Private Roleplay I said one day the bell is gonna swallow me whole | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Watch me from above like a vicious dove
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January 25, 2019, 05:15:40 PM
(This post was last modified: May 09, 2019, 02:39:04 PM by Carbine.)
Devil, devil
Clever devil, devil How quickly they do sell their souls For the feast and the promise of gold But devil, that won't be me
Today, Carbine was more wise when leaving the tower, hopping down from the cobble floor to the snow instead of falling. She wanted to roam further today, now armed with the knowledge that the bones she found on the ground weren't guaranteed to have meat on them. The determined puppy instead headed away from her home, her stubby tail and oversized head held high. The Progeny was quick to get away from the cobblestone tower, not wanting any of her siblings to ruin her adventure again. What would the green-eyed princess discover today? She wanted to see where the interesting scents on her parents' pelts came from. What did a river look like? What did the wolves of Alteron look like? She had seen very little in her three months and she decided that it was time to spread her wings and leave the den...nest. The silver and cream scion followed the most interesting scent. The tri-colored child's attention was drawn to the canopy above. Everything was so big to the tiny pup and her mind bloomed with questions. How did the trees get so big? She spotted a bird flying through the trees and wondered how they could fly. She wished that she could fly, it seemed fun. The puppy failed to look what was in front of her instead of above her and didn't notice the drop below her feet. With a startled yelp, she fell down a hole. She landed in the soft dirt and quickly scrambled to her feet. The walls were too steep for her to climb up and even on her hind legs, her small puppy paws couldn't grab enough the of edge of the hole to climb out. Not knowing what else to do, the girl yelped.
Scorched King
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![]() Cancer
This place sure was interesting. Sometimes it was wet. Most of the time it was a combination of hot and wet. Yet today, it seemed, there was snow in these parts. Cancer found himself lounging around in the snow, silently enjoying the peace and quiet of being left alone and not being sticky and hot. Alteron was boring; there were very few things that interested him or made him curious enough to go looking for adventure. Sure, there was Sarissa and Althea- two wolves who had captured his interest, but...two among many was not enough to keep his brain from feeling as if it was on fire. "Help! Help!" The screeches came from not far off, and the desperate cry for help had been just enough to stir him from his endless prison of boredom. The large fringe rolled to sit up as he listened for the source; awaiting for another signal from the one in distress before getting up and lumbering towards it. It didn't take him long either to find the hole in the middle of the forest floor; snow recently disturbed as small paw prints danced around the area. If anything else, it was this little kids lucky day that they'd been found in the snow and that their little feet were able to lead him to them. The fringe took a sharp breath in and exhaled with a toothy smile. The scent around the hole smelled like a child. A lost child, looking for adventure, fallen in to a hole and unable to get out. It was almost poetic. Cancer shook his pelt before approaching the hole where the pup sat, his toothy smile stretching from ear to ear. Like a moth to a flame he found his interest rising steadily. Who did this child belong to? Was it the child of a sheep or was it the child of one of those few who were smart enough to be on the same level as him; a wolf. Cancer sniffed the air as his head peeked over the edge to look down at the small child, face softening to show the child that he was a friend, not foe. "You all right there, kid?" came the low drawl from the male as he plopped down on to his stomach, front limbs dangling off the edge. His tail gently whipped behind him. Any child stupid enough to find themselves in a hole was the child of a sheep; they were not worth his time or energy, but something still kept him there watching the child like a cat waiting to pounce on a mouse. He wanted to hear this child out if nothing else. Besides- he could be good with children, right? I have never known peace
Like the damp grass that yields to me
I have never known hunger
Like these insects that feast on me
Watch me from above like a vicious dove
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January 25, 2019, 10:49:03 PM
(This post was last modified: May 09, 2019, 02:39:52 PM by Carbine.)
