Private Roleplay  Would You Mind If I Bared My Soul [Kyra]
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Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:49:14 AM by Alexander.)


The morning after the Blood Moon had been rough. Alexander had been plagued with exhaustion after everyone else had left, the golden prince advocating for staying behind to keep an eye on his friend, his body wrapped tightly around hers as he fed her the herbal teas and herbs every few hours like instructed. He stayed awake until the morning sun, only drifting off once he was sure Kyra was okay. That routine remained until a few days later when the herbs were stopped and the girl had become more aware and awake in her surroundings. It was only then, when Alexander was sure she was going to be all right and pull through without any other complications, did he finally rest his head down atop her back and sleep through the night.

Yet with the break of a new dawn and a full night's sleep under his belt, the golden prince woke earlier than normal, pulling himself up and out from his position curled behind her. Today, he would get them breakfast. Mercury had been kind enough to send hunters to the island with fresh meat, but the boy needed to stretch his limbs and something fresher than a few hours old would probably be more beneficial for Kyra and the pups. He stood and stretched, looking down at the sleeping mother and her newborns, his head gently coming down and bumping hers to let her know that he was still there. That he'd always be there. Sure, they were just friends, but she needed someone now more than ever and he had nowhere really to be. Hakan had...given him a look that night of the Blood Moon, and so had Jase- they both had agreed that Alexander would stay behind and do his apprentice duties by tending to the new mother and kids.

Alexander stepped out in to the early morning light inhaling a cold breath of air and sighing contentedly. There was something about this particular morning (and perhaps it was just a full night of sleep that did the trick) that left the boy smiling as he plodded down the pathway to the shore. He'd try for a fish, his golden green eyes scanning the placid water for any signs of movement. To his disappointment, there were none around close enough to the shore for him to catch, and so he plodded his way back on to the island; ears twitching as he listened carefully for the sounds of any movement. A rustle in the nearby brush had him turning on a heel before bounding after river otter that had been chewing on a nearby bush. The creature squealed as it ran towards the water, the prince just a tad faster as jaws clamped down across the weasel's back and crushing it. The tiny creature let out an anguished squeal as it wriggled in his mouth before going limp- it was not what the boy had intended but it was sufficient enough for her for breakfast. He would attempt to fish later for himself. He lifted his head, turning back towards the den with ears perked in the event she had awoken from the scream.

Slowly, he dipped his head back in to the cave, a wide smile across his face as he dropped the dead creature in front of her.

"Morning," he said in a low voice, smile only widened as he went to the back of the den to fetch the bowl of water the foxes had replenished some time in the middle of the night. He'd bring it forward to her before settling back down  behind her, his tail thumping gently on the ground.

"How are you feeling this morning, Kyra?"

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Kyra she/her
Posts: 19
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: n0HcaK9.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me

She had strange dreams when she slept. She could never recall any of them other than she woke up with a weird taste in her mouth and this vaguely disgruntled feeling, like she was missing something right in front of her, but she was never awake for long. Just enough to check on her newborns, make the screaming one stop by pulling it back in close from trying to wander away and screaming about it. No one ever told her babies screamed, and she didn't know why it was just this one, but she hadn't really had the clarity to actually look and assess her new children.

Until her fever finally broke and she finally felt much better. But that really wasn't until last night.
A different squeal roused her from sleeping and she was on the verge of a panic, thinking her screaming one had already wandered out of the den somehow, until her friend Alex appeared with a fresh catch. She vaguely remembered people coming by to drop off food and she vaguely remembered she ate some... and she vaguely remembered Alex had just been... there... the whole time. Through it all, and after.

He greeted her and pulled the water closer for her, weren't there foxes in the middle of all this mess? She was still a little foggy headed as she looked around and looked back at him as he asked her how she was feeling this morning.

She blinked and just tilted her head at him with a confused almost accusatory look.

"Have you been... with me the whole time? What-" She couldn't get another word in when the white one started screeching again, and it made Kyra's heart jump as she startled into a quick action and pulled the baby in close to figure out what was wrong. She placed the little one in her front arms and it immediately stopped and snuggled right in. Huh... It must have just woken up cold or something.

It was then she was finally able to get a good look at it. It was a bright white with this very pink skin and a tiny adorable pink nose. She looked at the other one and saw it much bigger and... though puppies where strangely proportioned anyway, it seemed to be in better shape than the constantly screaming one. And also much bigger than this teeny one. She looked back at this teeny one and though there was a little morning light streaming into the den there was this otherworldly glow emanating from the baby's skin, including the soft area of her round milk filled tummy currently splayed in the air, and her pads, and her nose and... It was vaguely familiar... She looked at the other one, but she wasn't quite close enough to it to inspect it better but it was significantly darker anyway.

She looked up at Alex again completely bewildered.

"Am I still dreaming? Its glowing..." She asked.


Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Profile // #b01b0f
[-] Likes: Silverfrost9
Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:49:37 AM by Alexander.)


"Have you been... with me the whole time? What-"

He only nodded in silence as Kyra looked from him to the pups.

"Am I still dreaming? Its glowing..."

At this, the golden prince gave a weak smile as he shook his head, looking from Kyra to the pups. He lifted his head and looked at the little child before resting it back down on Kyra's shoulders. His ears flattened against his head slightly as he forced a little chuckle.

"No no, you are not dreaming. The child glows as bright as the moon." He smiled, eyes looking back to Kyra as he rested a moment. He would need to check on both pups soon but-- a little rest and talk would do them both some good. He inhaled slowly as he looked back to the child.

"She will be fine. She just needs some extra care. They both do." he said in a low and calm voice, head turning over to the larger pup, his nose gently leading the baby closer to Kyra's belly. He gave a small satisfied hum as he looked the larger child over before returning his attention to the new mother and the smallest pup.

"But--but how are you feeling? Are you all right?" His tone grew serious as he slowly rose to a sit, a paw coming up and gently placing itself upon the top of her head to feel her temperature. The prince gave a mumbled hum of sorts before lowering it back to the ground and watching her. "Is there any pain? Discomfort? Anything I can get you?" The tone grew from serious to worried as he looked down at the three of them. He promised Hakan- he wasn't going to break that promise.

He lowered his head down, gently butting it with hers as he gave a small sigh of relief that she was finally awake; the realizations hitting him all at once that there was a chance in those first forty-eight hours that he could have lost her. Alexander felt something in his heart grow hard- the feeling of the entire muscle stiffening and dropping to his stomach. He didn't like the thought and the fact that it even bothered to cross his mind left a sour taste in his mouth. He held his head against hers for a long moment, taking in the fact that she was there- they were all there and it was fine. They would be fine.

