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Posted by: Absinthe - October 03, 2017, 06:34:01 PM - Replies (19)

Being left to her own thoughts had never been a particularly healthy experience for Derringer, who thrived on pushing her emotions outward and venting them through the mistreatment of others. Though she once again found herself with one travel companion, Falcon was not Serrate and though the youth (not so young anymore, really) sometimes questioned why they left, or why they didn’t find a new home, she never found it in her to snark and snipe and argue with them like she had with her sister. Instead, she exhausted her efforts on survival; on hunting, on covering their tracks while remaining within a relatively small vicinity, on maintaining a state of high alert.

True to form, she was bitter, she was angry, she had regrets. They came to her easier during the hardest of times, when the cold brought a lack of prey and her ribs rippled beneath a ragged coat for months on end. It had occurred to her, more than once, to go back. Go back and make an excuse, go back and finally take what should have always been her’s, go back and apologize, go back –

Where? Gemini, Saboro… oftentimes the two melded in her mind, not as a symptom of psychosis or dementia but because in so many ways her experience felt one in the same. She couldn’t – or wouldn’t – return to either place, and no other pack would do. Derringer found herself planning what she would say, who she would say it to, and then she would throw herself more into the hunting and the tracking and the new purpose she had forged for herself.

No longer a Queen. Never again a traitor.

Yes, we have permission from Pride.

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  So, this is Tortuga
Posted by: Trident - October 03, 2017, 04:39:50 PM - Replies (4)

Her white coat stood out like a sore thumb among all the green, but it’s not like anyone would attack her. Not when she brought a bounty like this, plus Kalypso would back her up (if she knew what was good for her). The Hound pulled on the red cow’s ear, making the lead female snort and low in annoyance. The herd turned, following Big Red as she ambled lazily behind Trident. “Tch! You know better zhan to mess vith me, ya? Ya.” She chuckled good naturedly as she nipped the red cow, before loping ahead of the herd. “Come on!” She called back to the oxen, listening to their lowing complaints as she led them toward something called… Cutlass Garden? Cut’s Garden?

She wasn’t sure. Kalypso said the cows would do well here, so that’s all that mattered.

“Haw! Haw!” Trident barked at the Auroch herd, slapping her tail against their haunches. They snorted and stamped, but as Big Red simply obeyed so did they follow. The twenty heifers settled around the garden, already nosing at plants and outrightly ignoring some. “Must be bad, ya? Good. Stay here.” The Hound patted their flanks, and then set off.

She didn’t have a job, place, or friends to call her own here. That’s okay. If there’s one lesson Trident took to heart, it’s that loneliness does not beget uselessness. Work is all she needed to function, to stay sane and hearty. So the Hound made her way to the beach, and briefly wished she’d washed up here all those years ago instead of the northern coast. The cold… The bitter, biting cold that almost took her ears and tail. She’d never forget how the chill hid in her marrow, and reoccured in the mornings when she awoke. It was like a frost demon had taken root, but it could have been simple muscle memory. Terror, really, at the idea of losing her limbs and motor function.

The sand shifted beneath her paws as Trident walked along the beach. She curiously moved closer to the water, and let the waves lap at her feet. The water was warm. Her ears twitched and swiveled left. Sea birds. Very loud ones. Fighting overr… Food? Nesting rights? She didn’t know. It didn’t matter either, but- hm? She turned her head, and pointed her ears downward. A few quick steps, and the tall hellion lowered herself to the ground. Listened, and then boop! Little sea turtles fought their way from their buried nests, and struggled to get to the sea. “Ah, so zhis is vhy?” She murmured, lifting her head to watch the seagulls swarm.

They flew in long, slow circles. Screaming. Watching. Waiting. What were they-? Oh.



She was the only reason why these small turtles stood a chance at survival. Golden eyes glanced down, and she didn’t move. When one fell on its back? Well…

No one would notice if she used her tail to upright the little fella, would they?
And that’s how someone found her: looming over hundreds of little crawling sea turtles, with an army of screaming gulls overhead.

