Open If Columbus was wrong, I'd drive straight off the edge | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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February 28, 2018, 02:33:47 PM
(This post was last modified: April 24, 2018, 02:48:59 AM by Ivaylo.)
"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." Ivaylo lifted her muzzle, her eyes closed softly, as a gentle breeze swept over her. It was a chilly morning in the lowlands. She could walk a few meters away to shield herself from the cold behind the wall if she wished, but she appreciated the wind blowing against her face. She sat on a small slope facing the east as she waited for the sun to peak. She was kind of hoping that after it started to become light out that she would actually get tired for once and be able to sleep, but she would find that out for sure eventually. She found herself, every day, as far away from noise as she could get without getting lost. The bustling of talk and daily back and forth made her head spin, and she had barely spoke to anyone since the day she arrived at Gemini. After weeks of being alone again when she started her journey away from home, she found it hard to be able to talk once more. She finally came to the conclusion that it was just the way she reacted to sudden changes and loss, and she gave up looking for ways to relieve her stress. Being alone seemed to help the most, but she hated it. She was tormented by both the fear of being abandoned and the fear of being rejected by her new pack. She was not completely alone, at least. She just had a lot of difficulty trying to introduce herself, and she didn't know why she was so afraid. Warmth and orange glow began to bleed through her eyelids, and her green irises shined as she opened them. A little slice of sun was now visible. She immediately began to feel heavy, and decided now was a good time to try and sleep. She picked herself up and began to drag her paws across the grass towards the wall. Once she drew close to the entrance, she could make out slight sounds of someone making their way towards her. They didn't sound like they were in a hurry, but she moved to the side to let them pass anyway. Hopefully if she pressed herself as close to the outside of the wall as possible, they wouldn't see her as they exit and ask her what hell she was doing so early in the morning. |
Acolyte Apothecary
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April 23, 2018, 12:44:29 PM
(This post was last modified: April 30, 2018, 09:57:55 AM by Necros.)
The landscape of Gemini bathing in the gentle early morning light was picturesque. The lush fields of grass stretched out as far as the eye could see and the blades waved as a soft breeze danced across them. Making it appear as if they were waves lazily churning in an emerald green sea. If only the mind of the observing wolf could reflect such serenity. A large canine stood atop a cresting hill overlooking the wonderous display with a distant expression. The fringe dire had been newly appointed to be an apothecary in training while also acting as a ranger in his spare time but he was having difficulty with what the job of an apothecary was and how he would be able to fulfill the role if he could not even define it. Sadly he seemed to make a better ranger than he would an apothecary. If only he could find someone to help him understand the expectations and the duties of his main role. However finding such a teacher was proving to be an impossible task.
As if sensing the creatures plight a gentle breeze caressed his looming bulk as he warred with his inner turmoil; not able to enjoy the feel if its tender embrace. A heavy sigh passed through his nose as his lips were pulled into a taught line. Standing here aimlessly was only causing more unneeded thoughts to cloud his mind. So the males large paws set out for an unplanned course. The rays of the rising sun illuminated the dark colors of his black and brown coat. It was a new experience to walk in the sunlight were as the moonlight had been his constant sun since his arrival. The colors around him were bright and vibrant; amlost blinding him with their luminous glow.
Passing across the emerald sea he was brought into awareness and was midly suprised to see that he had been approaching the wall...another sigh escaped the mentally exhausted male. Really? Was going on another patrol going to help him achieve understanding...he struggled to believe it was possible. Chalking it up to habit the dark finge dire turned to head back inland when a small scent caught his attention. Holding his head high the ranger took in the scents that carried on the wind. Someone was here...but where where they and why were they hiding. Taking a risk the male quickly poked his head outside of the wall and looked around only for sharp eyes of amber to meet with the brilliant green eyes of a pale colored female. An invisble brow rose as he noted her intimate embrace of the wall. He scented her and concluded that she was a member of the pack but was confused to her evasive nature.
"What causes a packmate to avoid their own," he questioned while moving out into the open area so the he could speak to her more comfortably. His curiosity was innocent and his stance displayed no agression. Perhaps she needed help?
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." She jerked her head back and stumbled as she realized she had already been detected, the face of a strapping dark male stooping over her. She was surprised for only a moment, then shuffled her paws and fidgeted in embarrassment. Should she... say good morning? No, that would be dumb. She had never met him before. Well she supposed, that might be something she should say to someone she just met. The vicious cycle of social awkwardness ensued in her head. Ivaylo had sometimes rested her paws around small congregations of other wolves and just observed them, wishing she knew how to approach. But she had no particular reason to, other than to become acquainted with those who should be her companions. That was the part she always got stuck on, and she found herself giving up altogether. For some reason she neglected to familiarize herself with anyone, thinking it would somehow make her look foolish and weak. It felt wrong. She glanced around, a lump hanging in her throat. I really wish he wasn't looking at me right now. "What causes a packmate to avoid their own?" The quiet girl turned her back to the wall as he emerged and faced her, and she furrowed her brow while she paused to contemplate his question. There was not much logical thinking involved when she opened her mouth to answer, "My own are dead. They are not here." And of course, immediately, she felt regret. It was nearly impossible for her not behave emotionally. She thought if maybe she could mentally prepare herself before interacting with another, she'd be able to figure out what to say without giving away that she had the mentality of a child. But she had been like that for forever, and she frowned as she remembered with great pain the way her brother used to poke fun at her and call her a sissy. She always secretly thought it was funny. She wished he was here to make jokes about her now. There was no one else around to lighten her mood. She'd have to do that herself. She shrugged, leaning against the wall to attempt to dismiss her own abruptness. "I'm not... avoiding, really." She was, in fact, avoiding. "Maybe at first... I guess. I don't quite know how to, ah..." She trailed off, her gaze falling to the ground below her. "Nevermind. Ignore me. I'll figure it out myself." She looked back up at him, slightly hoping he'd just walk away at this point. But she lingered, her forepaw trembling. |
Acolyte Apothecary
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April 24, 2018, 12:24:58 PM
(This post was last modified: April 30, 2018, 09:58:12 AM by Necros.)
