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Acolyte Apothecary
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"When looking back doesn't interest you anymore Then you're doing something right. And now I'll do something best for me. "
Necros knew that the hellion pup was not like any little ones that the fringe wolf had come to know them as; he was not outgoing, excited nor social. At least that's what the ranger gathered through their limited interactions. Yet Arcas had been happy to see the dark wolf, that much was made clear, and was rather interested in Ivaylo. Yet he suddenly changed from the bright curious lad to a tight liped clam within a split second of Ivaylos exchange with him. It was clear to the spectator that something was wrong with the pup but what was wrong with him remained a mystery. Was everyone he met carrying some sort of baggage? Necros wasn't the least bit exasperated by the idea, in fact he welcomed the idea, after all everyone needed help at some point. Even the strong depended on the physically lesser because they were mentally superior than they but that didn't make them lesser. Everyone always strode for perfection instead of seeing their talents for what they were. Unique. The sound of Ivaylos broken whisper drifted through his ears and he turned to see her dishearted expression as gazed at him with pleading eyes.
"I think I made him sad."
The fringes heart went out to the pale lass as she passed by him heading further into geminis highlands. He wanted to go to her and console her but his amber gaze fell upon the small hellion curled up into himself. "He'll be fine. He might change his mind once he's alone."
He mentally reached out for the female to wait for him as he lowered himself to the hellions eye level...or low as he could lay. "What is wrong lad," he offered as he smiled lightly, "do you really not want to join us?" It was a first for Necros. He had never dealt with a child before but it couldn't be any different than conversing with another adult...right? As he waited for Arcas to answer the dark fringe wolf tried to remember his youth and how his parents spoke to him but sadly he couldn't remember anything further than the age of one year. Looks like he was going to have to 'wing' it as they say. Feeling a bit guilty the ranger turned to see if his female companion had left him but relaxed when he saw her sitting a fair distance away. He hoped that she wouldn't be cross with him later. Then again he could only handle one issue at a time so it wasn't completely his fault right? Yet the words she spoke as she slipped by him didn't bother him as much as they probably should have but, given their prior conversation, it was just a defensive reflex. Something said to appear unfazed but the look on her face as she turned away from the pup told an entirely different story. She was hurt by the sudden change that Arcas under went after her conversation with him. It was understandable seeing as how she feared interaction with her older packmates. Being shut down by a child she was obviously interested in was probably heartbreaking. For now Necros would attend to Arcas and, hopefully, he would be able to soothe the rough waters for the two of them to connect. |
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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A R C A S "Indecision is an awfully big adventure."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
Willing himself to disappear from the situation, Arcas glared at the dirt in front of him. His watering blue eyes finally focused on a little grey pebble that sat atop the ground. Too small to be noticed by anyone, insignificant in the part it played forming the packs impressive lands that stretched around them. Black tipped paw stretched out and began nudging the small stone around in circles, the pup zoned out to the world around him as his mind focused on it's motion. He watched as it rolled around haphazardly, rocking it's way over the ground awkwardly before it would finally come to rest. Only to be nudged on again by his tiny paw in a never ending cycle of distraction. Around and around, small and insignificant in its surroundings. The little rock resonated with the pup in its useless attempt to struggle over the rocky terrain and navigate the dips and rises of the world. Striped ear twitched as he heard the female leave with a final scathing comment that felt and reminded him a lot of 'home'. A sharp pain shot from his mind to his chest and the hellion let out a deep, sad sigh. Staring more intently at the pebble he began pushing it with increasingly aggressive vigor. He was the rock, useless like the rock, awkward like the rock and, also like the rock, he expected himself to be left behind and forgotten. He expected for Necros to laugh and walk away with the female, while they both commented about 'kids being kids' and went on enjoying the sunny day and their plans together. So when the brown and black male lowered himself into Arcas' peripheral vision, the pup could do little but look towards the scout with sad eyes. He stopped pawing at the stone and, making hesitant eye contact, he swallowed the growing lump in his throat. The hell pup began wondering if he was to be told off... or escorted back to the family den. Instead a gentler voice resonated from the large adult who crouched before him. "What is wrong lad, do you really not want to join us?" Arcas bit his lip and glanced away again, looking to the ground and his tiny pebble for guidance or comfort. It wasn't that he didn't want to join them, he really did. Yet the pup still struggled to know if it was okay. Even now, could he go with them? The actions of the scout were soothing and re-assuring. Yet the female still set Arcas on edge, the hellion was sure she wanted nothing to do with him. Trying his best, his mind raced in circles looking for a decision that would redeem