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Almost Sparkles
Posts: 10
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'There is nooooooo way this is as hard as those pricks at The Guild make it out to be to tame a companion’ The adolescent Aviari wolf was pissed. He had attempted yet again to acquire a pet from the market and yet again he had been turned away, was his linage not enough?? How could it not be?? His father was a stunning example of a Crystalline! Granted he had not been blessed the with that vibrant plumage, ‘If I had feathers like Pearle I’m sure they would’ve given me anything I wanted.’ His eyes narrowed as a mental picture of his younger half sibling strolled into his brain. In his mind Tug would bad mouth any member of his family, but he had learned to keep those thoughts in his head. He had a knack for not only doing dumb things, but saying dumb things also, and the elders of his family tree were not scared to put him in his place for his misdeeds.
Onward and away from the pyramids the boy trekked, head lowered leveling his spine and tail lifted to keep the straight line from pink nose to the off-white tips of his tail. Tug had it dead set where he was going and what he was going to accomplish. Just around the corner on his way here he had seen a sloth, and now it was going to be his.
Sure enough when he came to the tree he had spotted the sloth in, it was still there, only having had traveled a few more yards up the trunk from where it was first spotted. The obstacle that would be the hardest to over come would be the tree in which it was in. Tall thin roots sat above the ground and weaved away from the trees trunk. This trees trunk also wasn’t in his favor, it wasn’t rounded, but rather it had many hard angles that all just tied into each other. Tugtupite knew he could use the angled slopes of the roots to his advantage, if his balance didn’t fail him.
He circled the tree and tired his best to find a slope that would be best to help him scale up the tree and get to the sloth, but there wasn’t a single root positioned perfectly below the bum of his hopefully soon to be animal companion. Tug lined himself up with one that was the best choice, backed himself up a few strides and burst forward. Quickly he found out walking on narrow line was not easy at all. Only tree paws touched root before he tangled himself up in his own feet and wiped out. Face first he smacked the root, his canine leaving a slight gouge to the bark and a smear of blood as the tree bit him back and scraped his gum.
Hard headed? Or committed to success? I’m not sure, but the boy got back to his feet, rolled his tongue across his teeth and spat out the blood. Again he went, this time making it closer to the trunk, but still eating shit. Another run, another fall. His pelt was disheveled now, leaves and dirt clung to him, his mouth had ceased bleeding, but now he had scuffed front left and rear right paws from his tumble. Winners never quit, and this boy wasn’t about to submit.
Avinalora she/her
I won't shiver, I won't shake. I'm made of stone, I don't break.
Posts: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Location [IC]: El Dorado
Rank [IC]: Cardinal
Played By: Silverfrost

All Accounts Posts: 385
(This post was last modified: February 17, 2019, 09:18:54 PM by Avinalora.)

       Avinalora knew she wasn't old, well not as old as her aunt, Asenath, but getting more than a years' worth of scars in less than a couple of days ages you a couple of years. She felt she was five going on eight and she would hate how she would feel when she was actually eight. That would be a circle of hell in itself and she wasn't looking forward to it anytime soon.

       The silver healer padded through the jungle, looking for some herbs to replenish her stocks. She already gathered most of the herbs that were on her list. It wasn't like they were in desperate need for medicines but she didn't have anything better to do other than sit around and wait for someone to get injured.

       The argent Algerim stopped in her tracks. It seemed like she would be using these herbs very soon. Her eyesight was even worse now that she no longer had two eyes but her sense of smell was ever so sharp. And she could smell the unmistakable scent of blood in the air.

       The scarred healer was bound to her duty to her pack and as the ancestor of Horus. Her three-legged gait quickened as she followed the scent back to the source. She couldn't hear anything that indicated a battle and the scent wasn't overpoweringly strong so it didn't seem like an emergency.

       It wasn't.

       The moon-washed medic arrived to see a young Aviari trying - and failing - to climb a tree. She rolled her single eye and debated whether or not to get him to stop. He was bleeding but it was minor and it seemed like it would be a learning experience for him, hopefully.

       The monochrome Cardinal sat down, watching the boy, waiting for one of the falls to knock some sense into him.

Crappy post, sorry~ But here's Avi.

