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![]() The first few nights in this strange and wonderful land known as El Dorado was quite exciting for the young wolf. The jungle was nothing Illidan has ever seen before. He had been used to temperate forests surrounding the mountains, the cold ocean breeze floating their way as the family snuggled under a weeping willow tree. He had not yet seen the beautiful spring of wild flowers that would certainly bloom there this year, but instead he climbed over vines bearded with moss and leaped over boulders that dammed crystalline waters. Oh how he searched the place for hours upon hours!
The boy could hardly get enough of the scenery, but he knew he had to sometime mingle with the natives and get to know people. After all, he was living with a unit of wolves now. A pack, a concept he hardly knew of as he grew outside of one and only with family to support him. Illidan was quite intimidated by that factor, but was also eager to learn and co-exist with these odd feathered wolves. He had questions! Walking from the dense forest, he would find a path cut into thick brush and lush grass, one he followed that lead to a thinning of trees and out into the open. The sun was just beginning to rise to peak the sky to the fullest, blue eyes squinting against the blaring light. As he rounded a few brush and walked the path a few dozen feet, Illidan paused to witness a structure made of stone. The geometric patterns of such a structure puzzled and awed him. "What a magnificent mountain..." ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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the ingenue...
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|«| el dorado |«|
the ingénue; Sparrow As much as she enjoyed a good nap, Pearle had things to tend to and she couldn’t allow herself to be viewed as lazy by sleeping in. Before the first rays of sunlight even crept over the tribal lands the grayscale daughter was moving. The sun painted the ground in a warm, honey golden light, the ocean reflecting the dapples of pink and orange as it churned. Her own pearlescent feathers reflecting the delightful hues as she moved; the rays draping themselves over a valley. The sound of animals above in the canopy grew and grew with each moment the warmth of day increased. Birds called, and monkeys squealed, bounding from branch to branch. The crickets and frogs were ceasing their nighttime songs, readying themselves for bed in the daylight hours. The Sparrow wanted to stop and take it all in, but she was on a mission to check one of her mother’s tea gardens and take back leaves if they were ready. Today she would make more teas, mostly for her practice, but also because she thought she might do another tasting again and wanted to make up some more recipes. Something new and fresh, expanding upon her mother’s ideas and making them her own. She must move forward. Even if that thought made her sick… The small Aviari timber was working her way towards the pyramids, one of the many locations of tea gardens her mother had planted in the tribal lands. For the most part, the other members of the tribe were good about leaving the smaller gardens alone so that the leaves could grow in exactly the ideal location. Pearle always worried over them though, even prior to her mother’s death, but moreso now. The savages might not be trusted to be polite to things that were within reach of the public—that or they might think they could make better teas than she--. As if. A loud ‘humph!’ escaped her nose as she shook her head in disgust, marching to check her leaves. The Sparrow reached her garden near the pyramid and inspected her plants gently. Almost ready but not quite, she would have to seek out another garden if she intended to do any brewing today. Pearle had not noticed the rustling of another in the grass until she heard a soft voice call out in awe, mountain? The Crystalline girl reached the peak of the point in the path she was standing, looking out to see the speckled boy with long locks staring at the pyramid. Mountain? A brow perked and she giggled, approaching delicately but with all the typical pride and affluence of a high blooded daughter. Why would he call it a mountain? But icy eyes spied he was larger than expected and it occurred to her that he might be an outsider and not a rogue Aviari. He had pretty speckles…. ”Hehe… That’s not a mountain, it’s a pyramid. T-this one is known as T-The Nest, the l-larger one is Xiuhcoatl's Keep, a-and behind it, Xiuhcoatl’s Roost, that o-one you can’t see though, its private.” The grayscale girl would smile playfully, stalking her way towards Illidan with all the grace of a runway model; she stopped short though seeing as he was large to her… ”I’m Pearle, a Crystalline daughter… Y-you can call me Peep though, if you want…” Her voice was as soft and dreamy as ever, letting her opalescent feathers rest delicately where they lay, fixing her narrowing eyes hungrily on the boy, ”A-are you… an outsider?” It was just fascinating how all these strangers were suddenly in Syn Cardrys... |
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![]() The soft giggle caught Illidan's attention, head turned and pale blue rested on a gray figure with opal-fire feathers. Ah, another one! Crocodile didn't have them, did only some have this strange trait? Being young, he didn't understand why he didn't have feathers, yet his parents didn't either. None of his siblings or the strangers he met along the way.
