Acceptance thread [FINISHED] I ain't at home, home's where I'm going. I close my eyes to see | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Who can you trust when everything you touch turns to gold?
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It's uphill for oddities The stranger crusaders Ain't ever wannabes The weird and the novelties Don't ever change
A black and white silhouette flew over the grassy fields, iridescent wing and tail feathers glinting in the afternoon sun. The bird was large and obviously well-cared for and didn't seem like a simple avian passing over the lands. As soon as he spotted the wall, the bird made an arc in the sky. He began his descent when a large dark and cream figure came into view.
The beast was an enormous specimen and obviously not one of the usual feline species. A cream-colored mane like that of a lion stopped before broad, muscular shoulders. His body was chocolate brown and sliced through with darker stripes that were reminiscent of a tiger. He was robustly built with thick limbs and his pelt looked well-cared for. A thickly-furred tail flicked behind him as he stood, red eyes fixed towards the sky. A pair of ivories peeked out from under his lip. Upon closer inspection, one would notice that not only did he look well-cared for, he also looked well-off. His body was adorned with luxury items that few of the animal world usually possessed. Tarnished gold and silver beads and other trinkets were scattered through his mane, around a dozen woven in. A pendant hung from a thick cord glinted in the sun, the insignia of a dragon on red, a relic from his past that was obviously human-made. A bracelet made from woven cord, ruby, and pearls wrapped around his left paw that also was human-made. He wasn't your average feline that had been born and raised in the wild. A worn leather rucksack sat at his feet, another of human construction and didn't look empty. Another bird was perched on his shoulder, a crow with amethyst eyes. She began to hop around excitedly as the magpie came into sight and let out an excited caw. The magpie landed near the feline and looked up at him. Iorek knew a border when he smelled it and this one was strong. There were many scents that marked the border, most of which being canine. That didn't bother him very much since he had more experience with them than he had of his own kind. He had been traveling when he came across this, for all intents and purposes, wall that he was going to try to go around. Hermes had a different idea and flew off with a squawk of 'Wait here!' and the hybrid was left with Brynn and his belongings. He had yet to see a human in these lands but he didn't want to risk the magpie having to look for him and being shot down by a weapon. So he waited. 'There is wall past field grass. Much forest behind,' Hermes squawked in the bird tongue that the brindled beast could understand after being his companion for so long. The male's stomach felt like he had swallowed a rock when he heard the word "wall". Walls in his experience meant humans and he knew that the magpie knew what a wall looked like and not another rock formation. The red-eyed feline felt like he was being pulled in two directions. He had had both good and bad memories of humans and part of him wanted to put as much distance as he could between what could be another settlement but part of him wanted to stay and start again. He sat down, reaching for the medallion that hung around his neck. He had been raised as a pet in a human village and after being cast out, became something of a pet to a pair of elderly humans. Those were good memories and experiences to make him want to stay. But it had been a human that had cast the oversized feline out of his life with humans and another that almost killed him when he tried to return. Humans attacked the small family he managed to join, the caravan that for the short months had been his third home. They killed them out of fear and the beast knew what humans and humans with weapons could do. The scent of the border was obviously canine and he couldn't smell human in the markers. Whatever pack could have simply moved into the territory with the wall being the mark left upon the land by the former residents. The crimson-eyed cat wanted a place to rest his head after months of traveling on his own. He didn't want to be on his own anymore and he didn't know what other creatures roamed these new lands. There was safety in numbers, comfort. The scarlet-eyed hybrid knew of canine customs but he lacked the ability to howl. He let out not quite a roar, it was long and almost like a feline-version of a howl with the length. When someone came, the beast would stand up but keep his ears and half mast and his tail low. |
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Why was he doing this again?