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  All we see is sky forever (Adder/Aysu)
Posted by: Aysu. - October 03, 2017, 10:32:54 AM - Replies (5)


[Image: dGhI4rL.png]

Brown paws padded softly along the warm, early-morning sand. The beach looked nearly pink with the colors of the sunrise, the sun warming his pelt and making his journey all the more pleasant. It was a good morning--clear sky, gentle seas, a warm breeze blowing through. All the makings of a productive day. Today he'd decided to go out and get himself a rank--he'd talked it over with some of the longer-standing pack members, and they'd told him that if he was good at crafting, then he should seek out one of the crafters to apprentice. It wasn't the only rank he planned to have, but it was a good source of income from what he'd been told, and it was something to do with his free time.

Aysu had been recommended to him. She was a friendly girl, they said, and she didn't have an artisan yet.

Adder didn't need her to be friendly--he needed her to be good at her job. His eyes slid over to the Captain's ship as he strode past it--him on dry land and it stuck on the sandbar out to sea. It was truly a magnificent sight, especially in the early light of dawn. Devil's Doom, they called it. What he wouldn't give to see what treasures and finery lurked inside.

It wasn't long before he came upon a bungalow he assumed belonged to Aysu--he hadn't seen any others on the beach, anyway. Besides--this one was decorated. Lived in. A proof of Aysu's talents. Adder was impressed, to say the least. This hadn't been a bad decision after all.

"Aysu?" He called, voice unusually gentle. It was early morning; he didn't want to risk irking her and ruining his chances. The ball was in her court; she could turn him down just for being a lion, if she wanted. "My name's Addereon, and I'm sorry to disturb you so early. I'd like to be your artisan, if you'll have me." He pulled the satchel he'd brought with him off--something he had borrowed, though fully intended to give back--and flipped it open to reveal it's contents; a few well-worked rabbit pelts and some various, pretty seashells he'd found on the beach outside his den. I skinned the rabbits myself, and the shells are for you too, if you have use for them." He cringed a little; this was not going how he'd expected.

Then again, Addereon never had been a lion who was good at asking for help.

[Image: z2VnQdl.png]
Aysu had a hard time sleeping some nights, her dreams riddled with nightmares. At first, it was various terrible things happening to her family, but now it was the absence of them. Sometimes they were fleeting figures with no faces and she could see less and less of them every time the bad dreams occurred. In her waking life, as she aged, she forgot them more and more. Their names she memorized, knowing the memory of their names couldn't fade as their faces were. But there were times she wondered if she passed her father if she would even know him anymore. The scrap of black fabric he had given her the day he handed her over to the pirates had long lost his scent. Now as she lay, tired but unable to sleep, she stared at the fabric laying on the tattered grass mat where she made her bed.

Outside the sun was rising, casting it's pink and golden glow into her little home and she couldn't help but grin a little. She had lost her family, and that broke her sometimes.... but she had gained something else. A new, different kind of family. She closed her eyes a little, focusing on nothing in particular. The ocean breeze drifted through the trinkets she had hanging around, eliciting a soft, lovely noise and in some cases, reflecting colored light onto the dark walls inside the hut.

A new sound brought her back to the waking world. Her name. Being called by an unfamiliar voice.


The purple girl rolled up onto her belly and yawned. At least whomever it was didn't feel the need to barge on in, cannons blazing first thing in the morning. She rose with a stretched and considered slipping the black fabric over her head, for little other reason than to hide her secret tattoo and the little blue beaded string tied around her right ear. But she let it pass. There was no need for covering these things; she and Cookie were the only ones who knew their meaning. Besides, this individual had come to her early, they would have to deal with her bedhead.

"Yes, yes, I'm here." She replied. Half distracted by her swaying trinkets Aysu took a step outside and nearly bumped into the chest of the lion. Her whole body went rigid as she stared at his chest, letting her bi colored eyes drift up slowly to finally rest on his face. Holy. Shit. She's heard of big cats before, seen some from afar, but never this close. Quickly she took a step back, giving him some space.

