Saboro Ring 2  vacant [prp]
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Sincate They/Them
Posts: 31
Pronouns: They/Them
Location [IC]: Saboro
Rank [IC]: Sabora
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: sincatetitle_by_lunecy-dc1d33o.png]
They stood tall upon a boulder, over looking the entire territory as the glacial blue lake glistened under the overcast sky that shed snow in a steady stream. The Sabora huffed, a ghost of breath waving in the calm northern breeze. The echos of animals could be heard even beyond their valley, a herd of strange beasts they would come to hunt in the coming spring. For now it was a sport to catch rabbits and other small game around.

It was so quiet, so vacant of life. Sincate was unused to the quietness around them. Saboro had been so full of fervor. Now it evaporated into the mists of the jungle where most of their people had vanished. Some followed them to this northern valley, and some had tagged along during the adventures.

Sincate squinted against the heavy snow fall, licking their nose to feel the warmth and then the biting cold that followed. They breathed in deep before making their way down from their perch. Work was to be done now, a seed in their mind.

The forest floor wasn't completely covered yet, a thin layer of ice formed in the lower portions of the valley. Winter was here and it would now be harder to travel around in a few hours. Luckily, Sincate was faster than the relenting weather, as they made haste toward the borders. There, they would find the one they were looking for. A flash of blue and tan against the white. "Hidalgo." they called with a rasp, standing feet away.

"Come, let's find shelter."

I wish to talk with you.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦

[Image: pixel_potion_bullet_by_suzukimikan-d5eqwb7.png]

We have a lot more in common
than you would be calm with
It's like we're the same person,
me and you
We both don't know we can do....

[Image: profilebutton_by_lunecy-dbvc6ca.png] [Image: gallerybutton_by_lunecy-dbvc6bp.png] [Image: pinterestbutton_by_lunecy-dbvc6d5.png]

[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
Hidalgo She
Eras end above us
Posts: 32
Pronouns: She

All Accounts Posts: 843

[Image: __i_can_be_your_shooting_s_t_a_r___by_as...9vj7mt.png]

[Image: rainypuddles___divider_by_crookedantlers-d9ogqzt.gif]

She greeted winter the best she could, braced herself for every burst of cold air that hit her fur, the thin layer of frost that coated the ground was all too telling. Soon there'd be snow to follow, winter was here, and it rode the wind. Nose twitching as she walked along the tree lined outskirts. The wind rustling through the pine trees and Hidalgo huffed a content sigh.

Quiet day, though it would only get slower with the oncoming winter snow, trudging through that would be an absolute nightmare and only idiots would seek to power through it to join a pack, but wasn't that the kind of forward thinking they valued here in Saboro?

An ear flicked back at the crunch of grass and snap of twigs, the rustle of bushes, and at first she'd think it was another sentry come to switch shifts, it wasn't until they got close enough, actually called out her name that the blue female turned around with raised brows and a tilted head. Well this was an interesting turn of events. "Sabora! Hoooowdy-hoooooo! Blessins upon you!" There came that glinting, toothy grin, followed by the glow of warm golden eyes.

The sentry would turn around full then, keen eyes looking them over, hmm, ears perked again and she'd give a nod. "Sure, sure. I know a spot pretty close by here." She said with a click of her teeth. They'd walk in silence for a short amount of time all the while Hidalgo attempted to pick her brain for any bit of reason for this little meeting. Ooof, what if they're here to kill you. Though her brow furrowed at the thought, had she done anything worth being killed by someone of royal status? Hmmm, put a pin in it.

"Ah, here we are, pretty great right?" She turned slightly to glance at the Sabora sideways, a big grin upon her face as she stepped into the base of a large hollowed out tree, sitting back on her haunches as she patted a spot next to her all welcoming. "You know, someone told me long ago that we're built to endure this kind of weather, dunno if they were telling the truth cause they died in the winter, but who knows. But anyway!!!" She paused glancing to the other curiously. "To what do I owe this honor, Sabora? Not that I doubt enjoy the company." It was spoken with nonchalance a shrug of the shoulder, a cheshire grin.

