Private Roleplay [WoS] Blood Hunter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() The sun glowed orange under the black smoke that rose for miles into the sky, blanketing the valley in ash and dust. The familiar smell of charcoal and blood had washed over the sword, skin dancing with delight as she felt her body ripple with excitement. She had been a little girl on the battlefield, dancing between torn bodies and slimy innards. She had watched as the Dragon threw a lantern of flame at the so-called Gods and they had writhed in pain as any mortal creature. Sarissa had been so intrigued and fascinated by these Gods of Death Valley.
The Gods of Oukoku-Kai. Sarissa waded through the smoke, the haze made breathing hard and visibility almost to nothing. She could only see several feet in front of her. This was irritating, but the sword kept herself alert and ready to fight if need be. She was itching to taste blood and to feel pain. The dogs of Gods would worm under Alteron's thumb and it would be Sarissa to wield what was given to her. The blood of the dragon they feared and the ferocity of an old Queen. She sought to unhinge these worthless followers of fake Gods. Their prophecy would come true. A disturbance in the air made the sword pause, ears pulling forward and eyes widening despite the burn. There was someone approaching, someone possibly from the opposite side. Sarissa paused to see if they were friend or foe, hoping it was the latter and she could have some fun. Tail rose as she felt them gain ground and a low growl emitted from her throat. When she found the stranger wasn't of Alteron or Saboro, the girl would grin. "Ah, what do we have here~?" she cooed, wondering if they would answer her. Have you come to play with me? ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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I’m out of my head, of my heart and my mind
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![]() ![]() #b7410e
The ascension had been quiet, there was hardly anyone left to tell. A crown sat upon his head, the power he had always wanted, knew he was destined for, but had always been denied. Power was power, titles meant everything, and finally Ronove had put his name on the map. He would be better than all the rest. He removed the rest, there would never be another like him, not when he embodied all the colors. Rosa Synstylae, summon name Mastema. Yes, he was content with these turn of events, all that time he spent biding and tongue biting. Finally, it had all paid off. At the top was where he belonged and even as a child he knew it. Though he gave little care for his bloodline, he knew they were meant to rule, they always had been. However things never can last, and Ronove was an idiot for thinking his reign over NOTHING would be eternal. He awoke to a burning blaze of embers coating the forest maze once more and at first he thought it was a dream, but as ash was carried on the breeze, mixing with snow he could smell the charred wood. The screaming cries, and a massive army. Their Gods would be laughing at him now, little usurper, blasphemous rat. YOU DO NOT BELONG. A mix of emotions washing over him as he stared in silent disbelief, you will be remembered as the God who died because of your stunning incompetence, because no matter if the valley slumber or not, there would always be enemies. His paws clambered to a start, slipping down rocks with a crash as he scrambled to stand, teeth bared as his mind roared. YOUR CROWN. The flames slowly licking their way through the forest maze, they'd engulf the valley and that'd be the end. Would he die in these lands? For these lands? All the time spent for this one goal and his heart twisted painful and he growled out in bitter anger. Staggering to stand up, chest heaving with great breaths, that Ronove almost didn't hear as the other had walked up on him. "Who are you?" Came a venomous reply, golden gaze narrowing as he inspected the female that towered over him. "Not one of mine..." By the looks of it, he gave her a quick up and down look, teeth ready to snap at any moment. "Bow." He must have been out of his mind, power was power, titles were power. They couldn't be snatched away, they couldn't be so easily taken. Crow had made many bow just by the mere sight of him, Ronove could do the same. "Bow, you're in the presence of a God." His scathing demand came, as he tipped his head a tad higher and flicked his tail. Ironic, the beliefs of his people that he sought to unmake and destroy were the ones he clung to in a moment like this. |
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![]() The stranger asked who the girl was, a reply to her own question and yet he had answered himself in the end. She was not his, she was the enemy that came to tear their bellies open. To burn their maze to the ground and to render the Gods useless. The grin she held had melted into a soft smile, half lidded eyes watching him through the smokey haze. He sure was serious, wasn't he? There wasn't much fun in that.
