any rate..or wait. Now there was a voice, it kept talking and seemed to be talking to her. She didn't feel like answering though as that would require thought as she would have to figure out what the voice was saying in order to answer which she didn't feel like doing. But the voice kept on..and on and it just wouldn't stop. Maybe if she pretended it wasn't there it would go away and let her sleep..she waited but it still kept on just like the throbbing all over kept on. She really wished it would all go away..the voice, the pain..she was so tired and so cold and she just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up until she was better and didn't this.
((so here is the short form for Tallulah to be treated for injuries @Charley and Buckshot can be present as well if you want @Pawprint )) {oh and Tallulah hit her head on a rock when she fell earlier and so basically as a combination of mild concussion, limited oxygen supply from being buried and hypothermia from laying in slush water plus some cuts/scrapes and scratches..yep} |
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((I'm assuming she's been pulled from the rubble.))
After rescuing his daughter, Hakan had started to make his way back to the wreckage of the healers garden to continue helping them assess their stock and treat the wounded coming in. The old healer heard another call and for a moment thought it was for his daughter again because it came from the same general direction he had just left! He began to bound back to Akutan and Kyra back into the mountains but this time the call had come from another crevice elsewhere than where he had left them. Cautiously he made his way over the rocks and snow and found someone with the cat, Tallulah. These old bones were starting to get in the way and his old mind was still reeling from nearly losing his daughter, he wouldn't be able to carry her. "Heya! How was she found?" He called when he was a few steps away, allowing the rescuer the chance to regale him with her condition. Her giant fluffy paws and ears were cold to his warm nose, not good. Her fur was half soaked in slush and snow was all around them. He found a wound on her head, a small scrape but enough to make him concerned and she was shivering, mostly unresponsive and breathing rapidly as if she had just been pulled from a small breathing space like his own daughter. It was imperative to get the cat on her feet, down the mountain to warmth, thicker air, and easy access to medicine. "Tallulah, child you need to wake up. Come on now, open your eyes for me and tell me what you see." He would motion for the rescuer to help him pick her up and onto her feet. If she could either drape over their backs or lean on them it would be easier, he wasn't strong enough to carry her down the mountain, he continued to talk to her, "Cmon sweetheart wake up and get on your feet. You gotta get your blood flowing, let's get some motion in your claws. Do not go to sleep. Please open your eyes. Take deep breaths..." He would continue as they made their way down the mountainside into better breathable air. |
Almost Sparkles
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The voice it seemed was not going to go away no matter how much she wanted it to. Great. That meant she would have to..think. She might have shuddered at the prospect except even a mental shudder was painful. There were words but concentrating was hard and took awhile so the first ones that actually registered were the ones which formed the question asking what she saw. Eyes opened only as much as was necessary to see anything and what she saw was blurry and.."Brown?" or was it "White?". She wasn't entirely sure..thinking was hard and things were blurry so it was hard to really tell what she was seeing.
She closed her eyes again ready to go to sleep now that she had answered the voice but then there was movement and she thought she felt herself being picked up..oh..she was being picked up and she was forced to open her eyes again as the voice now seemed to be saying she needed to get on her feet which she really didn't feel like doing and just slumped back down laying limp as they tried to get her to move. Moving hurt and she was still so tired. Then the voice said something about blood and claws. She didn't smell any blood though and the meaning of what claws were was rather eluding her at the moment so how she was supposed to..what was it? Get them moving? She wasn't sure. It seemed she would be moving regardless though. It was as unpleasant sensation that, along with pain, caused her to feel dizzy though why she did not know. The fact that they were moving down the mountainside had not made it through her hazy, blurry thoughts well enough to be recognized in any lest not yet. ((Gonna go ahead and reply to this..feel free to still jump in though Pawprint)) {And yeah she was already dug out and rescued} |
10% Sweet Tea
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(Sorry for the delay. I'll work 2 get something up later today.)
10% Sweet Tea
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Buckshot still felt numb after the rescue. Tallulah was falling in and out of consciousness, and the scruffy older wolf could only sit and nudge her as he waited for help to arrive. He and Sansa had saved her, but the Bacchus wolf hadn't come back yet. It was cold...and she wasn't awake yet. Buckshot licked one of her cuts in an effort to help. Sara could help if she was here. Hakan could help too, or Kestrel if they were okay from the earthquake. Oh, if he wasn't tired he could have ran and Sansa could have carried the cat!