"My own are dead. They are not here."
Of all the things the dire had been expecting to hear that was not what he had been on his list of possible reasons for her seculsion. His own brows furrowed in confusion as his mind worked out what she meant; always one to dissect riddles to find the answer. While evaluating her answer he couldn't help but notice the torn expression that fell upon her features after the words left her lips...was it a slip of the tongue? Had she not meant to say those words to the concerned stranger? Perhaps not but the ranger couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to let out whatever it was that she was keeping inside. The corners of his lips fell deeper as she rolled her shoulders and rested against the towering wall of stone behind her. She seemed...defeated. Like she had given up the will to fight and was just waiting for whatever was going to happen.
"I'm not... avoiding, really. Maybe at first... I guess. I don't quite know how to, ah...Nevermind. Ignore me. I'll figure it out myself."
Again her evasive nature came back into play but he knew that she had not looked him in the eye since he spotted her behind her hiding place. The dark male could see how much stress was building up in her when she finally met his gaze and he could see the pain that she was trying to hold in. It was finally brought to his attention what she needed but he did't know how he should go about helping her understand. Should he be gentle and understanding or calm and honest? For the first time in a long while he felt like a bully just standing and watching this girl shiver without offering a single word of comfort. It was against his nature to be all cuddly and sweet. He was the one who told it like it was and would offer small gestures of support; a smile, a pat on the head and maybe a word of encouragement? Those, however, were given to close friends and the female before him was a complete stranger in a pack that was her own. Not that he was too different from her but his work kept him from seeking out his packmates he didn't avoid them to escape them.
The large fringe sighed mentally as he prepared himself for the aftermath of his words. "Do you know why packs were created," he inquired as gently as he could before answering it for her to hear, "to help each other overcome the difficulties that life bring; whether it be fighting for safety, hunting for food or support in times when we feel useless and defeated." The large wolf turned and walked away a few paces before looking back at the female before turning his brilliant amber eyes upon the towering wall behind her. "We accomplish things together that would be impossible for us alone," he hoped he wasn't sounding too mushy; he'd die of embarrassment if he did. It sounded like she was suffering from a personal loss but hiding away from the world you live wasn't ever going to make the pain go away.
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." "Do you know why packs were created?" Ivaylo glowered, her gaze shifting downward once more as he continued to explain to her things she was never aware of. How could she know anything? It seemed as if she were the only one in the whole kingdom who came from a small, ordinary family. Was everyone here used to being a part of the something greater? The more he spoke, the more alone and angry she felt. Truly it would be impossible for her to ever relate to someone like him. But she wished she could. This was what her and her brother always dreamed of; to become strong, and to bring their mother to the most awe-inspiring pack there was where she would be safe, the ones they told stories about. Right? "To help each other overcome the difficulties that life bring; whether it be fighting for safety, hunting for food or support in times when we feel useless and defeated." A snort escaped from Ivaylo, her stare still fixating on the ground. After a moment, she looked up to see the man take a few steps away to regard the wall as he carried on. "We accomplish things together that would be impossible for us alone." "Is that right?" she confronted, standing up straight. Her eyes were set ablaze with an emerald fire inside them, and she hoped it burned when she glared back at the dark male standing before her. She wasn't angry with him. No, never at someone who had done nothing to harm her. She was fed up with believing that there was something worthwhile in becoming a packmate to these strange creatures and sitting on her paws in their lands. Why was she really here? She let her fervent stare rest on his for a short while before she sighed, a long exhale through her nose, and sat again. She turned her head away, not wanting to look at him or the wall any longer. "Forgive me. I have a hard time believing that I made the right choice in coming here. I don't feel... like I've overcame anything." She lifted her head to look up at the heavens, the sky beginning to turn an intense shade of pink and orange. "How can you help someone when they have nothing left?" ooc; sorry this one's a bit short!
Acolyte Apothecary
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April 26, 2018, 09:53:06 AM
(This post was last modified: April 30, 2018, 09:58:34 AM by Necros.)
"Is that right?"
It was a 180 transformation when the last words of his sentence disappated into the cool morning air. The tired, shaken, and shy girl had been replaced by one who spat words at him dripped in acid but the sting of them wasn't half as deadly as the glare that she was giving him now. Gone was the quivering vulnarability that screamed for help and comfort. Instead a fierce fire filled with an unknown rage. How shocking the change was and he couldn't help widening his eyes in suprise. Then it was over; she let out a sigh and her gaze was directed elswhere but not focused on anything. A sight that Necros was more than familiar with; seeing as he was the one who was often wore it. Just what was he getting himself into he wondered idly as he studied the pale female whom turned away from him. The waves of emotions that she was going through was concerning and he briefly wondered if he should continue this any further. Was he actually going to help her when he had no idea what kind of pain she had experienced but she was obviously struggling her inner demons and those demons could swallow you whole if left to fester.
