Private Roleplay I Am Your Brother Under the Sun [Jase] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
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March 27, 2019, 01:48:48 PM
(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:47:41 AM by Alexander.)
The swim back at early morning was colder than what it should have been. Perhaps it was sleep deprivation, perhaps it was a lack of eating food for several days and an intense desire to look after his friend that drained him, but whatever it was, it left Alexander absolutely shivering as he made it across the water and to the other side of the shore. He was to search out Jase per Hakan's orders and begin working under him- as if learning from the blue wolf was going to rip his mind from the worry that already plagued him. The golden prince gave a long, drawn out sigh as his claws gripped the unsteady earth at the banks of the main pack lands; soaked body turning once more to watch the tiny old healer on the island turn away and make his way towards the den. The prince felt once more a pang of anger cross his chest but it quelled as he shook himself dry. He wasn't one to argue or to cause a scene, and so he would simply do as he was told and try his best not to harbor any ill wills towards the elder who was only seeking out the best for him. He would try the castle first; perhaps the head healer hadn't awoken yet at such an early hour (he doubted it honestly) and he'd be able to catch him at the beginning of his day. Yet as the prince strolled through the forest that he had begun to remember as home, his nose would catch the scent of the head healer. It was hard to not know the smell of one you spent so much time with in a hot cave in the middle of the night while trying to deliver babies. "Jase!" he'd call out as he turned on a heel and bounded in the direction of the smell. His voice would be louder than his legs at this point, and he wasn't about to chase this boy down through the pack lands if he could help it. "Jase?" Alex would call again, his limbs shaking as he slowed from a run to a walk; exhaustion fully settling in as he looked around for the other. He was surely around here somewhere, but the key was the where. The golden prince let out a soft groan as he fell to his rump and closed his eyes. He'd find the healer for sure, but for now...for now he needed a quick sit down and a breather. Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you
Sparkles a Little
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Flushing a pheasant was fun. Chasing it down, also fun and some good exercise. Plucking it? Not so much fun. Pheh! The healer sneezed and shook his head, dislodging a few of the feathers that had got stuck in his fur. With a wrinkled nose, he looked at the mess around him. He sighed, remembering the days he'd spent with a roaming human and his dogs. Those had been good days, and boy did that human know how to make good meat! Jase had gotten a taste for cooked meat, and had seen how the human used herbs to somehow make the meat taste delicious - especially pheasant meat! His mouth watered at the memory. How he wished wolves knew that secret. Ah well. That was the main reason why he'd decided to hunt this bird. Juicy meat, good fat. Whoops, he'd gone and gotten lost down memory lane. With a few tugs he managed to get rid of the last of the feathers, with the sun baking his back.
Lurching to his feet, he picked up the bounty and trotted back towards the castle. Inevitably his mind turned to the newest members of the pack. The big pup was healthy and fine, but the little runt was still at risk. Not that it looked it - she had the most powerful lungs of the two, a real little fighter. His little glowbug. Perhaps because it was the fact that he'd help keep her on this plane of existance, that he viewed her with a type of possessiveness. I mean, pups were pups and they were all as cute as buttons, but this little one was, not to put too fine a point on it, special to him. He frowned, her glowing-ness was weird though. He had no explanation for it and wondered how the rest of the pack would react. "Jase!" came faintly in the distance, causing his paws to slow and to perk up his ears. That sounded like Alex. Was there something wrong? Hmm it didn't sound as if there was emergency... "Jase!" the call came again, this time a little closer and to the left. He swung into a lope, heading for the sound and before long he picked up the scent. The wet Alex scent. Oh ho so he's off the island, has Hakan finally given him the boot? After a short bit, Jase found the golden boy, sitting in a dejected heap with exhaustion radiating off him. Jase's light green orbs took in his general condition, and felt mild irritation at the apprentice. He remembered he'd had a similar conversation with Hakan at one point, and couldnt really blame Alex for his current state. But for now, first things first. He swung the pheasant and the juicy carcass would hopefully hit Tobes across the face, or at least the chest, jolting the apprentice awake. Jase held up one paw to forestall any words, gestured towards the bird and said: "Eat." His voice stern. He was not going to talk to his friend before he'd gotten at least half of that bird down his throat. The healers settled onto his stomach and crossed his front paws, watching Alex. |
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
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March 31, 2019, 02:42:28 PM
(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:48:02 AM by Alexander.)
"Eat." Alexander looked up just in time to see a plucked bird coming his way, smacking him on the nose as it fell to his feet. The prince blinked at the bird before looking up to see Jase staring firmly at him. His ears lowered; what was the deal with everyone wanting him to eat? Yet he couldn't deny the sweet smell of the fresh bird didn't make his mouth water. He glanced back up towards Jase before lowering his head down and ripping a leg from the bird, setting it down before tossing the damn thing back. To be honest- he was starving but his mind was so far elsewhere that the idea of actually eating made his stomach churn. "All right, all right," he huffed loudly as he picked at the bird's leg a bit, golden green eyes watching the other carefully a moment. Between Jase and Hakan, Alexander wasn't entirely sure where to put himself without the ever watchful gaze looming over him. It didn't take long for the meat of the birds leg to disappear though; the prince had done an insane job of tearing through and scarfing it down within a matter of moments. To be honest, he felt a little embarrassed as his head rose and he licked his lips. "Jase," he finally said after a moment, his gaze shifting as if reciting the name over and over sparked something in his head. And it did, he just didn't know what exactly. "Hakan told me to come find you I have been banished from the island." There was a small amount of irritation in his voice; a child being reprimanded for perhaps being overly obsessive over things he shouldn't be. The golden boy rose to all four and shook his damp fur once more. He'd grumble to himself- something about old man not knowing what he was doing; that Alexander was just fine and didn't need to be shoved off the island like some child. However the boys attention drew back to Jase, his head tilting ever so slightly as if getting a proper look in the light brought some recollection back of who this head healer was. "Sorry..." came a much gentler tone after a long winded silence from the pair; golden green eyes locked on to Jase's own gaze, "I can't help but feel like...nevermind." He shook his head and gave a huff; no no, they couldn't have known each other well. Surely Jase might have known Alex, but the boy couldn't assume that everyone in Nardir knew him as well as he was beginning to assume they did. "So. What can I do to help?" Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you
Sparkles a Little
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Jase watched as Alex pulled one leg and then threw the bird back at him. One eyebrow raised upwards, like, really dude? And judging by the way the kid scarfed down that leg he was hungrier than he realised. jase repressed a sigh - something was bothering his friend tremendously, and it was affecting his health. Two feelings warred within Jase: one was to point out to Alex the folly of his ways as part of his Head Healer role, and the other was to play the sympathetic friend.
