Changes To Nardir
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Rieal .
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M'kay that makes better sense. Are there going to be official threads for between tendrils and Inaria? or are people supposed to make their own/can make their own for the things or?....

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Hayley she/they
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i know Puffin is interested in starting a thread in the neutrals, but i can’t say for sure when they intend to post (i think Puff might be busy with real life stuff atm). you’re free to post threads in the neutrals though, absolutely!

the Nardir refugees will have traveled a couple of days to reach Inaria, so it makes sense to have some character-development threads set in the wilds during their journey. i mostly skipped over any official neutral threads due to time constraints and wanting to get this plot moving. sorry for any confusion!
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EhwazAzi She
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This is a pretty free flowing event time-wise, so if you want to continue Tendril threads or make neutral threads, that's okay.

All I ask is that if you need a thread from "Gassed Nardir" kept in the main boards after we get the new territory going, just let us know. I have no problem with them taking however long to finish.

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Rieal .
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(This post was last modified: March 19, 2018, 10:07:02 PM by Rieal.)

Okay well I was thinking of an aftershock thread (at some point) for Aylie and Tallulah and a gas thread and like a supply roundup thread for them for the evacuation and then threads in neutrals..don't know when I'll get around to any of that but..yeah. Basically I'm horrible with timelines as it is and if there are large gaps with no posts..I will be beyond confused as the Aylie vs Zombies deal demonstrates so yeah. Hopefully that makes sense and hopefully I'm not coming off as..idk..sorry if I am..I just get very confused when there is a lack of IC post path to follow with events.

And thank you for the..days of travel to reach Inaria clarification Hayley..that helps alot.

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Pawprint she
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(This post was last modified: March 19, 2018, 10:59:39 PM by Pawprint.)

If you want Rieal, I can do a (short form?) Groundskeeper gathering thread.  Charley and others that want to participate getting supplies.

Also @Sekirei @Puffin maybe we can change the pup cave thread to a gas threat thread?

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Sekirei She/Her
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(March 19, 2018, 10:55:24 PM)Pawprint Wrote: If you want Rieal, I can do a (short form?) Groundskeeper gathering thread.  Charley and others that want to participate getting supplies.

Also @Sekirei @Puffin maybe we can change the pup cave thread to a gas threat thread?
For the time being, I'm putting Rapture on the back burner until things are sorted out and I've sent Byakko on his way. She's going to be kind of a background character until then. She'll be involved with threads where I have Akutan, Ticon, Sara, and Byakko active but she's not going to be a major player for the moment.

But once Byakko's been retired, I'll be bringing her back more to the forefront. Feel free to RP Beatrice and Aeneas regardless in the meantime, though. Don't let Rapture's reduced presence stop you.

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Charley She/Her
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I've been super busy with IRL stuff myself. BUT if you want me to appear in a thread, think I might be interested, or would like a prp or just want my attention, please feel free to tag me and/or pm me and what not!!! <3

Rieal .
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(March 19, 2018, 10:55:24 PM)Pawprint Wrote: If you want Rieal, I can do a (short form?) Groundskeeper gathering thread.   @Charley and others that want to participate getting supplies.

Yeah..I..think I'll try and do short form..things need to be situated for Tallulah regarding her injuries(that Hakan can look at if you're okay with it Charley) and with Aylie so...yeah. I'll probably still be slow though even with short form but..yeah.

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Charley She/Her
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(March 21, 2018, 09:16:55 PM)Rieal Wrote:
(March 19, 2018, 10:55:24 PM)Pawprint Wrote: If you want Rieal, I can do a (short form?) Groundskeeper gathering thread.   @Charley and others that want to participate getting supplies.

Yeah..I..think I'll try and do short form..things need to be situated for Tallulah regarding her injuries(that Hakan can look at if you're okay with it Charley) and with Aylie so...yeah. I'll probably still be slow though even with short form but..yeah.

Just point me in the direction! Tag me or pm me the link!

Rieal .
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Okay well maybe..@Pawprint do you want to try and do separate short forms? one for Buckshot to have Hakan tend to Tallulah and then another gathering supplies? or..I don't know how you planned on opening things cause..I know I have no idea how to start or even where to start a short

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