"My name's Addereon, and I'm sorry to disturb you so early. I'd like to be your artisan, if you'll have me. I skinned the rabbits myself, and the shells are for you too, if you have use for them."

Aysu side eyed the lion, sizing him up a bit, then she took a look at what he had to offer. The rabbit skins were nice, smooth and clean. Not as pliable as she preferred hers to be, but certainly a good start. It wouldn't take much for him to make the pelts a little softer. As for the shells, she found herself grinning widely at those. Moving to the beach had given her more shells than she knew what to do with and yet she still hoarded them. The purple lady simply couldn't get enough.

Bi colored eyes inspected every shell before she gave an approving nod to Addereon. "Very well then. I see you're off to a good start here. Thank you for these. The Captain will be pleased." She said, moving them inside her hut and returning the bag to him. Her eyes drifted off for a moment toward the massive ship where the Captain stayed, then back to the lion. "I'd like to learn a bit more about you. Let's gather some supplies and you can tell me a little about yourself."

Aysu slipped back into the hut, returning a moment later with a small satchel around her neck, along with her head scarf, and glistening obsidian dagger. Slowly she would walk toward the ocean. The sands near the water always held some interesting items for crafting. There they would begin.

[Image: dGhI4rL.png]

"Yes, yes, I'm here."

Oh, she was much cuter than he had imagined. That was something he would have to address later though, after she had agreed to help him, if she did. He didn't want to scare her off; he was aware that he was often a bit too much for most others. His size and his abrasive personality generally made others avoid him. Not that he minded; he preferred to live a mostly solitary life, save for when he was needed for their Captain. He didn't say anything as she nearly bumped into him, lips twisting just a bit in amusement at the action as she took her step back.

He didn't hold his breath as she examined his gifts--but it was a near thing. "Very well then. I see you're off to a good start here. Thank you for these. The Captain will be pleased." He nodded, happy to hear it though he tried to keep the emotions from his face. He was excited to finally be considered useful, excited at the prospect of actually having a rank title other than sailor. For so long he felt restless; maybe now he could get some peace.

"I'd like to learn a bit more about you. Let's gather some supplies and you can tell me a little about yourself."

"Of course," He nodded, slipping the borrowed bag over his head once more so it rested against his chest. He waited as she went back into her hut to clothe herself, looking at her dagger with eyes sparkling with interest. "What is that?" He asked, not unkindly, gesturing to the dagger. He'd never seen weapons before; where he came from they didn't need them. "And what would you like to know about me?" Addereon asked as the gently waves rolled over their feet, his claws coming out to dig into the sand, enjoying the feel of it.

There truthfully wasn't all that much to tell; he didn't have an incredibly eventful past, and he hadn't done much since then besides coming to Tortuga. He'd answer her questions truthfully, though; he didn't have many secrets, either.

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  cross the delta [ACCEPTANCE]
Posted by: poltergeist - October 02, 2017, 11:51:25 PM - Replies (10)

[Image: ears_ring_by_dayne_doe-dbwutn3.png]
nearly almost dead but not quite!
Poltergeist had no idea where she was going.

One of the two nice(?) girls who had helped her had pointed her in this direction. Told her they could help. The pessimistic minded woman sincerely doubted, but figured it was worth a shot anyway. At this point, what was the worst that could happen, she ended up in one of Saboro's enemies and was killed on the spot? Boo fucking hoo. Sounded great to her.

Well, it could be the reanimated corpses of Thresher and Knife. That would be pretty horrific.

The chances of that though were slim. Zombies didn't exist. A doctor like herself knew well and fucking good that when something was dead, it usually stayed dead, especially when it's ripped apart. Good fucking riddance too, honestly. Not that she couldn't shoot a few sour glares at Shadon occassionally when he had begun befriending the flame-wolf. What an idiot. Oh well! At least she didn't have to worry about it now!