What if it was too late? Buckshot froze. He couldn't lose Tallulah. Brave girl. Bouncy. Little groundskeeper. She was like a daughter to him. So caught in his thoughts, he entirely missed Hakan's entrance and his words, and it wasn't until he heard Tallulah speak that he reacted with a yelp. A second passed then he nudged her up carefully to help drape her front half across Hakan's back and her legs and tail across his own. She slid back to sleep, now pinning Buckshot's head on the ground with her body. "Ow, Bouncy." He shoved his head out and tried sitting up so the cat was hopefully hanging on his shoulder. He motioned Hakan to take her head and front legs over his back and they could begin descending the mountain to get her to warmer territory. "She was buried. Another wolf and I dug her out and she went looking for help." Stay calm. "You can save her right? Right?" His mind drifted to his children. He pushed the thought that he...he wasn't missing saving them to save Tallulah. |
Sparkles a Lot
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((nudge due to board clean up thing))
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The air became easier to breathe as they descended the mountain. Hakan hoped the color brown and white the cat tried to mumble at him in response was his brown fur and the white snow. Buckshot was being incredibly helpful and he was extremely glad someone was there to help him. He didn't know if he could have taken her down himself.
Buckshot sounded very worried and asked the healer if he could save her. "Looks like she hit her head. As she warms up and breathes easier she should be getting more conscious. She'll want to take a good long nap but not before I get a good look at her and stabilize her." He nodded to Buckshot to get her to one of the dens in the ravaged healers garden. Their stock of herbs would have been decimated but he could probably get some fresh plantain and yarrow if her wound opened up as the air got warmer. As they laid her down in a den Hakan continued to talk to Buckshot. "She'll be alright if we watch her breathing while she sleeps. Right now you need to talk to her to keep her awake. Ask her questions about where it hurts, if she can see clearly, if she smells anything, what color the sky is, what she thought happened, anything to keep her awake until I get back. I need to know if she's broken a bone somewhere. Lay next to her and keep her warm. I'll be back." He was in full master healer mode and immensely thankful he had someone to keep an eye on the patient. Without waiting to listen if Buckshot understood though he left the den on his own mission. He quickly found some growing plantain leaves near the dens and walkways. He would grab that on his way back with the yarrow. He came across a newly flooded area from the earthquake, this used to be dry ground, perfect for the yarrow to grow and flower, but this was a waterlogged mess. If Tallulah started bleeding again that yarrow would be crucial to stop it. He flicked his tail as he continued searching for dry ground unaffected by the flooding. There under a tree, the ground had been pushed up out of the water, was a small stand of yarrow. Perfect. He grabbed a few of the whole plants and made his way back to the den where he left Buckshot and Tallulah, grabbing a fair amount of plantain too. "How is she?" He asked as he entered again and placed the herbs down next to her. He started to clean the spot on her head, assessing how severe and deep it was. He listened as he applied the poultice of plantain and yarrow on her wound. That would help it heal properly. He hoped Tallulah would have been prompted to wake up quite a bit more and offer her own voice to her assessment. He wanted to see how confused she was, if she was confused, if her eyes looked straight at him, if she could focus and say words properly. There wasn't much you could do for a mild concussion except wait for the brain to heal itself over time. In the back of his mind he kept making a list of herbs. Their stock of dried lavender was ruined but thankfully it was probably blooming in season somewhere nearby and would help relax her nerves some if he had thought to grab some on his way back. Peppermint to help keep her awake if she needed that, lemon balm to help steady her nerves also, valerian and peppermint would keep some of the brutal headaches at bay but not until after she's rested a few days. |
Sparkles a Lot
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((so since Buckshot is supposed to keep Tallulah awake you can go ahead and skip over me and post Buckshot again @Pawprint then I can just have her answer Hakan and him both in my next post))
Sparkles a Lot
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10% Sweet Tea
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(Will elaborate later, but for now, dialogue!)