Devil, devil
Clever devil, devil How quickly they do sell their souls For the feast and the promise of gold But devil, that won't be me
Carbine hadn't felt this feeling in a long time, or at least not very often in her three months of existence - well, two months if you count actually being able to see, hear, talk, and remember - and it was an unwelcome feeling. She had spent three months under her mother's watchful eye and rarely allowed to leave her sight and surrounded by her family. This was the first time she truly felt alone and it made the fear even sharper for the young pup as she looked at the walls around her. She could feel her heart beating faster than a bird's wing as tears threatened to fall from the puppy's eyes. Where was her mother? Her father? Would they be able to find her? What if they already forgot about her - it wouldn't be a stretch considering how many siblings she had - and what if no one found her? How long would she be in this hole for? Would she ever get out? What would happen if she couldn't get any food or water? What if the dirt fell on her and then no one would be able to find her? All of those questions and what-ifs clouded the green-eyed princess' thoughts. The emotions overwhelmed the tri-colored child and tears began to fall from her eyes, staining her cheeks as she began to sob. The girl hadn't cried in a while - or at least not in recent memory - and part of her hissed at her for being weak. But there was no other options in her mind and this was her first time being in a situation like the one she was in now. She wanted to go home to her mother and father- and her siblings, she guessed - and not be in this hole. Then the sound of heavy pawsteps approaching brought the silver, cream, and charcoal child out of her crying. She perked up, all of the fear sliding off, thinking that her parents had come to rescue her. She rubbed her foreleg against her face, wiping away the tears the best she could, though the slightly pink eyes were still there. The scion's stubby tail wagged in anticipation but the face that peeked over the edge of the hole wasn't the familiar crimson-eyed grey and black face of her mother or the green-eyed brown and white face of her father. No, the face that looked over the edge was an unfamiliar one. One with brown and reddish brown fur with green orbs in a much brighter hue than her father's. He was bigger than her father and the child was afraid for a second before his face softened. He asked her a question and it seemed like he was lying down. That made a spark of indignation flare within the forest-eyed daughter. Why wasn't he helping her? She looked up at him, her mind racing with questions that covered her initial anger. Who was this wolf? Why was he so big?
TL;DR for the first five paragraphs of ramble Carbs is just looking up at Cancer and was crying like two minutes before. I have no idea how five year-olds talk but I added a hoovertext for her words |
Scorched King
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![]() Cancer
"Who aw you? [...] I'm stuhk in dis 'ole! I-I wander'd away from our towah and den fell down dis 'ole. Could you ged me oud of 'ere?" How adorable. Cancer watched as the puppy, with bloodshot eyes from crying, looked up at him with a begging need to be saved. What a fool. This child was meant to be in that hole- was meant to die here as a useless waste of meat that inhabited the pack. But Cancer let the soft smile remain as his brain thought through how much he absolutely hated this situation, nodding gently as he heard the child out. "That sounds like...quite a predicament, doesn't it?" he said with a chuckle, keeping his voice light hearted and his eyes full of a false concern for the child's wellbeing. He should get up- walk away- let this child sit there and rot and freeze and do Alteron and the world a favor. Yet something in him resister. Was it Sarissa and her entangling that had him so willing to show off to anybody that he could be that guy; he could do a heroic service, be seen in the eyes of those with rank that he was worthy of some title or another? The pros and cons weighed in Cancer's mind as he looked at the pup. It would be a five second pause from when he spoke before he found himself standing up and crawling in to the hole. For an adult like him it wasn't as big as for the child, but with his front half stuck in the hole he found it easy to grab the child gently by the scruff and pull her out. It was a quick, swift movement; Cancer holding her and pushing himself back up and out of the hole, dragging the child with him up on to the snowy banks. He huffed as he let her go, a mild irritation wiping over his face before fading. The pup had gotten him dirty! Well, the snow and the mud dirt the pup was trapped in had done the job really, but he digressed. "There you go!" he huffed out loud, once more offering a smile towards the child in an attempt to sound genuine. He took a quick moment to look around, hoping that maybe someone had seen his amazing heroic and kind deed for the child, but after a moment he realized they were alone. Green eyes shot back to the child as he looked her over for a second, sitting up and giving her a wayward look. "Where are your parents, child?" he asked, fur bristling as the sudden thought of being set up to this came in to his mind. Was she put here on purpose? Was there going to be an ambush? It was something Cancer would have done, surely, but were there others out there as smart as him? I have never known peace
Like the damp grass that yields to me
I have never known hunger
Like these insects that feast on me
Watch me from above like a vicious dove
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January 28, 2019, 02:26:59 PM
(This post was last modified: May 09, 2019, 02:40:46 PM by Carbine.)
