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Almost Sparkles
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February 02, 2019, 04:18:01 PM
(This post was last modified: February 02, 2019, 04:21:42 PM by Deppi.)
Blissfully sleeping in a strange land, the young Eurasian lynx purred as he rolled out of the tight ball he had squished himself into and gave a long hard stretch extending out his paws and claws. He kept his eye lids pressed tightly together as his muscles bunched and relaxed. Slowly he rolled to his back as he also stretched out his rear legs, toes spreading out and limbs lightly quivering. “Aaaahhhhhhhh” the cat slowly exhaled, sensations of bliss washing over him.
Once limbs retracted to his body, forepaws tucked neatly to his chest, he blinked his eyes open slowly and gazed up through the limbs of the tree that blocked out the sun from piercing his sight. A large toothy yawn separated his jaws, his tongue curled, and ears set back. Such a hard life for the cat. Then a twig snapped nearby, immediately his eyes opened wide and ears flung themselves forward. He froze, barely breathing. Yes, his napping spot at the base of the tree hadn’t been the smartest, but he had tried to climb it without success, the claw marks marring the bark bearing evidence of his futile attempts. It wore him out, so he gave up and napped, smart thing to do when you’re not an apex predator, right? He couldn’t hear any more movement, so he began to slowly roll from his back to his feet. Escape would be impossible if he wasn’t on his feet. Keeping low to the ground he cautiously peeked around the left side of the trunk. Looking from straight on all the way until he was peering over his shoulder. Finding no anomalies, he now shuffled his paws to the right and surveyed in the same manner. Starting from straight in front of him his eyes slowly watched for movement as he turned his head to the right rotating to as far over his back as he could see. Rough scratching sounds caused his body to freeze. His eyes grew wide and his ears frantically fluttered forward and backward as he tried to locate where the possible threat was. Now came the chattering, sounding much like the clanking of teeth when one was afflicted by cold chills. Where in the hell is this thing? The feline’s mind angrily demanded, then the hair on the back of his neck stood up. Still crouched at the trunk of the tree he slowly tilted his head up to look up. Beady little black eyes stared back at him, it felt as if they were nose to nose, but it was a few feet up flattened out. With eyes like saucers he locked eyes with it until its mouth open and a blood chilling squall burrowed into his ears. “OOOOOH FUCKKK” The lynx sprang to his feet and began a mad dash away. His blitz didn’t last long before he lost his balance, his former speed now his enemy as he hit dirt and rolled. |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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With Kyra's maternity leave beginning, the Dark Moon had taken again to patrol. Sharing the burdens and responsibilities was a duty no one was above. Mercury knew it was the way of some rulers to do it from throne and pedestal, but she walked on the same ground her people did, not above it. Now her feet hit the ground at a rhythmic pace as she jogged easily along the track that would bring her along the border's edge. When she came out onto the main track toward's Shaman's Rest, she took the trail out towards the pass. She'd run to the edge of the ring, then circle back and head south. If she gave herself enough time just for a short drink and kept the pace even, she'd have plenty of time to catch her dinner before the moon rose.
“OOOOOH FUCKKK” A shout yowled through the silence, followed by the snap of foliage before a loud thump. A quick turn and she she was off the path and into the foliage. It didn't take her long to catch the scent of the cat, who had run into the pass, but not quite far enough for her to be concerned. It appeared to be in some distress, according to the sound. Still, she approached cautiously. An injured predator may be an aggressive predator, and cats were especially dangerous. Squaring herself up and making sure she was prepared for the worst, although she hoped for the best. Then she stepped into full fiew of the lynx. "You have breached the border of Nardir." The Dark Moon Queen stated, her voice steel. But she tilted her head to the side. "Are you in distress?" ![]() ☿
Almost Sparkles
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Deppi had let himself roll slowly to a stop and didn’t move, may death take it’s grip now. "You have breached the border of Nardir." His final resting position was on his back, fluff and fur dotted with dirt and grass. With ears and forehead flattened to the soil he titled his head until he saw the black and cream wolf posed as if ready for a fight. "Are you in distress?" Her words as hard as stone, but her head gave a slight tilt as she asked, this slight sign of curiosity and concern would cause the cat to keep his cool. If she wanted to harm him, she would’ve never made herself known, let alone bother herself with asking about his wellbeing.
The lynx waned his weight to his left and allowed his body to fall to his side. He looked away from her, his face turning solemn with cheek still flat to the ground he looked off. He couldn’t let her know he had a weak moment of fear, “Misses, it pains me to say,” he let his words sound heavy with grief as he slowly brought his elbow under him and lifted his front end off the ground. His tail was curl up and lay back flattened out. Slowly he would look to her and trail his gaze back off. It was if he was searching for the words to say, as if he didn’t want to burden her with the sad truth he had to share. “Let me share some back story with you first. I come from much further north of here. I had to flee because of a terrible illness, it did not affect me, but it affect the small game of the land.” Another long pause quieted him as he looked back at her, his eyes watered with the pain of his tall tale, “They became maddened, they turned from eating the plants and seeds to eating the flesh of each other, or any animal they could sink those frightening fangs into.” breathing deeply, “I…. I don’t know how to tell you, but I just encountered a squirrel here, it seemed to show the same signs of that plague.” Oh what a dirty bastard he was, he hung his head down to try and hide the shit eating grin that dared to expose him. Slightly he’d look up to see how she was taking the information, and then he would turn his head away from her, he was literally biting his lip to try and keep up the façade. |
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
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February 09, 2019, 09:44:47 PM
(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:46:38 AM by Alexander.)
