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Almost Sparkles
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January 27, 2019, 06:03:51 PM
(This post was last modified: January 27, 2019, 06:04:41 PM by Tit.)
t i t //
The thing about this place was, it was hot, and sandy, but there was a whole lot to explore! Tit had managed to wrangle herself away from her ma, as well as her other siblings for a time. How much she wasn't sure, but she was gonna make the best of it! She didn't even look back as she ran from the den, she didn't laugh, or smirk or giggle as she ran, no she just RAN. And ran and ran and ran, until she couldn't run anymore. Her little legs tired of carrying her, which of course she cursed them for. She was gonna be big and strong, like Ma, and also big enough to stuff that fat ass Barb back into whatever hole she crawled out of, because it certainly wasn't the same one the rest of em did. With her small tongue hanging out of her mouth, she eld her head up high, proud that she was finally out on her own, exploring this new home of theirs. Which, sure wasn't much to look at if you didn't know what you were looking for. Tit always knew what she was looking for, and it always seemed to find her. Thats right, Trouble, with a capital T. It seemed wherever she went, it was able to wrap itself around her little paws, and get her tangled up into some trouble with things she shouldn't be messing with. For example. A large red wolf that happened to run into their mother. She bit him, repeatedly, because she could. And got away with it. Now sometimes, pride got in the way of her getting into trouble, and in this instance it was a case of both. While she dabbled in remembering her conquest against the large red wolf, (who she came to know by Akaka, or Ayyyy Kaka.. or whatever) she didn't realize where she was going, and smoked into a plant- THAT FOUGHT BACK. "HEY!!" Tit screeched at the plant, "WHY DID YOU BITE ME? IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" She growled menacingly, or whatever. When it didn't reply, (because it was a plant!!!) Tit growled and asserted herself, "GET READY FOR THE PAIN TRAIN CHUMP!" And with that she charged, mouth opening wide to chomp down on the chump, only to be met again with teeth!! "ARGHGRGG!!" She wailed, it bit her IN THE MOUTH! (Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze) "You! YOU!!!" She growled going at it again, this time, ducking and diving to confuse it as she went in for the kill, she would be victorious and - "ARRGHGARAGH!!!" (Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze..) |
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![]() ![]() She was bored, bored BORED. Why didn't this stinking-hot desert have more things to do?! The adults were all out running around, getting all hot and sweaty. Well, more hot and sweaty than they all were when they got up this morning. Hot and dusty and sweaty. It put Barbet in a foul mood. Or, to put it more accurately, it gave Barbet an excuse to be in a bad mood. She grumbled over the sand and growled up and over the rocks. She found a dead tree and attacked it, scratching and gnawing at it with her sharp, needle teeth. But the tree hardly put up a fight, and really, what Barb loved most was a good ol' scrap. If she had a lackey rn, she'd give him a good tossing, just to remind him who was boss. "ARRGHGARAGH!!!" Well, Barbet may not have had a lackey, but she had a sister. At the moment, it'd just have to do. Turning towards the sound of Tit screeching like a dying rabbit. Well, soon she'd make her scream for realzies. Oh yeah. Gonna make her- Barb came over the hill to see Tit get yet another face full of cactus. Dumb brat. At least Barbet had enough sense to learn from her enemy. When she ran into her first cactus (thank god no one had been there) she had shrieked like a demon had bit her. The long needle stuck into her flank, but she'd gotten the message right away. Prickle plants were strictly no touchy. Tit... wasn't getting the memo. On second thought, Barb was just going to sit back and watch the show! "Muahahaha." Flopping down in an appropriately throne-like niche in one of the above boulders, Barbet got herself all good and comfortable. This was going to be great. Schadenfreude, my dear. ![]() |
Almost Sparkles
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February 16, 2019, 05:09:12 PM
(This post was last modified: April 28, 2019, 03:58:22 PM by Tit.)