Next, he demanded that she bow. Bow? Sarissa had the blood of two queens running through her veins, she would not bow to anyone. The sword giggled at first, but those giggles turned to laughter as he pronounced himself a God. "Bow? To you?" she asked, sitting down to catch her breath and taking a paw to her lips to try to stifle her giggling. "Then that would make me a Queen, and as far as I know, Queens bow to no one." Sarissa stood once more, turning to the side and started to carefully walk around him in a circle. If he told the truth about being a God, Sarissa's heart raced with anticipation. She had not recognized him the last time the Gods had visited Alteron, but she was young and she perhaps forgot what they looked like. The only thing she remembered was Azuhel throwing the lantern and burning a few of them. What useless God would ever allow a mortal that opportunity? "Gods have followers, do they not? I see none at your disposal." she sneered, flicking her tail. "You're alone with no one to serve you." The sword giggled lightly, enjoying the small jabs. "But I am curious... do Gods BLEED?!" As Sarissa bellowed a growl of a questioning nature, she lunged forward at Ronove, teeth glistening in the hot orange sun that blotted the sky above. The sword aimed her bite at his side, between the ribs and shoulder meat. If she managed to grab, she would twist her head, hopefully ripping part of him off before he could grab at her face. If she managed to miss, she would snap at his feet, keeping her head low to keep him from injuring her face, especially her eyes. Fighting in the ash would be dangerous, but she didn't care. Sarissa was here for blood and she would bathe in it. No God would keep her from doing so. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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I’m out of my head, of my heart and my mind
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![]() ![]() #b7410e
Her laughter grated on his ears, a twitch of his eye and a quiver of his lip, just barely seen. He felt as if the heat of the fire was right in front of him, washing over him in a blaze, as anger and rage boiled within his stomach. Queen? Molten gaze looked her over and he could feel just the barest bits of a snarl staring to form, she was mocking him. A mistake. "These are my lands, this is MY pack. I was chosen." It was his birthright. "There are no room for Queens or Kings." The fur on his back bristling, poised and ready like a viper. As she went on to speak, the old War Captain's words echoed in his ears, there is no honor or glory in ruling a kingdom of ghosts. The power he usurped, all for his own, he dig his claws so deeply into it that he'd see this valley turned into a charred wasteland if that meant he kept his title. It all meant nothing without those to lead? His mind simply wouldn't comprehend that. "Gods bleed." He murmured, a dangerous whisper as she launched herself at him. Gods die. And he reacted in kind, body colliding with her own as her teeth met his side and closed down and pulled away, ashen black fur and skin going with it as he went for her shoulder. Quick and vicious, teeth glittering with spittle to rip and grab and though she had a great deal of height and weight on him, Ronove only thought about his title, his promised power, and how easily it all could just be taken away. He wouldn't let that happen. No would-be executioner would change that. He was too certain of it, of himself. However, if he missed her shoulder, he'd go for her flank instead, blood trickling from his side, and adrenaline pumping through his veins, it was only a matter of time before he felt the pain hit him like a swift kick in the guts and he'd be sluggish, but for now he'd press the attack. |
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![]() Teeth had clamped down, pulling skin and fur from his body and the little God had in turn gone for her shoulder. Sarissa felt pain burst against her shoulder, but that did not matter. It had created a hole for her to go after something better. As he latched onto her muscle, red staining the pristine white of her coat, the sword swung toward him, teeth aiming for his neck. Thick fur and loose skin would prevent her from gaining any ground to his spine, but she wasn't intending to kill him.
Oh no, far from that. Sarissa grasped for his nape, and if she had managed to get a good grip she would yank him to the side, an arm wrapping around the underside of his neck in order to push him to the ground. She was much larger than him in size, her mass even heavier. She would try to place all of her weight on him, pinning him so he couldn't move much. If she had manged this much, Sarissa would let go and look down at him with a small smile, a little impressed that a God could be taken down so easily. Yet if he had wormed his way from her grasp, she would drop her head below his, snapping at his legs. She would try to grab something in order to pull out from under him. Legs, chest, whatever. All of this action kicked up the dust and ash, it was hard to see and the air already stung. Wounds exposed to the air and ashy dust would not feel good later, but Sarissa was too involved in this fight she didn't care. She wanted to test the strength of a God, one who demanded her to bow. She wouldn't believe it. Not until he made her bow. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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I’m out of my head, of my heart and my mind
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![]() ![]() #b7410e
It came to him in flashes of what he couldn't quite perceive as reality. The sudden pain of teeth on the scruff of his neck, followed by the pain of his side slowly hitting him as this invader threw him down with little care. Like he was nothing more that a fur covered sack of flesh and bones and he felt all the wind nearly knocked out of him. Eyes rolling back as his blood stained mouth fell open and he tried to gather himself. You're God, tiny creature, weak. Static resounding through his ears as he turned his head just barely to see that smug grin, but her weight was making it so hard to breathe, or even catch his breath. Golden eyes burned like a molten sea, and he thrashed, albeit weakly. THESE ARE MY LANDS, his mind screamed, as ash collected on both of their fur and blood mixed with the soil. I CONTROL THE VALLEY. Teeth snapping wildly through deep wheezing breathes and a redddish, frothing mouth. If he managed to snag any bit of fur or skin, he'd hold down onto it, grinding his teeth away like sharp daggers wishing to drain the life out of something that just wouldn't die. "My...lands... I WON'T" His voice guttural and hoarse. "GIVE IT UP." Pin prick pupils shaking, he looked like a rat out of hell pinned to the ground. You've lost, little God. But his family had never taken that sort of thing gracefully, even now with foam and mad chattering as he tried desperately to worm his way free. Your reign will be short, and your incompetence remembered. |
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![]() She had succeeded in pushing him down, her weight giving him no room to struggle. Foam frothed from desperate snaps, but none had hit her. Sarissa had been careful to keep her limbs out of his range. For a mighty God, this was pathetic. The sword had hoped for more than this. Had high expectations that there would be an epic battle, but this was all that was. A small boy under the rose, thorns ready to strike.
With the smile still spread upon her lips, Sarissa leaned down, pressing down into him, hoping he was far more uncomfortable. Poor darling couldn't breathe, but this was for the best. It would shut him up. "Oh darling, it's already gone. Your lands are ours now. You are no God. You're just a pathetic rat clinging to life." Red stared into gold, recognizing that color but pushed the thought from her mind. Instead, her lean would go as far as her muzzle resting just above his ear. "And now you... belong to me~" she crooned, words as soft as rose petals. The sword would wait until her weight had suffocated him enough to drain the energy from him. To make him feel the edge of death before the thorns took hold. In quick motion, Sarissa would strike at the side of his face, holding on tightly as she stood up. She would make him stand, whether he could or not. Come now, it's time to introduce you to your new home. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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