"I am glad you are awake and okay," he whispered in to her ear as he gave her a quick nuzzle, "I was so very worried about you."

If only he'd had the words to finish, 'I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you.'

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Kyra she/her
Posts: 19
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: n0HcaK9.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me


"No no, you are not dreaming. The child glows as bright as the moon." Kyra knitted her brows at him and looked back down at the tiny runt. Yep, glowing. Like the moon. She wondered how the rest of the pack had reacted, or if they even knew yet.

He remarked in a calm tone that she would just need some extra care, they both did and and she glanced at him over her shoulder again with a worried look. She was about to ask him why they needed extra care when he asked how she was feeling. Whether there was any pain or discomfort.

She was very confused as he tested her temperature. She didn't know it had been 48 whole hours, wasn't she just waking up after it all happened last night? She was sore, in places she didn't even know she had, her stomach was weirdly deflated and sore. Someone was obviously having a hard time latching for enough milk meaning while they were drinking it would pinch and one of her teats was red and cracked.

"Yeah... I guess I'm ok... I'm sore and it hurts everywhere..."
She said still confused.

He was acting weird... and alarm bells where going off in her head.

When he headbutted her, like he normally did, she still felt something was off.

"I am glad you are awake and okay, - I was so very worried about you." He said as he nuzzled her and she had to pull back and look him straight in the eye.

"Toby, what the hell happened? What's wrong? What do you mean they need extra care? Why were you so worried? What do you mean awake? Wasn't it just last night?" She asked, a worried tremble creeping into her voice. She pulled her baby in closer to which it whined quietly against her chest. Outside she didn't hear the normal hustle and bustle of the castle, people coming and going, chatting with each other, the sound of splashing across the courtyard. It was far too quiet. Oh right... This is a fox den... She's on the weird island. The quietness unnerved her even more. She didn't like it one bit.


Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Profile // #b01b0f
Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:49:59 AM by Alexander.)


"Toby, what the hell happened? What's wrong? What do you mean they need extra care? Why were you so worried? What do you mean awake? Wasn't it just last night?"

The urgency and the tone of her voice had Alexander reeling back within himself as he watched her searching his face with confusion and fear about what he was saying. Did she not remember? She must not have. The golden prince's gaze equally matched hers as he found himself tongue tied for a moment- fear and worry spreading through him. How was he going to explain that it had been two days? How was he going to calmly tell her that she was okay but had fallen a little ill and was in and out of it through the birth. How was he supposed to explain why one child glowed while the other was massive, and that part of him had begun to wonder if the red moon had brought about the glowing child.

"I-I-I-I-I-I," he stammered, looking down at her with wide eyes as his brain tried to catch up with his mouth. This was going to be...a wild ride. The golden prince took a beat as he collected himself from her persistent questions and her scared tone. He had to be the rock. He had to keep firm and let her know that it was going to be fine. He needed to stop being...him...if only for this moment.

"You don't remember anything?" he finally found himself asking as he stared down at her, "You were...pretty in and out of it for the last...uh...two days.." He winced a bit as he said it, watching her for another moment before taking a step forward. He had to be a healer now, not her friend. Not...anything else; just her healer. Alexander took a sharp breath in as he shuffled to the back of the den where the foxes and healers had been bringing in supplies and medicine for him when he was unable to go out and fetch them himself. He grabbed a piece of aloe that had been brought in and ripped part of the plant apart, taking a smaller piece and walking back to Kyra. He'd noticed the raw spots on her belly and had been gently using the contents from inside the plant to ease the tenderness of raw skin. The boy began pawing the gel from the plant as he looked at her.

"The red moon was two nights past," he began, his voice calmer and stiller as he spoke. He needed to voice the calm and collected tone that healers would use when patients would exhibit hysterics that could lead to shock. He wasn't sure he'd be prepared for that if she fainted, but, if nothing else he'd at least have the stuff to wake her should she overwork herself, "you had a fever. It...took a night and a half before it broke." His gaze turned to hold hers a moment, offering a small and gentle smile. "I have been told...that I worry too much. Perhaps that is my biggest flaw. I did not..." he paused, shook his head and dismissed it. Instead, he took a pad full of aloe and began to gently dab it on the raw spots of her stomach. "I am sorry if I have worried you so early in the morning, Miss Kyra. It was not my intention to make you worry. Everything is all right now. The children are safe. You are safe. I promised...." Again, he paused, breaking his gaze from her and returning to the work of tending to her stomach, before setting the plant aside and moving towards the tiny child curled between Kyra's front arms and bending his head down to pick her up. If allowed, he'd gently move the pup back towards Kyra's teat to suckle, nudging the child towards a less raw one for the child to suckle on.

"A-also, uh..I..have found out...recently, well, since the last time I had seen you- I have come to learn that your father may have been right." He gave a light chuckle as he moved around the den to place the otter closer to Kyra's front feet.

"My name is...uh...Alexander...I am the lost prince of Nardir..." His ears lowered; his face flushed under his fur. It was as if he was coming clean of a lie to his friend.

"Please, eat. You need to eat so the pups can have fresh milk to eat. You may be experiencing certain pains from lack of food consumption; especially with how they eat." He looked back up towards the pups, hoping that the distraction of talking pups would keep her from asking more about what he meant when he said his true name, and he hoped she wouldn't ask again if he had stayed the whole time. He wasn't sure he'd have it in him to tell her the truth. They were just friends. That would...have been weird, right?

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Kyra she/her
Posts: 19
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: n0HcaK9.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me


Her breathing got heavier as he stammered before her. When he asked her if she remembered anything the grip on her baby had started to make the child whine loudly, which made Kyra release it with another breath. When he said she had been out of it for two days Kyra froze.

She watched frozen, holding her breath, her mind fuddled and clouded trying to shift through the last few days trying to find anything other than just waking up. It was fuzzy, there were parts where the little one screamed that she roused herself for but she couldn't place any time or when her father or Jase left and by the Moon she was starving.  

She watched him get his composure and as he began to steady and busy himself she began to breathe again. She watched catatonically as he treated her belly and explain what happened. Silently she allowed him to take the tiny one and place her near her teats. She watched as the larger one seemed to get more comfortable when the white one was set back down near it. She fleetingly thought that she should name them but she could do that later.

He seemed to handle them well.

She blinked when he changed the subject and tried to tell her about how he felt like he was coming into his true name and then watched as he pushed the otter closer to her.

She looked back up at him and blinked trying to take it all in. It was a lot. It wasn't like the long windedness she knew from someone else though, it was just... a lot.

She looked down at the otter again, her stomach rumbling. She looked back at the kids trying to suckle milk and she could feel like they definitely were trying to suck her life force dry. She looked back up at him but didn't know what to say.

