[Cliffside] The Return Of Song [Acceptance] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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January 25, 2019, 11:23:00 AM
(This post was last modified: January 27, 2019, 03:35:30 AM by Iris.)
Iris had retained little knowledge of the tunnels that made up El Dorado's borders. To be honest she hadn't thought to ever need to traverse them again. Dark, sickly places that smelled of stagnant water if they hadn't flooded recently. Small, neat paws stuck to the drier, sandy sides as much as they could. There had already been a number of dead ends and circles in Iris' journey. She needed to focus or this would take forever.
The mangroves were almost refreshing despite their blanket of humidity and heat. They had a certain smell to them that not even the sea could live up to - salt water and growth and green where the sea had it's own special tinge. Red eyes took in the sight of hundreds of little crabs running too and fro with her footfalls. Thousands of tiny dancers running in perfect sync. They left little rolled up balls of mud and sand as they feasted on whatever the high tide had bought from the depths. Iris hopped forward while watching them. Enough to spook them but not enough that the tiny creatures would be crushed under her paws. She couldn't help but wonder if the little crabs knew how like waves they looked, seeing as they spent all of high tide hiding away in their burrows. It was a strange thought that the crabs never really saw the waves and yet somehow knew to mimic them so well. The feathered wolf didn't howl out for a scout, too busy playing with the locals to care. She might as well enjoy her last bit of freedom. Iris knew that as soon as anyone noticed her she would be dealing with all sorts of bureaucratic nonsense. In her mind there was little sense in the idea of locking herself away to only ever speak to someone lucky enough to be born in the jungle. Personally? She would much rather be off in some unknown land, crafting stories and songs fit for giant packs to dance and listen to. But the last pack she had visited had been getting ready for the snowy seasons - Snow! Actual snow! - and couldn't take in a new wolf. And so...home. El Dorado. Back to the land of sun and bloodline purity. Something in Iris still shied at the idea. She had seen fine pups and wonderful wolves outside of El Dorado. As far as she was concerned, civilization was...somewhat boring. But survival came first. If Iris had to come home, it would be on her own terms. |
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February 04, 2019, 01:31:16 AM
(This post was last modified: February 06, 2019, 10:03:09 PM by Stygimoloch.)
[s t y g i m o l o c h]
Grey eyes scared the treetops for any sign of his mischievous companion. That kinkajou had been missing for over five hours now, and that was quite unusual for him to be gone for that long, without telling Styg where he was going. Usually Styg wasn't one to worry, he didn't mind Tsavo going off by himself every once in a while and doing whatever it was Tsavo did, but this was not ordinary, so the Jay decided to go look for his companion, hoping that maybe no one had stolen him, or worse. He never called for his small friend, that had never worked for him. Tsavo would always stay hidden somewhere until Styg gave up, and he came out on his terms. So the Jay had developed a system with the kinkajou. If he did not return to check in within a certain time, Styg would cal for him, if he did not answer, well, that had never happened, so. Here we were. Heaving a heavy sigh at having no luck with the treetops, he decided to try near the border, perhaps his tiny friend had decided to look for some different grub and gotten himself cornered. Knowing Tsavo and his temper, that wasn't too illogical. So the Jay worked his way towards the beaches, and could smell the salt of the sea breeze grow stronger the closer he got, and with the beezee's came another smell. Something strange, yet vaguely familiar. He cocked his head, and narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing well that no one but Larks and Rocs should be near the border, so as a peacekeeper and law enforcer, it was his duty to see who exactly was hanging around where they shouldn't be. It would seem, his search for Tsavo would have to be postponed until this was handled. So, with another heavy sigh, he moved outwards towards the border cliffs, knowing the tunnels well to get in and out of his home, he weaved and ducked, until he stumbled upon someone that he did not know, but was obviously an Aviari- a Chiroptera no less. Stygimoloch was not one that enjoyed throwing around his bloodline, and disregarded those who did. However, he did have a slightly sour taste in his mouth for those that abandoned their home and family in a dire time. And this- Chiroptera was no different. Still. He would treat this one with respect, and would not judge her until he heard her story. She was smaller, and bland in her fur, much like him, but her plumage was astounding. Glamorous, and bright. He smiled inwardly as he watched her chase the crabs, enjoying herself, but kept the stoic look on his face as he emerged from the shadows of the cliffs. "Returning home friend? Or just visiting?" He would ask, tone low, trying not to let his bad taste of Chiroptera bleed through his words. |
Almost Sparkles
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Iris was so busy playing with the local wildlife she almost missed a hulking figure making his way toward her. Another Aviari. A giant compared to her own slight build, all fire red feathers and bulk. Probably not related to her then. Old enough to remember the war probably. Not someone who's face Iris remembered, but quite a few faces had been purged to make room for new music. He looked as kind as any stranger did when Iris wasn't quite sure how they felt about her.