ProfileBin ☥ Played by Silverfrost
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Almost Sparkles
Posts: 10
Pronouns: He

All Accounts Posts: 76
(This post was last modified: February 08, 2019, 10:34:51 AM by Tugtupite.)

“FFFFUCK” The adolescent cursed through gritted teeth. His prize now dangling upside down from a branch in the tree, its head slowly turning downward to look back at Tug. He fixated his eyes harshly on the animal, “Just bring your ass down here and be MINE. I’LL TREAT YOU WELL!!!” The statement didn’t seem the least bit like it was appealing to be truthful as he bore fangs, his tail whipping anxiously behind him, the feathers of his crest raising behind his ears. Most of his senses were transfixed on the sloth, so he didn’t hear and see the approach of anyone else.

While the other Aviari sat back and watched the boy, he eased to the left of the tree and began to slowly circle it, trying to find a new tactic to getting to where his ‘soon to befriend’ was. As he crested the tree on the opposite side, stepping over one of those ribbon-like roots that met him at his chest, he stopped and broke his eyes from the sloth. Giving a sharp snort he now began to scan the jungle around him, a female’s scent had caught up to him. She wasn’t hard to spot, her light pelt standing out starkly in the flourishing greens of the jungle. He hopped his rear over the root and began to approach her, head held high and chest puffed out, like a rooster strutting for a hen.

“Well hello there M’lady,” he cooed titling his head to the side, but as he got closer to her his chest would sink in, and smirk would wash away. “Uh, what happened to your face?? You know that battle scars aren’t attractive on females, right? You’re not supposed to fight, you’re supposed to tend to the pups and,” sly smirk creased lips again as he let a canine slip out, just to add to the sleazy attitude he wore, “tend to the needs of the males.” Tug proudly puffed his chest out again, fore paws ankle to ankle, rear staggered out and crest flexing to show off this time. In his mind he was a perfect example of a gorgeous Aviari male.

“So I guess you heard my ruckus? Well don’t worry, M’lady, I’m happy to give you a show.” He whisked his body in the opposite direction of her and returned to his endeavor. When he took the time to step back and actually think, he found a much better path to his target. On the opposite side of the sloth’s tree was another tree that had a fallen comrade tangled in its limbs, this dead wood reached from the ground to same level of the sloth’s tree’s branches. Easy enough, scurry up the angled dead tree, into the branches of the adjacent tree, the hop branch to branch and BAM! Tug would be the proud owner of a sloth!

Strutting to the first step of his plan, he looked over his shoulder and gave the female a wink before shuffling his way up the incline. So far it was going smooth as silk, a hop and he was in the sloth’s tree. Now to work his way from one side to the other. Slowly he eased his way around, being careful to pick his paw placement carefully. Now he could see the claws on the sloth wrapped around the branch he hung from. A grin tore across his muzzle as he mentally congratulated himself. Now thinking he was a champion, he began to hurry his feet along, he reached out and was placing his foot on the sloth’s branch with absolute focus on the other animal. When he transitioned his weight forward his front paw slipped on slick moss, his chin came directly down on where his paw hand been and smacked the branch hard.

The impact jarred him and caused him to lose all balance and fall downward, his body rotated, and he hit the jungle floor with his back, all the air knocked from his lungs. Seeing stars, he hadn’t noticed that the sloth had also lost its hold from the whiplash of the branch. While Tug was fortunate to not sustain anything more then a damaged pride, the sloth wasn’t so lucky, on its fall downward his left arm had struck another branch and broken its arm. Having his whole world rocked he gasped, rolled to his side, and tried to get his feet back under him.
Avinalora she/her
I won't shiver, I won't shake. I'm made of stone, I don't break.
Posts: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Location [IC]: El Dorado
Rank [IC]: Cardinal
Played By: Silverfrost

All Accounts Posts: 385
(This post was last modified: February 17, 2019, 09:18:36 PM by Avinalora.)

       Avinalora realized that the boy wasn't trying to climb a tree for fun, he was trying to get something down from there. She couldn't see for shit so it was useless to look up. She thought he was trying to hunt but the yell told her otherwise. What the actual fuck? That was no way to show whatever the hell was up in the tree that it would be treated better if someone was yelling at it. The Aviari however looked non-pulsed by the outburst except for the raise of a scarred eyebrow.

