Rising Sun [PRP Elijah] | ||||||
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The Leviathan
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The crimson and golden tones of his boy were in the pirates sights today.
The horror and fear on Eli's face during the war wasn't something he wished to see ever again. Fierce and dangerous as he may have been, there was no doubt he was still the boys father. He wouldn't act apathetic to the concerns of his children. He was not Shark and had no desire to be. Never would he stand to the side and let them be without support, or comfort. And any who thought otherwise would be torn into with his own fangs. Tortuga valued loyalty and hard work, a strong of connections that tied them all together. Not a set of rules that picked them apart. No, they would become one supporting unit to each other. They would not become El Dorado, crumbling into dust without a leader. It was among the thick trees and vegetation that he found his boy, his scent sweet and familiar to his nose as he entered the little thicket. The edges of the waterfall pool gushed a few metres away, the water crystal clear as fish and other small animals enjoyed the cool temperature. The Leviathan's gaze softened as it landed on his son, his sweet and soft boy who wouldn't hurt anyone. And Raikov had little desire to take that from him, he loved him dearly regardless. ”Mornin' Eli,” He'd greet, plastering a smile on his maw as he shifted closer to greet his offspring. His nose and tongue pressed kisses to his head, nuzzling into his soft fur as he sat next to him. His paternal instincts had always been strong, kindling when he had mentored other children to a blazing ferocity when he had his own flesh and blood. How... could Rita and Shark not feel this? How could they not want nor have any interest in their own children? Raikov burned with a deep desire to know and support all of his brood, they were all so different; so lovable. He would never understand his parents disinterest, would never desire to have it. ”I wanted ta talk ta ye... How are ye holdin' up?” He'd ask, voice a soft purr as his tail flickered to rest over his sons. Though he made sure the boy was looking at him to lip read; something he forgot at times when he was so used to... doing the opposite. He adored his son despite his disability, it made him more unique to him. But it was just as important that they had this talk. War was never something they should have experienced, which is why he had given them the option to stay at home; no shame involved. And yet they had come, supporting their pack and their father to get their long lost father back. Raikov had always spoken about Ezekiel, and hopefully the transition to getting and having another father wasn't a difficult one to do. And thus, he lay down on the soft dirt, the waters edge barely touching his toes as he curled around his son; offering a more non-verbal means of comfort and support. If Eli joined him Raikov would make soft huffing noises, tongue flicking out to groom and soothe any scars and fur that were out of place. ”We're home now, it's alright.” |