"Forgive me. I have a hard time believing that I made the right choice in coming here. I don't feel... like I've overcame anything."
"What were you hoping to achieve when you joined us" he inqured. Maybe by having her explain what her expectations where he could find the thing that was holding her back from enjoying herself in her new home. Never had he gone out of his way to help someone as he was with her. It was strange and a bit unsettling for the normally stoic protector. He was use to fighting battles against a physical opponent not a emotional, or mental, battle in which there was no clear target and it made him unsure of himself...a feeling he had never experienced before since he was a pup. Growing up he had no expectations or desires pushed upon him. He was free to do as he pleased along with his brother. Then, one night, harsh reality came crashing into his life in the form of rouge wolves. It happened when he was on the brink of adolescence...still a child but old enough to help his family hunt for food. It was the first time he felt pain...and the first time he drew blood from another wolf. From that moment on he didn't allow himself to be tricked by the temporary peace that they lived in. Necros worked hard to ready himself another such attack. Going on constant patrols, sparring with his brother to help prepare them both for real fights and listening to the whispers that were spoken by loose tongues. He could never get anything from the source for he never had anything of value to offer. So prevention was the only thing he could do. His family grew and so did his duties but, luckily, his brother helped him shoulder the burden. That was until the fall out. Necros wanted to leave the forest of the neutral lands; they were becoming more dangerous as time passed. His family however did not want to leave their abandon the area that they had called home.
The fight they had when he told them that he was leaving to join an established pack was one of the worst. The relationship between him and his family had been shattered...the last thing Necros remembered as he walked away from them was the voice of his brother screaming at him. "Don't you dare come crawling back here! Do you hear me! You're DEAD to us! YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER; YOU'RE A FILTHY ROTTEN DESERTER!!"
"How can you help someone when they have nothing left?"
Her voice cut into his backflash. The answer to her question was something only she had to answer to. She was keeping herself bound to the horrors of her past and not allowing herself to heal. How sad was it that she was in the best place to heal herself, to grow as an individual, and yet she was being drowned by her insecurities. Whatever happened to her had left her afraid to seek out was heartbreaking. He sat a few paces next to her. Leaving enough distance between them to make her feel comfortable. "We offer all we are and all we have, all of our understanding, all of our experiences, all of our strength all of our being is offered to those who seek it," he looked at the gentle hues of the rising sun, "it's up to them to decide the next step and we will help you along the journey...where ever it takes them."
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." "What were you hoping to achieve when you joined us?" She huffed, scowling as she thought hard. Ivaylo had a feeling that it was to escape her home forest so that she wouldn't be lost in grief for her mother and brother. A part of her told her it was because the good friend Sveyn advised her to seek refuge. Or was it because she thought she would still be strong on her own without the ones she loved most? But none of it made it okay. There was virtually nothing she could have done to avoid how she was feeling now. Either way, she had no answer for him. She continued pondering, replaying the question in her head over and over, but to no avail. "I just wish my brother was here to see this. Now he's gone, and I-- I don't know if it matters anymore that I made it without him." If she could somehow trade places with him, she would in a heartbeat. But she knew deep down that it wouldn't make it better either. He would feel the same suffering she did now. She glanced at him slowly as he sat a short distance away from her, then looked back at the sky. For what it was worth, she did appreciate him listening to her ramble on about her woes. In some ways, she felt it took a little ease off her mind to actually be speaking about the emotions she had been experiencing these last few weeks. Maybe it was time she put trust in Gemini and have faith that soon things will change. But what would change exactly, she did not know. In that moment, a young hawk glided over the pair's heads from past the wall and ascended into the clouds. She watched him until he was out of sight, then flicked her ears as she realized that the songs of many small birds arose into the morning air. She had been too self aware to notice how pleasant it sounded. "We offer all we are and all we have, all of our understanding, all of our experiences, all of our strength, all of our being is offered to those who seek it. It's up to them to decide the next step and we will help you along the journey...where ever it takes them." Ivaylo turned her head to look at him, the fire in her eyes now subdued and calm. If what he said was truth, then there was no where else she should be right now. Her mother may have died tragically alone, her brother may be gone forever, but maybe she didn't have to go through the hardships by herself anymore. All she wanted now was to make something of herself, to be someone that would make her brother a mixture of jealous and proud. If she tried, maybe she could reinvent a version of herself that was entirely new. She took a moment to recognize that what this man was telling her had to be sincere, or he wouldn't have bothered saying anything. She had never met someone, or a pack for that matter, who were so dedicated to supporting those they chose to take in. He knows nothing of me or the things that I've done to get here. Yet he's still here, trying to convince me that I can belong here if I wanted to. That must count for something. For the moment, she just wanted to take in the grand environment before them. The sun was now floating just above the horizon, its radiance making the land viridescent and peaceful. She closed her eyes as a gentle breeze passed through, then breathed and faced him again. "I believe you. This might sound stupid, but I, er... I come from a rather small family, and I've never known places like this even existed. Just in stories. And now it's real, and I'm here, and... it's been difficult to accept that it came with a price." She pushed a pebble around with her paw, circling it in the dirt. "And I wish there was something I could do to make it easier to truly be a part of it. Whatever that may be." She suddenly felt embarrassed by how much she was sharing with him, and she shook her head. Why was she suddenly so talkative? "Uhm. What I meant to say was--" she finally stood up and let her shoulders relax, and took a step towards him to dip her head in respect. "My name is Ivaylo." |
Acolyte Apothecary
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....I spent 2 hours writing my reply.....all of it was lost when I tried to preview it......I'll try again later today....I just need some time to recover.