There was absolutely nothing threatening in the way Iris moved. She trotted happily over to Stygimoloch, openly admiring his bright feathers. Khazdar was forever asking about her own feathers. It had forced Iris to look closer at that part of herself. Not having seen another Aviari for a long time Iris couldn't help but grin. There were many things about El Dorado that Iris had found...disagreeable in the past, but there was no reason to not be friendly. "A little bit of both! I've been away for a long while. It's probably time for me to see what's become of this place. I've been away in the snow for a while but I don't think I'm made for the cold." Standing next to him made Iris feel even smaller than she usually did. If this was a guard he was well made for it. Hopefully he wouldn't be too choosy about who entered. ...but if there was one thing that might get her in trouble, it was her curiosity. "How do you remember all the tunnels? I'm sure I used to know at least some of them, but then when I was trying to get through I hit so many dead ends! Have some of them caved in? Because that would make sense with the water and all the mud. I can't say I really spent time in them when I was here. You're allowed out on the border though - do you just walk around in them until someone needs you?" After her quick fire questions Iris sat close enough for her shoulder to touch Stygimoloch, gazing up at him. She was the very picture of innocence. "I'm Iris. It's nice to meet you!" |
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February 06, 2019, 10:26:42 PM
(This post was last modified: March 11, 2019, 04:43:39 AM by Stygimoloch.)
[s t y g i m o l o c h]
If this had been any other recruit, or any other non-Aviari that had stumbled upon their sanctuary, Stygimoloch may have acted differently. He may have been more guarded, and more cold to whoever it was that was seeking entrance. While he still kept his stoic expression when looking at the girl, he did not feel immediately threatened by her, nor did he feel she would cause the pack harm. That much as easy to read off her laid back movements, and unstrained words that fell out of her mouth. "A little bit of both! I've been away for a long while. It's probably time for me to see what's become of this place. I've been away in the snow for a while but I don't think I'm made for the cold." He cocked an eyebrow, he had no idea what the hell snow was. Though he had heard it described to him before, it sounded unpleasant and something he did not want to partake in. So he could not blame her for wanting to come back to the warmth. He could, however, blame her for leaving this sanctuary in the first place, and perhaps telling others about it in her travels. She could have put her home at risk. "I have never seen snow, I do not think I would care for it." He stated, before continuing, watching as she strode up to him, towering over her as she sat next to him. "I am glad you found your way home, but- you are aware what others will think of your desertion, and your return?" He asked, gazing down at the small, black Aviari. Surely she had thought about the repercussions during her journey back? "How do you remember all the tunnels? I'm sure I used to know at least some of them, but then when I was trying to get through I hit so many dead ends! Have some of them caved in? Because that would make sense with the water and all the mud. I can't say I really spent time in them when I was here. You're allowed out on the border though - do you just walk around in them until someone needs you? I'm Iris. It's nice to meet you!" She had to be Sapphire, with how much she ran her mouth. She surely couldn't be from the Sanguine family. But then again, they did have Chad.. "Iris." Styg sighed out, shutting his eyes as to clear his head of her rambling, "I am Stygimoloch, some-what a guard, more of a peace keeper" But could be both when the need called for it, case in point. "Perhaps, if you ran your legs more than your mouth you would have found your way hmm?" He chastised, gently, a smirk threatening to break upon his stoic face. " I have to ask if you told anyone of our home and where to locate it?" If she did, he would have to ask his Roc if more patrols would be wise along the border. Perhaps knowing she couldn't find her way back in was a saving grace, otherwise she could have told anyone how to get through the border tunnels. "But more importantly- " He paused, narrowing his eyes to the girl, "Why should we welcome you back? You deserted your God, your home, and your family." Voice dropped to a colder tone. "What makes you worth Xiuhcoatl's grace?" |
Almost Sparkles
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Stygimoloch seemed to relax with Iris' bouncing. The smaller wolf couldn't help her wiggling tail as she sat next to him. He seemed nice enough, especially for a scout. They could often be...protective.
