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Brielle she/her
Stunning Treasure Maker
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[Image: brielleedit_copy_by_kay_rich_dcxegh4-pre.png]
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It had been an explosion, it had been heart wrenching, it had been fire versus fire. Ending with a haste packing of all her items into the sled, tightly securing her entire life into leather wrapped bundles and marching away brisoled. Days after, she still was stewing, steaming, with anger and frustration. Pandora had been wrong, so ahd Brielle, but she would never admit that.

And so they parted ways, for who knew how long... Forever? Her heart had begun to feel the brunt of the split, Pan had been her childhood sweetheart after all. Her voice of reason, her biggest fan and the only one who really understood everything she'd gone through. Though maybe, that was their issue. Too much history, rough history.

A huge eye-roll as Brielle drug her sled of items along behind her. Having at some point stopped and made a more comfortable harness the fit under her arms and across her chest to tug it along. When she paused for a break, she didn't shrug it off, only plopping her fine ass down, and tugging some jerky from the saddle bags she often wore. Chewing the salty meat dryly.

This was fine, things would be fine.

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Pearle She/Her
the ingenue...
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All Accounts Posts: 358

|«| el dorado |«|
the ingénue; Sparrow

As her confidence grew, so did her curiosity. Tiny paws danced across the tribal lands, moving the tiny Aviari towards the cliffsides. Pearle had been taught the way a time or two but she wasn’t very sure yet and felt the need to go and practice from her memory (after alerting a friend where she was going in case she didn’t return in a timely manner). Not that she ever thought she’d need to know why or how to leave the tribal lands, it was just always appropriate to be well versed in all knowledges. Especially if she was ever to be a Dove or a Turul, she would need to know everything about Syn Cardrys in and out.

So, when she found the mouth of the tendrils, Pearle took in a deep breath and then moved into the cave system. Pacing herself, taking slow deliberate steps, bright blue eyes narrowing in the dim light. Stopping gently at each turn, deliberating with great consideration before picking a turn one way or the other—occasionally followed by her realizing that wasn’t right and turning back to pick the other fork. One might think her nerves would be alive with fear and fury, but they were silent, droned out by the working hum of the gears turning in her brain. Peep was focused, driven, she knew that she knew the way and she had faith in her abilities to lead herself. No chill of worry would creep up on her here, at least not yet, given she didn’t get herself hopelessly lost or drowned in the waters.

But she didn’t, just as she knew she wouldn’t. The outside light would meet her eyes, and the tiny Crystalline would practically dance her way out of the caves to look out at the mangrove forest ahead. The Sparrow beamed with pride, having successfully found her way through the caves to the outside. Pearle was just about to turn around when she heard an odd noise and edged forward cautiously to inspect it. She didn’t have to travel far before a strange sight came up in the landscape. An outsider… With some sort of sled or wagon? Fear rose in her throat just a little bit, being outside of the safety of the tribal lands near a stranger. But… but her Gods would protect her wouldn’t they? Should she test them? Something in her said not to but it was overridden when the sparkling of a necklace caught her like a moth to the flame.

It’s colors glimmered like her opalescent feathers, she wanted it. For a moment she would pause and compose herself before fluffing her feathers up brilliantly and then strut magnificently towards the strange woman. Like a model on a catwalk, she moved with intention and allure, hoping the strange woman would take in her stunning beauty before stopping a few cautious feet away. She might be gaining confidence but she certainly wasn’t a fool for it.
Fantastic… You’ve got the loveliest necklace I think I’ve ever seen, Ma’am! Did you make it yourself??” The young Sparrow would cock her head gently before an ‘oh yeah!’ expression would appear on her face,

”I apologize, I’ve forgotten my manners! I’m Pearle.” her voice as delicate and dreamy as ever. ”What are you doing here? If you’re seeking a new home I can summon a Lark for you Miss --?” If Brielle confirmed, Pearle would let out a trilling bark call to summon a Lark to the pair.