She looked back at the otter and shrugged, might as well tuck in.
Her mind was going a million miles an hour as she ate. She tossed Her Friend a good sized portion without saying a word and continued her meal.

When she was full, she licked her lips, looked outside, swung her head slowly inside to look over her sleeping swollen bellied babies, huffed and slowly stood up. When they didn't shift and seemed perfectly comfortable in their little pile she walked out of the den to stretch her legs. Completely ignoring if Alexander was telling her to be careful or wait, or anything of the kind. She had lain there for two whole days and she could feel the atrophy in her legs so bad it hurt and itched.  

When she stepped outside she paused to look around. She scented to see if the strange foxes or the big cat was around. She didn't trust any of them. Then, gingerly, she walked the short distance to the shore of the island. It was maybe six good sized strides to the watersedge. She stretched, and lapped up the lake water. Drinking from the strange bowl was weird. Probably had herbs in it.

She trusted the prince had followed her. She looked back at the entrance, not really wanting to be so far away from her babies just yet but the itch in her legs had been screaming for attention as much as the little one would.

Then she sat and looked over the lake.
Back to the caves making the castle. She could just barely make out someone walking around, going about their business.
When the apprentice healer sat next to her, her friend, she would look briefly back to the den entrance, just checking, then back to gazing across the water.

She would sigh without looking at him. Then two heartbeats later she would finally speak up.

"I can't believe it's been two days. I missed their first breath, I missed seeing them for the first time. It's like, I don't really remember anything passed..." She shook her head, it was too fuzzy. Better glance back to the entrance, was that a squeal? No, just her imagination.

As she turned back to the lake again she paused halfway to finally look at him.

"I... figured as much honestly. I mean he's my dad an-all, he's always right." She shrugged and looked back at the castle again, "One of the annoying things about him." She mumbled. She shifted her weight, oof, already she was feeling tired just sitting up and walking around for a few minutes.

"So?" She asked, looking at him again, "Lost Prince of Nardir, what's it to be then? Tobes or Alex?" She asked with a half tired smirk, sinking down into a crouch. Hmm... She'll need his help getting back to bed. Good thing he's here.


Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Profile // #b01b0f
[-] Likes: Silverfrost9
Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:50:22 AM by Alexander.)


She threw him part of the otter. He looked down, then back at her and refused to eat.

This was her otter. She needed the food more than he did, and besides- he'd catch himself a fish later if he was really hungry. To be honest, the prince hadn't thought much of food over the last few days. His mind only focused on his promise to keeping them safe. But before he could continue, Kyra had eaten her fill and was up and walking herself out of the den. Alexander's mouth hung agape as he went to protest, but his head swung from staring at her backside to the pups, then back to her. The children didn't seem phased by their mother's absence; their bellies full and snuggled up together for a nap. The prince jumped to his feet as he bounded after her, pausing at the mouth of the cave unsure of how to proceed. Kyra was already making her way down to the waters edge, but the male couldn't help but feel a tug at his gut to remain planted with the kids.

When Kyra disappeared from his sight, however, he didn't think twice about it and was bounding out of the den and after her.

Of course, she sat at the waters edge, staring out back over to the lands of Nardir, where her den and her family resided. Alexander slowed to a trot before placing himself next to her, his ears lowered as he looked at her. The boy couldn't read her; was she sad? Upset? Was she...lonely? Of course, it was possible for all of those things but he couldn't shake the ache in his heart that he felt as he watched her.

"I can't believe it's been two days. I missed their first breath, I missed seeing them for the first time. It's like, I don't really remember anything passed..."

Finally, she spoke to him and his ears perked to attention, golden green eyes watching her intently as he took in every word she said. Desperately he wished to protest, to explain to her that she had seen them- that she had been there and awake, albeit though her body was failing her for a time and her memory was skewed by the bouts of fever and heavy sleep- the prince wished to convey that she was there even if she didn't feel like it. But he knew better- he knew deep down that while she may have physically been there, her mind could have repressed most of the birthing and the sickness brought on by how the pregnancy and birth were conducted could have played a role. It wasn't his place to contradict her and explain things that he didn't understand. Perhaps...he was hoping that he could relate to her, some how...but even he knew that it was impossible. So he chose the latter and listened to her grievances; heart aching to desperately find a way to make her feel better, to see her smile and to let her know that it was going to be okay. He just...didn't have the words.

Yet as he opened his mouth to speak, she turned towards him and his mouth closed instantly, his breath hitched in his lungs as she looked at him. Could she see? Could she tell that he was staring? Could she read him and every emotion he desperately tried to hide from her? He desperately hoped that she took his stares as nothing more than just confusion and a wanting to reply, but some part of him wondered if she knew Kyra was smart- and Alexander...well, he was never really good at getting his feelings across properly.

"I... figured as much honestly. I mean he's my dad an-all, he's always right. One of the annoying things about him. So? Lost Prince of Nardir, what's it to be then? Tobes or Alex?"


That wasn't...that wasn't what he was expecting? His brows furrowed and his head tilted, mouth ajar as he searched for a reply that he hadn't been prepared for. There were...there were other things he'd assumed were going to be addressed (like his incessant need to be there, or even why he'd bothered to stay so long, or even why he was the one caring for her and the pups and not Jase) but the question she posed to him caught him off guard.

"I...uh...," he said, blinking a few times as his brain tried desperately to get back on track, "I- I- should probably go by...Alexander..." he stammered as he looked at her and then out to the water. There was a moment of confusion, as if somehow this dirty secret was going to be a series of events he would regret. Would Kyra distrust him as Alexander? Would him less? Was there a thing about Royals that he didn't know about that she did? The thoughts raced through his mind as his gaze shifted from water to ripples to trees just on the horizon. He wanted to make sure what he was going to say was going to be right.

"'s okay, if you call me Tobie. I'm...not entirely sure how I feel about the knowledge passed down to me from Mercury. I--" he paused again, looking from the horizon down to the shore, brows furrowing as he tried to think.

"I remember, things. Many things. Well," he shrugged, giving a small sigh and a chuckle, "I remember most things...but there are still patches that I just don't remember. I'm sure this must sound crazy to you; I thought I was...well, I thought I was perhaps a fraud, walking around in a dead wolf's skin but. It would seem that I'm not."

Alexander took a moment, thinking back to his day with his sister and all that he had learned about himself. Yet with a sharp inhale, his head swung back towards Kyra, a panicked look on his face.

"Ahh--! Miss Kyra, Miss Kyra I do apologize sincerely for my behavior. I should not be discussing things like this right now; your health and the health of your children is far, far more important that some silly matter such as this. I--"

Alexander was already on his feet, head dipping down respectfully in a bow as he apologized.