So the three-legged, tired, wishing-she-were-dead ghostly gal hobbled her way along. The terrain had grown rocky and colder, but she was thickly furred so it struck her odd that her fur stood on end. She took the temperature drops to just be the change in altitude from a jungle to a plain, or whatever this was. Nevermind that it kept fluctuating.

What she didn't expect to wander into was... a wall. A tall, very high wall. It struck her in the face like an arrow point blank. Whoever lived here wanted no one getting out, why hadn't Saboro built a wall? She gritted her teeth at the thought, and immediately tensed upon sensing someone patrolling.

"Hey." she called. There was no turning back now, for better or for worse. "Do you know Saboro?"

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Posted by: Manticore - October 02, 2017, 11:36:49 PM - Replies (2)

The seasons are changing again. How invigorating, to see the shift between winter and spring, the blistering heat of summer that reminds him of home, the crisp bite of autumn. Time seemed to hold still in the valley. It was hot, and the sun baked their stories into the stone. Beyond the maze, nobody’s story left much of an imprint. The rain washed the etchings away and ice turned carvings to rubble. There was a fresh start around every corner and that was refreshing.

Still, Manticore knows the importance of history. He returns to where it started. No, not to Oukoku-Kai. That may be where he took his first steps, but this new chapter in his destiny started not in a forest backlit by flames but instead beside a corpse. He traces the threads and he returns. He remembered, not because he had to, but because he wanted to.

In the dying sunlight of a—what season was it now? He’s lost track—day, he settles behind the one forgotten by all but him. The bones lay bleached—on them grows lichen and moss, opportunistic life creeping in on a titan and hoping to pull life and marrow from within this shell, but. Ah, but. They, too, would soon be choked out by the leviathan. Oh, how it had grown. Its thorns wrapped itself around the trees and the roses reached desperately for the sun. He should have known. He knew a sign when he saw it.

He lowers his head and murmurs a prayer. Not to this carcass of cracking bones, nor to the roses that grew vivaciously from the calcium it had left to give. No. He sings a psalm to Chinensis. The leviathan of red roses listens, and soon the sun sets and leaves them to their business. You could have done so much more, he had chastised the titan when it was young. Now it grew, and the life around it withered and quaked in its presence. He sees he still has something to learn. He is but a boy in this world, he knows that now. He has learned much yet there is always more to learn.

I ask for your forgiveness, he intones, his eyes not on the serpentine wind of thorny vines but on the leaf litter of the forest floor. “I did not understand why you left. Now I do.” He seeks truth, like his Father before him sought something beyond the heavy, aching burn of the valley. He had been rash before, but forbidden fruit tasted so sweet on his tongue—Gods forgive him, his lust for knowledge never changed.

This beast before him, construct of bone and stem, was not his Father. But if it was not his spirit he did not know what was. We cling to idols even now. It’s been so long.

He does not ask for anything else. He knew he asked much already, but if those like him could not be forgiven their flights of fancy then he knew not what would become of lesser men. He was a child of gods—if he could not question, WHO COULD?

No one, he knows, and he mutters a prayer before falling to silence. He sits for a long time. The time passes and he lets it. He knows this thing, this horrific sign in the woods—it would invigorate him, and like foolish men seeking the Fountain of Youth he waits, lapping at the edges of the water. Deliver him, and unto his eyes carve the proper path. A holy war brewed, and he would read between the lines of their sacred doctrines if it meant he did what was right.

(Being right meant he would win, of course.)

In the darkness, something changes. He’s not sure what, but his body is, fur prickling as his skin ripples with goosebumps. He lifts his eyes to the leviathan backlit by the soft silver light of the moon. Oh, how black the roses turned at eventide. His breath catches and he finds himself compelled to rise. To turn around. There is something there, drawing him onward, a string tied tightly around his heart—and so he follows it into the darkness.

In the pitch, he whispers—lesser beings would feel foolish, but he does not—“Father?