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Avalon She/Her
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The quiet whistle of winds blowing through the caverns sounded like a sweet, distant memory of a song. It was the song that lulled her to dare leave, considering what it meant to be a vagrant again like her parents. Some days, she regretted returning; other days, she felt it was the best place for her to be to make some kind of purpose for herself. Needless to say the job has been slow and things felt a bit quiet, but Ava didn’t ignore the sudden outsiders who found themselves upon their borders. And then... some days, she regretted becoming a Raven; other days, she reminded herself that there would be no other way she could have an excuse to leave, even if it was restricted.

Eager paws led her through the winding passages, youthful words bounced off the walls as it was apparent that something was going on. What she didn’t expect was to see a child, no— maybe a hair older than that; greeting a rather beautiful looking outsider. Avalon wasn’t mad, but perhaps a bit jealous that she wasn’t the first one to spot such a gem in the boring, feathered rough that was the Aviaris. Inhaling deep, she approached with a confidence and intrigue, eyes dancing across the stranger and the belongings in tow. Those jewels, the necklaces, the tattoos. Ava smiled.

”I apologize, I’ve forgotten my manners! I’m Pearle. What are you doing here? If you’re seeking a new home I can summon a Lark for you Miss --?”

No need.” Avalon stepped in tow with the teen, glancing down at her and daring her to question her authority. "—Pearle." A quick smile. She would play the part if it meant being able to see the outside world and it’s inhabitants again. Today she’d play the role of a Lark, assuming one didn’t come along and spoil her fun. She could easily persuade some rainbow Crystalline child— she was of Sanguine blood.

Do you seek a new home? You must have traveled quite the distance.” Ava implied, eyes pointing to the merchandise. “Or are you here to make a deal?” Her tone was stiff now, defensiveness flared at the idea of someone coming to sell them out or use their knowledge for anything damaging. Despite her time exploring anything but El Dorado, she still felt like a part of her was home here… and for that, she wouldn’t let just anyone stomp in and try to make a mess of things.

Although Avalon stood her ground, she couldn’t help but stare at the bedazzled women before them.
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Brielle she/her
Stunning Treasure Maker
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All Accounts Posts: 812

[Image: brielleedit_copy_by_kay_rich_dcxegh4-pre.png]
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Of course someone as beautiful as herself wouldn't be alone for long, one seemingly young wolf... No... a hellion? Whatever she was, she was on the scene looking fairly pleased with herself for whatever reason. "Hellllo~ Come along then, you can look closer." Brielle smirked, waving a paw to her chest, offering the girl a better look at the crown-turned-necklace she was admiring.

Yes, even here, it was clear their beauty standards were high. ”Fantastic… You’ve got the loveliest necklace I think I’ve ever seen, Ma’am! Did you make it yourself?? I apologize, I’ve forgotten my manners! I’m Pearle.” her voice as delicate and dreamy as ever. ”What are you doing here? If you’re seeking a new home I can summon a Lark for you Miss --?” A nod as she stowed the jerky she'd been feasting on, finishing the second mouthful of salty meat she'd taken. Though, paused to offer some to the stranger before she did so.

"Mhmm, I did, thank you. I'm Brielle." She'd respond just as another came onto the scene, eyes scanning the older female up and down. Also, feathered. Must be a trend around here? Were those real or... just woven into their fur? It was a difficult guess, especially when you came from a place where one of your students had been a hellion.

““No need—Pearle. Do you seek a new home? You must have traveled quite the distance. Or are you here to make a deal?” Her own beautiful eyes shifted backward to her sled, and she burst out in a short laugh. "Nah. My things aren't for sale." A short response to match this defensive stance suddenly taken.

A paw moved up to her chin thoughtfully. She hadn't been seeking a new home, but after everything... Pandora would easily be able to track Brielle if she desired, the foxy girl had always been talented like that... Her chest throbbed and the Captain's smile grew "Hmn, well, why not. Sure, lookin' for a new home. If you see me a suitable I suppose, I have a pretty resume... Trade for your name." What'll it be?

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DustyForgotten Xe/xem/xyr
Family Tree Wizard
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I'll come in next round; Lor's got nothing to say right now. <3
Pearle She/Her
the ingenue...
Posts: 19
Pronouns: She/Her

All Accounts Posts: 358

|«| el dorado |«|
the ingénue; Sparrow

Jerky? It sounded good but she felt a slight bit of apprehension at taking food from an outsider, so she’d play the pretend curious, lowering her head to peek at it but her legs did not move her forward. Instead, she was blessed with a welcomed distraction.

