Open paranoia [MON PLOT//MONSTER SIGHTING/RII] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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monster plot chapter 2 information
outbreak thread for reference, this is where this thread takes place! ![]() Zanna had spent ample time scouring Saboro’s territory, becoming familiar with the rings she’d never ventured into before. She scanned and surveyed; memorized and recorded in her mind for later. Knowing her territory would be important not only for the future, but for right now - while she worked to keep her pack, her alphas, safe from this creature that lurked within the shadows.
Having just covered the grounds of the fourth and third ring once again, Zanna found herself back in the second ring. Emerald eyes gaze intently over the lake that stretched across Saboro, thinking of Griffin’s words in her head. “Do you think that stuff is going to get in the prey and all the water here?” His concerns so valid, so legitimate. And Zanna still had no answers for him. The breeze pushed the water's surface, tiny waves floating along the surface. The War Captain strayed from the lake after a moment, forcing her eyes away from its rippling surface. She turned East and walked along the thin stream that ran away from the lake toward the mountainside, her steps quick and her mind alert. Ears capturing every sound they could, eyes constantly darting here and there, head on a swivel; she moved toward the first ring. The sun had begun its descent, dipping down into the crests of the mountains that bordered the West side of the territory, the sky slowly growing darker. The air was frigid, brisk. A harsh breeze ripped through her fur as she trotted onward. But it did not deter her – she was on a mission. She was sick of sitting around and walking on eggshells, sick of wondering and waiting and questioning. Zanna had this nagging urge within her to just find out what the fuck was going on and wouldn’t waste another minute wallowing in the unknown. Today, she’d find this thing. And if not today, then tomorrow. She would not tire of her search, and would not let herself be the reason why her pack was attacked by this thing. It was specifically within her job description now to keep Saboro safe - and so she'd do exactly that. As she neared the mountains, the air seemed to grow colder. She continued to follow the stream, walking along on the South side, peering across to see the small valley that would lead to the first ring. A strange feeling washed over her, forcing her to slow her pace. Hackles raising, she felt a chill run through her body. On edge and strangely nervous, her lips curled back to reveal ivory canines as she looked around her. The shadows were growing longer, the sky darkening with each minute that passed by. She watched as a small handful of fish swam quickly down the stream, disappearing out of sight within an instant. As she watched them swim away, she heard a tree branch rustle and snap behind her. Turning around quickly, a loud growl erupting from within her chest, she narrowed her eyes to catch what seemed like a dark shadowy figure slinking into hiding behind a tree. Teeth still bared, she ran forward, snarling as she did so. What the hell was that? There was something there, wasn't there? Something was in there. Something moved, she knew it. She saw it. As she ran up to the trees, she found nothing where she thought she’d seen the shadow move. But again from the corner of her eye, deeper within the trees, she saw a figure moving. Whipping her head to the right to get a better look at the creature, she saw nothing but trees. Growling louder in frustration, she barked at the nothingness before her, “SHOW YOURSELF!” Bounding forward, she was met with nothing more but trees yet again. It was getting much darker now, but she was sure she saw something. She was sure of it. Not only did she see it, but she heard it. She refused to believe her eyes and ears were playing tricks on her. Breathing heavily and heart racing, she looked all around her, waiting for something to jump out at her, her muscles tensed as she stood in a battle-ready stance. She considered yelling again, but there was no guarantee this thing even spoke. It didn't help her the first time, so there was no point. As she stepped forward again, she feld her paw being engulfed by the black blood that was plaguing Saboro, the warm gooey substance oozing between her toes. Huffing angrily, she stepped back and shook it off as best as she could, trying to keep her focus on the moving shadows around her. Not willing to take her chances on this creature (who knew how many there were?) infiltrating Saboro, she made the snap decision to call for back-up. Tilting her head back, she let out a short howl – an alert, a warning. She was absolutely certain she was not simply seeing things, and now there was fresh blood right before her. Zanna would not allow herself to put her pack at risk. Not today. Not ever. |
I'm the one at the sail I'm the master of my sea
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January 14, 2019, 07:20:36 PM
(This post was last modified: May 09, 2019, 01:56:29 PM by Steliana.)
Steliana's small, fluffy shape weaved through the trees of Saboro, her necklaces making muted clinks as her fur muffled the sound of glass and metal bumping together. She moved quicker than usual at a wolfish lope, her satchel clinking with glass bottles, leather pouches and cobwebs. Her yellow eyes were focuses as she listened for other noises that would tell her where to go. Above her, the silver form of Izanami and the black shape of Morrigan flew, telling her what they saw. She was on guard and more alert than ever. Adrenaline was pumping through the wolf-jackal's veins as she dodged around any suspicious dark spots.