"Forgive me for being so rash with my tongue and talking about such silly matters."

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Kyra she/her
Posts: 19
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: n0HcaK9.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me


She quietly smirked to herself as he was caught off guard. She didn't know why she enjoyed that, but it was like a little innocent tease and the way he stumbled about it was cute. She looked up at him, for she had sank down to her elbows to rest on the shore, as he said he should probably be called Alexander. He didn't seem to sure of it still.

She lifted her gaze back to the den again, she was going to be doing that the rest of her life, wasn't she, as he spoke about how he felt like a fraud.
She huffed through her nose a half laugh as she swung her gaze back across the lake. Pishposh and a shit, fraud my ass. She thought, shaking her head. How could he get that idea that he could be wandering around pretending to be someone he wasn't when he... well... wasn't? It wasn't like her knowing who she was and letting him come to his own conclusions about who she was as just some kind of doe eyed elegant twit. She finally put an end to that when he took her for a stroll around the garden and he had still accepted her as is. Why would this be any different?

She sighed but stopped and blinked at him as he suddenly got all panicked and apologized for everything he just told her. She sat looking at him with an incredulous expression as if the apology was completely unnecessary, though refreshing.

"Don't..." Hmmm... Yep not enough energy to curb necessities. If he was gonna stick around he was gonna witness all of her. So she started again.

"Don't give me that shit. I don't give a flying fucking rats ass whether you believe you're a lost prince or some kind of wolf dog. You can't be a fraud if you dont know your pretending." She started standing and it was hard. She needed to go back to bed.
"And it's not fucking silly. It's - important to- you." She panted, "-- help." She said quietly, knowing he would let her lean on him.

As they made their way back to the den, she had nodded she wanted as much, she continued, "Bunch of bullshit telling me- health is more- It's not silly!" She was adamant and nearly lifted her head to nip his ear about the whole thing if she wasn't so exhausted. Ok so maybe six paces was a little far for her first walk after her first health scare. She wanted to let him know that he was important to her and that this stuff wasn't silly to her, but she may have been a little too blunt, and tired.

She started muttering, "Maybe I'll give you- name I like huh? Who cares what your name is. Call youfeckles... or... or..." She was starting to fade. She would gently lie down around her babies, absently checking on them, as they got to the den. Her eyes half lidded. She just needed to rest. "yellowbelly... oh but your... bellyblack. bunch of... bullshit." She started to fall asleep.

But after a few heartbeats her eyes opened. "Castle... When I swim... move to castle..."


She woke up later to the baby screeching, well apparently they were both screaming but the white one was louder and shriller. Could make your ears bleed.
She felt much better as she tucked the little ones against her, shushing them and checking them. The larger one wouldn't eat until the white one was fully latched. She watched it pause and wait until the little one got a good gulp in then it would start its own meal. Interesting. She should really check the genders of these kids. Figure out names. It was kind of weird not knowing who they were but infinitely interesting to see them interact already and obviously their personalities were shining through. Shrieker might be a good name for little one. The name she dreamed up with their father would be more fitting though... Her heart ached, conflicted at the memory. She didn't know if the other one fit what their father had in mind. Maybe it would be best just to come up with a different name. Girls. At least to her. She was struck with the idea that maybe one of them would be like Kastra though. That's fine, how would you go about naming them now then? Hm.

She decided she wouldn't be upset if one or both decided to change their names, or genders or anything. As long as they didn't hurt anyone they loved.

She would look up at Alex and "Hey" him a greeting.

"I'm feeling better... Tell me what you learned from Mercury." She remained in a comfortable position. In no hurry to rush out the door again. She learned her lesson, the hard way of course.


Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Profile // #b01b0f
Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:50:46 AM by Alexander.)


"Don't...Don't give me that shit. I don't give a flying fucking rats ass whether you believe you're a lost prince or some kind of wolf dog. You can't be a fraud if you dont know your pretending. And it's not fucking silly. It's - important to- you."

Alexander listened, ears lowering. She was right. Of course she was right; he looked back up to her as she stood. Something She looked as though she were exhausted just from the mere motion of rising.

"- help."

The prince was on his feet in an instant, catching her with his body weight as he helped to support her up. She wouldn't want to be carried, of course not, but there was an aching in his gut that told him to hoist her up over him and carry her home. No- no she wanted to walk, and Alexander found himself unable to protest as he leaned in to her just enough to provide a stable wall of mass for her to lean on without falling. Concern flooded his face as she continued all the way to the den, his heart racing in his chest.

"Bunch of bullshit telling me- health is more- It's not silly!"

He watched as she lifted her head towards his but lowered it back down, an adamant look of 'I told you so' written all over his face as they slowly climbed back towards the den. He'd only sigh, allowing her to speak her mind though he couldn't help but lower his head under hers for a brief moment. She was exhausted and she was falling quickly back in to a state of being that needed to be fallen in to back at the den, not out in the open. He wished and hoped with all his might they would make it back.

And they did; the den on the horizon as Kyra continued on her chastising him of his own worries and concerns for her, and his inability to keep the topic on prudent topics; well, topics for him that didn't seem important yet seemed incredibly important for Kyra.

They'd enter the den and she'd managed to walk her way back to her pups, curling around them as she continued.

"Maybe I'll give you- name I like huh? Who cares what your name is. Call youfeckles... or... or...yellowbelly... oh but your... bellyblack. bunch of... bullshit."

He couldn't help but smile. Relief washing over his face as they made it back, relief that she still seemed to have that good sense of humor even though she was half falling asleep along their walk. Concern still lingered in the back of his mind though as he watched her doze off, the smile fading once she laid her head down and closed her eyes. Alexander felt his heart sink in to the pit of his stomach almost instantly, his ears lowering. He'd nudge the otter back towards her before resuming his duties and applying more topical medication. The prince would give a soft sigh, lowering his head down to nudge hers before taking a few steps to the entrance of the den and laying down, watching the world around them continue on as if nothing was happening.


The next morning however saw much promise. Alexander woke once more with the early sun, his body stretching out as he got up from his spot. He had curled himself back around Kyra and the pups at some point in the night, keeping an eye on them and administering any herbal medications they may have needed, as well as making sure they'd both try and eat. It was curious, he noted, that the larger pup waited for the smaller to eat that night before it began to feast. Even as newborns it seemed they were smarter than most pups.

But that was last night and this was now.