Another appeared moments after she had offered to call for a Lark and the Sparrow’s eyes narrowed curiously but she smiled politely to Avalon. Pearle wasn’t wildly familiar with the Larks so she wasn’t sure that Avalon was or wasn’t, but that was of little consequence to her. If the Sanguine was fibbing, at least the Crystalline had been charming and honest. So, she just batted her blue eyes at Avalon before turning her eyes back to Brielle and her treasures. It was a shame though because this Sanguine didn’t seem to have any tact! and was immediately quite rude. The Crystalline let a visible sigh and looked apologetically at Brielle.


But the outsider seemed to take it in good stride, simply laughing off the ridiculousness of the Lark and responding in kind. The Sparrow felt a sudden burst of excitement when the pretty outsider said she was looking for a home. Pearle liked her bargaining style, she’d have to remember that for the future…. For now though she simply looked over to Avalon and perked a brow as if to say “well get to it”. The Sparrow would allow Avalon to answer or ask whatever she felt necessary before the Crystalline would add,
”What sorts of other wares do you make Miss Brielle? Any you wouldn’t mind trading for a cup of tea,” and some company ”if you’re welcomed in?”

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Avalon She/Her
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Avalon wasn’t shy at hiding the fact that she wasn’t supremely interested in much that the little Crystalline had to say; but it wasn’t her fault. The mixed blood wasn’t particularly fond of many Aviari’s who flaunted their family crest and she would assume the same for Pearle, her bloodline as bright and as obvious as the midday sun. Needless to say, any gestures of coy actions made by the sparrow went unnoticed by the Raven-acting-Lark.

"Mhmm, I did, thank you. I'm Brielle."

Avalon noted the mention of her name and watched the stranger carefully, finding it wise for Pearle not to have proceeded forward. Avalon wasn’t getting overly threatening vibes from Brielle, but certainly her looks and flaunting ability could be dangerous in the wrong kind of situation. Ava stood her ground as well and let their new coming finish before continuing her faux job.

"Nah. My things aren't for sale. Hmn, well, why not. Sure, lookin' for a new home. If you see me a suitable I suppose, I have a pretty resume... Trade for your name."

Avalon.” Sparing no time to play word games, she gave exactly what Brielle wanted. Now, it was time for her to do that same. “So what of these suitable skills of yours, then? Why should I consider you to join us?” Not being cheeky at all, she made it clear Brielle needed to woo her, although it was still for the sake of the pack…. as far as anyone else knew. She had the best interest of El Dorado in mind even if her morals were sidestepped in comparison to some of the other families who resided here.

”What sorts of other wares do you make Miss Brielle? Any you wouldn’t mind trading for a cup of tea if you’re welcomed in?”

Ugh, tea. What is it with these overly proper Crystallines? Avalon glanced at Pearle from the corner of her eye as she spoke, glancing back at Brielle. Honestly, she’d probably like that looking at the way she presented herself. Avalon held back a sigh and on the topic of her wares, adding firmly.

If those items are not for sale, what are they for? Why do you have them?” And what good could they be for El Dorado?
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Brielle she/her
Stunning Treasure Maker
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All Accounts Posts: 812

[Image: brielleedit_copy_by_kay_rich_dcxegh4-pre.png]
Profile | Speaking

There was an odd tension between the two packmates, Brie took note of it, brilliant eyes flickering between them. Was there history here? Little did she know that the history of this pack was drenched in bad blood, they weren't connected how Tortuga had been. This would be a learning experience.

”What sorts of other wares do you make Miss Brielle? Any you wouldn’t mind trading for a cup of tea, if you’re welcomed in?” Tea? Hmm, now what the hell what tea? She'd experienced the cool refreshing drinks Cider concocted, and the alcohol they'd created back home... but tea? Assuming it was a beverage, she smiled at the offer. "Can't say I've heard of tea, but I appreciate the offer to try somethin' new." A wink to the iridescent girl, perhaps she's show her what rum was.