Alexander had been on strict duty to give Kyra some space with her children; no matter how badly he wanted to be there with her. 'She needs time to be with her children. You cannot hover- you must find something else to do to pass the time.' So he took to wandering the lands, learning the borders and becoming even more familiar with the lands that he now called home. Alexander was still learning about who he was as a prince of Nardir, and though he still felt patches missing in his memory, he couldn't help but feel himself beginning to believe what everyone was saying. "You have breached the border of Nardir. Are you in distress?" The words of his Queen hit his ears, and Alexander couldn't help but lift his head from the daze he'd found himself in, curiosity plaguing his entire body. He paused a moment before trotting towards the sound of her voice; another's coming in to range as he approached the two. “Misses, it pains me to say,[...]Let me share some back story with you first. I come from much further north of here. I had to flee because of a terrible illness, it did not affect me, but it affect the small game of the land. They became maddened, they turned from eating the plants and seeds to eating the flesh of each other, or any animal they could sink those frightening fangs into. I…. I don’t know how to tell you, but I just encountered a squirrel here, it seemed to show the same signs of that plague.” The golden prince's head raised as he approached behind Mercury, staring down at the cat at the border that she had been talking to. His ears lowered atop his head as he looked at the feline, slowly inhaling. Something about this creature made his fur rise on his back but he settled himself as he gave his Queen a low bow, remaining quiet. He would not address himself unless addressed by Mercury, but, he was deeply curious as to why a cat appeared at the border with wild claims of plagued animals. Was there something happening that he wasn't aware of? Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you
Socially Awkward
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To clarify, are you seeking acceptance or just visiting?
Almost Sparkles
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Just visiting! Could be an extended visit, just depends on what Mercury thinks of him at this point.
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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“Misses, it pains me to say, Let me share some back story with you first. I come from much further north of here. I had to flee because of a terrible illness, it did not affect me, but it affect the small game of the land.They became maddened, they turned from eating the plants and seeds to eating the flesh of each other, or any animal they could sink those frightening fangs into. I…. I don’t know how to tell you, but I just encountered a squirrel here, it seemed to show the same signs of that plague.” The Dark Moon eyed the creature as he spoke, and she watched his posture carefully. How strange, for a cat to look away from something larger than themselves. In her previous encounters with smaller felines, they tended to keep their eyes locked onto a potential threat. So, he let his guard down so easily with a little manners? Or did he simply feel confident that they were as gentle as their reputation proceeded them? But it was not relief she sensed... Her analysis was paused when Alexander walked up behind her. She knew the cadence of his steps now, and this close, she could smell him. She didn't need to turn to look, but a subtle shift in her posture signaled to her brother for him to come stand beside her. As reliable as his beloved Red Bear, the Wayward Moon had shown up exactly when he was needed. Mercury would have had to do something with the cat herself if she had not had a guard to attend her. Now she had paws almost as swift as her own. What remained to be seen, was what was to be done. A threat of plague was very serious, especially with freshly born pups now among them. But this plague... it sounded very akin to the symptoms of the monstrous threat they had already dealt with. Was he bringing them old news? Or, perhaps, was he hoping to frighten them with it? It would be unwise to brush it off, but also unwise to panic without conformation. She would need to let Jase and Hakan know right away, and send Buckshot to investigate. But she would do it quietly. The last thing they needed was another code red emergency. "We shall inform the Monoceros of a possible threat of disease. Rest assured, the eagles will look into it." Her steely tone as steady as stating a fact. While she did not turn her head, she shifted her gaze to Lex, but it wasn't a commanding look. More an invitation. Did he have something to add? After all, introductions had not been made. For all this lynx knew, they were merely border guards. While she was not in the habit of lying, Mercury knew the importance of withheld truths. She would refrain... for now. ![]() ☿
Almost Sparkles
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February 23, 2019, 02:34:12 PM
(This post was last modified: February 23, 2019, 02:36:36 PM by Deppi.)
Mmmk. Now things aren’t so cool. The thought crossed his mind as he watched a second wolf begin to approach them. One wolf was bad, two was worse, and his demeanor paired with hers wasn’t a warm and fuzzy meeting. He remained silent, she remained firm without wavering her positioning toward the cat even on the approach of a pack mate. His nose sniffed at the air to read his scent more, theirs was very very similar. Seemed like family, even worse for the kitty cat. His bright eyes began to really evaluate this pair. He was smaller and heftier then her, she was tall and lean, both would take up the other’s disadvantages in a tussle. He knew he had no chance of winning in an all out brawl, but the dark female’s athletic build worried the cat, he knew out running her would be a matter of stamina, not speed.
