ENTRANCE PLOT - PROMPT - Veni, vidi, vici | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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September 18, 2017, 12:39:35 PM
(This post was last modified: October 02, 2017, 11:41:04 PM by Uri.)
PROMPT...Round One
You and your compatriots are entering into the land, timed directly after the land claim thread. You begin at the giant cave entrance to the tunnel, just past the desert that isolates this land. This part of the territory was once and will again be called the Visitor Center, and currently it is vacant. Scents are faint but are stronger the deeper you go into the tunnel, therefore you know that the carriers of those scents do not frequent these tunnels but have not left. It is dark and cool within the Visitor Center and the tunnel, a huge relief from the heat of the desert you have just left. You don't hear any other large living creatures nearby but you do hear the soft chirps of a colony of bats, hidden in the darkness.
Current Noise Score = 0
Key things to note: - This account will post once each round. - You are not sure of the location of any camps within the territory. - Rainer has not announced his presence to the territory. - There may be bats in this cave, be careful not to upset them or they may alert the enemy. - You may or may not encounter any NPCs in this thread. This is determined via "noise points", determined by a 1d6 dice roll per post. - If the noise points reaches 50 within the first ten roleplay posts, at least one NPC (likely hostile) will appear. - If 50 seems ridiculously short or fast, it may be amended. - The initial approach is one of stealth. Stealth bonuses can cause your noise score to go negative for any individual post. - If you are stealthy and careful not to make noise in your roleplay post, you can get a stealth bonus of up to 3 points taken off of your post's noise rating. - A howl equals +30 noise score and negates any future stealth bonuses. - A bark equals +10 noise score and has the chance to negate any future stealth bonuses. - If your character doesn't speak at all in the post, that is -2 noise score (stealth bonus.) - Bird calls, unless loudly in the language that Bacchus wolves can understand, do not add or subtract from noise points. - If a fight breaks out with an NPC, the noise score reverts to zero and another NPC may join the fray at 50 noise points. - Each player character in a fight increases the noise score by +10 per fighting post and negates any stealth bonuses until the fight has ended. - Once the fight ends and all NPCs are either captured or killed, the noise points begin at a random roll of a 1d10. |
my veins drip golden
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September 23, 2017, 03:39:17 PM
(This post was last modified: September 26, 2017, 10:19:49 PM by Uri.)
![]() The elf-eared king stood confidently before his pack, eyes trained ahead and ears swiveling. He was among those especially glad to be out of the heat of the desert. To be honest, he was surprised out of his mind that they had made it through the desert as quickly as they had. Thankfully, there was a small stream in the cave near the entrance that he had stopped at to lap at - after making sure it was clean and clear of bat guano. He'd had them wait in the cave when they arrived to refresh, keeping an ear and an eye out in case anyone came down the tunnel towards them and blew their cover. While time was of the essence, it was also important that they all keep their energy up.
They all needed a rest after that damned desert. He remembered walking through it on the way out of this land, so many years ago. He'd sworn he'd never do it again - what a foolish endeavor that had been! He was certain now that he would make the trek many, many times. They had to grow, after all, and he knew that they couldn't just expect every new soul to find them in the middle of this desert. Even with a few new faces, their little group was still far too small to be able to survive for more than another generation. Rainer looked over his group, checking them over as he readied himself to pass through the long winding tunnel that would take them into their homeland. With a deep exhale and a dimpled smile to his daughter, he strode forward, tail up and ears alert. It was time to enter their new home and claim it once more. They would be going in by stealth - it was the only way. |
Almost Sparkles
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October 05, 2017, 11:55:31 AM
(This post was last modified: October 05, 2017, 11:56:53 AM by Circe.)
Their adventure across the desert had been taxing, more on her father than herself or Beau, neither of them possessed the thick Bacchus coats of the purebloods. Still, the sweltering heat and lack of shade or water would have been tough on anyone, the cool shelter offered by the cave was a welcome change. Keeping low and alert as they made sure the immediate area was clear, Circe nudged Beau before she took a moment to sit and rest on the stone floor, letting the cold seep up from beneath her and drift through her coat..