He rose from his spot, gently nosing the pups to make sure they were doing okay before trotting out of the den once more to find breakfast for Kyra. While part of the otter remained still in the den- he would do well to find her something new; something fresh. And he'd succeed too! As he made his way down to the waters edge once more, the boy couldn't help but spot something splashing in the shallows of the water. Ears perked he watched the floundering fish catch itself before beginning to swim away. The prince smiled as he bounded in to the water, splashing through the shallows and diving in head first after the large beast. He was successful as well as he tore his head from the water, a large salmon dangling from his jaws. Perfect.

He could feel his stomach begin to rumble as he brought the still twitching fish ashore, dropping it down on the ground to clean himself off. It was then that he heard the shrill cries from the den and the golden prince was picking up the fish and running back up towards Kyra and the others.

When the prince entered though, things seemed, well, they seemed different. Kyra was awake and tending to the children, allowing them to feed. She looked...better. Better than yesterday, which was nothing short of a miracle. The golden prince set the fish down near her as she turned to him.

"Hey. I'm feeling better... Tell me what you learned from Mercury."

He gave her a soft grin as he nudged the fresh meal in her direction, turning around and placing himself back down behind her, his head lowering to look at the pups once more before turning his attention to Kyra.

"I'm glad you are feeling better," he said with a contented hum, "you look much better than you did yesterday. Please, eat." Gaze turned from her to the fish and then back to her.

"Ahh..." he began, the smile faltering as he tried to think of how best to explain it to her, "she didn't...teach me anything. No, in fact she took me on a tour of Nardir. It was, enlightening to say the least." Was that the best way to put it? The prince's face scrunched up a bit as he tried to explain the things that had happened.

"She told me she had things to show me. Believed that walking through the pack territory would restore memories. She was...not wrong, though she did not hold back any punches." He turned his gaze from her, looking down at the ground just at the foot of the mouth of the den.

"We went to the den where we were born and raised," he began, slowly inhaling as he kept his gaze focused on the ground. If he held it there, perhaps he could remain emotionless while describing what it felt like, "and from there, she took me to our parents grave. I...I couldn't remember. I'd forgotten about it; all of it." Something in him shifted as his face contorted again and he looked back to Kyra. He held her gaze for a long moment as he searched for the words.

"I don't remember what they looked like. Or how they spoke. Or carried themselves. It is as if they are themselves a dream concocted from my own mind. Mercury has decided that we will take time and go throughout the pack over a series of days to better help regain...something; anything, but she worries that too much at one time may be overloading. It is possible I don't remember those pieces because it was too much for one day. But I digress- it is...strange."

He gave her a rather sad look before blinking it away and shaking his head.

"I do not wish to bring the mood down so early in the morning. I am sure in time things will come back. I can remember...many things now, yet I cannot for the life of me begin to tell you how I ended up forgetting it all."

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Kyra she/her
Posts: 19
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: 6ExonUT.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me


He came with a juicy fat salmon! Of all the fish around here, and fish was her favorite already, salmon was at the top of the list by far! She didn't need any further prompting to dig in and she did as he went on about what he discovered and the trip he took with his sister. She liked how easy it was to listen to him. It was a story, he was sharing his life with her.

The minute he told her that he went to his parents grave and started to admit that he didn't know his parents or what they looked like or sounded like... a strange ache was building in her chest. Something similar she had only just started to feel when she looked down at her new babies. But this feeling was... altogether different. She was just finishing up her meal as she looked up at him slowly, meeting his gaze.

When he looked away and shook his head she suddenly felt like she lost something.

It was then she knew, she knew she would do everything in her power to make him stay. He had to stay, not only was he born here, a nardirian, a royal, a prince, she never wanted to let him go.

But it always went awry when she tried to make them stay, tried to make them love her. But she didn't know how else to express it. She'd have to wait. Wait it out. Let him figure it out on his own. Let him go in a sense. To repeat the same mistakes of the past was insanity, was circles, was stagnancy and she already spit that idea on the other side of the border. It was that night she decided she wouldn't run anymore. It was that night she decided to be better, for her children, for herself. And it'll be now that she would be put to the ultimate test. To speak up now about it might throw a stake at the heart of it all just as it was building.

Let it go, Kyra. Let him come to you. It wouldn't be worth it if you trapped him here. It wouldn't be real if he didn't have a choice. Then the ache in her chest grew to a painful stab then solidified to a rock at the bottom of her stomach.

She... Shrugged when he tried to brush it all off as bringing down the mood.

"It's ok," She responded, cleaning her muzzle, silver scales on her nose and paws, "I hope it gets easier soon. I can't imagine what it would be like to find my mom and dads graves and just... not know them." She said. Looking concerned.

She took a better look at him finally and immediately saw the signs. He was haggard, haggard in a way she recognised in an instant.

"You... need to eat." She said, narrowing her eyes at him, "Don't make me get up and go hunting right now for you." She said with a stubborn and indignant tone. She would too. She'd get up and walk twelves paces out that door and probably not make it back.

"Besides," She said before he could protest, and looked down at the little ones, "I need a little time to get to know these two on my own, and some space to think. But," She looked up, "don't be gone too long? Maybe you can tell me how... What you think about being a prince?" She gave him a pleading smile.

"I like... listening... to you." She said looking away again and pinning her ears back for a moment.


Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Profile // #b01b0f
[-] Likes: Emily.
Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:51:24 AM by Alexander.)


"It's ok. I hope it gets easier soon. I can't imagine what it would be like to find my mom and dads graves and just... not know them."

He only nodded solemnly as he watched the den entrance.

"You... need to eat. Don't make me get up and go hunting right now for you."

The golden prince's head swung to look at her, his attention taken from the mouth of the den to meet her gaze. There was a softness in his eyes as he offered up a little smile; she was good...too good. Alexander couldn't help but offer up a soft chuckle at that. If she knew him as well as he thought she might- she would know all too well that he would agree to it...but not actually get food. No, he would make it look as though he were going to get food, perhaps walk down to the waters edge and then wait a little bit before returning. Golden green eyes watched as she turned her attention to the pups.

"Besides, I need a little time to get to know these two on my own, and some space to think. But, don't be gone too long? Maybe you can tell me how... What you think about being a prince? I like... listening... to you."

Alexander's ears perked up in surprise as her tone softened, her gaze focused on the pups. She turned back to him, telling him not to take too long and the boy couldn't help but chuckle. But it wasn't until her last sentence that he felt something deep within his chest tugging at his soul; perhaps it was her gaze breaking his and the softness in her voice at that which pulled him in, but it took the prince every ounce of his being not to stand up and push his head in to hers. He...he needed to set boundaries. He needed to not put himself in to this position. She had someone, she had a family- she had pups. He needed to realize here and now that he couldn't...he couldn't be part of her family- not like that- that spot had already been filled by someone else. Alexander could feel his heart breaking all over again as he stared down at her even with her gaze averted, inhaling sharply and nodding. Gods if only he knew, if only he knew how she felt- if only he came to terms with how he was time to repress those memories.