       And now this bastard turned his attention to her and went from crazy to puffing his chest and trying to show off for her. She wasn't - and would never be - wooed by his display. One, because he already seemed like he was a couple marbles short of a complete collection, two, because he was too young for her to think of being attracted to him - even without that crazy display -, and three, because he wasn't her type and she was totally uninterested in the thought to courtship or anything remotely close to that. And because the winter wraith just didn't like him.

       And now she was a couple of miles south of dislike and now her blood was boiling.

       The words that came from his mouth was absolute bullshit and the scarred medic glared with him, her single green eye blazing. If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under. Did he realize that she didn't give an actual and legitimate fuck? Or instead of knocking some sense into him, the falls knocked his senses out of him?

       The tiny Algerim became a silver and green blur as she lunged towards his face, her jaws intending to snap shut millimeters away from his face. She returned to a standing position and her voice was as sharp and cold as ice. Fuck you, she hissed, And I don't give an actual fuck about being attractive or what any male thinks of me, much less their 'needs', she spat the last word with venom. Her voice returned to its normal tone, though still sharp with ice I really thought the falls would knock some sense into you but it seemed like you never had any sense to begin with.

       The moon-washed medic was about to stalk away when he turned to try to climb up the tree. But then she heard another crash and then every instinct overpowered her dislike and she turned around to see the male on the ground and the unidentified blur was lower than it had been before. She heard what sounded like a bone breaking and the sound of an animal - not an Aviari - in pain.

       The monochrome medic didn't like others putting others into needless harm or danger and she stalked forwards. And what the fuck do you think you are doing to that poor creature? she snapped, standing between the fallen Aviari and the tree. She leaped forwards, attempting to cuff him. Whether or not she did, she returned to her original stance, her feathers flexing in anger. Leave. It. Alone. she snarled, her tail lashing angrily.

       Hell hath no fury like Avinalora who had lost every ounce of patience or compassion for this male.

Her blows don't have to hit but she's pissed. Please let me know if I should edit anything~

ProfileBin ☥ Played by Silverfrost
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 10
Pronouns: He

All Accounts Posts: 76

And what the fuck do you think you are doing to that poor creature?
Next he knew the another body was on top of his own, like any animal in a weak state or backed into a corner he gave a few wild thrashes to try and keep himself from getting pinned. Leave. It. Alone.”
As the buzzing quieted in his ears, he could hear the soft moan of pain coming from behind the silver and white one-eyed female, he leaned to look around her and saw the sounds were coming from the sloth. Tug was so confused, he looked up and sure enough the tree was empty. His bring could not connect that he had been the cause for the animal to fall. “Why… why is he crying?” Shakily he brought his hips up, his vision still blurred, and took a step forward, the smaller pack mate fluffed herself up and made a barrier between him and the sloth. “What… what are you doing?!? He needs help! I have to find him help!!” Tug’s eyes began to burn and swell with tears, the young wolf’s heart raced, had he done this?
Getting as close as the smaller Aviari would allow, and his sense of mind knocked clean out of his skull, tears poured down his face. “I…. I didn’t want to hurt him, I wanted to take care of him,” now he looked down, “M’lady, let me help him, I’ve got to get him to a Cardinal,” he begged. Between the pain in his own body and the pain in his heart he shivered, but there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do to fix what he had done wrong, a true sense of regret pierced him to his core.
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Avinalora she/her
I won't shiver, I won't shake. I'm made of stone, I don't break.
Posts: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Location [IC]: El Dorado
Rank [IC]: Cardinal
Played By: Silverfrost

All Accounts Posts: 385
(This post was last modified: February 17, 2019, 09:17:50 PM by Avinalora.)

       Avinalora wouldn't say that patience was her strong suit nor was forgiveness. She recognized that he was still on the young side but at this age, especially at an age where he was able to make such remarks and moves, that he would have more sense in him to leave things or alone and realize that actions had consequences.

       His reaction alone to the injured sloth made it clear that he didn't have an ounce of common sense that most creatures were blessed with. The argent Aviari's heart only hardened as she watched him attempt to get to the creature, his victim. The sense of remorse was only slightly soothing, it still didn't make the scarred healer move.

