Private Roleplay Party Monster [Illidan] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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He / Ze
King of the Clouds
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El Dorado is overwhelming on the best of days-- large and loud, ancient history beneath your feet, treasure under every X-- but today is not the best of days. Tide's high, and that means borders are blocked off, so Larks basically have the time off until it retreats. He's in the treetops (nothing unusual there), searching for a new hiding place since the monkeys got into his last stash. That's the problem with all but abandoning your own species habitat-- new competition. The branch twists before him, corkscrew, or maybe it just looks that way, because his eyes won't stay still. Leaves rustle to his left. It's a squirrel; he's seen plenty, but is it someone's squirrel? They're fucking watching him, trying to find something to shame him for, the stupid son of Riverine, never gets anything right-- Another squirrel chirps, and they chase each other around the trunk. Fucking property dispute. Lorcan walks on, despite how his legs have started to shake. He's halfway out-- once you do this, you commit, because the branch isn't wide enough to turn around. That's never bothered him before. Fuck, he took too much. Shouldn't, but that hollow was half-empty, so he either polished off the herbs or leave it for the fucking monkeys. He slips slightly-- thought he saw something at the end of the branch, with fanned feathers and a snarl he's seen so many times-- but it's gone when he does a double-take, digs green claws in the bark. The Lark swallows, still panting. It won't help to fucking drool where he's walking. You're paranoid, boy. A parrot caws, startled from its perch, as Lorcan falls. |
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![]() The new day brought new beginnings. Illidan had slept under a small nest of fern surrounded by plush moss. The morning birds had roused him from a pleasant slumber, but the boy was all too happy to see the sun rise. It meant he could start on his adventures once more to get familiarized with the territory. Each step was wonderful, every plant beautiful and the creatures were fascinating. He would spend hours upon hours just searching a small part of El Dorado until he became exhausted and the sun dipped below the horizon.
Yawning, Illidan stretched and got on his way. He was hungry, though he figured he could pick some fruit he saw the other day to hold him over until he found something else. Ah, but where was that bunch again? The boy paused for a moment, glancing every which way, trying to remember where he had seen those fruit. Mmm, this way! The trails were hard to see, or maybe he wasn't looking hard enough, but eventually he found one that seemed easiest. It wound through the jungle trees, gnarled roots making it difficult terrain to travel through. The boy was agile enough to jump from each moss perch though and made his way through. No signs of those fruit though! Before he knew it, something made a large THUD! and he paused in his endeavor, glancing around until he found a feathered avari on the ground. "Uh! Are you ok?" he asks, slowly jumping from the roots to Lorcan's location. A few colored feathers float down from the parrot that startled off and Illidan watches as it disappears into the canopy. This was the second time he's seen these feathered wolves climb trees. Did they normally do this? "Uhm.. Do you need some help?" They may have feathers, but they certainly couldn't fly! ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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He / Ze
King of the Clouds
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God, can't he even fuck up without somebody pointing it out? "The fuck's it look like!?" he snarls, rolling to his front, ready to rise and wrestle and fucking run-- but there's a stabbing in his side that stops him before it's started. "Shit!" Lorcan tries to look over his shoulder, but he's sore and shaky and fighting back whiplash. Eyes squeezed shut, he inhales through the nose, rattling. "... Am I bleeding?" Bruises he can deal with, no matter how bad, but if that's punctured, he'll need to see Naeri-- and she'll know the second she sees him what caused this. He hates needing help, but it's harder to avoid, the higher his dose. Even laying down, he's still swaying a little, so he opens his eyes to try and find something to focus on. That ends up being Illidan. "Who the hell are you?" He doesn't know the kid, hoping he's not from any of the families. Crystalline looks closest, but they wouldn't accept an offspring without feathers. Maybe he's safe. Still, the Lark feigns sober. It's something he has a lot of practice in, but not when he's this high. First time for everything-- like falling out of a fucking tree. |
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![]() Illidan watched curiously as the man rolled up, cursing at him. Brows knitted together, unsure if he should approach the man, but he seemed quite hurt from that fall, so the fairy prince approached cautiously. "Well... it looks like you fell from quite a ways." he said, tilting his head. There wasn't much that he could see on the stranger's shoulder. Mostly ruffled fur and perhaps a spot or two of blood in which Illidan backed away. It wasn't serious though at least. "N-no... Just, uhm... a scratch. You'll be fine." he stammered, feeling his stomach clench.
Blood was not his thing, no matter how small. This guy seemed delirious anyway, eyes searching and dilating, unable to focus. Illidan blinked a few times, wondering what was really wrong with this guy. Did he need some serious help? The boy only knew basics and at this moment, he wasn't able to treat anyone. Wouldn't that be a liability? "My name is Illidan, I'm... new here." he answered, a smile rising on his features. This time he would come forward, swallowing down his uneasiness and stand beside Lorcan. "Come on, you should sit up at least, you can steady yourself." Once the boy knew this guy would be alright for the time being, the boy jumped up onto a root. "I'll be back a minute!" he called, then loped off into the thicket. He would get a large leaf, one for water and he had finally spotted a piece of fruit or two. It'd be difficult to carry the fruit as well as the water, so he opted for the water first, dipping the leaf in a near by stream and quickly made his way back to Lorcan. He'd set it down near the stranger. "There's something else." he mentions, turning to go back, nuzzling his way through the vines and plucks a large fruit with a green and deep orange skin. He could smell the sweetness of it, even taste as the juice dripped down his chin. Oh this would be delicious! Illidan returned to the man, setting down the mango between them, carefully teasing the skin with his teeth until he found a good place to peel, and did so with his paws. He'd then rip the fruit in half, offering the other one to the stranger. "So what's your name?" he asked with a smile. Breakfast with company wouldn't be so bad after all. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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He / Ze
King of the Clouds
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"My name is Illidan, I'm... new here." The light hurts his eyes, dilated as they are, so he squints one shut and snarks, "Nice to meet you, I'm fucking concussed." Lorcan knows concussion-- had more than a few in his youth-- enough it concerned his mother, as if it wasn't her fucking fault. There's obviously something wrong with him, but what, is Cardinals' business. This kid wouldn't know overdose if it... well, fell out of a tree in front of him. "Come on, you should sit up at least--" "Don't tell me what to do," the Lark insists, even as he complies. As soon as the Sparrow goes scampering off in the woods, though, he's back on his belly, eyes closed so he doesn't have to see his father's scowl. Illidan comes back at some point, unexpectedly, with a leaf full of fresh water and a sweet little smile before he heads off again. He ignores him the second time, playing with some fruit while Lorcan tries to cure his soreness with the power of suggestion. "So," the kid starts sweetly, with the offer of a mango more ripe than he is, "what's your name?" Tlacamati's nowhere to be seen, he notices absently. He takes a bite of his half, and, mouth full, replies, "Lorcan." |