Acceptance thread Artemis Arrives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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![]() Location:Inaria Border
Thread Partner:Whichever wolf comes to greet her
Just a young gun with a quick fuse I was uptight, wanna let loose I was dreaming of bigger things And wanna leave my own life behind
Artemis padded forward, no sense of direction in mind. The sun beat down on her gray fur as she walked. She had left her family a year ago, and had since been traveling the lands, searching. What it was she was searching for, that she had yet to discover. All she knew was that it was out there, somewhere. She knew very well of the dangers of being a lone wolf. Any pack she might accidentally trespass on could attack her. Not to mention there were other enemies. Sabertooths could easily kill a small wolf like herself, and then there were the blackbloods, their fury easily able to kill should it be left unchecked. Yet as naive as she was, she wasn't scared. She doubted she would run into anything like a fringe dire. She was so lost in thought, she didn't notice she had crossed an invisible line. A line that marked the territory of the Inaria pack. What would happen to her now was completely up to fate. All she could do was continue walking. And hope that things would turn out alright. Table by Silverfrost9
Almost Sparkles
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Colleen felt a rush of adrenaline pulse through her body as her heart thumped frantically in her chest. She was new to Inaria and had been honored with the rank of sentinel, and at this moment she was late for her border patrol. The sentinels had a bit of leeway in the maintenance of the borders, but Colleen had brought it upon herself to take the task of a morning patrol. On this day though, she had not stirred awake until the sun was hanging center of the sky.
Her whole night prior she had been awake, pacing the woods, searching for trinkets, and all-around being zombie to terrified to sleep in the pitch black of the night. There had been no moon, no lunar glow. So, when she tried to curl up and sleep, her eyes would stay wide open, darting about the woods surrounding her, looking for imaginary dangers. Little paws quickly covered ground and brought her to the edge of the Inaria Pack’s territory. She panted and her heart raced as she looked about, making sure there were no disturbances here. A big, deep, inhale of air filled her lungs as she tried to quiet her heart rate and get her breathing under control. Colleen couldn’t repair her tardiness, but she certainly could make up for the unattended chores. To the first tree marker she went, upon approach her little chocolate colored nose sniffed about. She made sure the tree had not been marked by a stranger and freshened it up herself. The higher rank wolves would certainly be by soon to also add to the scent marker, but for now this would suffice. Onwards she went, her anxiety lightened up and her mood got airier. She pranced along as if she was walking on clouds, stopping here and there to listen and smell, before continuing on. Keeping her nose to the air and seafoam eyes ever vigilant, made it easy to lock onto a stranger that had crossed the scent border. Colleen would take cover and carefully watch, she was a small wolf and knew that if she was confronted by more then one other, she could be easily over powered. A slight wash of relief came when she could tell that this wolf also was made of a smaller stature. This stranger continued to move deeper into the territory, seemingly unaware she was upon claimed land. Colleen knew she could not let her go on any further, that an unknown wolf penetrating into the heartland of the pack could leave them in jeopardy in many different aspects. She darted through the underbrush and got ahead of the darkly colored female and cut in front of her path. The little wolf would puff up in front of the other, trying to make herself appear bigger then she truly was, tail up, fur puffed, and big ears standing up. She looked much like a cat that had stuck a toe in an electrical outlet. “HALT!” she shouted, “You’ve crossed the Inaria border!” Her yelling wasn’t aggressive, but was hinted with a frantic tone. She had hardly had the chance to do her duties, so she felt uncertain of what to say or do next. Hopefully this newcomer wouldn’t pick up on her being such a novice. |
Almost Sparkles
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September 07, 2019, 09:46:04 PM
(This post was last modified: September 07, 2019, 09:46:42 PM by Artemis.)
Location:Inaria Territory
Thread Partner:Colleen
Wow I have catching up to do with my roleplay
Just a young gun with a quick fuse I was uptight, wanna let loose I was dreaming of bigger things And wanna leave my own life behind
Artemis jumped at the sound of another voice. She turned to see another wolf, thankfully around her size. But even so, she did not want to fight. She had the urge to run, but something about this wolf did not seem aggressive. In fact, she seemed a little nervous. Perhaps she would be a wolf who would understand her purpose? "I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean to trespass, I was merely passing through." The words seemed to stumble out of her mouth. Clearly she was not as confident as she wanted to be. "So, uh, think you can let me go and forget this ever happened?" Of course, that was a ridiculous request, one that would never be met. But could you blame her for trying? She probably looked a little awkward compared to the pack wolf. She had no sense of what she was doing, no purpose other than to keep walking. It was quite the life the female was living. And it was definitely a life she hated. There was no doubt about that. She began to paw the ground. What else was there for her to say? She didn't want to just stand there staring, so she introduced herself. "Er, my name is Artemis, by the way. I mean, you probably don't care, but I just thought I would tell you. Might as well know the name of the wolf you are probably going to kill, right?" |
Almost Sparkles
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September 08, 2019, 08:36:30 PM
(This post was last modified: September 08, 2019, 08:38:38 PM by Colleen.)