Oh that's right, it was his job or something along those lines. Echo never really remembered signing up as a Ranger, and he hadn't spoken to Iaera since the raid, but he sure felt like he was pulling some sort of weight. There had been a long quiet since the orphans had shown up in Gemini, and while many saw that as a good sign, Echo did not want for his home to be caught off guard just in case something sneaky was- well- sneaking around. The camo colored dire was making his rounds around the skirts of the wall. Echo remembered when this thing was first being built, in fact he remembered a lot about Gemini since its beginnings. This was truly home for the dire, and it had been for some time. Though he did not have family here, (not without trying of course!), he did feel like this place by the sea was exactly where he belonged. Thoughts drifted back to his "humble" beginnings in this place, long before there was a wall, or even before there was a permanent Gemini. He remembered the swamps, and the humidity and the utter misery that was the old Gemini. Although this place did hold some terrible memories, it also started some very good new ones. One of the most recent was finding his good (very new, but very old and fat) friend, Gran. The old gal had quite the stories to tell, as well as a wonderful personality. Perhaps it was time he shared some of his stories with her, He'd have to talk to Serrate about possibly making her a- uh- whatever the rank was that told stories. Storyteller? Fable-r? Whatever. That. He nodded quietly to himself, proud of the decision he made in like 5 seconds, but ears perked and demeanor changed when he heard a call from the wall a few meters ahead. If it was a wolf, it sounded like it was dying. But common sense told him it was probably something closer to a Jonas. A big, fluffy, very grumpy cat. And they didn't need any more grumpy cats around here. One was the limit. And Jonas held it. Very nicely. Kinda like a prize winning cake, or a pie. Oh, great, now he was hungry... It didn't take long for the wolf to find his new feline friend waiting for him. And by the looks of this kitty cat, he had done pretty well by himself. Eyes squinted softly at the adorned jewelry. The last strangers that had come adorning jewelry were on trial. Echo would have to be a little more careful with this big kitkat. "Yellow!" (Think older white guy, possibly a dad, answering his phone), "Stranger, what can I do for you?" Echo addressed the cat, before addressing the birds who seemed to be attached to, and following this large, odd feline. "And you.. and also you.. Hi hello." |
Who can you trust when everything you touch turns to gold?
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I don't trust anything Or anyone, below the Sun And I don't feel anything At all
Iorek regarded the mottled male that answered his call with almost relief. He didn't show it but he was relieved almost. The male was a wolf, not one of the tamed human pets. This calmed his fears of once again meeting the creatures that had caused him so much grief. The male was on the large size for a wolf but only reached the beast's chest and looked to be of good health. If the male was any indication, then the decision he had made to join this pack was a good decision.
From what the feline's self-imposed scout said, the lands were, in his words, good. The beast was inclined to take this assessment since the bird had seen much in his lifetime and knew what good lands were. From what he had seen, looking into the territory, it was true. And even with what he hoped was the last remnants of humans, the traveler was sure of his choice. Brynn and Hermes were surprised to have been addressed by the male. That wasn't something that most creatures did to the believed to be lesser animals. 'He is good!' The crow chirped in the bird's tongue as she hopped excitedly on the hybrid's back. The magpie regarded the wolf with a stern glare as if scrutinizing him for some weird reason. He usually brushed other off unless they made themselves of interest to him. The wolf became of interest because he got his attention. "I would like to join this pack," the crimson-eyed cat replied in a neutral tone that was only a stone's throw away from being a monotone. It was stated in almost a matter-of-fact but his body language was by canine's standards, subordinate with his ears standing at half mast and his tail brushing against the insides of his legs. Why else would a loner be at the edge of a pack's territory and intentionally getting the attention of the members if not to join? He didn't look like a traveling trader, did he? "My name is Iorek," the scarlet-eyed scavenger added. OOC: Please note that Brynn's (any by extension, Hermes's) speech is heard only by Iorek unless your character understands bird. |
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Echo regarded the male for a moment, taking the sight of the large cat. He had seen felines like Jonas, and others that resembled the striped cats of the south, and the long fanged cats of the north, but never really had he seen one that resembled them all in one. He was definitely a sight to behold, and Echo was sure Jonas would appreciate more kitty cat blood in the green isle.
