Private Roleplay  These tangled knots of living finally caught me too [WOS]
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There was a damn good reason they’d all been taught to fear and loathe fire.

To wild beasts, it was as a nuclear bomb, something barely controllable or containable, something that was almost... abominable. Alteron and Saboro had ever been arrogant nations that thought they could control anything, and to witness them coming together with no warning or explanation, that flame encased in crude torches and hovering about their heads...

He did what any devoted priest would do. He prayed, quiet and frenetic under his breath. He asked the spirits of Chinensis for mercy, Gigantea for cunning, Foetida for ferocity in the face of a terrible foe that had wounded them and come back to finish the job. He tried to return to their avatars, to warn and protect, a little bird bringing news of war, a pretty parrot reciting the words it had been taught. He called for help.

Let it be known that Oukoku-Kai went down snapping, that not all of them had abandoned their faith when the demons came knocking, that —

The denning area lay barren and unholy as any other landmark of any other woodland. A quiver ran through Tibet’s body. His teeth chattered anxiously. His stomach clenched and flushed him with nausea. If he’d a rosary around his neck, now might be the time he’d clutch it, but for an interruption that almost made him leap from his skin.

“Looking for your gods? ... Me too.”

An old black wolf, battered and black all over, tough as a frozen strap of horsehide, was emerging from the mouth of the polished cavern. His mane was wild, his eyes were wilder, and he was instantly familiar, even if the young women with him (encircling him?) were not.

Tibet braced himself, legs spread, tail against the ground, and named him with an enigmatic tongue.


And company.

“Don’t you ever get sick from the smell of smoke?”

Literally. Metaphorically. It made Crow laugh a little.

”Pin him down, would you, loves?”
[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
Miasma She
Wyrmling Rosedarling
Posts: 58
Pronouns: She
Rank [IC]: Denizen


[Image: TI16FtO.png]
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]
  "Pin him down, would you, loves?"

  Miasma is all too happy to oblige. Following Crow's order, but Sarissa's lead, she charges at the hell-thing, lunging in the opposite direction of whichever the Sword chooses to circle behind to bite at the median meat of Tibet's tail. If it swishes from her grasp-- well, all the better, when it clears a path to the hindleg. The tail is a distraction to tug at and give Sarissa a better opportunity to do more detrimental damage, but the leg is something substantial-- one point of balance she can offset.

  The dire girl isn't particularly powerful or even all that strategic, but there is more ferocity to her attacks than can quite be anticipated-- a sudden shift from sweet facade to revelry in barely repressed bloodlust. She may share nothing of her father's face or even his genes, but there is something just as unhinged in her as Crow's one blind, blue eye.
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]

[Image: skull_thingy__f2u__by_dionaethius-dapdof9.png]
[Image: save_me_ii_f2u_icon_by_aisuu_chann-dapt71i.gif]
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll drown quicker than we intended
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll know where to find us in the end

[Image: Ni8UrEJ.png]
Sarissa She/Her
Posts: 49
Pronouns: She/Her
Location [IC]: Alteron
Rank [IC]: Sword
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: sarititle_by_lunecy-dboifh4.png]
Sarissa had never really known Crow, only through scent dotted throughout Miasma. The sword had to constantly dote on the girl in order to keep the rancid at bay and the roses tightly curled around. Now, the dragon's blood followed the two dark figures into the depths of Death Valley, lungs burning from the smoke. The territory seemed all but abandoned.

Where were the Gods?

The sword paused beside Miasma as Crow entered the den, voice rattling within the girl's chest. He was such a grotesque man. He made her skin crawl, the sensation only quelled by rubbing herself along Mia's frame.

Tongue lapped at her lips, red eyes motioning toward the golden figure that she just now noticed. His voice had melded into the background. The only thing on the girl's mind was her lover for those few moments, but now she was acutely aware. Crow's demand had given Sarissa pause in her affections. A certain anger flushed through her.

Like the strike of a match, Sarissa burst into action, barreling toward the hellion with full force. Like her father, she was bulky in size yet surprisingly quick. The sword would use that brute force through momentum to attempt to crash into his ribs to off-set his center, teeth snapping at his scruff. Miasma had taken his back while her other half took the front. The dark girl pulled one way, Sarissa would pull the other, hopefully forcing Tibet to the ground. The sword wouldn't be kind to the bite either if it hit, squeezing with all of her jaw strength.

And while Miasma's eyes grew wild, Sarissa's had clarity, watching Crow carefully.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: knife_icon_f2u__by_cimsos-da7osm2.png]

I feel it coming on
You've got nowhere to run
There's no way you'll make it out alive
Oh, when it's after dark
I'm gonna eat your heart
Don't try to fight it, just close your eyes

[Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrng.png] [Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrnh.png] [Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrno.png]

[-] Likes: DustyForgotten

He was no fighter. He would never be a fighter. He had only his jaws and his faith and the fear of a mortal animal in peril. Tibet looked to Crow, studying him like the snake charmer studies the cobra. He could taste his own pulse. His tongue moved, his lips forming the words he’d say to the mad old wolf, words that might spare him the same noose they’d spared him years ago... and it didn’t matter.