"I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean to trespass, I was merely passing through." the stranger began to speak, her words rushed and fumbling out of her mouth. "So, uh, think you can let me go and forget this ever happened?" Colleen’s ears fell back, and she sighed a little breath of relief. The other wolf seemed just as worried about crossing paths with her as she had been.
The dark wolf then dropped her eyes and pawed the loose topsoil of the forest. As she disturbed the leaf litter she continued to speak, "Er, my name is Artemis, by the way. I mean, you probably don't care, but I just thought I would tell you. Might as well know the name of the wolf you are probably going to kill, right?" “Wha…. What?!” the little wolf exclaimed in confusion and worry. “K…k…kill you??!!” She nervously looked about, trying to rationalize her thoughts. “Did, did it seem like that? I so sorry. I’m not used to all this.” Her tail dropped and she looked back at Artemis. “I didn’t mean to be like that. I’m Colleen, Artemis. I am a sentinel of the pack of Inaria, she gave a brief pause to gather her thoughts and explain her intentions. “My job is to locate newcomers on the border and assess their intentions of being here. I do not want to kill anyone, but in the protection of my life and my pack I’m willing to fight. I’m kinda the first person to confront any danger, y’know? To keep everyone inside safe.” “You don’t want to hurt my pack, do you?” It was dumb, and naïve question. What wolf, that intended harm, would admit to such? Maybe as time goes on and she had more border encounters, she would learn some tact and better forms of interrogation of wolves. Ooc: No worries! I’m excited to have someone to write with |
Almost Sparkles
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Location:Inaria Territory
Thread Partner:Colleen
I know exactly what you mean. Roleplaying with others is just so much fun!
Just a young gun with a quick fuse I was uptight, wanna let loose I was dreaming of bigger things And wanna leave my own life behind
"Wha…. What?! K…k…kill you??!! I didn’t mean to be like that. I’m Colleen, Artemis. I am a sentinel of the pack of Inaria." This reaction and introduction certainly calmed the female. Colleen actually seemed to be rather nice, friendly even. It seemed Artemis lucked out with the pack wolf she ended up running into. "It is a pleasure to meet you Colleen. Your job definitely has a cool name, but what do you do?" “My job is to locate newcomers on the border and assess their intentions of being here. I do not want to kill anyone, but in the protection of my life and my pack I’m willing to fight. I’m kinda the first person to confront any danger, y’know? To keep everyone inside safe.” "Wowie! That sounds so cool! So like, you have your whole pack relying on you? Or are there other sentinels? There is probably other sentinels, but doesn't it stress you out at all, carrying so much weight on your shoulders?" Throwing all caution to the wind, she ran up to Colleen, a smile on her face and her tail wagging excitedly. There was so much she wanted to learn about this place! “You don’t want to hurt my pack, do you?” Artemis was taken aback by this question at first. Then she started laughing. "Me? Hurt your pack?" There was a glint of humor in her eyes as she spoke. Her intentions were clear. "I couldn't hurt y'all even if I wanted to! Not that I do. But look at me, I am young, and tiny. And alone. So not much I can do to harm you guys." |
Almost Sparkles
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"Wowie! That sounds so cool! So like, you have your whole pack relying on you? Or are there other sentinels? There is probably other sentinels, but doesn't it stress you out at all, carrying so much weight on your shoulders?" the tension in the air between the pair had lifted, and next thing she knew the young wolf came closer to her, tail wagging and a smile making a crescent across her face.
Playfully Colleen bowed, her tail also a set to a feverish wag. This stranger was fun, if it was decided that she would come into the pack, Colleen would make it a point to find her for a playful romp or some other fun activity the older wolves of the pack never seemed to have time for. Oh! She could show her the willow tree she had decorated! “Well, I mean, it can be a little stressful, but it’s usually pretty quiet around here. And like you said, I have the whole pack behind me.” "Me? Hurt your pack?" Colleen’s ears set back, but they didn’t sty there long, because the other girl irrupted into laughter. "I couldn't hurt y'all even if I wanted to! Not that I do. But look at me, I am young, and tiny. And alone. So not much I can do to harm you guys." “Cool beans!” she hopped left and right, trying to bait the other wolf into a game. It had been sometime since she frolicked about with another. It really was quiet here in the forest of purple trees, and being a young wolf, she starved for excitement. If she could tempt Artemis to bounce along with her, she would then dart off. Hoping she would chase her as she lapped a wide circle around where the pair had begun, before spinning around and bowing back to the ground. |
Almost Sparkles
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Location:Inaria Territory
Thread Partner:Colleen
Sorry this reply took so long, have a lot on my plate as of late.