The silver medic wasn't here by choice to be perfectly honest but simply because it was her duty as a healer. She was no coward but she knew when to cut her losses and run. She brought her first-aid kit and her bravest companions though approached the scene with caution. She wasn't that much of a fighter - yes, she could fight but by no means was she a Nightjar - and she didn't want to get in the way of the more certified fighters. She was fine with staying on the sidelines and helping the fallen. Though as the woman got closer to the source of the call, she was lucky that she decided to go. The smell of the black blood assaulted the argent wraith's senses and made her stomach curl. The effects of the black substance were nothing like any infection or substance she had ever seen. Prior experiences told her that any unidentifiable substance, especially one that followed widespread death wasn't good news. Carrion birds arrived and while the female was experienced with them she would do anything to get them to leave. She'd kept her own birds close and worried of what would happen if they mingled with the new residents. There was a reason the Chemist brought Morrigan instead of Tokotsu. The gold-eyed healer was careful to avoid the puddles as she managed to find the smell of a fellow Saboran among the stench. Quickly, the female leaped from a fallen log, bounced off of the tree, and clawed her way to a sturdy tree branch, spying the red shape of the War Captain in the darkness. The slate and cream female's hackles rose as she felt like the wolves were not alone. She swore she saw a shadow move and felt uneasy. Focus! she told herself and shook it off, or at least compartmentalized well enough to ignore it. OOC
Steliana's up in a tree with her birds. lmk if I need to edit! Wolf stock by CastleGraphics
Almost Sparkles
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b l y t h e //
Blythe had been busy since her acceptance. Hidalgo had been so kind to let her in had told her to cut down any enemy great or small for them, and Blythe would be ever so keen to oblige that request. Since she'd been here, she had obliterated most of the rats that liked to sneak into some food supplies. She'd also taken it upon herself to chase out every god damn coyote she saw hanging around, and by chase out, she meant attempt to catch them, and if she did, she would do as she did the first day she was here. Her den was littered with pelts, in fact she even left a few on the doorstep of her dear friend Hidalgo. Today, she was busy nipping at the heels of some large, mangy animal that didn't;t need to be infesting her new home. She snarled and snapped at the heels of the mangy thing as it yipped its way west. When it was far enough away, Blythe stopped her chase, and snorted in its direction as it ran. "And ya better stay out, ya yellow-bellied snake!" Turning, she picked up a nw scent, something- new and not familiar. It made her nose wrinkle and her stomach turn. Curiosity getting the better of her, she tracked it, and found puddles of black, oozy liquid. "What in tarnation..?" She asked, a puzzled look on her face. Eyes narrowing, the thought of her duties coming back up to mind, she decided (against better judgment) to follow these puddles, to track them. After all, she was supposed to rid this place of varmints right? She tracked these puddle for what seemed like miles, before a sharp voice rang out, telling someone or something to show themselves. Obviously something that was not supposed to be here. Ears slowly pinning back onto her head, she advanced to where the yelling had come from. Eyes scanning that trees, shadows darting around. Birds? Maybe deer? Something was moving around, and it was putting everything on edge. Blythe moved forward, towards the other that had, she assumed, yelled. Following the others line of sight- she could see shadows again, moving rapidly in the dark. This was not natural. The feeling crept in the back of her mind. "I ain't got no rank, but Miss Hidalgo told me to cut down any varmint big and small alike for this place, and I aim to do that." She said, eyes not leaving the dancing shadows. Her hackles raising. |
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ooc: updated original post with ring & a location on the map as to where this is happening - sorry for any confusion!
Old Blood
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January 24, 2019, 01:47:45 PM
(This post was last modified: January 28, 2019, 12:36:18 PM by Gabriel♞.)
They have a War Captain, apparently. Gabriel remembers the last War Captain-- when the title changed to Crow, then very briefly Rook, and back again. Remembers the stories of royals killed by crocodiles, and brought the body of a royal before her siblings as an example of what happens to escapees. Then his sister escaped. Halberd's own offspring-- the blood spilled to build this pack-- gone, like ash in the wind. Whatever happened to Shadon, he wonders? Oriana and Crenate's twin litters? His family? He's thinking too much, as usual-- used to double ranking, one of which as an Elite's apprentice, and decides it's better he stay busy. The Captain calls, and it's time he introduced himself. No better a trial than by fire. He approaches to what at first seems like fear, but he refuses to believe such a feeling festers in Saboro. Black blood drips languidly from the red wolf's paw, an unranked offers her aid, the present Chemist is in a tree, for some reason. While Zanna surveys their surroundings, Gabriel turns his attention to a woman he realizes belatedly he's met previously. "Not unless this sludge is dangerous." Something else recalled-- Sincate's warning to stay away, and a child's violation thereof. To his knowledge, Andromeda isn't dead yet. Blythe and Zanna both are focused on... something. The two women's growls are countered by another-- deeper, and far larger. "Stay there," he casts to Steliana before joining the pair. They have no need for the Chemist now, but that may change very soon. |
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ooc: I will try to reply to this this week sometime - but feel free to still join in even after I reply!!