Those words, that wasted breath, it all shriveled in his throat when one of the hostile and indistinct figures encircling him lunged at his vulnerable back. Herded like the caribou they ate, heckled and outgunned, Tibet swung his tail away from that disembodied mouth, whirled to contend with the other threat coming for his front — he tried to break into a run, was caught by the hind leg like a bird in a snare, dragged back and slammed into and pushed into the ground, his thrashes stirring up miniature hurricanes of sand and uprooted grass — gods, it happened so fast, time seemed to slow and still it took only moments for them to —

Hellion boy, high priest, Tibet slowed and then ceased his futile struggling. Hyperventilating breaths settled. Teeth stopped snapping. Legs stopped kicking. Lovely emerald eyes fluttered and then gently closed in acceptance. He laid there with his immediate pain and his distant memories, beneath the weight of two total strangers, and waited for the blow that would end his life. It happened to them all, one way or another. He’d said his prayers. He’d been a good servant. He’d done his very best. This was okay.

He was ready.

Saga, praise and worship, guide me now to heaven. Saga, forgive them. Forgive me.

Crow stepped forward, his head seeming to eclipse the sun at his back, bright eyes penetrating against his dark face. This was far from his first rodeo, this was not the first priest he’d had belly up, helpless, hopeless, bleeding, WEAK, and yet —

“Mia, dear. How would you like a little pet snake? An... engagement gift,” he crooned, indicating Sarissa here, “if you will.”
[-] Likes: Corvo, DustyForgotten, Emily.
Miasma She
Wyrmling Rosedarling
Posts: 58
Pronouns: She
Rank [IC]: Denizen

(This post was last modified: May 14, 2019, 12:23:55 AM by Miasma.)

[Image: TI16FtO.png]
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]
Oh come on, give me something I can sink my TEETH into!

  Her jaw tightens, a snarl curling up the side. She came all this way for a war; is this the best they have to offer? How the mighty have fallen... When Crow calls her name, her head lifts, dragging the leg along, with wide eyes and head tilting curiously, twisting Tibet's leg.

  "How would you like a little pet snake?"

  The dire's mouth drops open, abandoning her hold in favour of planting her paws on his hindquarters, puppy-like in playfulness. "Oh daddy, how did you know!?" Such a submissive thing; of course she wants someone of her own.

Someone like Sarissa.

  She grins at the sword, thick tail swinging in a high arc, checking her reaction before glancing back to Crow. "Do you mean it!?"

[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]

[Image: skull_thingy__f2u__by_dionaethius-dapdof9.png]
[Image: save_me_ii_f2u_icon_by_aisuu_chann-dapt71i.gif]
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll drown quicker than we intended
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll know where to find us in the end

[Image: Ni8UrEJ.png]
[-] Likes: Emily.
Sarissa She/Her
Posts: 49
Pronouns: She/Her
Location [IC]: Alteron
Rank [IC]: Sword
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: sarititle_by_lunecy-dboifh4.png]
The serpent went down with little grace, flailing vigorously and failing to unhitch himself from the grasp of a rose and her consort. Sarissa kept her jaw strength at maximum, even when he ceased moving. He had certainly realized this was a fight he would lose. Crows silence as he watched intently unnerved the girl, wondering what his plan was. It was rare to meet someone so unpredictable.

He could ask anything and Miasma would willingly follow.

It was irritating.

That unsettling voice echoed in the temple, calling to his daughter and inquired about keeping this little morsel as a pet. Sarissa's jaw unhinged in surprise. See? Unpredictable circumstances. Miasma excitedly responded, much like the sword to her own father when he was good to her. Seems they weren't so different after all.

Sarissa would relax, laying down, her front paws crossed over Tibet's shoulder as her elbows dug into his ribs and neck. Weight giving her insurance that he wouldn't possibly move. He seemed so defeated anyway. Red eyes glanced down to him, observing the reaction to this news. She didn't smile, only glared with her head held high. An engagement gift, you say? How generous of you, daddy dearest.

With a smile, Sarissa turned her attention to Mia. The sword was usually the one with the toys, she was a possessive creature. Today, however, she would grant Mia this wonderful gift. She knew Tibet would be for the both of them. "I'm sure he'll be a great assistant, darling." she cooed, turning her head back to the snake and leaning down to give him a kiss on the forehead, teeth bared in case he dared try anything.

If all went well, Sarissa would slip from him, walking a fair distance to place herself between him and Crow. "Thank you for the wonderful gift." she said, giving a small curtsy. The irritation she felt toward the beast dissolved.

For now.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: knife_icon_f2u__by_cimsos-da7osm2.png]

I feel it coming on
You've got nowhere to run
There's no way you'll make it out alive
Oh, when it's after dark
I'm gonna eat your heart
Don't try to fight it, just close your eyes

[Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrng.png] [Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrnh.png] [Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrno.png]

[-] Likes: DustyForgotten

"No," keened Tibet, very quietly, beneath his breath. His pretty emeralds had popped back open upon hearing his sentence. His lipless mouth pulled back in a grimace of denial and dislike. His body wriggled faintly, as if despite his better judgment and input, all he wanted at a base, primal level was to get away.