At the bigger aviari's smirk Iris giggled, knocking his shoulder with her forehead. His demeanor soon changed and he seemed somewhat annoyed by her rambling. Good. The more of an airhead he thought she was tended to be better for Iris in the long run. Playing dumb had saved her on several occasions now. As for who she had told...well. Khazdar, obviously. Her boys. Just in warnings. They would never be a part of this place if Iris could help it. The black aviary might need El Dorado to survive, but her family would never need to wade their way through the mangroves. They were too openly defiant for this place, too far removed from blood purity and sun gods. If Stygimoloch was watching closely he would see the fond expression that passed over her smiling face at the thought of her children and the male who cared for them. "Told anyone? There are those out there who asked me where my feathers came from and I told the truth: they're from the gods! I didn't care to remember the way until recently to tell you the truth." There was no lie there. Iris had told many stories of where her feathers came from, and she had honestly forgotten her way through the tunnels. "I can't make you let me in, but where others ran away to hide, I never did. I wanted to hear new stories! New songs! Would Xiuhcoatl really hold a need for knowledge against anyone? I'm not a fighter - I would have been in the way during a fight." Iris lowered her voice, red eyes big and pleading. "I can't...I can't be the lone hunter anymore. I'm made to be a musician, to keep knowledge and teach. Those skills are important for a pack but not really for a lone wolf. Please. I just want to come home." |
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[s t y g i m o l o c h]
Iris was very bouncy, something Styg personally was not a fan of, but she had deserted her home, perhaps this was just some quirk she had picked up on and would be forgotten soon enough. One could only hope. The Jay made sure to take note of her demeanor and her posture as he spoke to her, asking her who she spoke to about their home, and why she should be allowed to return. Rumors had been circulating about another that had returned home, one that had brought the new Phoenix to their home. Secretly Styg wondered if letting these Chiroptera back into the tribe was bringing good fortune, or omens. He supposed with the Phoenix, only time would tell. "Told anyone? There are those out there who asked me where my feathers came from and I told the truth: they're from the gods! I didn't care to remember the way until recently to tell you the truth." His eyes narrowed at this answer, a likely story, but he'd have it. If others came looking soon after he would know who to blame. "I can't make you let me in, but where others ran away to hide, I never did. I wanted to hear new stories! New songs! Would Xiuhcoatl really hold a need for knowledge against anyone? I'm not a fighter - I would have been in the way during a fight. I can't...I can't be the lone hunter anymore. I'm made to be a musician, to keep knowledge and teach. Those skills are important for a pack but not really for a lone wolf. Please. I just want to come home." She was correct, Styg could not be pleaded with to let anyone in on a whim, least of all a Chiroptera. He was not a Lark, so technically he was not one to make decisions on letting others in and out of the territory. However, he was a Jay, and a Jay protected the tribe. Styg lifted his head as Iris went on, asking if Xiuhcoatl wold hold the need for knowledge to anyone. While personally, Styg thought he would not be keen on his people being outed to those outside the tribe, she did have a point. He took a deep breath, inhaling, holding it for a second, and exhaling. Looking at the black Aviari with narrowed eyes. She seemed like she really wanted to come home, and who was he to deny Xiuhcoatl one of his children returned. However, it wouldn't come without a price. "You'll be allowed home Iris, to become a musician if you so please, however, to appease Xiuhcoatl," And his own mind, "as many years as you were gone, you will need to pluck that amount of feathers from your plumage and leave them at the entrance of the Pyramid Trials." This was a fair trade, as her plumage was quite stunning, and some Xiuhcoatl might find appealing enough to forgive her abandonment. Might. "If you accept this, I will lead you back through the tunnels to Syn Cardrys." |