"Of course, Miss Kyra. I won't be long." He did his best as he stood, swallowing back the emotions caught in his throat and offering her the gentlest of smiles.

"Perhaps when I return I will fix the den to make it more comfortable for you."

He took off without a word of goodbye, or see you soon- there was no need for it. He would simply wade by the water for an hour at most before coming back. It seemed like a flawless plan if he'd ever had one. Yet as he stepped from the warmth of the den and out in to the cooler air, he couldn't help but find himself struggling to grapple with the sudden emotions that washed over him. What was he doing? When had he become emotionally compromised like this? They were...they were just friends and yet with each step he took towards the waters edge he felt his gut getting harder and harder. There was a piece of him missing that he hadn't realized would have been missing had it not been until he came home to Nardir. It was strange to feel such a strong emotion- to know that this feeling lodged in his gut and stomach was an unobtainable goal- that if he dared to think of what he thought of his friend- the undoing it would do to him to know she had someone else for whom she loved- someone that wasn't him.

Alexander didn't remember the walk down to the shore; his mind clouded with thoughts of things he knew all too better about indulging in. His rump rested on the dirt and rocky shoreline as he stared out over towards the rest of Nardir, his ears lowered as he tried to gather his thoughts. He was exhausted, he was emotionally drained on his own behalf, and he didn't know what he was going to do once they made their way back to the Castle. Would he meet Kyra's mate? Was her mate on a mission for the Queen? The questions were endless and the thought of each one of them drained him more and more. It was none of his business, quite frankly, and yet somehow he felt caught in something he hadn't planned on being ensnared in.

Alexander sighed softly, lowering to his stomach as the sound of nearby rustling caught his ears. Within a moment the prince was on his feet and plodding towards the sound; golden green eyes caught with surprise as he saw a familiar figure pull itself up on to the shore line.

"Hakan?" he called out.

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409
(This post was last modified: March 11, 2019, 11:42:57 PM by Charley.)

[Image: u7J5NLU.png]

"And though we lose our stake, Heaven is where we make it
Even in the smallest places, Can a garden grow"

This swim was going to be the death of him. He had been coming about once a day to check on things, at various times of day, and everytime Kyra had been asleep. Maybe this time, Since Alex told him she had been awake briefly yesterday, she'll be more with it.

With a grunt and grumble he pulled himself dripping on to the bank. Last time he had come by on low tide and had found a curious half submerged trail of stepping stones that was much easier on him. Swimming knocked the wind out of him. He was not a good swimmer.

Hakan shook his head and coughed as he sat on the bank. He lifted his head to Alexander in a silent greeting when he heard his name called, catching his breath. Man, things do not get easier. He drew in a long breath and shook the water off him.

After he was nice and half dry, no longer dripping, he again nodded to Alex in a proper greeting.
"Heya. How is she doing?" He asked outright, completely oblivious to the inner monologues of both youngin's. He looked the younger male over, yep, he still hasn't eaten has he... This look Hakan knew all too well.


Photo © Erik Stine / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Garden by Noah Gundersen

Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:51:45 AM by Alexander.)


"Heya. How is she doing?"

The prince's gaze softened as he smiled at the elder, nodding his head as he was addressed.

"She is doing better. She still...has trouble walking distances...She tried yesterday and got winded. But I think in time and with some proper food and care she should make a full recovery and be able to leave in a few weeks with the children."

It was a very, very optimistic answer even though deep down Alexander knew it would be more than just one or two weeks before she was travel ready. If she could only walk to the waters edge and not complete a return trip without help- there was no way she would have the strength to make it across from one shore to another. Alexander inhaled deeply as the thought crossed his mind. Somewhere in the silence, his belly began to rumble loudly and his attention shot back up towards the brown wolf.

" it, is it all right if we talked a moment? Before you go and visit with your daughter?" The stone in his gut began to tremble as he thought of what he was going to say, how he was going to say it. How was he to ask about Kyra's mate? How was he going to bring up the discussion- and make it sound not jealous or curious in a gossipy sort of way.

The prince stood to all fours, slowly walking down the shore line away from the den before sitting down again and looking back at Hakan.

"I apologize for this sudden turn of events," he began, gaze dropping immediately as he looked from the elder to the ground. He wouldn't look at Hakan again for some time as his gaze shifted to the water, his belly already churning at the thought of everything.

"I am curious, if it be at all possible- where is Kyra's mate? I...I haven't seen him since...well...ever, I think. And, and, and I know this is bold and brash of me to even begin asking such things--" the words began to quicken as he stared out over the water, head finally snapping to meet the elder's gaze, "--but I just, I just am not sure what to do with this--" the words began to quicken as he rambled; he was getting too far from what he meant to ask and treading in to dangerous territory of spilling his heart out to the wolf who was quite literally the father of the subject in question.

Alexander gave Hakan a pleading look as his mouth and tongue betrayed him, ears falling atop his head as he looked at the elder with confusion, anguish, sadness, and a sense of lack of understanding of a situation that he found himself in.

"I just..." he stopped himself, inhaling sharply and turning away, shaking his head. He'd managed to bite his tongue long enough to allow his mind to catch up to itself.

"I just worry that I'm not seeing a fuller picture, and if it could help the children's growth it might be...necessary to understand."

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: u7J5NLU.png]

"And though we lose our stake, Heaven is where we make it
Even in the smallest places, Can a garden grow"


Hakan nodded sagely in agreement with Alex's assessment. Though he knew Kyra would probably push herself to try within the next week or two. Most of the time a mother was able to leave the den fairly soon but Kyra had had complications that took her out for the first day or two. She'd be understandably weak.

Hakan perked up as Alex became more earnest and asked him for time to talk. He nodded again with concern on his face adding: "Yes, of course." before he followed the younger healer and leaned in to listen.  

The elder froze and held his breath as Prince Alexander asked the golden question. He didn't know. Kyra didn't tell him.

"I am curious, if it be at all possible- where is Kyra's mate?... I just worry that I'm not seeing a fuller picture, and if it could help the children's growth it might be...necessary to understand."

Hakan leaned back on his haunches with a sigh. Kyra didn't tell him. So it was now up to him, and he knew that Kyra would be very mad with him, just like last time.

Hakan looked over Alexander, this time with much a more critical eye. He knew, everything that had been going on, especially with the birth and how Alex had handled... well more like mishandled himself through the whole thing. It was very telling for the elder who had mountains of experience over the prince.

Hakan was grimacing as he looked up to where her den would be then back to the golden healer prince.