This could not be happening. This was the dishonor to end all dishonors. Dying at the jaws of an enemy, fighting them to the last drop, was the ideal death for a beast of Oukoku-Kai, but this... to be enslaved just like a common heathen... an insult and a horror. Saga would be ashamed. Saga's not here, a buried part of him, the boy who'd been raised an anarchic survivor, murmured into his ear. Do your absent gods have sharper teeth than Crow, the black dragon? Than his wyrmling daughter? Than the bloody princess at her side?

Tibet lifted his head and knocked it back down against the ground in mute protest. It was that moment Sarissa chose to lean over and inflict her dreadful kiss upon him. The high priest winced, but managed to suppress the look of revulsion that might bring punishment. Above him, Crow was speaking again.

"I'm very perceptive," he answered Miasma in what was almost a little joke as he winked his milky blind eye in her direction. “Of course I mean it. I know this little snake, after all. His name is Tibet and he's quite familiar with this sort of predicament..." Crow planted a pale foot on the hellion's thrashing head and forced it back against the ground. His long nails played with the red tuft of fur at his nape, combed the fine hairs of his cheek, perversely gentle. "We're friends, aren't we? And friends tell friends... where their little gods are hiding..."

"They're not here," answered Tibet, gritting teeth as one nail strayed too close to his exposed eye. It was humiliating to be pinned and dominated, but not less than admitting the place he'd pledged his life and blood to was left so unprotected and abandoned. "I haven't seen them in --"

He paused abruptly, looking toward the underbrush nearby. Crow followed his wide gaze. That was all they had the time for before the foliage seemed suddenly to explode. Oukoku-Kai's death throes, wiping out all and any that they could before the final sleep. One of them -- a scrappy female, dark with eyes like cigarettes -- came barreling recklessly for Crow and managed to knock him away from Tibet. He snarled viciously, loud enough for the priest's ears to ring with the terrifying sound, and whirled with fearless immediacy to meet her advance.

Then another, the far more dangerous foe, a skilled jin who descended upon the girls like a fanged shadow. He gave no warning or quarter, and if Miasma and Sarissa did not react damn quick, they'd soon see their faces mauled, their eyes pulped, their jugulars spluttering life all over the valley sands...

Tibet turned instinctively to flee; his tracks were stopped by a ruthless order from his... his new master, as he exchanged blows with the she-wolf.

"Fight with me, fight or you'll regret it, I'll skin you alive, this valley is ours and you've got nowhere to run, FIGHT THEM --"

The hellion boy twitched, frozen in time for a crucial moment. The chains tightened around his neck.

Then he uttered a mournful cry and did as he was told.
[-] Likes: Corvo, DustyForgotten
Miasma She
Wyrmling Rosedarling
Posts: 58
Pronouns: She
Rank [IC]: Denizen

(This post was last modified: November 08, 2019, 11:28:38 PM by Miasma.)

[Image: TI16FtO.png]
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]
  The grinning girl inspects her new assistant, rounding Tibet and play-bowing before him. The pet she always wanted, the slave she could have kept in Oukoku: the friend she never had. There is no threat in the smile Mia gives her new playmate, uncongruently innocent while the father pins him under his paw. She tilts her head curiously in at the hellion's pause, a detrimental misdirection when Arsenic emerges.

  The halfbreed is easily bowled over in the advance on Crow, rolls to right herself before the attack has consciously occured to her-- the instincts of a girl whose belly has been torn before. Her father's warning echoes in the enclosed space, further disorienting his daughter. Fitting, isn't it? That her saviour seal her fate? An amateur assassin could tear her spine-- mercifully, even-- while she lay, dazed and unwitting.

  It is Tibet's attempt to escape, her playmate slinking past without ever having been hers that awakens the latent rage. Attacks and battle cries ring out around her; Miasma is unaware of the growl in her own vulnerable throat, deafened by her own blood.

You stupid snake, it seethes, you're mine now. You're not going anywhere.

  If he aims for the face, she headbutts his chin, flat of the skull too wide and taut for fangs to find more than superficial scrapes while she grabs at the meat of the neck. If he ducks for the throat, she rears back, throws her whole weight into a lunge for the nape-- an ear, if he doesn't budge-- and thrashes until it comes off.

  Miasma reels back, an ineffable outcome from any of the exchanges, lip rippling with the growl in her chest, and strip of flesh dangling from her jaws. It's a surface wound-- it may scar, but far from a debilitating blow. This is not the last she will have.

  The beast has tasted blood.

[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]

[Image: skull_thingy__f2u__by_dionaethius-dapdof9.png]
[Image: save_me_ii_f2u_icon_by_aisuu_chann-dapt71i.gif]
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll drown quicker than we intended
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll know where to find us in the end

[Image: Ni8UrEJ.png]
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