The Avari corrected his statement, that it was a pyramid and not a mountain. The boy tilted his head in puzzlement, but accepted this information as it sure wasn't a mountain. The shape wasn't right. So indeed, it was a pyramid. He smiled though, looking back to the structure and immediately wanted to go inside. What was it like in there? Like a cave? Did it have strange shapes inside just as it did outside? What did it all mean? His view though was a little obstructed by the girl standing before him, even if he was a little taller than her. "Oh, uhm.." he paused, lifting a paw as if to step back. Illidan would stand his ground, only seeming a little taken aback by her being there all of a sudden. "I'm Illidan... What do you mean by 'Crystalline Daughter'? You.. don't seem to be made of crystal..." A brow raised in question, though now that he thought about it, that was stupid of him to ask. Of course people weren't made out of crystal! Titles, my boy, existed in the world. Of course, now that this Pearle or... Peep? Narrowed her eyes and had such determination in her features, Illidan stepped back once with that raised paw and decided to sit down. "I was.. I recently joined El Dorado. It's... such a wonderful place, I never imagined anything like it." Illidan took the time to glance around him, back to the pyramid and beyond, into the clearing and the forest line where colorful birds squawked and departed deeper into the territory. He had been somewhat of a dreamer throughout his childhood, even now he was very soft spoken and airy like he was in a fantasy world all his own. Blue eyes eventually tracked back and landed on Pearle's where he offered a simple smile. "Why do you ask?" Is it that obvious? ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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the ingenue...
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|«| el dorado |«|
the ingénue; Sparrow He turned to look at her and Pearle took the opportunity to really play up her strut towards him, charming smile with glittering feathers billowing lightly in the breeze. She’d giggle again in the approach, coquettish, soft. This boy had blue eyes too, but they were pale like a storm cloud in contrast to her icy, vibrant ones. Pearle had to admit she was a little disappointed he didn’t seem more awestruck by her arrival, but she supposed he didn’t know yet what a special treat he was receiving by getting to meet her. But he sat down and seemed interested enough in learning about her and the tribal lands, and she would gladly teach him. After all, she was determined to be a Dove and it seemed like this was an excellent opportunity to show off her vast knowledge of the tribe and to prove she could be a good teacher. So the grayscale beauty hummed slightly, sitting on the ground a short distance from Illidan, wrapping her tail around her paws, letting her feathers settle. Illidan, Peep tasted the name in her head, though her eyes remained just as ravenous as before. It was interesting enough, but his comment about her making made her giggle again. This time it nearly turned into an up roaring laugh, but she politely reigned herself in, no need to be rude. Though that obviously! answered her question as to whether he was a natural member of the tribe or not. The young girl would take a moment to brush the fur out on her chest just a bit, smoothing around the edges before turning her head to display her feathers, touching them lightly. Paws following down her frame, lingering at each spread of opalescent feathers, preening them gently. ”You’re funny… Crystalline is a family name, it’s a bloodline. It means I come from the best and most prestigious bloodline in the entire tribe. I am the absolute perfect specimen of an Aviari Timber. My family is ancient, we have the purest and strongest blood in the tribe. Being a child of the Crystalline family is a high honor. My family has done great things over the years, we have helped our people grow and flourish, we have been advisors to the past Phoenix’s and their rules. While I am slightly small for a Crystalline—seeing as I have such extravagant feathers and a full spread it’s not a surprise—we can be recognized often by our coloration and size. We are often grayscale or soft, such as myself, with opalescent feathers across all spreads… That means all the places where we could grow feathers, we do because of our superior breeding.” The Crystalline would rise then, turning around slowly so he could take her all in, letting her feathers shine in the sun’s dawning light. Raising them ever so slightly before giggling and settling back down, wrapping her tail back around her paws and shyly leaning her face into the feathers around her jawline and shoulders. Pearle would bat her eyes at him before continuing, ”There are other bloodlines too, not quite as old or as healthy as ours, but some are close I guess. There’s the Sanguine family, it’s the next oldest for sure, they’re pretty good. Typically, reds and browns. The Sanguines are real honor bound types, at least now, in the past they had some of their family bring ultimate shame and leave the tribe so they’ve been trying to prove that they still value their homeland. Then there’s the Sapphires,” Peep would pause to tsk, tsk after their name, shaking her head solemnly and meeting Illidan’s eyes while placing her paw on her chest. ”They… Oh. Bless Xiuhcoatl and the God’s good hearts. The Sapphires are rude, spiteful really. They only named their family that way to try and insult the Crystallines. They tend to be dark colored, with extra fluffy fur. They’re not a very old family and they’ve recently had a great shame because one of their sons became a Chiroptera! That would be bad enough but one of their daughter’s went and had a son with a Riverine, it’s an utter disgrace to have a bastard child. Bless his heart at least he’s duty bound to his tribe. In all honesty I can’t believe it was raised by a Sapphire, he’s such a heart worker, a Jay, one of our warriors. He’s rescued many during the war, myself included. Pity their family’s reputation is being upheld entirely by a bastard…” The gossip would pause and shake her head softly, lost in her thoughts. Sad eyes would meet Illidan’s, she genuinely felt bad for them. ”The Riverine family is a newer one. They’ve only recently become a family with a consistent bloodline… Problem is that newer bloodlines are typically very sick, they aren’t as healthy or as lovely as I am. They’re blue and green, with horrible dispositions.. Not much else to tell about them… Then we have Obsidians and Opalites… Obsidians are pretty plain for Aviaris, they usually never have a full spread and honestly, if they’re extra small and extra angry, it’s probably an Obsidian. Two of our Rocs are Obsidians for some outrageous reason. Opalites are…. Hardly a family honestly. Easy to recognize because their pelts often look like the starry night sky they’re always staring at. They don’t do much work, a little odd honestly. They have wonderful colorations though, which is a fantastic trait for any Aviari to have. We also have rogues, they don’t come from any one family. Most of them behave like uncultured savages but occasionally you’ll find one who is well mannered. I try to go out and help them when I can, they often allow themselves to live in such deplorable conditions and it just… breaks my heart.” She was now balancing again, as she often did, so that she could touch both paws to her chest, letting out a listless sigh. The boy spoke dreamily about the tribal lands and Pearle couldn’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance at that name he used… ”Hmmm. El Dorado is a new title bestowed to the land by a very new Phoenix… Our tribe has, and always will be named Syn Cardrys. It might be beneficial for you to be familiar with them both.” Especially since one is accurate and the other is a strange joke? ”But yes, it’s beautiful here. Our Gods have blessed our land to be magnificent. I can’t imagine why anyone would ever want to leave. You’re from the outside lands and here you are marveling at our home. Tell me, is outside our home even worth it? What is it like? What is the draw?” Pearle was so eager she’d nearly edged herself into his face to ask, but she refrained, instead sitting back down and smoothing her feathers, batting her eyes at Illidan as she waited for his answer. |
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January 15, 2019, 11:33:14 AM
(This post was last modified: January 15, 2019, 11:35:24 AM by Illidan.)
![]() So much information would spill from this strange creature, one who called herself Pearle and Illidan would suck up the information like a sponge. Eventually some of it would be squeezed from him to replace new information of course, but for now he listened intently. Feathers of a rainbow hue glistened brightly in the sun as she preened them, blue eyes obviously fascinated by the fire within them. She was very pretty, indeed and had a sense of prestige around her that Illidan thought familiar. His own mother was the same way, so soft and subtle in her movements. They both held a certain grace.
And of course, Pearle confirmed that her bloodline was of high status. The eldest in fact and what they did for El Dorado, or Syn Cardrys as she would later correct him. They were superior and their feathers the most beautiful, which Illidan couldn't exactly counter as he has never seen feathers like hers that reflected hues as they did. "They're quite beautiful, yes." Was all he could stammer before she continued. Explanations of the different bloodlines, what they did and how they were colored. The boy took mental notes in order to try to keep this information alive in his brain in case he ever came across another Avari wolf from the other families. Illidan's expression grew from interest however to confusion and slight dismay. Were bastard children really all that bad? The boy wondered because in all honesty, he could be considered a bastard child. Raised in the wilderness away from Sol Katti's status and home. A queen with a former protector of her when she had a mate and children now scattered about in the lands of the neutrals. He would never know the hardships that plagued Saboro. "I don't think we're all that bad..." he muttered, glancing down to the grass before lifting his eyes to continue her speech. The more this girl talked, he came to almost realize she was a little opinionated on a lot of things, though in truth Illidan was never exposed to such stances. Zasha had been so open and accepting of all of his children. Drooped ears folded back some, wanting to change subjects yet was respectful enough to let her finish at least. "I'm sure you do your best." he said, nodding slightly. Did she think he was an 'uncultured savage' considering he was an outsider? Or was that reserved to the rogues that lived throughout this place? "Oh... my apologies, I was.. just told it was El Dorado. I will keep that in mind." Crocodile was definitely not one of them, he didn't exhibit the feathers these Avari had. Outsiders were welcomed here, Illidan had been accepted in, yet he wondered if this Phoenix was feathered or not. That tone Pearle had made the boy think otherwise. Questions finally reflected back, challenging him to describe his home. "Well, I think the outside is worth it, yes. Everywhere I've gone has been a wonderful experience so far. Different lands, different people. I loved my home, but I also love exploring what there was beyond that." Illidan's gaze dropped again as he thought, a single heart string pulling taut. "I wish I could've said goodbye to my family, I miss them greatly, but I'm old enough, I think to make my own decisions. So... I went further and further... eventually I found uhm... Syn Cardrys? So here I am, and this is a marvelous place. I just think that there could be other places just as extraordinary too." The world itself was beautiful. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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the ingenue...
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|«| el dorado |«|
the ingénue; Sparrow The speckled boy watched her with interest, and she soaked it up greedily, enjoying the way it felt to have someone stare at her, even if his staring wasn’t exactly as carnal as she would have pleased. Pearle would never admit it, being a lady, but she loved when others found her attractive whether she returned that feeling or not. But he was young, and so was she, and he was so new to the tribe, she imagined he probably thought there might be something more lovely than she to ogle. The Sparrow would let him learn the hard way that that was simply just not an accuracy. Her movements were soft and well directed, each expression was poised and dramatic without being comical or nonsensical. If her blue eyes hadn’t held such a gentle warmth she might have been seen as the perfect little robot underneath her silvery pelt. Each gesture and word carefully crafted, having lost her nervousness in her tirade and kicked it to the curb as she continued to talk to the boy with her honey sweet voice. He was clearly a smart boy though, with working eyes because he concurred with her about Crystalline feathers and she trilled delicately in his direction. And then he listened, thoughtfully, and Pearle hoped he sucked every ounce of her knowledge up and retained it beautifully. She was giving him such a beneficial little lesson abo— He muttered? What.. What was that? The Sparrow cleared her throat aggressively, leaning towards the boy now with soft, if ever so slightly narrowed eyes. Expression cool, wrapped across her face without even the slightest suggestion of the sudden indignation boiling under the surface but if Illidan had any instincts he might feel a chill down his spine. ”Hmmrmm… What. Did. You say? I-I’m sorry… I didn’t hear.” Those striking blue eyes would linger, batting delicately at the boy, it might not have been anything rude after all. Though it was certainly impolite to mutter when speaking to someone. Pearle suddenly understood why her teachers had hated it so when the other Nestlings had done it in classes. But she’d ruffle her feathers instead, edging closer into Illidan’s space before taking a deep breath to calm her irritation—he was an outsider, perhaps he was never taught… ”Come, Illidan. I’ll show you the inside of the pyramid…” Pearle spat out softly before forcing a bright, pleasant smile onto her face. Swallowing down the anger that had boiled up in her throat. She’d clear her throat again and stop to touch her paw to her chest when he answered her about her charity work. ”Why thank you… You’re welcome to come help me sometime. Now that you’re a member of the tribe you’ll want to participate more.” But she wasn’t looking at him to see his slightly dejected expression. But when he apologized for his not knowing the tribe’s name she stopped short of the entrance of the pyramid and whirled around to reach out and cup his face between her paws, ”OH! Please, you don’t have to apologize Illidan! I was simply making sure you knew, as it is important to know these sorts of things. It’s certainly not your fault you weren’t properly explained the two names. See, I wish to become a Dove, those are the teachers of our tribe. They raise up our children and teach members about the tribe and its history. Our tribal name is of great importance to our history as a people, I feel it’s my duty to help you understand that since you are new here. I simply seek to help you, no apologies necessary for lack of knowledge. You aren’t an Aviari or a native, you couldn’t possibly know these things but the way our tribe functions and interacts is unique. I just want to make sure you aren’t at a disadvantage! I want you to feel welcome.” With a healthy amount of Crystalline bias. The girl turned back then to the steps, after having expressed her great kindness towards Illidan and motioned for him to follow her into the pyramid. Here was the marketplace, hustling and bustling with wares, Peep would look back to smile brilliantly at him as she motioned with her expressions to look around. The new Sparrow spoke with such wanderlust that Pearle was almost jealous, but she still couldn’t understand how someone would want to leave the tribal lands if they were already here. There was so much here for them to have. ”I see. You have a dreamers heart. My mother said my father had one too…” A statement, lacking is typical Pearle coo. It wasn’t spoken dreamily, in fact the mention of family had upset her a bit and she fought to hide it. But curiosity was a bitch, ”I never said goodbye to mine either… Though I would hope your situation was better than mine… Tell me about your family Illidan. I want to hear about them.” |
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![]() The sudden shift in mood Pearle presented when he muttered startled him, but the intimidation look wasn't enough to say him. Illidan was used to the unsettling gaze of a mother who once ruled a blood thirsty kingdom, it wasn't unusual to see such a look. So, the boy just shied his gaze from her, shrugging slightly. "It's nothing, just talking to myself. Sorry about that." Voice was calm and cool, he wouldn't worry about the details. Once he heard the ruffles of feather, blue eyes would glance back up at her and watched her go back to being a serene bird of paradise as she thanked him for his compliments on her work.
Body stiffened as he felt a pair of paws on his face, eyes glancing to her arms for a moment before looking into those ocean eyes. Surprise would paint on his face as well as fascination as she painted yet another picture about her pack's lore. She was quite knowledgeable, for good reason as well since she was aiming for a position to teach. Illidan was a good starting point, the boy smiling as he was a little happy to help someone already here. "I.. I do feel welcomed, thank you. I would appreciate any teachings you wish to give, Pearle. I'd love to learn as much as possible and... maybe it'll help you in your goal?" After all, teaching an outsider of lore and rules would be a great advantage and perhaps would impress somebody. Illidan was a sponge for knowledge. Once he was let go, he would watch her approach the stairs of the pyramid as she motioned for him to follow. The boy would stand then, his lanky legs making haste to go inside. A plethora of Avari and shops met him at the doorstep and he looked around in awe. There was so much to see and do in here! Wonder was broken as Pearle caught his attention again. Brow furrowed as the mood shifted to a darker tone. Indeed Illidan was a dreamer at heart, one to reach for the stars and set out on adventures to find them. To learn and to see the greater beyond. "I suppose I do.." he commented, wondering if her father had left El Dorado in search of his own wanderlust as Illidan had. Pearle didn't get to say goodbye to her own family, either and the boy couldn't help but smile solemnly. "I'm sorry you never got to say goodbye..." It hurt to leave loose ends. Illidan would weave to the side to stay out of people's way before he sat down and sighed. "We lived in a field under a willow tree. It brought us comfort and warmth. Protection... My mother was very loving... Sometimes she seemed so sad. Yearning for something, perhaps. My father is a good man, he's special." Zasha was something unique, something special that no one could understand besides his loved ones. He wondered if Pearle would find him stupid because of his disability. A hitch came to his heart at the thought of him and Illidan shook his head lightly to keep the tears at bay. "My siblings are like me it seems, they all scattered to the winds on their own adventures. Which is what inspired me! I wanted to find my own way and... well here I am." In paradise. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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