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![]() As Zanna waited for anyone to answer her call, she continued to peer around the trees, toeing carefully around the puddle of black slime. Teeth bared, ears pointed, she watched with emerald eyes, waiting for the shadow to move again.
A rustle could be heard off to the side, and Zanna immediately whipped her head to sight the source of the sound. A wolf, up in a tree, called down to the War Captain, addressing her by title and asking if she required medical support. Not the kind of help she was hoping for, but at least she had someone to witness what was going on. “No. Not yet, anyway.” She told the girl, returning her gaze back to the trees. A voice then sounded from behind Zanna, just as a shadow darted from one tree to another. A growl erupted from her chest and she turned her head around quickly to address the gray woman behind her. “Did you see that?” She asked in haste, possibly cutting the girl off as she spoke to Zanna. “There’s something in there, and I think it has to do with that black stink that’s been splattered all over Saboro.” Her voice was low and angry, frustrated that she didn’t seem to have control over this situation. She wanted to be in control, she wanted to know what the hell it was in the trees. Before long, a third showed up, his voice grave and oddly calm, but he can sense the danger that looms within the darkness. He approaches Blythe and Zanna, his eyes fixed on the shadows in the trees. “We can’t just rush in there blindly.” She stated, trying to analyze the situation as best as she could. There were so many unknown factors, so many things to consider, so many risks to take. But that was part of this gig, wasn’t it? Saborans were ruthless and tactical – this life was full of risks. Zanna turned to the pair next to her, nodding at each of them. “Flank me. I’ll lead us in, keep your head on a swivel, and be ready to fight.” She wouldn’t wait for a response from either of them, she simply turned to face shadows and began walking forward. Ears perked, tail low, she entered the tree line. Shadows darted here and there, always at the edge of her vision, always just barely out of sight. Her teeth bared and hackles raised, she lunged forward to a tree, snapping her teeth as she did so, but finding nothing. She lunged to another – again, nothing. A rustle sounded to her left, and she barked at whichever of the two was on that side, “There!” She’d kill whatever was lurking in these trees, it didn’t matter how long it took. |
I'm the one at the sail I'm the master of my sea
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February 05, 2019, 02:37:02 PM
(This post was last modified: May 09, 2019, 02:26:42 PM by Steliana.)
There ain't no rest for the wicked
Until we close our eyes for good
Steliana knew she looked ridiculous but she didn't want to touch the black goo. Any healer worth her herbs would be cautious to touch the unknown substance and she had seen epidemics where disease had been spread through bodily fluids. The ichor and how it appeared, the carrion bird harbingers, the stench, and now whatever the fuck was happening now. These were not good signs and the female was more than cautious of touching the substance. Every single one of her instincts screamed at her to get the hell out of dodge but Steliana was anything but a coward. The War Captain acknowledged the silver Chemist but it didn't seem like she was wanted. But the female wouldn't be dissuaded so quickly. She was a Chemist, a healer, she would be an invaluable resource when it came to situations like these. She watched as two others joined them, one of the shapes familiar, Gabriel, the sentry. The male ordered her to stay there and the wolf-jackal didn't like people telling her what to do. Especially this. So the female carefully hopped down from her perch in the branches, telling Izanami and Morrigan to stay close. The golden-eyed medic padded over to the group. When the branches rustled, the cream and silver female's fangs bared as she was ready to fight though every single bone in her body screamed that this wasn't right. But she knew that fighting didn't need to involve blood. If she had to, she would advise to lead the creature away since any contact could be deadly. Her eyes darted towards the ground, looking for a sharp rock to throw if she needed.