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OH MAN i know the feel, i'm sorry bud ;_____; take your time!!
Acolyte Apothecary
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"I believe you. This might sound stupid, but I, er... I come from a rather small family, and I've never known places like this even existed. Just in stories. And now it's real, and I'm here, and... it's been difficult to accept that it came with a price.And I wish there was something I could do to make it easier to truly be a part of it. Whatever that may be."
The dark male watched the small female from the side of his vision. The tone of her voice and her posture changed subtly but it was enough for the ranger to tell that she had overcome her inner struggles. Eyes of emerald green no longer looked tired, scared nor aflame with rage. Instead they seemed to dance with the light of the rising sun beautiful, bright and sparkling with life a new. A small smile crept its way upon his lips. Who knew that such an innocent looking lass could make a great brute like Necros nervous. It was a lesson quickly learned; never mistake a fightened female for a damsel in distress. The smile stretched into a grin as he watched her move the small pebble in random circles. She almost seemed shy to look at him and he would have laughed had it not been the fear for that fire to return upon him. He was sure that if it ever happened again Necros wouldn't be spared her wrath. She would have made a good guard if not for her shyness but she'd be a great candidate for nanny or maybe she would fancy being a ranger like him? There were so many paths that she could choose but for now she needed to focus on accepting the pack as her own. "Why not take some time to observe your new home with new eyes," he offered his rough voice rumbled softly, "start looking for things that you like about the land and if you wish to learn more about the things you like then why not seek out some of your packmates? Everyone is going to be different, of course, and some might be rougher around the edges than others but if you find that its too much for you to handle on your own then you can call on me and I will aid you in finding civil ground." "Uhm. What I meant to say was--My name is Ivaylo."
A deep baritone laugh escaped him as she hurriedly tried to change the subject in which Necros could only oblige in hopes to save himself from her deadly glare, "We'll met Ivaylo," he soothed, "I am Necros," he returned her bow with a dip of his head. "I think you will fit right in with the rest of us," the ranger rose from his sitting position and shook out his joints. The downside to being a fringe dire was the effect your size had on your frame. He cast his amber gaze out on the vast fields of shortgrass. The sunlight from the morning sun shimmered on their stalks making them appear like stems of the finest gold. Slowly swaying against the gentle breeze that blew across the land. The birds were singing their songs and some hares bolted when a hawk flew overhead. The land was no longer quite as it had been. Now life and sounds flourished as the sun took its place high above them. The dark wolf yawned loudly. He had been suffering from insomnia for quite some time. Last night was no different but he was thankful for the females company. He had forgotten his own troubles as he helped her with her own. Although it brought him no answers to his questions he felt fulfilled. Perhaps he should find someone who knew more about ranks and their meanings. He could only try but it would be a shame to waste a lovely day such as this.
"Is there someplace you need to be," he inqured of his lighter counterpart, "if not I'd like to show you one of my favorite spots." He turned and passed back through the towering walls before turning to watch for the female. The spot he had in mind was a beautiful place which was in filled with blooming flowers, scents, and colors but it was what laid in the center that held the most beautiful gem. He had planned to stop by there and take in the peaceful energy that hung about the air. It was his sanctuary when days got too rough. Perhaps it could offer her the same comfort it had given him.
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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A R C A S "You again??"
actions - “speech” - thoughts
The peace of the early morning in the pack lands was broken by the sound of shrubbery and grass being crushed by a fast moving body. A small, orange and black coloured figure was hurtling through the highlands and towards the wall at a decent speed. Birds shrieked as they flapped desperately to get away from the perceived threat, flying into the sky for safety. The cause of the ruckus was nothing other than a young hell pup. Fur now slicked back from the dew of the plants that had been flattened in his wake. He had set his mind to it and there was prey to catch, one tricky anomaly that continued to out run him. Got to get the twinkly... He thought to himself, as he continued racing towards the noise that echoed through his mind. It had been bothering him almost nightly, but this morning it had decided to chime at the break of dawn. Rousing the puppy from his light and restless slumber to go on yet another adventure, hunting for the tinkling bell noise that eluded him. It was louder now and the pup picked up pace in excitement, bursts of white fog jetting from his small nostrils in tiny puffs as hot breath met chilly morning air. Rounding the corner of a familiar looking track, Arcas continued his pursuit. He shut his eyes against a gust of brisk morning air and in that moment crashed through a bush and into the furry legs of another creature. Dazed from the impact, the hellion pup stumbled backwards, eyes opening and trying to focus on the disruption of his hunt. He shook his head a few times to clear the haze and blinked as he began to make out the larger brown and black figure. A familiar scent filled the pups nose and he tilted his head as his blue eyes locked with amber ones. The male wolf seemed familiar to the pup, he smelled a lot like the scout who had introduced himself as Necros. Arcas had met him merely a few nights before on a dark and stormy night. Yet the wolf looked different now, his fur was dry and so his scent was slightly different. He also seemed larger now and the different colours of his coat were more easily visible as the bright morning sunlight shone