"Hakan told me to come find you I have been banished from the island." Both eyebrows rose at that statement. Banished? He couldn't help the amused grin that pulled at his lips. So Hakan put his foot down and overrode Alex's instincts for his own good, and his friend is upset and rebellious over it. Even going so far as to mumble about old men not knowing what they were doing. Oooh boy he had it BAD. But it was Tobe's sidelong looks that really caught his attention. It was enquiring looks, as if something were tugging at his memory. "Sorry..." came a much gentler tone after a long winded silence from the pair; golden green eyes locked on to Jase's own gaze, "I can't help but feel like...nevermind." Jase watched as he shook his head and huffed. Before asking how he could help. Jase sighed. Suddenly a quick conversation about a healer that should take care of himself, had become a minefield of love advice, of remembering what was forgotten, and friendship. He pulled the carcass closer, tore off another leg and lobbed it back at Alex before taking a chunk out of the rump for himself. "Eat. Your stomach has more sense than your ego." he mumbled with his mouth full. After he swallowed, he chuckled and went on: "So the geezer kicked you off the island of bliss? Hah! I remember how we both revered him and hung on every word he says. Now it's like, hey, I'm an adult now you can't tell me what to do." Jase laughed, shaking his head, and continued: "And yet, we do. 'Cause he's an elder, and sometimes - just sometimes mind - he has our best interest at heart." He dropped his head to his paws, and gazed up at the golden boy, for now dropping the head healer mantle and looking at Alex as his friend. "So... you can't help but feel what?" |
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
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April 08, 2019, 07:01:20 PM
(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:48:21 AM by Alexander.)
"So the geezer kicked you off the island of bliss? Hah! I remember how we both revered him and hung on every word he says. Now it's like, hey, I'm an adult now you can't tell me what to do. And yet, we do. 'Cause he's an elder, and sometimes - just sometimes mind - he has our best interest at heart. So... you can't help but feel what?" Alexander snorted as the other leg was thrown at him, gingerly picking it up and eating it slower this time. He listened to Jase and gave the boy a side eyed look as if to say 'I know, don't remind me,' when the question was sprung. The prince dropped his food and looked back to Jase, licking his lips and frowning a bit. "It is concerning, but I feel as if I know you from somewhere. I...assume it must be here, but surely I couldn't have known everyone. However...with what you've just said, I can't help but wonder if my feelings are correct, Jase." He lifted his head and gave the head healer a good look over. Surely, something would have triggered by now. "We were both working for Hakan as children, yes? So surely, you and I and the third were...friends. Of some capacity." He sighed, gaze lowering to look down at the ground. "I apologize for not remembering much." Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you
Sparkles a Little
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Jase felt smug that Alex continued to eat the leg, albeit more slowly this time. See? He knew what he was doing. But when the prince dropped the food, licking his lips and giving Jase an frowny look, the healer paused his own munching to focus his whole attention on the other.
"It is concerning, but I feel as if I know you from somewhere. I...assume it must be here, but surely I couldn't have known everyone. However...with what you've just said, I can't help but wonder if my feelings are correct, Jase." the golding boy gave the blue boy a good look over, and Jase let him, with none of his usual playful teases. It was obvious Alex was going through something, and that he so wanted to remember him. It reminded him of how Raka had been. Well no, not quite. Raka's personality had been severely affected by amnesia, while Alex, it seems, had merely made a different persona. "We were both working for Hakan as children, yes? So surely, you and I and the third were...friends. Of some capacity." He sighed, gaze lowering to look down at the ground. "I apologize for not remembering much." Jase rose from his prone position to stand up close to the hulking figure, his right paw rose and gave Alex's shoulder a rough prod, and with a scowl on his face he replied gruffly: "Don't you ever dare apologise for not remembering. Good heavens man it's a bloody miracle you remember anything at all!" Jase was only a few inches smaller than the other, so he only had to lift his head a little higher to stare into Alex's darker green orbs, his scowl as fierce as his father's had been. But as suddenly as a thunderstorm appears and disappears, so did the scowl, replaced by his usual grinning features and warm gaze. "You remember correct. We were apprenticed under Hakan with uh...hah. Can't remember who else. The name'll come to me eventually, usually when I'm just about to fall asleep." he rolled his eyes and chuckled deprecatingly at the vagaries of the subconcious. "We were friends and we toiled in that garden that Hakan adores so much. Ugh, I remember we were rootling around in some herb that gave me the sneezes. That damn herb still does!" he wrinkled his nose and made a comical face. He cocked his head to one side and frowned slightly, remembering those days and trying to think of there's anything specific that might spark a neuron in Alex's brain. |