Almost Sparkles
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b l y t h e //
Another had joined their little watch party. Blythe had not met many others here, in fact she'd met no others here besides Hidalgo. She would eventually introduce herself to any and all of these new pack members, but knowing that something was just not right here, introductions would have to wait. Blythe's eyes followed the shadows as they darted between the trees, and in between darker shadows. Something here just wasn't right, and everyone here knew it. The red woman asked her if she'd seen the shadows movie' in the trees, and Blythe grunted her response, you'd have to be blind as a rattlesnake in the dead of winter to not have seen 'em. “There’s something in there, and I think it has to do with that black stink that’s been splattered all over Saboro.” There had been something that had been stinking up the place as of late, Blythe had smelled it as she chased out cheating scum. She hadn't wanted to investigate it though, putting it off as something that might have caught a sickness and up and died. But, seeing these shadows art and move so unnatural, it wasn't no sickness that were leaving that smell behind. If Blythe had to guess, it was these- things that was making the place stick so bad. “We can’t just rush in there blindly. Flank me. I’ll lead us in, keep your head on a swivel, and be ready to fight.” The red lady turned to them now, giving commands, Blythe had a feeling this lady was one of them Hosses. One that was in charge o' some things, and Blythe was keen and eager to listen, as she was when Hidalgo told her what to do. In all retrospect, this was exactly what she'd been instructed to do by Miss Hidalgo, so she would keep her word. The large grey woman nodded, and began to walk forward in step with the Red Hoss, flanking her as instructed. She followed suit to the Red Hoss, keeping her head low, and hackles raised, ready to mow down anything that jumped out at em. A shadow to her right, and she snapped at it, teeth forming around nothing but air, but another to the right, and a quick turn of the head, but teeth met nothing but air again. “There!” To the left, Blythe saw it, and lunged for it, teeth failing to meet its mark once more. It's almost as if it were made of smoke, and it was impossible to get a hold of. Blythe snarled out her grievance through clenched, bared teeth. "What in tarnation are these damned things?! I cain't git a hold of 'em!" #66cc99
Old Blood
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Teal eyes narrow as the jackal creeps closer, but he keeps his mouth shut, instead shifting attention to the trees-- gaze always coming back to the river, and their means of escape. The threat obviously knows the canopy; they may have this small party surrounded. Teeth stayed, staying back, he has better opportunity to observe. "There must be more than one," the Sentry says, half to himself in uncertainty. Nothing moves like that, can cut through solid wood. Of this, he is certain. "Stop," the Son of Sagaris says, louder now. He moves in closer to the two larger women, coming up between them, voice low. "We're jumping at shadows, War Captain." Not a reproach, but honest. Literal. Teal eyes turn upward. Is there more than one? Is it above them? They're new to the territory, being run around by whatever beast is here. "Something's here, and it has the advantage." |
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![]() Every nerve in Zanna’s body was on fire. The unknown of the situation had the War Captain gritting her teeth as she mentally battled herself. She knew she wasn’t the only one seeing these things, these shadows. The others saw them too, lunged at them with hungry jaws just as she did.
This was real, and she had to keep reminding herself of that even as she saw the dark figures slinking from tree to tree. The wolf in the tree had decided to jump down to ground level, making it four of them that were hunting these mysterious creatures now. But it was a fruitless pursuit, and the orange Dire was the first to speak what Zanna was thinking. “Stop. We’re jumping at shadows, War Captain.” The maroon woman couldn’t help the hot flash of anger that washed over her as she heard the male commanding her to stop. She was the commander here. She was the War Captain. She knew this was pointless, but those things were in there – they were taunting her, taunting her inability to gain control over the situation. Whirling around with teeth bared, she glowered at the boy as he spoke again. “Something’s here, and it has the advantage.” A light growl rumbled in her chest. Breathing deeply in anger, frustration, and defeat, Zanna calmed herself slowly. She knew he was right. She knew she was failing at ‘hunting’ these things, whatever they were. She could order these wolves to chase them through the trees all night if she wanted to – but what good would it do? They wouldn’t accomplish anything. Turning to look over her shoulder into the trees once again, she sighed. There was nothing she could do here – there was nothing any of them could do here. But they could keep watch, alert the others, and prepare for whatever was going to happen next. There had to be other ways they could manage this. Facing the trio before her, she addressed them with a firmness to her tone – a War Captain’s words. “You’re right. We’re not doing any good here any longer. But just because we can’t fight whatever is lurking in those trees doesn’t mean we are going to let them invade Saboro.” She paused, making sure she had their attention. “You two –” she nodded at Blythe and Stelliana “– keep your eyes peeled for anything else like this. Tell anyone you see that we need to be on high alert, and that any of the young, sick, or elderly need to be kept safe in their dens with someone watching over them. Be that person to watch over them, if you need to.” She turned her focus then on Gabriel, emerald eyes staring into those of burning ember. “You. Come with me. We’re going to alert the Sabor and Sabora.” Before she moved away from the group, she realized that she didn’t have a chance to introduce herself, and that perhaps her orders would be heard with more eagerness if they knew who she was. “I’m your War Captain – Zanna. And as far as I’m concerned, this is a matter of war. Who or what are we fighting against? I don’t know. But I’ll be damned if I let these fucking things walk freely on Saboran land.” She’d leave the two then with Gabe in tow, heading for the only place she’d think to find Sincate or Gray. |