       I'm a Cardinal, dumbass, the moonlit healer snapped, her words sharper than ice as her green eye bore into him. And I've watched your antics getting him injured in the first place. No healer in the right mind would let you care for a companion if this is how you treat him, acting like he's a prize to be won or that you're entitled to him. Your. Actions. Have. Consequences. The Algerim glared at the male, her eyes like burning coals and her words so sharp they could cut. She bared her teeth at the male for emphasis on her words.

       Back. Off. the moon-washed medic said and she'd cuff him again if he tried to get any closer to the sloth. With a final glare towards the male, she then turned her attention to the sloth. His arm was at a bad angle and would need resetting if not a splint. She could do that with a smaller creature and carefully snatched a strong, straight stick and some vines that she could reach.

       The monochrome Cardinal carefully traced her tail along the sloth's broken bone, feeling the break and calculating how much force and direction she would need to set it. Once that was done, she issued a soft, hushed apology and a mental prayer to the ancestors before a careful, forceful paw reset the bone and earning a cry of pain from the slot. It's alright now, she whispered before she began to set the splint into place and bound it with vines. The makeshift splint would work until she returned to her clinic.

As always, please let me know if anything needs to be edited! <3

ProfileBin ☥ Played by Silverfrost
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 10
Pronouns: He

All Accounts Posts: 76

“I'm a Cardinal, dumbass.” the female replied with a hard scowl on her face. “And I've watched your antics getting him injured in the first place. No healer in the right mind would let you care for a companion if this is how you treat him, acting like he's a prize to be won or that you're entitled to him. Your. Actions. Have. Consequences.” She finished her statement with her lips drawing back to expose her teeth. 

Tug would not let her intimidate her, he too took a defensive stance. He squared up his body and let his feathers rise, “Alright petty bitch, you can help him, so help him.” He spat at her while exposing his own teeth, “There wasn’t a fucking thing I did that was directly aimed to harm him. Did I bite him? No. Did I pounce him? No. Shitty circumstances with shitty ending, if you’re a Cardinal your priority should be to be healing, not sitting here preaching. So help the animal or I’ll find a better qualified Aviari,” he spat wanting to rip the other eye from the smaller wolf’s head.
“Back. Off.” She would state again and the larger male would take another step forward.
“I will not. I’m staying here to make sure he is taken care of, you can either accept my help or back off yourself, you were not summoned here. Maybe if you weren’t here in the first place this would’ve never happened.” he snarled back at her. If she wanted him to leave, she would have to make him leave by force.
He would stand over her and watch her work. She looked the smaller creature over then scurried over to the nearby foliage, gathered up some plant materials as medical supplies, and returned to the sloth. Now she placed a paw on the animal and gave a hard push causing it to cry out. This flared Tug’s anger, he didn’t understand her actions, but saw the pain in the sloth’s eyes. He growled as his fur bristled and feathers stood peaked. “It's alright now,” she whispered and began to work the materials in her paws over the sloth’s arm and his tense muscles began to relax.
“Is that it? Is that all the help you can give him? He’s obviously in pain, do you not have an elixir for that?” Admittingly he did not know much in the art of medicine, but he did know that the Cardinal’s would prescribe wolves different tonics and potions to help with their aliments. Surely there was something she could give the sloth to help him more then wrapping his arm in twigs and sticks.
Avinalora she/her
I won't shiver, I won't shake. I'm made of stone, I don't break.
Posts: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Location [IC]: El Dorado
Rank [IC]: Cardinal
Played By: Silverfrost

All Accounts Posts: 385
(This post was last modified: February 17, 2019, 09:17:31 PM by Avinalora.)

       There was more than a million nerves in an Aviari’s body and some people manage to get on every one.

       Avinalora was a stone’s throw away from actually ripping this guy’s face off. She had many pet peeves. Idiotic behavior, idiotic behavior that got others hurt, idiots in general, being questioned when the other knew nothing about what she was doing, being told what to do by someone that knew less than her, and this entire situation was hitting every one of her pet peeves.

       The argent Algerim had to hold her tongue to avoid making any response to what the male was saying and keep herself from ripping his feathers out and stabbing him in the eye and shoving them down his throat. However the furious glare in her eyes spoke volumes and if it was actually possible, he would probably catch on fire from the ire in the moonlit Aviari’s glare.