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  Come Undone [Trespass*]
Posted by: Shadon - October 02, 2017, 11:21:27 PM - Replies (13)

[Image: shadontitle_by_lunecy-dboic8l.png]
Weeks past him by as he searched for his lost wife. Shadon had come across only a couple of faces, ones unfamiliar as he was no longer in Saboro. Saboro had been his life for so long, he forgot the taste of freedom. He felt so odd, though chased as best as he could where Poltergeist could have gone. There was no leads, none at all, except for one. One that sat at his feet for days until he could no longer stand it. He did not want to face the ghostly son for a second time, not after their goodbye. It was a moment he wouldn't forget, a moment he held to his heart and going back could corrupt what was good. Poltergeist could have found him though, could have been saved and guided to a better place. He could jeopardize that for her, but he had to know.

Amen had pointed him in the right direction.


So when he approached the fabled wall with bones upon the cobbles to warn outsiders, Shadon had a sinking feeling. The red around his eyes could trigger something he didn't want, but the hellion was already here. It was too late to turn back now. He only smiled nervously, that knife-cutting smile that hadn't grown upon his features in a long while. He was tickled somewhat by the decorations, as he too had bones upon his back and neck, a warning.

"What a fuckin' display. Is that supposed to scare me?" Probably not, but if he had been anyone else, he could've been nervous at best. He then howled, a drone all too familiar to his family, for he had gifted them this feature. He called to them, he knew they were here. The question was, would they show their faces? If the girl had been truthful then he could expect more grandbabies or even Akki. He was not here for them, though.

"Where is my wife."

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
ooc:// ok before we get started on this, just want to say I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS.
secondly, Zeke and Shay will have a few rounds until Rip is ready to post and have Akki crash the party.
After that... well.... we may have others come in when the aftermath is done. so yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
[Image: guts2_by_gaphals-daja2rn.png]

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  Bite the Hand That Feeds [Shatter]
Posted by: Orcrist - October 02, 2017, 11:06:37 PM - Replies (4)

[Image: orctitle_by_lunecy-dboiega.png]
A strange wind blew in from the north, rattling the dark and deadened forest. Orcrist could smell the sweet scent of water before he heard the brontide, monstrous clouds looming over the mountains that separated them from the false Gods. The commandant’s gate was casual, leisure as he took every stride. He was seeking someone, and he knew exactly where she resided. Their previous encounters had gone awry, something he regretted as she could be a good asset. As a man of business, he needed to make amends to past disagreements. They were both friends of the Dragon, both needed to work together in order to assure greatness. They were a family of sort through marriage, their children cousins now.

It was time to give congratulations in the form of a gift.

A gift that stained his breast red; a trail of treats behind him as he dragged the animal along with ease. A prize Orcrist was generous with as he usually kept large prizes like this to himself as a true glutton, but today he had acquaintances to forge. As a father, he knew new mothers were ravenous. They had pups to feed after all, though if they started to wean already, they could have share of the meat. Either way, Orcrist proceeded to where he knew Shatter resided, making sure to make noise before he entered the den of a mother.

They were often vicious.

Once he was close enough, the Commandant paused and dropped the neck of the doe, licking his chops of the blood. A shame he was filthy, but that could hardly be helped. “Anyone home?” he inquired out loud, enough to alert anyone within the den. Once Shatter emerged, Orc would bow his head some in greeting, gesturing toward the kill. “Thought y’could use a feast.” A humble offer from one of the most notorious gluttons around, but Orcrist could extend a hand when he was inclined.

Though he was sure she could tell he wasn’t just here to give gifts. There was always a reason. “I’d like t’amend past aggressions. I know I’ve been… intolerant in the past. Seein’ how we’re a family now, ain’t no reason to quarrel.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: wolf_skull_by_nayuki910-d5dlzpz.gif]

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  how to adult //
Posted by: Rosalind - October 02, 2017, 11:02:27 PM - Replies (4)

[Image: IGiMmhY.png]

It was really boring to be a kid, Rosalind decided this days ago. After weeks of nothing but playing, eating, and sleeping, Rosalind thought now would be the best time to grow up. Today was the day, she would become an adult. It would be bittersweet to not need Ma, Pa, or Papa anymore, but sacrifices must be made to be a big girl. Today was the day.

