The Wall, the border, and the lowlands [Announcement]
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Witch. She
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Brick  (This post was last modified: September 28, 2017, 11:32:28 AM by Witch..)

This is a reminder to everyone that the wall is not the border to Gemini. It encompasses the highlands, which is only half of the territory. Unless you ask Rhiow and I about a special plot (for example, your character washing up on the shore or stumbling out of a cave in the mountains), your character must enter Gemini through the lowlands.  

The wall's height, also, is about 25 feet on average-- 20 feet at it's lowest, 30 feet at it's absolute highest-- and several layers thick. It was formed by humans and then restored by the creatures of Gemini, so there are original sections of solid rock and mortar and large areas filled in with dry stacked stone. It looks a bit like this, just taller:

[Image: lewfrench-sculpture6.jpg]
[Image: rustic-dry-stone-wall-10753326.jpg]

[Image: eckermanstudios.JPG]
^there may be more artistic sections as well, if the wall builder was feeling creative

[Image: a-squeeze-stile-in-a-dry-stone-wall-buil...J41153.jpg]
^ choke point; this is the entrance and exit, marked by the skulls of Cancer and Lilith on the side facing the lowlands.

On the inside of the wall, there are makeshift stair structures that can be assembled and dissembled so scouts can get up and down without hurting themselves. As the stone is uneven, it is possible that exceptionally agile characters could climb it eventually, but no one should be able to shimmy up the wall in five seconds. It cannot be stormed over, jumped over, scurried over, or spontaneously develop holes for your character to get through.

If you goofed up before this announcement, that's fine. Don't worry about it.

But going forward, as of this announcement, returning and incoming characters teleporting to the wall without talking to us first will be treated as a trespasser, meaning rangers and vanguards will be able/encouraged to invade your thread. Characters casually climbing up and jumping down the wall as if it were a step stool or otherwise finding a way through without getting our permission will also be told to alter their posts.

Rhiow and I are always open to wacky acceptances and plots, so really, don't be shy if you want to ask about an idea. We might not say yes, but we will hear you out.

Remember your name.
Do not lose hope — what you seek will be found.
Trust ghosts. Trust those that you have helped
to help you in their turn.
Trust dreams.
Trust your heart, and trust your story.
When you come back, return the way you came.
Favors will be returned, debts will be repaid.
Do not forget your manners.
Do not look back.

- Neil Gaiman, Instructions

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