Despite the exhaustion and weariness from traveling, Circe began to fill with excitement as she scanned the entrance. This was the start of something, a life she'd longed for, a home. She watched as her father readied himself to press on and at his smile, she rose to follow him forward into the darkness. She kept her breathing soft and even, making sure to step lightly as to not disturb the more flighty residents, even from here she could hear their faint squeaks from somewhere deeper inside the mountain. Keeping close to her father's shoulder, her eyes trained ahead for any sign of movement, she was hopeful that they would find no one home but realized it was unlikely the place would be completely abandoned. Circe wasn't a fighter and the thought of having to battle with anyone sent a shiver down her spine, without thinking she pressed closer to her father, her shoulder brushing against his hip. The contact served to relax her nerves a bit and borrowing some of his unwavering calmness. Circe looked back for Beau, her faithful charge, the boy (though, a year older than her) was never far from her side, an escaped slave, brainwashed and broken. She'd taken it upon herself to help the lad break through the poisoned shackles that still held his mind in the past. She loved him like one loves a child or a cherished pet and was hopeful that he'd one day be free to make his own choices and live his own life, here, in their new home.... Teeth sunk into her lower lip, a nervous habit she'd picked up, returning her gaze to the tunnel before them, to the left was an opening, she nudged her father, her eyes questioning, unsure of their next move. From within the visitor's quarters, she could hear something faint, it was soft and rhythmic, Circe's imagination ran wild as her ears perked up, straining to get a better idea of what the sound was. Another shiver washed over her and her hackles raised slightly, she took a step backward and her eyes grew wide, she didn't know what was in there but she really didn't want to be the first to find out. ♕ ||OOC: I hope this is accurate for the layout of the tunnels.||
Almost Sparkles
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Almost Sparkles
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Beau The brown boy followed closely at Circe's heels, his ears alert and eyes scanning the dim space. When she paused at the entrance of the visitor's center, he could feel the uncertainty she felt. Raising his head and stepping forward as she drifted back, not just his training at work but something more. He loved the girl, he would lay down his life for her if it was required, not just because that's what he'd been trained to do but because she was special to him. The ex-slave was slowly working through his brainwashed past and developing into his own person rather than a drone programmed to serve his betters. Circe had been a large part of his development, for that he would be forever indebted to her, personal feelings aside.
Hackles raised, Beau peered into the darkness, listening to the rhythmic drip, drip, drip of water, the sound that had unnerved his lady. Looking back to Circe and Rainer, then to Myth, the brown boy took the leading steps into the center for visitors, he could smell nothing alive within the walls but he felt the need to give the area a good look. He clung to the walls, keeping quiet and low as he completed a full lap of the area. Returning to the main tunnel, he looked to Rainer and nodded his head indicating the area was clear and free of any intruders. Continuing down the tunnel, Beau could hear the screeching of the winged rats getting closer and he was very careful to keep his footsteps as silent as possible. Up ahead, he could see the light of the entrance to the land of the Bacchus Dires, he slowed, there's no way their endeavor would be this easy. He gave the group behind him an uncertain look and drew to a stop. This was Rainer's land, he should be the first through the threshold, not to mention, Beau wanted to remain close to Circe, just in case. ||OOC: Ok, there's my group, Errol will pop in next round|| ♕ |
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speech ☄
Slow. Quiet. Cautious.
Crocuta's paws took slow but steady steps, her breathing deep but quiet-- shallow, unsure breaths could cause unnecessary alarm-- as she followed her pack. She kept her head level, a part of her wished to duck her head and hide it close to Rainer's tail; although, she knew possible threats could also in general be intimidated by the face of a glowing "demon." Mixed feelings, but she'd keep herself sturdy like always. Now was not the time to regret or be nervous, now was the time to be sure-footed and ready to defend her family if needed. Am I a big enough threat to enemies? No, thats a silly question, of course I'm big enough, have you seen these paws? Crocuta's cheeks twitched, holding back a smile. Her green eyes flashed as she took slow glances at the youngsters in the group..If enemies came for any reason, she'd be immediately overtop of them. Crocuta would guard the youngsters with her life if necessary. Movement caught her eye as she noticed Circe becoming unnerved. With a quick step, she'd come closer to the young female and walk steadily behind her; attempting to block her widened gaze at whatever lay behind. Crocuta would blink at Circe, attempting to calm her without words. She knew the male, Beau if she recalled correctly, by her was attempting the same. ☄ ☄Soldier keep on marchin' on
Head down til the work is done Waitin' on that morning sun Soldier keep on marchin' on☄ ☄ |
Nova rp
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October 11, 2017, 06:35:19 PM
(This post was last modified: October 11, 2017, 07:10:16 PM by Uri.)