       But it was his latest string of words that got to the moon-washed medic. He obviously knew nothing about the art of healing and she turned from the sloth to glare at him even harder. You obviously know nothing about healing so quit telling me what to do, you piece of shit, the scarred female snapped. I’m stabilizing his arm so the bone heals correctly.

       The monochrome Cardinal would regret this but she didn’t have a better idea on how to go about doing this. Now, find me a flat piece of wood if you want to make yourself useful. We need to take him back to my clinic. If he followed her orders, she would make sure that the sloth was secured to the board before balanced and later secured on the male’s back. Then she would guide them to the clinic.

OOC: As always, lmk if I should edit anything <3

ProfileBin ☥ Played by Silverfrost
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 10
Pronouns: He

All Accounts Posts: 76
(This post was last modified: February 16, 2019, 01:25:47 PM by Tugtupite.)

“ You obviously know nothing about healing so quit telling me what to do, you piece of shit,” she hatefully retorted at him, he was tickled to get under her fur like he was, “I’m stabilizing his arm so the bone heals correctly.” He was still blissfully ignorant of what her actions were meant for, his tense demeanor laxed away as a smug smirk crossed his lips. It was quite pleasing to him that she was holding such a deep disdain for his bullshit. “Now, find me a flat piece of wood if you want to make yourself useful. We need to take him back to my clinic.” Tug snapped out of his mental self-praise when she barked orders at him, and strangely enough he didn’t snap back with another shitty slew of cursing and demeaning of the female.

Pale pink eyes darted about looking for what she had asked for, his tail relaxed behind him, his head raised up, and his whole body took a much less defensive posture. As the wheels turned in his empty head he trotted off, doing exactly as the female instructed of him. Then a spark fluttered into his brain, the fallen tree he had scaled before had bark that was busting loose. He darted to it, placed a paw on either side of a broken piece of the bark. Latching his teeth to the wood he slowly peeled it back, being careful so that he would get a large enough piece to fit the sloth.

Pulling a piece roughly three feet in length he dragged it back to the medic. Wheels still creakily rotating in his head. he went after more vines. More vines would be needed by them to not only secure the sloth to the bark, but he would offer his own back to carry the animal. Tug perched his paws as high as he possibly could on the trunk of a nearby tree that housed long tendrils of vines. He crunched his rear molars on some thick yet flexible vines and gnawed away, he would detach several prongs of the vines, gather all the ends in his mouth, and drag them back to the silver and gray female.

Placing all these supplies before her, he would extend out his front legs to lower his chest and back for her so that she could make a harness on him of the vines. “Here, m’lady, take the vines and tie them about my body. Then I’ll lay down and you can tie the wood to me and the sloth to the wood.” His change in attitude would most likely catch the Cardinal off guard, but it was sincere. All the previous shrewdness washed away, for now, to do what he needed to fix his wrong doings.
Avinalora she/her
I won't shiver, I won't shake. I'm made of stone, I don't break.
Posts: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Location [IC]: El Dorado
Rank [IC]: Cardinal
Played By: Silverfrost

All Accounts Posts: 385
(This post was last modified: February 17, 2019, 09:18:12 PM by Avinalora.)

       Avinalora wanted to wipe the smug smile off of the male's face but decided against it, only because he seemed on the young side - she didn't want to actually attack this kid if she could avoid it - and because the reputation of her bloodline would sour if one of them attacked someone.

       The moonlit medic was surprised when the boy actually listened to what she said and scampered off without any retort. She turned her attention back to the sloth, mentally going through the inventory back at the clinic for the herbs that she would need. Obviously, she would need Comfrey for the broken bone but considered the use of painkillers with an unfamiliar animal. The real reason she had yet to administer any painkillers was because she didn't know how much a sloth could take or whether or not it would work on the creature. Jujube seemed like the best option and she knew she had a lot of those plants on hand in her clinic.

       The Aviari came back quickly enough and the monochrome medic was quick to get to her feet, her face set in the perfect image of professionalism. She was slightly surprised of his change of behavior but that wasn't particularly important. With quick, deft paws, the female began to secure the bark to the male's body with practiced movements showing she had done this before.

       But then the argent Algerim paused and looked back at the sloth. We're going to need another set of paws to get him onto the stretcher and to help get him to the clinic, the moon-washed Aviari stated.

OOC: As always, lmk if I should edit anything <3

ProfileBin ☥ Played by Silverfrost
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