“Avalon. So what of these suitable skills of yours, then? Why should I consider you to join us?”

Brie shuffled to get herself more comfortable under the straps of the sled, addressing them both now. "Mm that's a lovely name, Avalon. I'm a crafter. Or trader. I can create anything." Taking her time on the name, it was a sweet sound. A warm glance given to her first, then to Pearle.

She'd continue nonchalantly, shifting to show her saddle bags to the pair "I make leather, which can be made into bag or whatever the hell jewelry requested. I've made every item I'm wearing, save for a few... Heirlooms." She'd word carefully, golden bangle around her tail coming to mind.

She'd shift again to show tattoos and flick her ears to draw attention to the piercings "I can pierce, I tattoo. I can make knives, glass, and have a few theories on heated stone." But her ideas weren't for you to hear before they were tested out."Plus, I'm quick witted, and I work damn hard. I came from nothin' and became the best."

She'd grin, eyes narrowing on Avalon. I am the best, and what are you? (In dire need of a good time, which Brie could show her. Obviously) “If those items are not for sale, what are they for? Why do you have them?” Another smirk, glancing over at her items proudly, scarred paw pads pressing into her puffed chest. "Who would I be, to abandon good wares that could be of use to me somewhere new."

Eyes glinted back to Pearle to assess her response, and to assure her that Brie was indeed paying attention to them both despite Avalon's attitude. "... And what is this place. Why would it benefit me, has ta go both ways." Why is this place deserving of a Pirate Queen, who knew so much of the world, and knew exactly what packs could bring... and destroy.

They didn't need to know her past... Not yet.

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Lorcan He / Ze
King of the Clouds
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Location [IC]: El Dorado
Rank [IC]: Lark

All Accounts Posts: 463
(This post was last modified: February 20, 2019, 09:22:38 PM by Lorcan.)

   "Tea, for fuck's sake..." he mutters, making his way down from the canopy. "Look, lady, we got a lot more than tea." Finally on the ground, he takes note of the names (although withholding his own), and listens to her pitch. He's already decided she's in, and he's got a couple commissions coming to mind when Avalon opens her mouth.

   “If those items are not for sale, what are they for? Why do you have them?”

   Lor looks her over, noting how she's not decked out, and decides the gods are incredibly cruel for making someone that pretty so stupid. "What, like you've never picked up a shiny rock?" Sharp eyes narrow on the Sanguine, one brow coming up as he belatedly remembers she never explicitly said she was a Lark, leaving it implied. Lorcan's out here more than Aine herself; he knows she's not a goddamn Lark. She probably knows he's figured out by now-- but he doesn't bring it up. Not in the current crowd, anyway.

   "... And what is this place. Why would it benefit me, has ta go both ways."

   This is when he butts his nose in where it's not wanted, but warranted, for once. "Outsiders call it El Dorado. We've got the scenery, a society, resources, and an entire rank dedicated to collecting them." A rank he'd be in, if the hellhound in charge weren't so insufferable. (A lie he'll keep telling himself.) "Not to mention the market. You into crafting and trading? There's no better place but here."

   Say what you like; he can sure sell the place. She's obviously got the chops, and skill like that is taught-- so she should be teaching theirs. Besides, they're low on rogues, and the pack needs new, good blood to keep it from going the way of his own inbred parents. He'd make a pass, if she weren't so damn intimidating.

Some only live to die; I'm alive to fly higher
than angels in outfields inside of my mind
I'm ascending these ladders, I'm climbin'
Say goodbye
This old world, this old world...

I don't trust anything                  
or anyone                           
below the sun.
Pearle She/Her
the ingenue...
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-Pearle remains hanging back, letting this so-called-maybe-is-a Lark take the reins. She’s too busy staring at Brielle’s necklace anyway, scheming how she’ll get herself one. With crystals and lovely stones as stunning at her bloodline and her opal feathers.

-When Avalon gives her the side eye about the tea, Pearle smiles devilishly at the red-toned woman, impervious to her disgust. She bats her eyes at the woman, but the appearance of a known-to-be Lark catches her eye.

-”Perhaps so ser Lark, but tea is what I make so it’s what I offer. That does tend to be how it works…” A delicate grin to the sad Riverine boy before she’d look back at Brielle as she explained what she could do.

