A Little Trouble Never Hurt Anyone... (Atton)
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Almost Sparkles
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[Image: 9diobGN.png]

The last rays of the setting sun woke the young prince from a fitful slumber. A restless feeling deep in his gut told him he needed a job. A task to do daily to keep from going crazy or doing something reckless to pass the time. But what to do? Baal had taken him in but he'd rarely seen her these days since she had mated with some dark stranger from Saboro. Mako had kept his distance, not being stupid enough to deal with his aunt while things were going down. Besides, it wasn't like her rank was anything he had to necessarily train for, even if he wanted it. Which he did. Eventually. For the time being he sought a lower, easier form of work to preoccupy himself.... but nothing had struck his interest quite yet.

So the boy wandered aimlessly by day, observing packmates to spark his interests or swimming in the ocean or sleeping the afternoon away, as he had been doing when the warm golden rays woke him. The moon would be full tonight, lending a far different feel to the beaches of Tortuga. Mako stretched and yawned, feeling the deep breath push out his lungs in a pleasing way before stepping out of his little hut to the outside world.

The moon was yet to be seen but somehow he could feel it rising in his bones and the pirate prince wanted nothing more than to stir up a little trouble. But who to go to for such shenanigans? He thought for a time before a smile broadened on his face, causing his flared ears to push together in a devilish expression. Atton. Surely his beloved 'Tahno' would be up for some fun. His tail wagged behind him as he trotted off to seek out his brother, calling his own personal baby talk nickname into the breeze. "Tahno! You around?" He was really too old for those silly, childish nicknames, but that didn't stop him from using them and heaven forbid anone else used the cutesy nicknames but him.

[Image: makosharkplush1_by_arkyls-dak9646.png]

[customsoftbox490=#000000 solid; background:url('https://imgur.com/W0nposz.png'); background-position:top-right; max-width:90%]
[customsoftbox300=#61a7e0 solid; margin-right:350px; margin-top:20px; background: rgba(1, 10, 18,90); color:#c0cfdb]
[align=center][size=x-small][b][i]The sweet surrender of silence forces me to live alone
Locked and loaded, where the hell is peace of mind?
I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea
I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue[/i][/b][/size][/align]
[customsoftbox300=#61a7e0 solid; margin-right:350px; margin-top:75px; background: rgba(1, 10, 18,90); color:#c0cfdb; height:350px; overflow:auto]
[align=center][color=#3366ff][b]"speech"[/b][/color] | [color=#ccccff][i]thoughts[/i][/color][/align]


Quote:Fic Trash Rabbit: Baal picks Mako up and pets him aggressively "I shall call him... Mini Me"
Winchester: OMFG
Winchester: DR. EVIL AND MINI ME
Warning, this character suffers Bermuda Syndrome. His actions in no way reflect my personal opinions. If you have any concerns, feel free to PM me*
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