through. Confused by the differences and unschooled in worldly logic, Arcas concluded this to be a dangerous stranger, perhaps a relative of Necros? He backed away as hackles raised and tiny lips peeled back in to a snarl. Gummy puppy teeth leered out at the large adult wolf and the puffy little puppies coat bristled and flexed in an attempt to intimidate the larger 'stranger'. The dew still clung heavily to fluff and had left it clumped together in sleek looking patches. Small twigs and grass seeds clung to fur, woven into some parts from the jostling of their hosts enthusiastic journey. Arcas' growl grew louder and he yapped at the male, tilting his little horn nubs towards the perceived threat. The bell noise had disappeared once again and the hell pup was sure this larger fluff butt had scared it off. What is it with these idiots ruining my mission?? The hellion pup seethed to himself as he continued to keep his guard up towards the male, not having yet recognized him and also not having noticed the female on the opposite side of the wall as his focus stayed firmly affixed on the mission ruiner. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." "Well met, Ivaylo. I am Necros. I think you will fit right in with the rest of us." She couldn't help but chuckle with him, not really knowing what for, but she was glad that the tension was gone now and she could begin to get comfortable around him. She sighed, breathing in fresh morning air that tasted like grass and dew. "Thank you." She considered for a moment that all the problems she had faced, the discomfort she endured since coming here, was probably all created inside her head. That may have been obvious to Necros, but it wasn't as clear to her as it was now. This was the most pleasant she had felt since her arrival. If only she could always be this open to new faces, new wolves, new experiences. Ivaylo wanted to tell herself that she could be still, but she knew she would be lying to herself. It would be awhile longer until she became truly comfortable with being that vulnerable to change. "Is there someplace you need to be? If not I'd like to show you one of my favorite spots." She turned to him, gazing into his amber eyes, then smiled warmly. How kind of him to offer. After all, she had mostly stayed outside the perimeters of the wall all this time. It would be nice to see what the territory was like away from the lowlands. "Aha, no, I'm not busy. That sounds great," she said, rising from where she sat. She watched as he approached the wall and slipped through the entrance, then heard a strange noise from the other side. Her ears pricked, and she sniffed the air. It was strange, but familiar, reminding her of similar scents that she had detected back home in her forest. Although, she had never found the true source of these smells. She padded closer, a concerned look on her face. "Is... everything alright?" she asked curiously. She peered over Necros, spotting a small figure in front of him yapping and growling. It was a small, strange child who seemed to be aggravated. How odd, she thought as she studied its figure and bizarre features. She would have attempted to soothe it or at least understand what had made them so annoyed if she could get past Necros, but she didn't want to budge past. That would be rude. So instead, she came a bit closer to get a better look. "They're, um... cute. Do you know this kid?" She supposed their little walk would have to be post-poned for the time being, but she didn't particularly mind. This was possibly a chance to meet some of the youth of this pack. |
Acolyte Apothecary
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"Aha, no, I'm not busy. That sounds great."
Was barely heard over the sound of nearby foilage rustling violently. The black and brown ranger came to a dead stop while he kept his focus on the rucus errupting from the forest just out of eyesight. It suddenly came rushing at him before his brain could register what it was and he couldn't stop the twitch that caused him to jerk back slightly as it collided with his leg. It was a lucky thing that Necros hadn't lashed out when the creature charged him because the small bundle currently glaring at him was a very familiar looking pup. The pup, however, didn't seem to remember Necros as he backed away from the larger male snarling at him while keeping eye contact. The ranger fought back a frown as he recalled how difficult the child had been at their last meeting; which happened to be their first. Sharp eyes stayed on the small figure as he wondered if the hellion child was dead set on leaving Gemini or did they simply not know the borders of their homeland? Necros closed his eyes and sighed. He was never one for dealing with pups...they needed too much. Plus Necros was akward with showing affection towards a child...especially someone else's child.
"Is... everything alright?"
The soft voice inquired from behind him causing the male to turn his head toward his female companion and give a nod, "Yes just a familiar face," he stated as he moved around the pup to let her pass. She seemed eager to meet the pup but Necros was doubtful that he would be the kind of child that she was imagining. Then again Arcas only ever spoke his name at their last meeting so maybe it wouldn't be so bad? From his recollection the pup responded positively to affection and Ivaylo seemed to be naturally kindhearted so maybe they would take a liking to each other.
"They're, um... cute. Do you know this kid?"
"Yes," he confirmed , "his name is Arcas we met during one of my late night patrols of the border," he didn't mention that it had turned into an acceptance of a new packmate since it wasn't the focus of their attention. Although he idly wondered how Dagan was doing. "He doesn't seem to remember me though," he mumbled as the small fur ball with growths on his head snarled, in what the pup must have believed to be, a menacing way. It looked like a rebellious teenager phase to Necros. Then again the large male never dealt with any pups before so he was just going on his imagination. "Am I really so frightening Arcas," he asked as he looked down at the defensive hellion. Necros hoped that this wouldn't disrupt their plans to go to the old willow. Necros was actually eager to see Ivaylos reaction to his sanctuary. Maybe they could bring the pup with them if he behaved...if not then Necros would be taking a unruly hellion to his parents.