him in the eyes of his mother, and his pack mates. He thought about what they all wanted, and what they didn't want. Mother would want me to be social... but not to get in the way. Necros seems to want me to go... but he also seems to want to be alone with the pretty lady. The pretty lady doesn't seem to want me to come... but I want to make her like me. Unsure how to answer, he nudged the pebble again and watched as it rolled around. Unexpectedly, the little stone curved and began wiggling it's way in a new direction across the dirt before it came to settle in front of Necros. The hellion looked back to the adult wolf, but his attention had turned to observe the female who awaited him a short ways off. The pup looked across to the pretty lady, back to Necros, then back to to the pebble again. Did it make sense to trust a rock? Arcas didn't know. Indecision was an awfully big adventure. Reluctantly he stood, stepped over to Necros and booped the adult males snoot with his own before setting into position at Necros flank. He would wait for him to stand and lead the way, whether that was towards the now impatient looking female or in another direction, the pup didn't know. But he felt good around the scout now, and was eager to learn more about him. The hellion had no father figure and very limited interaction with other males. He didn't know he was meant to have a father but deep down in his subconscious, Arcas craved male influence and identity. He found his siblings to be weak and freakish. Many of their ailments and mutant traits hindered them. The orange-black pup was yet to grow into his own traits, and was determined that the nubs peeking through his head would not hold him back from exploring the outside world. The further away he could get from his family, the better he would feel. So Necros provided the perfect attachment and distraction. A strong, solemn figure. Dedicated to his pack and its protection. Something about this soothed the pup and also set his fur on edge. What could he learn today from his adopted teacher? Pushing aside the strange turmoil of changing emotions, he tried focusing on Necros and avoiding contact with the female. Arcas was still unsure about the pretty lady, but with Necros around surely he would be safe where ever they were going. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." Heavy brown paws dragged across grass as Ivaylo paced in circles, waiting for Arcas to come to a decision. Maybe she shouldn't have been so hard on him (and herself). There was little she could do now; the words flowed from her mouth out into the open and there was no taking them back. She cursed herself for feeling this way. Something told her that it wasn't right, the way one can find themselves interwoven with others and accepted to fit in place like the way glass breaks evenly. But Ivaylo was in shards, and some pieces would never be found again. She looked about, her eyes shrouded, as if trying to search for them. Would they be found here, hidden some place unexpected? Or scattered, never known if all fragments have been fully recovered? It was impossible to predict, and the uncertainty of it all made her skin crawl. She shivered and sat down, impatience creeping up on her fragile heart. Necros might have been wrong about her. As she tried to calm her nerves, she tried picturing life before Gemini, anything that would bring her back to ground. She recalled endless nights lying wide awake in hiding, her scarred paw pads, the senseless running. Everything before then was just laughter, warmth, safety, stories. Nostalgia had possibly clouded her perception of simpler times. Was life really ever easy? For all one knows, she could have been able to tell if her father hadn't left them behind and saw his children for the proud wolves they were growing up to be. Those times are long gone. Thinking about it won't help me feel better. I should keep Arcas and Necros in mind. She glanced once over to the pair and saw Necros kneeling before the boy and peering at him with concern. She couldn't hear the exchange, but she was sure that the hell pup was looking slightly less afraid than before. She turned away again, attempting to appear calm and collected. It was selfish of her to be so emotional around a child, she knew that. But something in her sensed that there was something wrong with her particularly. Why couldn't she just come across as normal? A sigh escaped her, her eyes closing for a brief moment. It would be alright. She'd try again. Looking back again, she could see Arcas by Necros' side. She assumed the worst and guessed it might have been because he was still frightened by her. Her ears flattened for a second, then perked towards them attentively. "Coming with?" she tried asking enthusiastically, but really just sounded hoarse and tired. She hoped that they weren't looking at her differently, like she was some kind of antisocial asshole. But she certainly felt like one. |
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it's okay no biggie!!
Acolyte Apothecary
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"When looking back doesn't interest you anymore Then you're doing something right. And now I'll do something best for me. "
The male had been lost in thought while he had been waiting for the pups reply. Thinking seemed to take up a large chunk of his time now-a-days it seemed. His gaze had been focused on Ivaylo as he planned out different scenarios of how to lift the, now stale, mood but was startled into reality when he felt a bump on the side of his muzzle after which the silent child walked by an proceded to take a seat at his hindquarters. It took a moment for the ranger to regain his senses, and realize what had just happened, as stood to his full height. He chuckled and ruffled the lads bangs as he strode over to Ivaylo, vigilant to her sudden shift in demeanor, at a slower pace so the lad could keep up.