The scale dipped heavily in the wolves’ favor. His evaluation settled on the female’s collar. This human device could mean one of two things, she can be trusting and learned to work with humans, or she had been a slave and most likely had little to no trust of any outsider. What to do… what to do… Rocks in his head clanked together trying to start a spark. "We shall inform the Monoceros of a possible threat of disease. Rest assured, the eagles will look into it." Well it seemed like she was biting on his story, maybe he can use this in his favor. Slowly, trying to not make it look like he was posing any sort of threat, Deppi brought his wide paws under him and got himself up off the ground. His ears swiveled, and nose twitched. He moved his rear behind his and squared himself up. “I must apologize, my sense of bearing has been, well wrecked. I’d like to show you where saw this critter,” Deppi dipped to the ground and sniffed about the dry grass, then looked back up at the canines, “Oh, damn, silly me! Could you track my scent? Sky knows that a wolf’s nose is so much better than a cats! Yes, if you two can track my scent, I can most certainly tell you exactly where this all happened.” He paused, smiled, then his face washed blank,“Oh, hot damn! No wonder you two so tense and sizing me up. You don’t have the slightest clue who the heck I am! Gosh, my mother would swat my nose if she knew I was being such a rude kit. I’m Deppi!” the young lad spunkily chirped. He was slightly aware that he could be a meal for the pair, but still he couldn’t keep from being his happy, goofy self. Hopefully it wouldn’t end with him on the menu. |
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
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April 08, 2019, 09:23:52 PM
(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 12:46:59 AM by Alexander.)
OOC: Hello yes it is I, the trash demon who has held up this thread. I'm so so so sorry ;3; -------------------------- "We shall inform the Monoceros of a possible threat of disease. Rest assured, the eagles will look into it." “I must apologize, my sense of bearing has been, well wrecked. I’d like to show you where saw this critter, Oh, damn, silly me! Could you track my scent? Sky knows that a wolf’s nose is so much better than a cats! Yes, if you two can track my scent, I can most certainly tell you exactly where this all happened. Oh, hot damn! No wonder you two so tense and sizing me up. You don’t have the slightest clue who the heck I am! Gosh, my mother would swat my nose if she knew I was being such a rude kit. I’m Deppi!” Alexander's ears lowered atop his head as he watched the interaction play out. Something...didn't feel right. He wasn't sure what, but it made him shift on his front paws as he watched and listened to the cat go on and on and finally introduce himself. He'd bear a tooth as his head raised in confusion and curiosity- who was this fellow? "I've been patrolling recently and have yet to smell or see this...thing that you claim to have seen on our borders," he mused, eyes narrowing down at the cat, "but I do suppose if there is a diseased creature running rampant then it should be found out and dealt with." His gaze turned to Mercury; hopefully she too felt the scenario not...playing out correctly. Was this cat a liar? Alexander didn't wish to think ill of a stranger, but this was a very serious claim the feline was making. "Would you care to show us where you last saw it? Or rather, if you'd like, I could go it alone and see this...thing that you have brought to our attention, Deppi." He'd give a small, courteous smile towards the cat, ears perking ever so slightly. "I am Alexander. It is a pleasure to meet you." Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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“I must apologize, my sense of bearing has been, well wrecked. I’d like to show you where saw this critter,Oh, damn, silly me! Could you track my scent? Sky knows that a wolf’s nose is so much better than a cats! Yes, if you two can track my scent, I can most certainly tell you exactly where this all happened.” The cat was babbling, and more than eager to lead them off into the forest. A trap? Was this smaller predator meant to be bait for a larger ambush? Mercury had seen the humans do it. Place out prey, or leave an animal injured... Something flashed through the Dark Moon's memory and her expression hardened. A clear, easy trail... it would have been natural for their investigation to follow it. The suggestion was... redundant. The over-emphasis off-putting. "I've been patrolling recently and have yet to smell or see this...thing that you claim to have seen on our borders, but I do suppose if there is a diseased creature running rampant then it should be found out and dealt with." There, they agreed. There had been no further signs of disease, monsters or any other disturbances within Nardir. “Oh, hot damn! No wonder you two so tense and sizing me up. You don’t have the slightest clue who the heck I am! Gosh, my mother would swat my nose if she knew I was being such a rude kit. I’m Deppi!” "Would you care to show us where you last saw it? Or rather, if you'd like, I could go it alone and see this...thing that you have brought to our attention, Deppi.I am Alexander. It is a pleasure to meet you." And there their agreement ended. Alexander was far too trusting, and he would willingly wander right into the trap she suspected was waiting for them. She refused to rise to the bait, and she was not going to let Lex do so either. "Better still." She interjected, her tone no friendlier. "Acquire us the specimen." She challenged. "Surely a half-dead squirrel cannot have gone far, and may be dispatched by one such as yourself. Or are you not a hunter?" Produce the diseased squirrel. If it was real, they would burn it. If he was a liar... he had visited Nardir in the wrong Moon's reign. |