-Tattooing and piercing, all sorts of crafting of a variety of items. The Sparrow was extremely interested, and after Lorcan said his piece, Pearle would question her final statement. The best? How exactly does one do that, Miss Brielle?” Of course it would be the Crystalline to ask, but she wanted to know what that meant.

-What was she the best at?
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Avalon She/Her
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"Tea, for fuck's sake...Look, lady, we got a lot more than tea."

Avalon’s head snaps toward the new voice, immediately sizing up that this Aviari is likely a real Lark. Well, her time was up, just ready to clock out. No point in sticking around if she was going to get roasted in front of a stranger for having faked her job, although she can already imagine that this pretty newcomer could be more forgiving than some of the haughty family members such as these. Ava shifted her weight in anticipation of leaving quietly and respectfully for the benefit of everyone at the scene, but not before hearing the jab made against her which flared her mouthy tongue.

"What, like you've never picked up a shiny rock?"

Excuse me?” Her head craned. “What, like you’ve never showed up to your job on time?” (If dogs were capable of z-snapping, she probably would’ve done it.) If he was going throw a little mud, so will she. Unfortunate for Brielle and Pearle, really, who had to sit there and now witness and up-and coming fisticuffs between the two. Avalon cared little of their opinions in this moment, though, for she was stubborn and not about to stand here take lip from some grey and white Riverine snob.

Turning back to Brielle, she puts on an unreadable face. “I guess you can work your way through this one.” Eyes flashed to the Lark, less sour about being insulted in front of the stranger and more simply that he showed up at all. Things may have gone better if he'd come in to just do that. “And then, you know, have tea with this one.” Her head tilted toward Pearle, not necessarily aggressively or rudely, but rather just matter-of-factually as it is absolutely an option. There was a surprising lack of bite to her words when she’d address Brielle, likely because she still find more pleasantries among the foreigner as opposed to the locals.

She gave a rather terse nod to Pearle, then turned back to the Lark, muttering other her breathe to him and refraining from stubbornly knocking shoulders with him. “All yours~” Before sauntering out of the scene, likely with little leverage to be stopped.

[jaded grouchy baby has left! you can skip me from any further posts... LOVE U LORCAN N PEARLE AVA IS JUST A BUTT <3]

[Image: giphy.gif]
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Brielle she/her
Stunning Treasure Maker
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All Accounts Posts: 812

[Image: brielleedit_copy_by_kay_rich_dcxegh4-pre.png]
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Someone new showed up, her dazzling eyes glinting down toward him as she slowly took him in. "Tea, for fuck's sake... Look, lady, we got a lot more than tea." OH attitude, amusement leaps to her face, head tilting as he made his presence known.

For now Brie sat back and watched the exchange between the trio, the spice in Avalon was exciting, and an understanding nod given to Pearle as she glanced to her lovely self in explanation about the tea. Maybe it was fake, maybe it wasn't, but it probably was... But she could tell already in a place like this you needed friends.

Unfortunately, Avalon stormed off after some softer words to Brie, and Brielle watched her go with a nagging in the back of her mind. Such a pretty girl, her oranges and deep pelt was eye catching, more so now that it was wandering away. She could see the benefit of befriending each of these folks.

”The best? How exactly does one do that, Miss Brielle?”

"Outsiders call it El Dorado. We've got the scenery, a society, resources, and an entire rank dedicated to collecting them. Not to mention the market. You into crafting and trading? There's no better place but here."

Flashy smile popped back up when the attention turned back to where it belonged, addressing Pearle first "I suppose it's a long story, you show me your tea, and I could share such a lengthy story with you." Pride shone in her face, she could tell it now. Oh she would have no issues telling it now, but would people really allow in a Queen without her kingdom?

"Well, I think El Dorado would suit me, if you think I suit El Dorado." Murmured to the pair, eyebrows raised "Could you lead the way, my new friends?" If they were letting her follow in, she'd buckle the sled's harness under her arms, shuffled her saddle bags into something more comfortable, and get to her feet. Waiting for her escorts.

Packs don't accept Brielle, Brielle accepts packs.

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