A small, but distinguished smirk crept onto his face as the bird on the back of this cat began to squawk and hop around, apparently something had either upset it, or excited it. Echo wasn't sure as he couldn't understand bird, but he did enjoy the sight of this large, lumbering guy, with two small birds riding him like a noble steed. It reminded him greatly of Gran and her whales. However, Echos attention turned from the birds back to the large cat when he spoke, making his intention very clear. Very precise and to the point. Echo appreciated that, no sarcasm, no wit, just cut and dry. "I would like to join this pack." Of course he did, who wouldn't? This place was great! Well, most of the time.. "That was my initial thought, but these days you can really never tell.." Between traders, and intruders, and slavers, and murderers.. well you never could be too careful. "My name is Iorek." Echo gave a slight bow of the head to the large male cat, "I'm Echo- and uh- who are your two companions, so as I can address them by name as well?" He asked, seeing as they seemed to be one with the big guy, it was only polite to ask his friends their names too. "And if you don't mind me asking Iorek, why here? Why now? What drove you here?" Of course Echo wasn't just gonna let his guy lumber in without a few questions, otherwise he'd be the absolute worst Royal Guard/Consort/Vanguard in history. He HAD just been thinking about slavers and murderers a few seconds ago after all. |
Who can you trust when everything you touch turns to gold?
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Statues and empires are all at your hands,
Water to wine and the finest of sands. When all that you have's turning stale and it's cold, Oh, you'll no longer feel when your heart's turned to gold.
Iorek took a moment to consider the wolf's answer, a hint of apprehension curling in his stomach. He knew that some packs readily allowed outsiders into their ranks, some without pledging their allegiance -- the caravan had been like that. But he remembered the dog that found the caravan -- the members thought little of it at first since they were open to observers -- but when that dog brought humans to them, he learned to distrust strangers. That made him wonder, what kept those with nefarious intentions out of the pack if those who showed up on the borders weren't only there to join.
Echo. The brindled beast filed that name away as he observed the mottled wolf -- Echo -- as the man turned his attention once again to the birds. Were avian companions common in the pack? That would explain the male's treatment of the birds who usually went unnoticed by most predators unless they were looking for a feathered snack. "The magpie is Hermes --" Hermes looked down at the male from the beast's shoulders with an expression that could only be described as "holier than thou". "-- And the crow is Brynn." Brynn gave a hop and a chirp as she was once again addressed by the wolf. Now came the tricky part. The subject of what brought the scarlet-eyed scavenger to the pack which he could choose many answers. He was looking for somewhere to live would be the most simple way to put it without unloading all of the details of exactly why he was looking to join a pack. But secrets always had a way of finding their way out so he had to disclose something about his past so it didn't seem like he was lying. But his history was long and one that was filled with many things that could raise alarms. The chocolate and cream behemoth's reason for joining the pack was actually many reasons. He was a stranger in unfamiliar lands and worried about history repeating itself. He also felt some nostalgia for the caravan he once called home and after traveling with birds for company, he wanted to feel safe again and without fear of what could creep up behind him. This was the first claimed territory he came across and it was fair, no need to search when he found something that he could work with. And he worried, worried that the longer he spent alone, the quicker he would find himself in the same place he had been once upon a time ago. Staring down the arrow of a bow. But this pack didn't smell of humans as far as he could tell and if they were around and able to claim such a large stretch of land, then it didn't seem like humans were a threat. "Life as a loner isn't ideal when one is in unfamiliar lands," the crimson-eyed cat stated, his voice turning warmer and less monotonous as tried to phrase his reasons for joining this pack in the best light. "I lived in a wolf pack before and it was to my liking; I've never lived amongst my own kind. And when I came across these borders, I had no desire to look further since I believe lands would reflect the pack that claims it and if the lands are favorable and beautiful, then the pack would be of good character."