Now, Rosalind hasn't spent very much of her leisure exercising her hunting abilities. But what she did know, was that you had to first select your prey. From past observations, Ros has watched Ma eat rabbit and deer. Having a bit of a taste herself, she could confirm these things were in fact delicious. But to be realistic, Rosalind knew she would have to begin with something smaller than either of those options. Which brings us here, prowling silently through the small brush of forest beyond her den. Each step was carefully placed, investigating every log and hole she passed. Nothing teeny, tiny, and furry would escape her. Not today.

Just when her patience was coming close to an end, she caught sight of something long... and skinny. And green. Her ears perked and her tired eyes doubled in size. FOOD?! Admittingly, she's never witnessed anyone of her parents eating food that looked like this before. The creature had no fur whatsoever, and appeared to have dry, scale-y skin. But, it had no legs! This mean it wouldn't be able to run away from her. The perfect prey. Ma is gon' be so proud! Excitement lit like fire inside of her, but she knew better than to break her composure. She was an adult, afterall. She knew proper hunting etiquette.

Two dome shaped ears flattened against a hot skull as she prepared herself to pounce. A speckled rump lowered slowly, swaying as she readied herself to pounce.  "One.... two.... THREE!"

She leapt into the air and landed on top of the creature. Unfortunately for Rosie, she had underestimated the strength of the lanky thing. The green snake slipped through her grasp, wrapping himself several times around her back legs, causing her to fall forward. She landed against the dirt and yelped loudly. She tried to pull herself out of the coil, but it only caused the grip to tighten.

“HELP ME!” she belted, her squeal echoing throughout.



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  The World Ender (return)
Posted by: Absinthe - October 02, 2017, 06:39:30 PM - Replies (11)

"We're.. we're almost.. there.." a rasp escapes, unfamiliar enough it startled herself. Shredded black ears lay back against a cream hooded head, one that had fresh new scars to tell stories where words fell short.

The bundle before her, wrapped with care and stained in blood, seemed to make noise- it whispered, it hummed, it called to the envy-eyed masochist who uttered a harsh 'shh' before turning to her companions. They heard it, too, didn't they? Absinthe didn't look at them for validation, there was no shimmer of hope, just a look of complete exhaustion.

"I hope they're happy to see you," she licks over her jaws, tasting blood- mine? theirs?- her head shakes away the bats and clears her belfry. "I hope they forgive you," she smiles. Absinthe found herself smiling more these last few days, if only to offer some hopeless form of comfort to Gaius and their shrouded guest.

It was a relief to know the Warrior could see her Ghost as well, that perhaps she wasn't just crazy, that some things in this world were still real. That the nights before- a red sky and the missing moon- guided not just her way home, but her thoughts to a darker, neglected region of her lost mind.

Absinthe took one last look at her savior and the weary traveler, picked up the bundle before her, and carried on. The stop was unnecessary. It was nerves sinking in like thorns and vines like guilt holding her back. It was the caves of Saboro and her mother's ragged, rotten breath that kept her going forward. Reminders.

Dreams come true.

There was no going back, no waking up. This is real. This is all real.


They arrive at an impasse. A literal impasse.

The wall, a monument meant to keep out, gives way to rampant anxiety and fear. The package drops, it rolls forward, stopped by a filthy paw and dragged back like a precious treasure. "They've.. they're.. what.." the panic is apparent in the face of a girl with slashed scars across her face. There is real fear in those eyes again, but there are no jaws around her throat this time.

"Gaius, how do we.. do we keep.." but she can't keep depending on him, hoping he can lead her now that she's found her way. No, Absinthe takes things into her own shaking hands, snatches the package and begins to run along the once-crumbled wall of her unfamiliar kingdom.