"Coming with?" The tone she spoke sounded kind and encouraging, to a youngster, but Necros knew she was berating herself. "I believe so," he said with a note of enthusiasm; trying to perk everyone up , "I just hope we can keep up with him." Another deep laugh followed after as he glanced at his smaller companion; successfully stealing the title from Ivaylo. "He's alot faster than I am at my old age," he half joked. The pup was quick footed there was no doubt. He then looked to Ivaylo and grinned, "I might need you to drag me there if we end up racing." The fringe dire was rather uneasy about his new attempt of speaking but hoped that it would accomplish the goal to cheer everyone up and allow Ivaylo to renew herself to the small hellion. Taking a moment the rangers eyes scanned the sky, "plenty of daylight to make it there and spend a few hours before nightfall." He walked by both companions and took the lead stopping to turn to them and say, "coming?" Waiting patiently for them to fall into place alongside them. The pale blue sky was dotted with white fluffy clouds that varied in shapes which floated along lazily upon the gentle breeze that drifted over the land. Causing the rangers fur to wave against the wind and promise a calm day with no storms to come. It felt nice and he was finally able to acknowledge the feeling of the winds caress and closed his eyes to enjoy it. (Ooc: Sorry it so short but I'm a bit muse dead.) |
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." Ivaylo nodded and shot him a wink, showing she was ready for the excursion and brushing her moment of weakness away. Although, she still found herself cursing in her head how uncomfortable she was. It was natural of course, since she had been isolated for so long there was no way that she would regain those skills she needed to get along with packmates that easily. But it seemed to be going well so far. She hasn't bitten anyone's face off and vice versa. Yet. The socially inept woman gently walked by Arcas' side, just barely behind Necros at his shoulder. She found the comfortable middle ground, the happy in between to be walking beside two strangers she had just met. How strange, she thought, to become acquainted with the two who were completely unalike. Young, grown. Wise, innocent. And what was she then? She looked down towards the hellboy, curiosity masking her social anxiety. Where had he come from? What was it like to be born here? Or was he a child of the outside, just as she was? She realized how long she must have been staring at him and quickly looked up at Necros, the silence disturbing her. She should say something. Right? No. Yes. But what? JUST DO IT. "Um, Arcas! she chirped suddenly, glancing down at him again. "Have you ever been to the place that Necros is taking us?" She tried smiling towards him, hoping now he was beginning to warm up to her. Even if she didn't seem as friendly as she tried to be. Her green eyes flashed towards the kind gentleman leading their way and her lips pulled back into a cheesy grin. "Say Necros, where do you usually reside in these lands? Not that she'd hang around wherever he is just to bump into him more often, no nothing like that. Just... wondering. |
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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A R C A S "An odd trio."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
Arcas kept pace easily with Necros as the male continued to head towards the awaiting female. They stopped briefly to exchange quick words and the scout joked about the hell pups fast legwork. Arcas felt his chest swell with pride, it may not have been a direct compliment but it was probably the nicest thing anyone had ever said about him. Necros pulled ahead and the pup watched his every move attentively, avoiding the female entirely. "Coming?" Excited by the prospect of going on a trip with Necros, the orange and black pup gave an excited yap before bounding forward to take his place beside the scouts flank once more. The female joined them on his other side, sandwiching the hellion between the two. They traveled a short ways like this until a twig flicked up, barely missing Arcas' eye. Feeling uncomfortable among the forest of moving limbs and flying debris, he quickly sped up to move his face just ahead of the adults front legs. Now safe of any potential flying hazards, he took the opportunity to absorb the surrounding landscape. Being not quite 3 months old meant he had not yet hit a growth spurt. This limited the amount he was able to see but didn't stop his curiosity from trying to imagine just how huge the world might possibly be. How much of it did Gemini cover and what else was out there? A breeze picked up, ruffling the odd assortment of colored fur that now traveled together through the pack lands. As much as Arcas tried to enjoy the journey, he felt an awkward sensation that set him on edge. Glancing quickly to his left, he noticed the female staring a hole right through him. Inhaling sharply he re-directed his attention to look dead ahead while moving a half-step closer to Necros. The pup felt uneasy by the close proximity of the she-wolf. He still did not know her name and she was still a dangerous stranger. I'm glad Necros is with me.. He'll protect me.. With a nod of determination the pup plodded along, ignoring the weighty stare of the pale colored female. He focused again on the terrain around him, the walk was calming and helped to clear his mind of the heavy feelings from this morning. Eventually he felt her gaze lift and he breathed a small sigh of relief. Her voice broke his moment of respite, sending his body back into a tense and uncomfortable looking walk. "Um, Arcas! Have you ever been to the place that Necros is taking us?" Lips drawn tight, the pup gave a sharp shake of his head to imply 'no'. Necros hadn't said where they were going, and so Arcas couldn't know if he had been there before. That was an awful lot for him to try and say to the she-wolf though. So he left his response as it was, wordless and stiff. Thankfully her attention shifted back to Necros again and Arcas was happily left to his own devices. He kept an ear half cocked to the conversation, the pup also wanted to know where the scout chose to hang out. Was he someone who socialized around the main hub of the pack, or was he like Arcas who craved time away from the ... peculiarity of other pack mates? coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia