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Almost Sparkles
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Puzzle rolled her shoulders forward and back, trying to loosen the tension that was building between her shoulder blades. Her tail rocked gently back and forth. She'd been searching for hours for Ginseng Root. The boost it provided to the immune system would be invaluable in the coming months but the exotic plant was nearly impossible to find. She hoped to be able to spy the bright red berries that would give the plant away but this late in the season she was skeptical she'd be given such a sign. Her one consolation was the day was beautiful. The noon sun beat down with a welcome heat to the chill breeze that gently flowed down from the north.
She had a home now in a large valley were loners roamed, and it was a welcome relief to have a place to return to after her wanderings. Even if she returned empty-pawed just the act of returning home was a delight. Puzzle shifted her gaze northward, pleased to see clear skies. Spring around the corner she knew but for now it looked like the winger would stretch on forever. Turning her course toward the lake she kept her senses alert for her quarry. Her eyes swished from one side to another. Her paws hurt and her breath clung to the air for dear life. Her bones clicked and her ears flopped around her head, occasionally slapping her eyes. |
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Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me actions - “speech” - thoughts
Grumbling, plodding, swaying back and forth, fit to burst. How the hell had Sara handled pregnancy so well? Kyra should have been on bed rest, she should have been walking back and forth in the courtyard instead of taking a trip around the lake. She was back to nibbling on foods lately not because she would throw them up but because she could barely a handle more than a mouthful at a time before she felt full. Her sides were swollen from pregnancy. Her father told her soon - soon soon soon they would come. It had been almost two moons since that terrible night. She felt like a land whale with the way her stomach swayed under her with each step, the skin on her stomach felt stretched, she could feel a small paw press on her ribs at times, or kick with a powerful force within her on the exact same spot, over and over and over again. It put her in a foul mood. Suddenly, a strange scent alerted her, and a rustling and breathing close by as if the stranger was making no moves to cover their tracks or walk silent as they trespassed on Nardirian lands. She had heard no howl at the border, and seen no other guard bring a newcomer to the Queen for acceptance. This was a trespasser, and they were about to run into the wrong member on the wrong day. The Head of the Guard snapped her teeth to herself as she went to hunt for them, a light blazed with eagerness to perform the duties she had been itching to do since she had to ask another guard to take them. Whoever let this vagrant walk by them though was going to get an ear full, after of course the trespasser was dealt with. A trespasser could spell trouble for her pups, she was on high alert and knew several members would come to her aid and be there quickly should she call out. With a low and unwelcome snarl the bright blazing red female emerged from the bushes before the stranger. "You are in Nardir's Territory. Since you are not at the border and asking for audience I will assume you are trespassing. We can do this one of three ways. I can call the Queen for her verdict here, or I can escort you out and we can try again from there. The third way is I chase you out." There was no way in hell she was going to bring them to the castle and show this stranger where they all lived, where she was going to have her pups, where they all relaxed. Her stance was menacing, she was a trained warrior with heavy muscles and built for endurance. Perhaps her pregnancy would give her a look of pudge around her middle but she was all business and not at all intimidated by the stranger. Kyra was ready to rip someone to shreds if they endangered the pups within her.
Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon |
Almost Sparkles
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Her eyes were wide and filled not with fear, well yes some fear, but mostly curiosity.
“You are in Nardir's Territory. Since you are not at the border and asking for audience I will assume you are trespassing. We can do this one of three ways. I can call the Queen for her verdict here, or I can escort you out and we can try again from there. The third way is I chase you out." The wolf said. From her knowledge of ranks and the way the wolf looked, it had to be a guard of some sort. With a soothing coo in her voice she answered “I’m terribly sorry, my nose is not that great. I guess I could smell the border walls. The Queen you say, well if she is busy I suppose we can go with number two.” With a soft smile she got up and flicked her tail. Well this was going to be great, she thought, this was going to be just swell. The guard she had met was grumpy, her stomach was empty, her body ached all over, Yibio was no where to be found, a stupid bird up in the treees near them was sqwaking and chattering at them to go away and by the looks of the guards he would lose if they got into some kind of quarrel. Her ears itches, her paw pads hurt and her gums were soar, what more could happen to her other than the fact that she had been running for two days straight and had nothing but a small Yarrow leaf to eat. Yes, that’s right. A Yarrow Leaf. This was insane, she basically just signed her death wish. But she had to start somewhere. With a tiny flick of her ear she then added “My dear, I suppose I owe you an apology. You seem tired and quite annoyed. I’m sorry if I interrupted you duty’s.” |
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OOC: Bear with me here, I'm gonna do a character swap here and it'll be a bit of a monologue. Their profile links are in the top of the post code here!
![]() I hope you know what you're getting into...
“I’m terribly sorry, my nose is not that great. I guess I could smell the border walls. The Queen you say, well if she is busy I suppose we can go with number two.” Kyra was in no mood for pleasantries or smooth tones. She just huffed and nodded her head to make the other walk towards the borders in front of her. Like a prisoner. This was gonna be a long damn walk and she was in no shape to make it that far, nor should she waddle this far away from the dens. She was as big as the moon and about to give birth. “My dear, I suppose I owe you an apology. You seem tired and quite annoyed. I’m sorry if I interrupted you duty’s.” Kyra narrowed her eyes, oh this was not going well at all. Everything the trespasser was saying was irking the mother to be to no end. "Stuff it and keep moving. This is my job." Kyra growled. Oooooof craaaaamp. Kyra was waddling and couldn't keep up. Walking like a beached land whale of epic proportions. She was literally about to pop any day now. Then suddenly she caught some movement and his scent crossed their paths. "Thank the Moon, ARIK!" She stopped and yelled into the thicket where he had been trying to hide. Never had she been so glad to see him. Out stepped a dark, moonsided and very tall, long gray legged Fringe Dire, with a bright blue stripe from his nose to the tail tip. He looked wary of the stranger, but he was honestly more wary of the pregnant guard shouting his name. "Found her trespassing by the lake. She decided to try better at the border. So take her to the border and continue the introductions there." Arik stood wide eyed and blanched as Kyra ordered him. "You- what?" He tried to take a step back but the heavily burdened female was already on her way back to the dens. "Make some use of yourself! Hopefully you're better at this than making kissy faces!" She yelled at him over her shoulder. "Its not-!" He tried to shout after her, completely taken off guard. He stood for a second wide eyed and looked at the new comer. "my job..." He mumbled almost to himself. He had no idea what he was meant to do or how to do this. What did she mean about kissy faces!? "Uhm... Kyra?" He glanced back at the fading red woman, hoping she was just teasing him and was planning on coming back... She wasn't. He knew she had a good reason to hand it off but... to him!? Of all people??? "Lets... uh... go, I guess..." Arik said, nodding to the newcomer. Instead of pushing the new girl ahead like Kyra had, he came alongside her and pulled himself ahead to lead the way. While Arik was tall, he was much less the intimidating type. He was also far more trusting than the red female. On their way to the border he would quietly glance at her. A concerned look on his face. If she was easy to take to the border he wouldn't speak until they got there. "Here we are..." He said at the border. He was very much out of his element, he felt like he was doing something very wrong and that he was just not allowed to be here and do this. He was a priest for Stars sake! "So... uuuh... What's - I'm Arik, well I guess you figured that out... What's your name and why are you here?" He asked awkwardly. Not able to meet the other's eyes and decidedly trying to look anywhere but at her. Maybe Kastra was working the borders, would the Prince come to his rescue?
Photo © Wes Hicks / modified coding © vixxie's codes |