They should follow, shouldn't they? Are they? She doesn't look behind her, she just keeps going, and going, and going.. until finally there is a break, there is an opening, but something stops her from going through.

She is a stranger to these lands- Absinthe had barely made herself known, and what little interaction she had was unpleasant. Who on earth would let her through? Whoever manned the this wall- her last obstacle- was in for a wild ride, because she drops her prize and throws back her head.

A howl comes, haunting as expected from the withered, crestfallen girl. Whoever comes to answer her knocking would be received gruffly with a snort. She remembered vaguely who she was on the other side of this wall.

"I need to speak with the King and.. if possible.. the Queen, if she's.." Absinthe swallows her fear and bares fangs, "If she's with us still.” When Gaius appeared, if the cloaked traveler followed, she would clear her throat once more and hold her head high in confidence she'd lost many moons ago. "Tell them Gaius and.. Absinthe.. have returned, and that we have a guest," her eyes fall to the bundle between her legs and she bristles.

"and I have..-" A GIFT, ABSINTHE? IT'S ONLY A GIFT TO YOU, YOU FOOL- "I have.." A TROPHY? NO ONE BUT YOU WOULD POLISH IT- "Just send someone to get them," her tone stern. She no longer felt like a scared, pitiful little girl. Even the borders of Gemini ignited something she thought was reduced to ash.

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  hold your devil by his spoke and spin him to the ground
Posted by: Erasmus - October 02, 2017, 05:09:07 PM - Replies (2)

prp with pompilius, please disregard the lack of embellishment in this post. i'm still figuring out postscripts.

Colossal paws scattered pebbles and dust as Erasmus trudged towards the temporary den in which his mate awaited, great, mountainous shoulders shifting under his dense coat of fur. Sunset made the ex-Tiamat look particularly luminous in the waning light, igniting the splashes of gold that illuminated the apex of his body and silhouetting the rest. By the time he reached the entrance to his and Pompilius's shared den - the comfortable pocket situated within the rock wall of the canyon - he resembled a cluster of fireflies hovering aimlessly in the dark, suspended in midair around the faint suggestion of a waiting form.

From there, as Pompilius realized his presence, perhaps he would then notice the jackrabbit that hung from his jaws. The kill was clean. Erasmus had wanted to bring home a mostly untouched offering for his mate, even if it was a paltry relief from his mounting hunger. The Red Mountains provided only barely enough sustenance for both males, and though Pompilius was slight in build, he was still a dire of above-average size that required more nourishment than most wolves. Maintenance of Erasmus's monstrous physique and superior weight was an entirely different challenge. Occasionally Erasmus encountered a ram or a badger, but those were few and far between.

He was accustomed to hunting in unforgiving conditions, and the Red Mountains were a more prosperous terrain than terrible Za Kodan. But hunting for himself had been easier.

Nevertheless, he was determined to provide for his mate, even if the salient truth of their predicament loomed over his head. Their lives had not yet been jeopardized, but Erasmus knew. He knew.

He knew, logically, that they would find themselves on a pack border. He knew that they could not wander forever, eating rodents and snakes.

Erasmus set the jackrabbit down and lumbered deeper into the den, lapping dried flecks of blood from his muzzle. "I know it's not... ideal," he huffed, "But it'll have to do for now. I'll find you better." Erasmus himself had incapacitated and downed a rattlesnake before it had the chance to score him with its venomous fangs. It wasn't nearly enough.

Turning to face the open slit of the den, where the encroaching moonlight began to turn the night sky silverblue, Erasmus seated himself on the ground, tucking his paws to his chest. The air was cooler now. Tranquil. He could almost pretend that this place would make a suitable home. Erasmus struggled to make eye contact with Pompilius before his gaze filled the empty space between them, brow furrowed, muzzle wrinkling, eyes studying the floor; the hallmarks of the titan in contemplation.

"Where are you thinking we'll go next?" he asked, conversationally, as if the question wasn't eating him up on the inside.

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