The dark was scary. You never know what could be hiding around the corner, waiting to snap at your leg or pull you away to never see the light again. No one noticing that you're gone, possibly dead and body hidden away in a rock cavern or something. Nova shivered slightly, her eyes wide as she glanced around the darkness. She hated the dark, it was scary.
The young girl glanced towards her sister. Stepping closer til she was pressed up against her side. Almost causing her to stumble because of Nova tripping over a pebble that was in her way. A small squeak escaping from her, before she bit down on her tongue and looked up towards the adults. Scared that her small noise may have caused them trouble. Her ears pressing against her head and her tail between her legs in fear of causing trouble. Nova gulped, trying to hold herself together and not start crying because of her fear. |
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![]() The hellion was no stealthy creature as her large paws and claws clicked along the ground. They moved from the desert into the low-land valley of the mountains where a cave opened into a maw of caverns. Bats would surely alert any enemies, so Hades stayed well behind the group, stalking as quietly as she could. Nose wiggled as she tried to smell anything other than bat shit and dust. Stalactites dripped down water into the underground pools, creating a sense of disorientation, at least for the hellion as she moved cautiously through.
The others too were cautious, quietly sneaking through. Rainer led them, naturally, and the younger pups were obviously scared. Hades turned to glance behind, knowing they were leaving behind the vast desert. No one could come from behind, right? Well, that’s what they had the hellion for, she supposed. She would take up the rear and keep an eye out there. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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my veins drip golden
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![]() Rainer continued on silently, ears perked and eyes alert. He could sense his pack around him and every so often he'd glance back to make sure the whelps - Ouija, Nova, and Cardinal - were still close to an adult. He noticed Crocuta go to Circe to comfort her as his daughter looked nervously into the darkness. He peered into the shadows and noticed the shifting shapes on the ceiling - bats. Nose twitched and he continued on, brushing his tail across Circe's shoulder to assist in comforting her. To show her he was there, it was alright.
A noise behind him and he froze, ears pricking. One of the two younger pups had squeaked, so he glanced back at her, eyes wide to take in any movement. No, she'd simply stumbled. He hoped they were far enough from the entrance that the squeak hadn't caught anyone's attention. He glanced at Hades and then the others before turning forward and continuing on, renewed confidence in his quiet step. He exhaled as light appeared up ahead. So, so close. His step quickened somewhat, though his eyes flashed to and fro to pick up any movement beyond. As they approached and the shadows of the cave began to fall away, he paused, inhaling deeply and scanning the brush, shivering in delight as the cold air of the winter wonderland beyond cooled his pelt. He crossed the threshold of the cave, golden eyes scanning around them as he waited for everyone to come into the cave. Once they'd arrived, he'd do a mental count, making sure everyone who was supposed to be with them was, and anyone who wasn't..wasn't. |
Almost Sparkles
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Circe took comfort in the presence of those around her, Beau, Crocuta and her father. Her nerves soothed, she followed the group, making sure to keep an eye on the whelps that joined their party. Nova, in particular, had grabbed Circe's attention when she stumbled, nerves be damned Circe fell back beside the youngster and nosed her gently. Whispering, It's ok sweet child. she then picked Nova up carefully by the scruff and brought her to the front of the group where Rainer had stopped in the cave. Placing Nova between her front paws she nuzzled behind the pup's ear.
Something deep and maternal stirred in the young girl as she took charge of the pup, a warmth bubbled up within her chest as she looked warmly at the pup and waited for the others. She knew she would do anything to protect Nova and the other whelps from harm, it was her calling. ♕ ||OOC: Yeah... Sorry Nova, you belong to Circe now. LMAO||
Almost Sparkles
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Beau Beau eyed the wolf-bear cautiously, he still wasn't sure about the female but Rainer and Circe seemed to trust her so he had to take solace in that. Following closely at Circe's heels, noticing Crocuta's attempt to comfort his lady pulled at him, this was his lady, to drive that idea home he pushed his way between the two as they walked silently. Jealousy, it was a new color on him and unknown to him, it was about to get worse. As Circe fell back to help the pup, Beau watched her carefully pick up the whelp and walk right past him to join Rainer, nuzzling the fluffball.
For so long it had just been the two of them, the broken boy still unsure of his place in the world, the sudden appearance of new faces and the journey to Bacchus, it all seemed to be too much for him. He hung his head feeling the rejection that was only in his mind and slowed his pace so that he only arrived in the cave after everyone else. It was a lot to take in for such a broken boy. ♕ |
Almost Sparkles
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kissed by the moon
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( River's characters can be skipped for the time being. )