"Right now you need to talk to her to keep her awake. Ask her questions about where it hurts, if she can see clearly, if she smells anything, what color the sky is, what she thought happened, anything to keep her awake until I get back. I need to know if she's broken a bone somewhere. Lay next to her and keep her warm. I'll be back." "You got it Doc." His voice was quiet. Buckshot curled next to her, licking her face and nose to keep her conscious. "Hey Bouncy, Bouncy? It's Buckshot. Can you open your eyes please?" He forced himself to calm down. Talking too fast would confuse her and maybe make her nervous. "Tell me You know I--I don't think I told you this, but hmm, I think of now like one of my kids. Do you feel like you can think of me like family too?" He stuck his tongue out. "Or do I bother you? Ha, I can be annoying." He would listen and he would watch. If she slurred in her speech. If she fell asleep. Any pain she showed. He would nudge her if she dozed off. If she stopped speaking for a minute, "Ask me anything if you want too." When Hakan came back, Buckshot looked at him with no answer. Only Tallulah could tell the old Doc, if he did a good job keeping her awake. The best the Groundskeeper could do was keep the cat warm and try to nudge her if her breathing settled. |
Almost Sparkles
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Warmth. There was warmth next to her. It felt nice and she tried to snuggle closer to it. She was so tired though and then there was the licking. It took a moment for it to dawn on her that the warmth was Buckshot. Warm friend which made her want to sleep even more. The problem with that was the licking and the talking. Friend was talking. Friend was also licking. Buckshot friend wanted her to open her eyes but she didn't want to. She could not sleep if her eyes were open. Then more talking and friend wanted her to tell him What did that mean? They were them and they were in this nice den that was not wet and there was heat next to her in the form of Buckshot. Was that maybe what was meant by the us thing? "We're in a den. It's dry here. You're warm. I want to sleep". hadn't been as much of a struggle to come up with that as it had been earlier for her to think coherently but still there was some struggle and probably some slight slurring of speech as she was tired and groggy and still kind of out of it. At least she was able to think better, and speak better, than before though right? Progress was still progress right?
There was more talking from Buckshot though and..what? One of his own kids? Family? "Momma?". That was the first thought that came to mind..only..something didn't seem quite right about that. Her old home had been very specific and very strict about the differences between males and females. So strict one could be found guilty of treason and sentenced to death for getting it wrong and not every parent was called momma. She couldn't think of what the males were supposed to be called though, at least not at present, she had only ever had a momma and according to the many lessons she'd had as a pup in the North, males were not mommas. He asked if she could think of him as family..maybe cause of her saying momma? That should be fixed. "Yes. Family. Male family. Never had male family before only momma". There now maybe he would let her sleep. Or maybe he would keep talking..and stick his..what was it again? the thing in the mouth? She couldn't think of what it was called but he was sticking it out. "You're fuzzy. And warm. You stay. Family stay". She wanted him to stay but trying to express what to her was not a simple concept like it might have been for those who had actually grown up with two parents rather than one was beyond her at present. And as for asking anything she couldn't really think of anything to ask as she still was thinking of going to sleep.The other one seemed to come back then though. Wait? Come back? When had the other left? She remembered fuzzy words, fuzzy talking that hadn't seemed to be directed at her, but not leaving. There had been licking after the talking though. Wait..was that? "Did you cause the licking? I want to sleep. Male family kept licking and talking and wouldn't let me". That was not fair and she was rather indignant about it..or about as indignant as a sleepy, sick cat could manage to be which..wasn't much. Being indignant, or properly indignant, took far to much energy so her indignance was closer to a pouty child but still..she was not happy about being kept awake when she wanted to sleep. ((hope everything is in here and it makes sense..I'm still sick and we had storms here, with more coming in, and power went out twice briefly while I was typing this so...)) |
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![]() "And though we lose our stake, Heaven is where we make it
Even in the smallest places, Can a garden grow" actions - “speech” - thoughts
The healer nodded as he assessed her speech, she was talking much better. Definitely more awake. All good signs. "Well, there's not much I can do here. You probably have a good knock on the head. It'll probably take a few weeks of rest to get you back up to your old self little cat." He didn't notice any other injuries, she didn't pause mid speech. It all sounded as god a knock on the noggin could have been. "You might be a bit dizzy if..." She was probably asleep by now and Hakan nodded to Buckshot to let her sleep. He brought his volume down in order to let the leopard doze. "It should be okay now. She seems to be fine otherwise. She will need to rest and it will take her a bit longer to get back up to speed. She might be dizzy a bit for a while, and have headaches that come and go. In a couple weeks though she should be able to run around as much as she used to, but she may have headaches and bouts of dizziness for months ahead. I can probably adjust her neck at that point if she's still suffering from headaches." Hakan tilted his head at Buckshot. "You would make a good apprentice." He said and started to take his leave. "Make sure she knows all that when she wakes up. I'll of course come check on her soon." And with that Hakan had other things to do in this aftermath of the earthquake. Assess stores, check on other patients, see if he could find other victims of the quake. It seemed the land had finally settled, but they had no idea what lay ahead in the coming weeks.
ooc Sorry I'm so late! This is my last post for this thread unless there's something more!
Photo © Erik Stine / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Garden by Noah Gundersen |