t i t //
Tit stumbled backwards, lifting her paws up to try to dislodge this plants teeth from her nose and face. All the while, in the middle of a sneezing fit, everything was being so difficult, and it was making her so much more angry. It took her a few seconds, but, between all the sneezing, she was able to get the teeth out of her face, and was able to settle down for a split second. She stood there huffing and puffing, catching her breath, when she heard someone- no- she knew who it was, laughing. The one that she stole all her food from, the one that Tit was able to run away from always. Barb. While Barb was indeed, so much bigger than the other siblings, and much more scary, and also fat, Tit was faster, and weighed a heck of a lot less. Because she didn't eat as much. Because Barb is a fatty. Tit narrowed her eyes at her sister, knowing very well that Barb could easily sit on her, and win in a fight, but that had never deterred her before. Tit was a scrappy lass, and never turned down a fight with Barb, and most likely never would, especially when she picked on everyone else so much. "What do you want, Barb?" She asked, a sneer on her face. "Shouldn't you be like, eating someone right now? Getting even fatter?" Tit was always good at getting on the last nerve of everyone. Thats why she was always fighting. She wasn't the brightest child of her litter, but she had the most guts. Even when that little pitter of fear nagged in the back of her head. "Or have you already eaten everyone here? And I'm the last on the menu?" It was no secret that Barb and Tit didn't get along, after all Tit did steal her sisters food all the time. But honestly look at her? She didn't need it. She was a waddling tub of lard. |
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![]() ![]() "What do you want, Barb? Shouldn't you be like, eating someone right now? Getting even fatter?" One day she'd grow out of her puppy fat and into glorious muscle. She'd be tall, she'd be fit, and she'd hella' still be big enough to kick Tit's scrawny butt. But Tit's jabs about her weight were as sharp as those cactus needles, and they stung terribly. So Barb did the only thing her puppy brain knew: she got mad. Standing back up, she lifted her tail and pulled her lips back over her puppy teeth. It would be intimidating... eventually. ""Or have you already eaten everyone here? And I'm the last on the menu?" "I'll use you to pick my teeth!" Barbet launched herself off the rock, intending to tackle her sass-mouthed sister. If she hadn't taken the time to gloat over Tit's mistake, she could have tackled her unawares, and gotten her to the ground before she had a chance to run. She was right, she was faster. But she wasn't going to be forever. Barb was going to be faster, either by outgrowing Tit, or breaking one of her stupid toothpick legs. In Barbet's mind, she was already a fully perfected killing machine. Too bad she hadn't grown into her own imaginary shoes. Fighting was exercise, right? ![]() |
Almost Sparkles
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t i t //
Tit smirked, she had struck a nerve, which was exactly what she wanted. Barb stood up from her "queens perch" poised so high above her sister. Tit knew they were gonna scrap, and Tit also knew that if she let Barb get a hold of her completely, it would be over. Barb was almost twice her size and weight, but if she bobbed and weaved like a boxer, giving hits here and there, maybe. Just Maybe. She could win this battle. The war between them would never be over, and there would be many battles between the two of them. They didn't;t know it right now, but it was destined. Barb always chasing the crown, and Tit there always chasing - well whatever she could. She didn't want to lead, she wanted to fight. "I'll use you to pick me teeth!" She shimmied backwards as Barb leapt off her perch, the smirk still lit up on her face. She waited until her sister landed on the ground before using the time it would take her to find her footing, to run behind her and nip at her pudgy little tail. Tit would never go in for the kill before hand, she never would go for the easy shots. She wasn't like her sister, she wasn't cruel, she just liked to get on your very last nerve, annoy the absolute bejeezus out of you, before showing her skills. Of course her being a pup, she had no skills, but she did know how to annoy, and she used it to her advantage. "Come on BARB, ya big tub o' LARD." she giggled as she bounced away from her sisters range. Tit did not know how much her chiding would effect her sister, she did not know how much she hurt her with her remarks, but there was one thing she did know. Tit knew she did not like being picked on, and right now, her only method of retaliation, because of her size, was WORDS. |
He / Huh?
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He was having a nice, relaxing bath, letting the dirt soak in and absorb all his puppy stresses, when one of his sisters starting screeching. This was nothing new, so he folded his ears back and attempted to ignore it. Finally, all was quiet again-- if only momentarily. When the shrieking started up again, it was met with his own.
"eeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! WHY ARE WE YELLING!?" Which is of course fine and dandy, so long as Screech is involved in the screaming. Dripping dust, he followed the jabs and barbs a mere few meters to where two (2) whole sisters were fighting. This was significantly less acceptable to Screech. "WHY ARE WE FIGHTING!? NO FIGHTING!!" The pup announced, bounding into the middle of the fray in what would be protective if he weren't precisely the size of a koala and far more sensitive. The screaming probably wasn't soothing any tempers, but he means well. |