A bunch of ramble, sorry. Feel free to skip to the third and sixth paragraphs. |
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Echo wasn't new to this, he'd been doing it for a while now, and he knew the different faces. He knew the look of apprehension, and the look of fear, and uncertainty. Iorek didn't have the face of fear, but the looks of uncertainty and apprehension were plain on his face. Echo couldn't blame him though, trying to find somewhere to fit in was a daunting task, you couldn't be too careful when finding a place to keep your head. Still, Echo kept his hopes up, hoping this large feline would decide to stay with them on their green isle.
The Vanguard smirked as he regarded the names of the birds, storing them in the back of his mind for future reference, if needed. "Hermes and Brynn. A pleasure." He said, dipping his head slightly as a greeting to the birds. He did not speak bird, but he knew many of those that resided in Gemini, as well as those that resided somewhere else that kept companions, and sometimes even friends of other species. He liked to regard them with as much dignity as he did potential members. It was the decent thing to do. And now for the real question, why was he here? Why did he choose to end his search in Gemini? And to Echo, he considered this cats answer, and felt it hit close to home for him as well. Echo had been a loner for the longest time, and coming here was the easiest transition to pack life he could have imagined. This place felt like family- even if he didn't have a family - this place was what he imagined it would feel like. "Life as a loner isn't ideal when one is in unfamiliar lands," Echo nodded, knowing full well what Iorek meant. "I lived in a wolf pack before and it was to my liking; I've never lived amongst my own kind. And when I came across these borders, I had no desire to look further since I believe lands would reflect the pack that claims it and if the lands are favorable and beautiful, then the pack would be of good character." Echo nodded again, and his lips pulled back in a small smile. "Well my friend, you are in luck. While we don't have any that are exactly like you, we do have ourselves a Jonas, who is of the feline variety, albeit a bit on the cranky side, he's a good guy who I'll think would be static with the chance to have another cat to chat with." The Vanguard let out a slow sigh, there was obviously nothing that stuck out about this cat that set off his "spider-senses", and so as with many others he'd greet his new pack member with a welcome to his new home. "I can tell you for a fact that you are going to find many beautiful places here, as well as kind-hearted characters, (among other things). Welcome to your new home Iorek, this is Gemini, and if you would like I can show you around, or you're free to explore at your own risk." He laughed, "Not likes there's much of a risk here- unless you can't swim, then i suggest staying away from the big blue puddle." He turned, and motioned for the big cat to cross those borders, and enter into his brand-spankin-new home. |
Who can you trust when everything you touch turns to gold?
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In the garden of evil I'm gonna be the greatest In a golden cathedral I'll be praying for the faithless And if you lose, boo-hoo
Iorek didn't think his way with words was as great as some, but he could tell that his words had an impact on Echo. He didn't think he would be turned away judging by how it was going -- he hadn't broken any codes of conduct to his knowledge -- and there was no reason for him to be turned away. He didn't have a plan for the event he was turned away.
The brindled beast filed away the name "Jonas" for future reference. He wasn't as familiar with other felines than say canines but he could use that. He wished that the wolf had a better description than a "cranky cat", like a lion or a tiger. But he didn't feel like asking so many questions. It felt like the mottled male was trying to set him up with a feline friend or something. Just because they were cats did not mean they were immediately going to be best buds. The scarlet-eyed scavenger listened to the rest of the wolf's speech, feeling something he hadn't felt in a while bloom in his chest. His life started when he was brought in a cage to a human village and he grew up feeling like they would turn on him any second. He saw what others were capable of, the cruel acts of monsters that most dismissed to the worst nightmares. But nightmares, like dreams, had to come from somewhere. But this wasn't a nightmare, it was a dream. It felt like hope. "Thank you, Echo," the crimson-eyed cat said. "I think I'll explore on my own but thank you for the kind offer." The beast spoke in a warmer tone and once he was able to escape the conversation, he set out into his new home.
Thank you for the thread! <3 |