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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A R C A S "Familiarity & Flowers."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
"Is... everything alright?" A quiet voice from behind Arcas' main target caught the frazzled pup by surprise and he leaped into the air like a startled cat, eyes bulging as tiny neck strained to see behind the male wolf. How many more of them are there?? He thought to himself in a panic, stress and anxiety seized him and the hell pup started to quiver as his small heart began to race a mile a minute. It was the first time he had felt true fear, afraid of the unknown dangers beyond the wall that stretched out around the lands. In his mind the pup prepared to turn tail and run if he needed, but a cream & brown striped nose peeped out from behind the black and brown wolf. The larger male moved to the side a little, revealing his companion. Green eyes appeared and Arcas relaxed the craning of his neck as the much smaller female wolf came into full view from behind the wall. She surveyed him and the hell pup did the same, sizing up the new potential threat. Sunlight glistened behind her, fur gently swaying in the morning air with a softness that Arcas had never known. His own mothers fur was coarse and bristly by comparison, unkempt as she held no interest in grooming or appearances. Yet there was something about this newcomer that felt very gentle to Arcas and put the pup into a curious state of ease. "They're, um... cute. Do you know this kid?" The pup flared his nostrils at the comment and his head snapped back sharply in indignation. He was not cute!! He was brave, vigilant and daring! Not... cute. Yet he couldn't stop the warm flush that began growing in his cheeks. What was this feeling? It was so ... different than what he was used to. He kept his blue eyes fixed firmly on the female with an unwavering focus until the larger males voice snapped him back to reality. "Yes, his name is Arcas we met during one of my late night patrols of the border. He doesn't seem to remember me though... Am I really so frightening Arcas?" The orange pup looked back to the brown and black male with a cocked head and a confused look. Arcas stretched his neck tentatively towards the male and sniffed the air around him several times, tongue darted out to lick across the pups maw in contemplation as the hellion came to a decision. It definitely is a familiar scent... and so similar to the big soggy thing from the other night.. Perhaps it really is Necros and not a big nasty stranger after all? Satisfied that it certainly was the scout, the hell pup dropped all aggression and trotted happily over to the familiar male. With no regard for personal space - he continued sniffing closely at Necros' coat, little wet nose occasionally brushing over the adult males legs as Arcas took in the scent of dry fur. His tail began wagging as he finished the inspection and he stepped back just enough to be able to look up at the scouts face. Certain that all was safe, the pup dropped his guard completely and started panting to catch his breath from the previous sprint across the pack lands. His little tongue hung out to the side, lapping at the corner of his mouth. It wiggled with motion from each puppy breath and sent the occasional drop of spit flying. He gave Necros a happy smile and a friendly yip, tail wagging speed increasing from the excitement and realization that there was no danger here. The scout had not revealed Arcas' little night time excursion to his mother, which the pup was very grateful for. Not that he knew how to express gratitude or what it really was, it was another positive emotion that was foreign to the hellion. His small and broken family didn't allow for such happy times, but the more he wandered the pack lands - the more the pup learned each day. Maybe eventually he would be able to understand normal socialization, but for now he continued with what he knew and so said nothing in response to the larger male. As the panting subsided and he caught his breath, the puppy looked back over at the female now. If she was in the company of Necros then Arcas thought that she must also be safe. Mostly he wanted to stay away from her as she was a dangerous stranger after all.. Yet there was something alluring about her gentle scent and the way she held herself so timidly. The hellion pup knew the scout was much larger than this female and seemed to be on his side. Confident that he would be protected by his larger black and brown pack mate, the orange pup stood, shook the dew from his coat and began to approach the female with interest. His ears perked forward in curiosity as he took a step towards her, closing the distance while his tail continued in a slow wag. The hellions little grey and pink dappled nose began sniffing the air around her and twitching with excitement. This lady smelled sweet and calming... like the purple flower Arcas had shoved his nose into the other day. She didn't look like a purple flower though. Maybe she was a different kind? “Flower?” He asked, tilting his head with a smile and taking another step towards the cream and brown female. Arcas wondered what it would feel like touch her, his body instinctively craved warmth and comfort. Though he had been deprived of it most of his developing life and so refrained from getting any closer to the pretty lady for now. [/color] coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." Ivaylo stared awkwardly between the two as Necros moved aside, watching the little hell pup analyze the dark male with suspicion at first, then soon relaxed and showed excitement once he was identified. She wondered what their meeting had been like, if Necros had been sweet and patient with the little boy. She smiled as he stared down at him, not knowing what to do. She didn't exactly know what to do either, so she didn't blame him. After all, it was funny to see him so perplexed. Children were never really her forte since she felt and acted like one constantly. Her smiled seemed to fade as she thought of Angus, her friend, and where he might be right now. Her stare became blank as she became lost in worry and depression again, and hearing the small child yip and seeing his tail wag only made it worse. She was truly lost without Angus, even after reached Gemini and had made it her permanent home. What was she, really, without him by her side? A broken sister, forgotten friend, only half meaningful. Never enough to feel fulfilling. She could feel her eyes water a bit. "Flower?" Her head shook lightly as she was pulled back to reality by the hellish boy, and she looked down in surprise as he had drawn much closer to her than before. Her eyes darted around, then settled back on his small vivid frame. "O-oh... Me? No, I'm not a--" she paused, turning her head to take one good whiff of her flank. "Oh." Ah, so she had smelled a bit like flowers and some grass. Only because she marinated herself in them while dozing off the other night. She had really better start taking care of herself more and not let herself go so much. She had an example to set, especially for the young one. Looking back at him, she thought it would be best to make him feel comfortable being around her. The one thing a child deserved from their elder peers was to be assured that this world was to be safe and kind to them. No child was deserving of cruelty or neglect. Ivaylo fumbled for words, but finally crouched down to meet him at eye level. "Uh, yeah, Flower. And what's your name, little one?" she asked gently, her tail waving gregariously. She wasn't expecting this sudden new company, but she doubted he would cause any trouble or delay their visit to Necros' sanctuary. In fact, she felt it was much less demanding to be introduced to the youth of the pack than the most renowned adults. She could be the careless young soul she used to be, way back then. She felt the grin return to her lips as she looked up at Necros and nodded her head at him. "Seems we have a friend joining us. But let's be sure he returns home safely after our small walk?" |
Acolyte Apothecary
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The feel of the pups wet nose gliding across the males legs caused the dark Ranger to twitch everytime he felt the offending appendage poke him. In his mind Necros wanted to push the child away, to a more respectable distance, yet he merely stood there silently allowing the pup to explore his scent. The large wolf was at a loss when it came to handling children and he felt it would be disrespectful to scold someone elses child. So he quietly waited for Arcas to finish his exploration. Occassionally his gaze would drift between Arcas and Ivaylo as he wondered what the pale female thought of this sudden appearance. The ranger was shocked to see a most forlorn face overcoming the females soft features. Her forest green eyes were once again lost in thought but the theme of her subconscious must have been dark for she looked so hurt as her eyes began to shine with the threat of tears. The dark fringe cast a side glance to the little hellion pup as he heard the little ones heavy pants die down and the rustling of the grass signaling the pups movement.