"Akutan left." Hakan started, right off the bat, with a low and heavy voice. His mismatched eyes started then boring into the ground just off Alex's paw. "To put it bluntly. It was messy and hurt a lot of people. It's..." Hakan looked up, his pupils dancing between Alexander green eyes. Hakan's own grief evident, just under the surface.

"He's deserted. It's unlikely he'll be coming back and she won't be too happy at his return in anycase." His gaze drifted back to the ground. It was obvious he was grieved about the whole situation. Akutan had been like a son to him. It was another failure to add to his personal belt.


Photo © Erik Stine / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Garden by Noah Gundersen

Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:52:06 AM by Alexander.)


"Akutan left. To put it bluntly. It was messy and hurt a lot of people. It's...He's deserted. It's unlikely he'll be coming back and she won't be too happy at his return in any case."

It was short, sweet and to the point. It was also exactly something Alexander hadn't been prepared for, and the fluttering, gut-wrenching feelings in his chest once more dropped in to his stomach as he listened to the elder speak. He was silent for a long moment, nodding and breaking his gaze from Hakan to also look at the ground. How could he confide in him now? Especially after all of that? Something deep in the boy's gut felt wrong; like he had preyed on her without realizing it. The thought brought fear in to Alexander's eyes as his gaze shot back up towards his mentors.

"I would never-" he began, catching himself with wide eyes as he looked at Hakan and then once more shook his head. Don't overstep, Alexander; this is not the time.

The boy took in a deep breath as he allowed himself to calm and re-word in his brain.

"I would never have suspected such things. She has always seemed so happy when I have seen her." Yes. Good. Keep it from your feelings. The prince gave Hakan a sympathetic look as he sat there, really quite unsure of what to say at this point. Again, the prince allowed silence to unintentionally fill the space between him. The words he wished to speak- he was unsure of how to word them now.

"Hakan, I--" he began, inhaling and turning his gaze once more, this time in shame, "I let you down. That night. I did not handle things as well as I had thought I would have. I...was not doing what I was supposed to do, and for that I apologize. Sincerely apologize." The recognition of his actions those nights ago had not left his brain as he thought of them and how his over-reactions could have created even more of a mess than they were all already in for. The golden prince turned his gaze back to his mentor, his heart pounding in his chest.

"I allowed myself to be clouded...allowed myself to not separate..." Again he paused, brows furrowed as he tried to say it. He was sure Hakan knew by now that his confession was difficult, sure that once it was spilled in to the air and earth that he would become the next target of a father's fury should he stray from a path he did not yet know of; he knew that if Hakan heard him profess his love for his daughter in this single moment, it could possibly ruin every single thing he had found wonderful about Nardir since he came home. In short, it was tough, especially considering all of the recent events.

Alexander took a slow, deep and deliberate breath inward as he looked to the ground.

"I am so sorry if my emotions and actions have gotten in the way of the health and safety of your daughter. was never my intention for it to cloud my judgement during the birth of her children."

'I didn't mean to fall in love so quickly.'

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

[-] Likes: Emily.
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: u7J5NLU.png]

"And though we lose our stake, Heaven is where we make it
Even in the smallest places, Can a garden grow"


The old healer pawed the ground as Alex ruminated then come so close to confessing, several times. Hakan just nodded as if to himself, pursed his lips. Looked up to watch across the water. Listening listening listening. Listen to the grumble in the boys stomach. Listening to his surprise, his admittance, his apology...

As it was Alex's turn to look at their paws, Hakan looked at the young man.

They would be a good match. Hakan had seen them walk together on occasion on Kyra's trips around the lake. She had started to brighten up as time went on. He had a feeling that perhaps Alex had been visiting Kyra throughout her pregnancy. She had seemed softer, more determined. As pig headed as always but you couldn't hope everything to change about a person.

He looked back up and across the waters, he watched a form race across the courtyard and disappear into the bush. He sighed.

"Shortly after the exile," He started, his voice low, his gaze locked on the other shore, "many nardirians went into labour. I delivered litter, after litter, after litter. Arik was one of the children born. Sarajevo and her sisters. Kyra was also. None of them were as excruciating or nerve wracking as Kyra's own birth. My other daughter, Salenia, she had her own litter with Jase. We were all out there, alone, without lands to call our own."

"I nearly killed myself serving them all." He said, turning finally to his haggard and hungry apprentice, "I went without food, without rest, without time. It wasn't until Jase pinned me down and sent me to take care of myself did I realize how close I was to the end. Kyra had just been born and she would have had no father at all, as well as no lands to call her own, if I had continued to push myself. It wouldn't be the last time. I worked myself to the bone on several occasions, once so hard I lost myself entirely, got seperated. Abandoned her, her sister and her brother, the whole family." He blinked. Was his apprentice getting the picture? Was he understanding the cards she had been dealt? He had just said the father of her own pups deserted her as well.

"Go. Take care of yourself. Get some rest, something to eat. You've worked hard enough." Hakan's voice was uncharacteristically hard, though his face was neutral. He didn't mean to be coming off disappointed, he was far from it. But Alex needed to understand what she had been through and what she would need, before he could go around and fully confess his attraction. Hakan was giving him the opportunity to figure out exactly what he was getting himself into and find out if he was up to it. Hakan was not about to let anyone break his daughters heart again. He didn't have much say in the last relationship and he was playing with fire thinking he could meddle in this one. But this time Alex had given him the opportunity. Especially since he was dancing around truly confessing himself, meaning there was still a chance there was a wall between the two.

"If your apology means anything at all, go take care of yourself, then do better." Hakan would interrupt gruffly. He was not usually this abrasive, but healing was serious business. If Alex wanted to be a healer, and take Kyra's heart, Alex needed to be more careful. He needed to be better at this than Hakan himself was.

He needed to rise above the failures of his mentor and make different mistakes, not repeat the ones of the past.


Photo © Erik Stine / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Garden by Noah Gundersen

Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:52:28 AM by Alexander.)


"Shortly after the exile, many nardirians went into labour. I delivered litter, after litter, after litter. Arik was one of the children born. Sarajevo and her sisters. Kyra was also. None of them were as excruciating or nerve wracking as Kyra's own birth. My other daughter, Salenia, she had her own litter with Jase. We were all out there, alone, without lands to call our own. I nearly killed myself serving them all. I went without food, without rest, without time. It wasn't until Jase pinned me down and sent me to take care of myself did I realize how close I was to the end. Kyra had just been born and she would have had no father at all, as well as no lands to call her own, if I had continued to push myself. It wouldn't be the last time. I worked myself to the bone on several occasions, once so hard I lost myself entirely, got seperated. Abandoned her, her sister and her brother, the whole family. Go. Take care of yourself. Get some rest, something to eat. You've worked hard enough."