Just a young gun with a quick fuse I was uptight, wanna let loose I was dreaming of bigger things And wanna leave my own life behind
At first Artemis was confused. What was this wolf doing? Then she laughed at herself. It was a game! She hadn't played with another wolf in so long! Laughing, she chased Colleen in a wide circle, then landing on top of her on the ground. For just a brief moment, she felt like a pup again,playing with Victoria in the fields. But those days were gone now. She left her family, and she wasn't turning back. She had a whole life ahead of her, she refused to be held down by her own blood. Slowly the female stood up, shaking her head. She was still laughing, trying to suppress her inner thoughts. "I have not had fun like that in a long time. Thank you for that, Colleen." She sat down and began to groom her fur back in place. As much as she loved fun, she truly hated to be a mess. That was one quirk she had. |
Almost Sparkles
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Much to Colleen’s great excitement, Artemis did join her in a chase. When she had come to an abrupt stop, she found the dark wolf on top of her, and the girls fell to the ground in a pile of giggles and happiness. "I have not had fun like that in a long time. Thank you for that, Colleen." The earthy colored girl gave a beaming smile to the newcomer.
Artemis took a seat, and so did Colleen. She allowed the other some time to tidy herself up before she brought up some rather important business. “So, Artemis, I have to ask. Are you interested in being a member of Inaria?” Of course, she hoped she would say something along the lines of a yes. She had been enjoying her company, she was young, and healthy. All good traits to add to the pack. “Of course, if you choose not, I would have to ask you to leave,” sadness plagued her as she looked away, “But you don’t have to, so soon that is. You could stay as a visitor for a little while. You could come fill your belly and rest, before you leave.” Colleen gave a big huff, and looked up again. “Artemis, I’ll be honest. It’s been lonely here. I left my pack on good terms. I just didn’t see a fit there, a purpose. Us young wolves, we have to make such hard decisions. If we should stay with our birth pack, or seek out our own fate. It’s a hard choice, it’s not one I regret, but I was not ready for the loneliness. This is a good place. It is a safe place. If you chose to stay here, I would definitely be here to help you transition and keep you company.” |
Almost Sparkles
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September 16, 2019, 06:01:56 AM
(This post was last modified: September 16, 2019, 09:23:44 AM by Artemis.)
Location:Inaria Territory
Thread Partner:Colleen
Just a young gun with a quick fuse I was uptight, wanna let loose I was dreaming of bigger things And wanna leave my own life behind
“So, Artemis, I have to ask. Are you interested in being a member of Inaria?” "A member.....of Inaria?" She knew she was looking for a pack, but she had never thought of what she would do once she found one. What would she say? Of course she wanted to join, but would she really fit in? “Of course, if you choose not, I would have to ask you to leave,But you don’t have to, so soon that is. You could stay as a visitor for a little while. You could come fill your belly and rest, before you leave.” Stay as a visitor? This pack was so nice! She smiled. "Wow, you guys really are a kind pack. I am at a loss for words." “Artemis, I’ll be honest. It’s been lonely here. I left my pack on good terms. I just didn’t see a fit there, a purpose. Us young wolves, we have to make such hard decisions. If we should stay with our birth pack, or seek out our own fate. It’s a hard choice, it’s not one I regret, but I was not ready for the loneliness. This is a good place. It is a safe place. If you chose to stay here, I would definitely be here to help you transition and keep you company.” She smiled. She finally had a new friend, of course she wouldn't leave her! "There is no choice, Colleen. I would love to join your pack!" She headbutted Colleen's shoulder playfully in an attempt to spark another joyful game. This wolf was fun! |
Almost Sparkles
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"There is no choice, Colleen. I would love to join your pack!" Colleen was overjoyed and when Artemis playfully nudged her shoulder, she exploded into another dash away. Laughing and overjoyed at her decision, and the fact that Artemis had accepted her offer into the pack.
As the earthy toned female wolf dashed away and began to circle back, traveling in a much larger circle then the first time. Seeing as how Artemis was a new pack member, she could safely bring her deeper into the pack lands without risk of another member attacking her. This time, just before returning where the pair had started, she swiveled around to face the dark wolf. This quick maneuver was followed with a play bow, and one or two outcomes. First, there could be a full-blown collision of the pair. They would tumble heads over tails and Colleen would be a fit of giggles during this fiasco. If this did not occur, she would dodge Artemis, bounce about a bit, and dash away again. Colleen couldn’t be happier in this moment, to accomplish a goal of her rank, to have such a nice new wolf to befriend, and to finally have loosened the tension she had been plagued with since she had awakened. |
Almost Sparkles
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[@Artemis you should come join in this thread! ]