The male didn't speak but watched tentatively as the little hellion approached Ivaylo, who remained unaware of her surroundings, not stopping the child from his approach but ready to intervene if it was too much for the pale female. Never had he wanted to know the inner working of someone else's mind as he did now. Watching her eyes water and her body shiver made the males insides twist and his own smile gave way to a concerned frown. Necros had always been able to handle situations that had been thrown unexpectedly in his path but with her he felt completely lost.
Necros couldn't help the chuckle that suddenly escaped his lips. Yes a flower seemed to describe Ivaylo perfectly. She seemed to look soft and radiant, in a simple way, almost seeming to crumble at the slightest touch yet he knew from before that she bore an inner strength to rival even his own. What a very unique flower indeed. A gentle grin replaced all traces of his prior worries as the female was shocked into reality.
"O-oh... Me? No, I'm not a--oh."
The ranger had to stop himself from letting another laugh escaped him as the lass gave her hindquarters a good sniff in her plight to deny the childs inquisitive title. Only to come out empty handed it seemed. Perhaps the pups arrival was nothing to worry about after all. Necros decided to remain a spectator as the pup and Ivaylo interacted with one another. He was happy to note that the lass looked just as lost as he felt when it came to interacting with the pup but she had a one up on him as she eased herself down onto the grass, not lying down but not stretched out either, and met the pup at eye level. It would seem that females all had a degree of 'mothering instincts' where as the males usually had to learn it by experience or instruction. He was convinced that Ivaylo, with proper support, would thrive as a Shepherd. From what he had heard through gossip Gemini was in desperate need for them as they were slowly being overrun by children.
"Uh, yeah, Flower. And what's your name, little one?"
Necros would remain silent and allow the pup to answer but he was feeling a little out of place when he suddenly found himself at the center of Ivaylos attention. The life returned to her eyes as they seemed to dance with mirth and Necros could only smile in response.
"Seems we have a friend joining us. But let's be sure he returns home safely after our small walk?"
The dark male hummed as if he were giving the idea serious thought as his eyes slipped away from them and to the sky instead. "I dunno," he said jokingly, "he might not want to hang around us old dogs today after all he seemed pretty busy before...we might bore him." A broad grin accompanied his gaze as it returned to the two wolves infront of him, "what say you lad do you want to join us?"
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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A R C A S "Small paws, big paws."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
"O-oh... Me? No, I'm not a --" Arcas' tail began to halt it's wagging and lowered itself at the she-wolfs hesitation to his query. The pups smile began to dim and ears drooped back dishearteningly. He cast his gaze down, bowing his head away from the pretty lady he had made feel uncomfortable. Wrong.. I did wrong... Bad. His own troubled mind whirled and thought how upset his mother would be with him if he continued to offend other members of the pack. Mother hardly smiled as it was, hardly looked at him... If he continued to disappoint her, would she ever even acknowledge his existence or admit him as her offspring? Torn with inner conflict, he let out a small whimper. Blue eyes began to water as a muddled brain assaulted him with scenarios of exile and being ignored by his mother. The pups stomach churned and a lump began to rise in his throat. What... What is this feeling...? While struggling to cope with the new found emotion, movement made watery eyes slowly look back towards the female. The creamy she-wolf had lowered herself down to meet his height. Thrown off by the motion, Arcas stumbled back a few steps in pure alarm. No one had ever come down to see him face to face before. His fur stood on end, unsure if the she-wolf was positioning herself to punish him for insulting her. "Uh, yeah, Flower. And what's your name, little one?" Piercing green eyes met with blue and Arcas took a sharp intake of breath to try and quell the panic and building heaviness in his chest. Her voice was gentle and kind, something the pup felt he was not worthy of. The flush returned to his cheeks as he kept eye contact with the female, forcing the welling tears back inside as best he could. It was the first time he actively realized someone was not telling him the truth. Hesitation had betrayed her and the pup knew she was not a flower. He had been wrong... So why had she still agreed with him? While his mind struggled and tried to understand the female, he felt a small voice rise from within his throat to respond. “Arcas..” The word that came from him was quiet and broke through the air with a noticeable struggle. The hellion didn't know why he had responded to her. Inside the pup was still tearing himself to pieces, beating him down for upsetting the she-wolf. Yet there was another voice whispering in his mind, that this lady was not to be trusted. That she had lied to him and he couldn't understand why... Did he continue to play along with her now? Agree with his own mistake? He knew one thing for certain. That he couldn't correct her... Mother hated to be corrected and always fell deathly silent afterwards. He didn't want that cold treatment from this new lady. So Arcas held her gaze, perked his ears and returned her grin with his own forced smile until the females attention shifted back to Necros. "Seems we have a friend joining