Alexander listened to the old man's story, nodding and looking solemnly to the ground as he did so. But when Hakan's voice changed to a sudden stern, fatherly voice, the boy's head shot up, his golden green eyes staring the old brown wolf down hard. He opened his mouth to retort, to argue, but the old wolf had more to say.

"If your apology means anything at all, go take care of yourself, then do better."

At this, the golden prince found his chest bubbling up with something that felt like a temper tantrum, and also felt like a sudden gut punch. He might not have handled the birth well, and he would take that criticism, but this felt just wholly unfair. The prince's eyes searched the elders face as he watched him for a moment, anger bubbling up but calming down as he tried to find the words to speak. Even now, Alexander could feel the adrenaline in his exhausted body beginning to rise; he'd caught hold of a second wind.

"Hakan, I don't think I can just leave her like that," he said with a nervous chuckle, shaking his head. His eyes looked up to the elder with a mild panic that he did his best to ease through, "I can't just...leave on this island. You understand that I cannot just...leave her." Alex found himself reeling internally as his heart spoke for him, watching partly with curiosity and partly with fear at Hakan's reactions. It was almost impossible for them both to not be on the same page at this point, and the prince found it almost infuriating that Hakan would make such a suggestion that leaving her here would be the only way to redeem himself. There had to be another way.

"I understand that I...have worked myself too hard at this moment, and I understand that I need to improve; to better myself. And I thank you for your words of wisdom, Hakan- but surely you must understand that I simply cannot just leave her here alone."

The prince gave his mentor a hard look, shifting on his hind as he watched the elder before turning his gaze towards the den.

His voice grew soft as he stared at the dens entrance, almost expecting to see Kyra shoving her way through to the outside.

"I cannot do to her what her mate has done to her. I won't."

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: u7J5NLU.png]

"And though we lose our stake, Heaven is where we make it
Even in the smallest places, Can a garden grow"


Old eyes watched the boy closely. Eyes of a soft herbal green and a warm earthy brown. They were faded with age and experience, grief and respect. They were deep unquenchable pools of warm unconditional love. Despite the hardships and regrets that had started to cloud his vision, they were still soft resting over his grizzled and greying nose.

The old healer could see the temper rise and be held back. He could see the young and vibrant heart of his apprentice bursting forth through his vibrant and emotional green and yellow sunflower eyes. The young one's fur bristled and laid flat. Hakan watched him solemnly as Alex nervously chuckled at the thought of what Hakan was asking him to do.

"Hakan, I don't think I can just leave her like that," Hakan's own heart was in his throat but he was steady, and calm, watching softly and understanding completely. "I can't just...leave on this island. You understand that I cannot just...leave her."

The elder slowly bobbed his head up and down, seeing the disconnect.

"I understand that I...have worked myself too hard at this moment, and I understand that I need to improve; to better myself. And I thank you for your words of wisdom, Hakan- but surely you must understand that I simply cannot just leave her here alone."

Alex knew very well that Hakan wouldn't let her be entirely alone here. The elder knew what he meant though. The prince Alexander was making all the right moves here. Hakan was proud of him for this stance.

"I cannot do to her what her mate has done to her. I won't."

"Good, then don't." Hakan started abruptly and deeply, hopefully pulling Alex's attention away from the den.

"Alex--" He sighed and half huffed, switching for the first time to the name Alex had first given them, not sure if it would further confuse him but hopefully it would mark the gravity Hakan was giving this, "--Tobie." Those deep bi-colored warm eyes looked into the young mans, understanding but yet unmoving, "That is why I am the one forcing you to go. She can be displeased with me all she wants. Check in with Jase when you make landfall, but I don't want you to set foot on this island until she is off it." He stood, making it final, Head Healer, and Elder, sometimes outranked the Queen herself when it came to personal health.

Before he turned to tend to his daughter, he said seriously, "Son, I see where your heart is, I do. Do not think for one moment I disapprove. So give her time, give yourself time. You both need to make sure this is what you both want without a doubt. I will not let another break my daughter's heart one more time if I can help it. Now go, before I call Jase and Buckshot to drag you off. Eat, sleep, and know she won't be alone, and she probably won't be mad at you as long you don't go far. You'll see each other when she's ready to move the babies to the castle. She'll understand." She'll probably want to move them even earlier in this case. He thought to himself, leaning forward to press his nose into the boys shoulder, both an affectionate gesture and a gentle push to go before he turned away and made his way up to her den. He would stop halfway to make sure his apprentice was making good on Hakan's order.


Photo © Erik Stine / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Garden by Noah Gundersen

Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:52:48 AM by Alexander.)


"Good, then don't. "Alex---Tobie. That is why I am the one forcing you to go. She can be displeased with me all she wants. Check in with Jase when you make landfall, but I don't want you to set foot on this island until she is off it. Son, I see where your heart is, I do. Do not think for one moment I disapprove. So give her time, give yourself time. You both need to make sure this is what you both want without a doubt. I will not let another break my daughter's heart one more time if I can help it. Now go, before I call Jase and Buckshot to drag you off. Eat, sleep, and know she won't be alone, and she probably won't be mad at you as long you don't go far. You'll see each other when she's ready to move the babies to the castle. She'll understand."

He could feel the bubble of anger and frustration rise in his chest as he swallowed hard, watching the old healer with a stern gaze for a long moment before finally breaking and turning away; his ears lowered atop his head as he let out a long sigh. He didn't like this; not one bit, but if Hakan said...if this was to be...then perhaps it would be best. Alexander wasn't exactly sure how that would be the case, but his gaze never the less would rise to meet the old wolf's gaze before turning once more towards the cave. Something in his gut grew hard and sank quickly at the thought of simply walking away, going back to the main land and connecting with Jase; doing menial tasks while Kyra was holed up on an island and just hoping for the best- he didn't like it. For a moment, the golden prince wondered if this was how her last mate was- did he ever listen? Did he show that he understood boundaries? Alex shuffled on front limbs, the hurt look on his face as he slowly nodded his head. If this was how it was going to be then, then so it shall. The prince let out another defeated sigh.

"Please tell me when she is ready to come home," came the low, weak reply of the exhausted prince as he set his gaze from Hakan to the ground and then back once more, "I want to be there...for her."

He wouldn't allow the elder to speak as he rose to all fours and turned towards the shoreline, paws wading in the shallows as he gave both Hakan and the den one last look before heading off in to the deeps of the water; a long swim was ahead but if it meant that they would see each other again soon, he would do whatever was asked of him to get to that point.


ooc: short reply. also last post for alexander in this thread.

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

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