Devil, devil
Clever devil, devil How quickly they do sell their souls For the feast and the promise of gold But devil, that won't be me
Carbine regarded the giant wolf with wide, forest eyes, having never seen a wolf of such size before. It seemed like he was bigger than her father and her mother, maybe even more than the both of them combined! Questions began to bounce around her mind, ever an inquisitive girl she was. How did he get so big? Who was he? What was his name? Did he know her parents? Did he know who she was? There were so many questions that filled her head, the puppy almost missed what the man said to her but she quickly looked up at him. The little girl didn't know what "predicament" meant and her head tilted with the slightest look of confusion crossing her face. The wolf took a long time - for the forest-eyed princess at least - to rescue her and the puppy's tail began to tap against the ground impatiently. She didn't like waiting and five seconds was a lot for a puppy in a hole. But the male moved quickly and then his bulk filled the hole until he grabbed her scruff and pulled her out. A soft squeak came from her in surprise as she quickly found herself quickly lifted upwards. It turned into a delighted squeal as she soon found herself out of the hole. The sudden question made the green-eyed girl look up and her chest puffed out with pride as she began to introduce herself to the male.
Hoovertext for Carbine's speech <3 |
Scorched King
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![]() Cancer
"Dank you! Dank you! I'm Caw-bean, da daughter of Oh-cwist da Cheh-ree-ut of Al-der-on 'nd Cuhff da Page of Al-der-on. Who aw you?" Mmmmm. Cancer hated children. Had he mentioned that yet? The pup's barely adequate attempt at speaking left the large fringe on the verge of wanting to rip his eyes out. How did he end up here again? Yet he didn't show his disdain, no, in fact he smiled down at the pup; that toothy smile that was friendly enough to make him look charming. Green eyes bore in to the little one as he watched her, listened to her ask his name. "Name's Cancer, pumpkin." he cooed as he lowered his body to her level so she didn't have to crane her neck up. To be honest, the boy had no idea who the pup was talking about, but he was sure if she was anything like them then her parents were also complete idiots with the lack of understanding how to properly speak. But who was he to judge a couple he hadn't met? Well...that...was another story entirely. "Pleassure to meet you, err, Cawbean? Carbean? Carbine?" Yeah, it was hard to understand what she was saying with such an annoying voice and lack of pronunciation of the letter 'r'. But Cancer still smiled and allowed his tail to thump on the ground behind him- his children wouldn't be such blind idiots like this pup. No, they would be strong and they would be fierce. They would know better than to trust any stranger that found them in a pit. If Cancer ever had pups, he'd be damn sure they knew how to fish themselves out and find out how to escape and live on their own. This...princess...wouldn't survive a day in the wild. What a shame, really. Such a waste of breath upon this earth. "So tell me again," he hummed with that smile, green eyes widening with a false curiosity that would make any child believe it to be real, "how did a sweet thing like you end up in a pit like this? Hmm?" I have never known peace
Like the damp grass that yields to me
I have never known hunger
Like these insects that feast on me
Watch me from above like a vicious dove
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Devil, devil
Clever devil, devil How quickly they do sell their souls For the feast and the promise of gold But devil, that won't be me
Carbine looked up at the male excitedly. His name was Cancer. it sounded a bit like her name! She filed that away for future reference, realizing that she didn't have too many names to remember. All she had were her mother and father's names as well as her numerous littermates. She hadn't met many people she could remember and didn't know too many names. Knowing someone's name made her happy, she had learned something knew and someone gave something to her. Something important. A name was important in Alteron, that was one thing that the puppy knew by heart. The Alteron scion didn't notice the male's struggle with her name, or she chose not to. She said her name differently than most wolves, her parents called her "Car-bine" and she often referred to herself as "Car-bean". It didn't bother her too much and she gave little indicator of the proper pronunciation of her name. It didn't seem too important since the male quickly referred to her as "Car-bine" like most people. It was fine. Then Cancer asked the tri-colored princess again, how did she get into the hole - or pit. The the forest-eyed daughter paused.
Terribly sorry for the wait! Carbine's speech has hoovertext~ Lmk if anything needs to be edited! <3 |