us. But let's be sure he returns home safely after our small walk?" The pup winced, ears dropping back as he thought about what 'home' meant. The den with the freak siblings, the endless gaze of eyes that he despised. No rest, no warmth, no kindness ... He didn't know what 'small walk' she was referring to, but decided immediately to bail before the adults had a chance to drag him back to the hell hole of his life. Tonight he would find somewhere else to rest within the pack lands, somewhere he could be alone with the new feeling of turmoil that had been inbred into his genetics long before his conception. Necros voice broke through the quivering thoughts that plagued the pup, snapping him back to a reality that seemed so far away and foreign. "I dunno, he might not want to hang around us old dogs today, after all he seemed pretty busy before...we might bore him. What say you lad do you want to join us?" There was a laugh about the black brown males voice that Arcas hadn't heard from him before. The pup raised his gaze and perked ears towards Necros, finding a devilishly playful grin that softened the wolfs features. As hard as the pup tried, he couldn't match the warmth of the scout or of the rising sun that brightened the world around them. A deeply burdensome feeling had taken hold and the pup felt that he was as unwanted here as he was at 'home'. A mistake... That's what mother had said he was and now, more than ever, he felt the truth of the words quaking through the core of his being. Using the back of a black tipped fore-paw, he wiped away any trace of moisture that had escaped the confinements of his eyes. The bell noise was long gone and so, Arcas had lost his motivation for the morning. The pup struggled internally with his emotions, he had never been asked to make a choice before. Never been offered to go with others to partake in socialization. Did they even really want him to go with them? He watched the chemistry of the two adults, the way they smiled at each other - the way they looked at each other. It was all so foreign... all so wrong. The hellion pup couldn't bring himself to intrude. He had been told to be seen and not heard.. To go along with them might disrupt the adults time together - which Arcas had also been taught was unacceptable and that he should not be under-foot of others. The hell pup slowly backed away from the pair, gaze flashing between the male and female who awaited a response. Both so impressive, both so kind, both more than he could ever hope to be... Orange body shriveled away to half the size as Arcas began to cower in on himself with uncertainty. The simple situation spiraled out of hand in his mind. To decline would be rude, to go with them would be rude. Regardless of what he chose to do now, mother would be furious with him. Every move he had made was a mistake that was now unfix-able in the young hellions mind. Another step backwards and his small paw fell into an imprint in the dirt of a much larger paw print. One he could never hope to fill. Feeling downtrodden, the pup fell back to sit in a slouched over huffy ball. Annoyed with his own lack of ability, annoyed he couldn't be more for mother. So she could be proud of him. Unable to bring himself to answer, the pup simply shook his head in response. No, he wouldn't go with them. Didn't want to be a burden to anyone else, maybe it was best he found somewhere quieter. A place where he wouldn't be in the way of others and could stay out of sight. Deep down, the pup knew this would be best for everyone. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." Ivaylo's friendly demeanor soon diminished as the little hell pup cowered and began to shudder in what seemed like fear or hesitation. Her smile faded into a look of concern, and she backed up a few steps to give him some space. Still, she waited for him to answer, and not overwhelm him. But something didn't seem right. He looked sad. Was it something she had said? Did she scare him? Flower wasn't scary. Flower was understanding and gentle. She could feel her soul waver as she watched the poor boy stumble and fumble for words. But a small shake of the head was all he could get out. "Oh, no... It's okay. I'm sorry. You can go play, if you want," she tried speaking in a low voice, as to not frighten him any further. She had trouble figuring out what must be wrong. Either it was her or... something personal about him. Ivaylo was at a loss, but wished she knew what to say to ease the boy. She turned to Necros, disappointment in her eyes as she tried to avert her attention to something else. "I think I made him sad," she whimpered. She wasn't as good with kids as she believed she might be. She was just a kid herself. Maybe that would have put things in perspective, but truly it didn't and it filled her heart with a weight that she couldn't bear dwelling on. But could she really leave another small child alone like this? Her mind wandered to Angus, and she caught herself grinding her teeth. "He'll be fine," she declared, walking past the two of them and entering through the rest of the wall. "He might change his mind once he's alone." Was it sarcasm on her tone? She wasn't quite sure. All she could do was huff to herself and shake her head, wandering a little ways off to wait. She would let Necros decide what to do with Arcas as she sulked by herself. If Necros followed, she would continue to walk. If not, she would simply wait. Too much remembrance for one day. |
Acolyte Apothecary
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I'm so sorry but due to rl issues my post will be made either Sunday or Monday. Probably Sunday since I really want to get into this! I'm sorry guys TT_TT
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It's okay don't worry about it! Take your time, i've been pretty slow too <3