Private Roleplay  Running in the dark to find east of Eden
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Silke she/her
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 6
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All Accounts Posts: 385

[Image: 84kr45c.png]

       The sun warmed her fur as Silke padded through the freshly-fallen snow evident in the 'crunch' 'crunch' it made under her paws. The cold was tolerable with the thick fur that the female had but it still nipped at her nose. She could smell the sharp scent of the pines around her and she eagerly sniffed around.

       Rhiannon? the fox-wolf called softly, hearing the heavy footsteps and turned her head towards the direction. Würden Sie mir bitte helfen? Her voice was soft and respectful as always, even when talking to a former servant.

       The wolf in question padded forwards, her reddish pelt fluffed up against the cold. Her massive head lowered to the blue hellion's height as she spoke in a contralto as rich as her fur. Jah?

       Wie ist es hier? the cloudy-eyed fox asked. She had been blind since birth and colors meant little to her but it would be nice to know what she needed to look out for.

       The Fringe Dire looked around and began to describe the scene before the hellhound. There were trees, spruce and pine trees that were tall and healthy. A layer of snow had fallen and they were surrounded by what seemed to be a small valley that may have been carved by a river that was dried now - Silke had supplied that part herself, not being able to hear any water. The female described even more of the scenery, sitting down in front of the engrossed fox.

Hoovertext translations provided! Sorry for the wait <3
aaa he/him
i like pie
Posts: 4
Pronouns: he/him


    The snow crunched under Per’s big paws, as he trudged through it with a sort of unpleasant tolerance. Despite being a Fringe Dire born under the worst of winter conditions, the big wolf did not like the cold. It made him think of hunger and unpleasantness and long days spent struggling to find resources – all things he did not like having cross his mind.

   Needless to say, he was in an ill temper. He looked it, too.

   His pelt, always at least a little dirty, was dusted with fresh white snowflakes that hadn’t yet had a chance to melt. The little bit of lighter grey that was on his chest and neck was now covered with muck from who-knew-where, and the amber spots on his forelegs could barely be detected with the mud that also filled the area. Per’s facial expression matched too, his eyes in a cold, focused glare straight ahead.

   He was not looking where he was going as he trekked through the evergreen forest, he was merely going.  He’d been doing this for the last hour, in fact.

   But now, something told him to stop. He was on a ridge, looking down into a small valley, carved by some long ago waterway. His ears perked, detecting noise. Voices.

   Per could not decipher the words that were being said. They did not make sense to him, sounding merely like harsh babble to his common-speaking ears.

   His body stiffened somewhat, and he shouted into the valley, using every bit of his Fringe Dire might.


   This command was simple, the word barely even a sound. His voice was rough as he barked it out, and he stood alert for a reply to come from the unknown voices in the valley.

   But, he wondered. They understand?

Silke she/her
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 6
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 385
(This post was last modified: February 27, 2019, 03:25:45 PM by Silke.)

[Image: 84kr45c.png]

       Rhiannon was on high alert when she heard the bark. It took her a moment to decipher it but her hackles raised as she looked around for the source. It was a voice of strength and power but the word confused the Fringe Dire. "Who"? What did that mean? Who were they? There could be no other question the male was asking. But the former servant had no plans to respond to the question without figuring out whether or not he was a threat.

       Darüber! Silke said, her ears finding the direction of the voice. She didn't know what it meant but she did realize that her companion was on edge. Before Rhiannon could stop her, the female padded in the direction of the voice. Hallo! Bonjour! Hola! Ciao! She tried every common language she knew and then she added, Ich bin Silke! Dies ist mein Begleiter Rhiannon!

       The reddish wolf looked down at her blind companion, an almost exasperated look as the headstrong fox decided to try to greet the possible threat and then introduce herself in German.

       [listen]She is trying to say hello and is introducing us as Silke and Rhiannon.[/dialogue] The massive female deadpanned in a heavy German accent.

Hoovertext translations provided! And Rhiannon's english is in like on of those heavy German accents that I didn't feel like writing phoenetically. Short post, sorry!
aaa he/him
i like pie
Posts: 4
Pronouns: he/him


   After he spoke, Per's eyes began scrutinizing the forest more heavily. He finally found what he was looking for, as it began bounding straight towards him. A small blue fox, far from a threat to him. His body loosened, and he walked towards her calmly, trying his best to portray that he wasn't a threat. He did not
understand what she was saying, but he detected the friendly tone and realized he would be okay.

That is, until he heard the other voice again.

"She is trying to say hello and is introducing us as Silke and Rhiannon."

He was relaxed, but now he was far from it. Per glared at the fellow Fringe Dire, who he assumed must have been Rhiannon. His amber eyes met hers, as his hackles rose and a faint growl came from his throat.

"You. Why?"

He did not trust her from the start. In his mind, there was no reason for Rhiannon to be there at all, and she must've been trying to hurt the smaller fox, if anything. Silke being blind wasn't something he had yet noticed, or perhaps his attitude would've been different.

Right now, he thought he was performing a rescue mission against some kind of awful kidnapper.

ooc: Per is a mega dork. Sorry for the short-ish post today.

Silke she/her
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 6
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 385

[Image: 84kr45c.png]

       Rhiannon's glare at the male reflected his own. He was a stranger, someone who could hurt Silke even though right now he didn't seem like he would. But he was more focused on her, like he saw her as a threat or something. His question didn't make any sense to her. What was he asking her?

       Silke had no idea what was happening but she could smell the tension in the air. He said something that the female didn't understand and she could hear the growl. The sound of his pawsteps, the rumble from a deep chest, the sound of his voice. He was a large individual, his footsteps sounded like the large Fringe Dire beside her. He smelled like a Fringe Dire.

       Was ist los? the blue fox asked. She padded forwards to the male, tilting her head up to where she heard his exhale, her cloudy blue eyes looking at him with a questioning tone. Wer bist du? Warum bist du angespannt?

       The Fringe Dire female would be glaring at him but then she looked down when she heard the questions and saw the tiny hellhound looking up at the male. Ich weiß nicht, was er tut. Aber er starrt mich an, als wäre ich eine Art Bedrohung. The former servant said to the fox before turning her attention to the wolf. Then she translated the German questions. She iz azkink you 'Vho are you' and 'Vhy are you zo tenze'.

Hoovertext translations provided for both the German and Rhiannon's heavily accented english (I wrote this from memory of speaking with a German accent. Btw in German, the "W" sound is a "V".
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