It's me, it's me, you've come to take
My duality awakes
By midnight time I could not see,
If I were you or you were me
« profile played by: waka »

Sincate They/Them
Posts: 31
Pronouns: They/Them
Location [IC]: Saboro
Rank [IC]: Sabora
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: sincatetitle_by_lunecy-dc1d33o.png]
Hidalgo greeted them with enthusiasm as always, a spunk that almost grated against the nerves, but Sincate was content with this choice. Enthusiasm was never a bad thing, in fact it was almost too good to be true in times like these. With the coming of a blight and the winter snow moving in, it was a comfort to know someone was happy with where they were. In fact, the Sabora was kind of glad there was no bowing of the head, only a simple greeting and a smile.

They felt more... like a person that way rather than a figurehead.

"After you." they said, a little surprised but at the same time, not so much. Hidalgo knew the borders, the little odds and ends some might miss. Observance was something the Sabora held highly, and already this blue sentry impressed them.

A little walk in silence and they found a hollowed tree, one that could fit both and shield them from the biting cold. The snow would eventually become heavier, but for now the storm was calm. Serene almost. Hidalgo invited Sincate in to sit next to her, the Sabora obliging and sat relaxed, relieved to be out of the biting cold. Their fur was thicker than most, but where fur was thinnest still invited the cold to nip.

"It's... yes, neat." they offered, though a little unsure of where to even begin. "I think we'll survive... I hope. Not with a creature running amok, but I'm sure we'll find... something. In any case, I wanted to inquire about something." Conversation was never Sincate's strong suit, and even now they struggled to gather the words.

"You've done quite well in Saboro. I'm rather impressed. I feel as though I can trust you." But their trust was not easy to give. Not after Crenate. "What future do you see for yourself and Saboro. What do you wish to see?"

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: pixel_potion_bullet_by_suzukimikan-d5eqwb7.png]

We have a lot more in common
than you would be calm with
It's like we're the same person,
me and you
We both don't know we can do....

[Image: profilebutton_by_lunecy-dbvc6ca.png] [Image: gallerybutton_by_lunecy-dbvc6bp.png] [Image: pinterestbutton_by_lunecy-dbvc6d5.png]

Hidalgo She
Eras end above us
Posts: 32
Pronouns: She

All Accounts Posts: 843

[Image: __i_can_be_your_shooting_s_t_a_r___by_as...9vj7mt.png]

[Image: rainypuddles___divider_by_crookedantlers-d9ogqzt.gif]

She noted the struggling in the Sabora to manage conversation, it wasn't exactly everyone's strong suit, especially when it came to small talk. Hidalgo was just naturally good at playing a person or a crowd for that matter. Talk had always been her forte, and it was a useful enough skill back in the Valley, hell it got her an accidental rank after all. And hell, Hidalgo was ready to straight up body this entire conversation if she had to, after all it was a chance encounter that couldn't go to waste. Not many got to sit and talk with the Sabora and Sabor.

But, Sincate offered some very interesting little bits of information that she was not aware of. Creature running amok? Well, the sentry had noticed some odd smells here and there, strange noises and the like, but nothing too out of the ordinary. She'd whistle through her teeth, feigning bemusement. "Strange creatures, huh? That sure is something. The borders have been decently quiet from where I stand." The blue woman gave a shrug.

Though this next bit did surprise her, the compliments just came raining down and Hidalgo merely blinked, her mouth falling into a buttoned up line. Oh? Was this a ploy to butter her up? Cause if so, it sure the hell was working. "Oh ya know, it's just my job and stuff. You know me, anything for the service." The Sabora might feel as those though words were insincere especially with that glinting smile, but it was kind of 50/50. "I did tell the Sabor that I was pretty good at reading people." She'd give a stretch and shake out her coat.

"Hmm, hopefully a good one? Where we're both still kicking." She chuckled softly. "Jokes aside, I was talking to a few oldies around here, you guys used to be super powerful, not saying we're not powerful right now, buuuuut we're sorta in our infancy again, you follow?" She glanced at the Sabora, bright eyes glimmering. All packs had cycles. "We've got a lot of empty ranks, a lotta newish peeps. I think we want the same thing, you and I. That's based on how successful the pack is, it's our home after all, no one wants their home to crash and burn." There was a shrug.

"Pardon my wording, but new brains to pick would be neat too, but I'm getting ahead of myself." That dark grin pulled her lips upward again. "There was this saying from my old home, a house is only as strong as the structures that support it. Whatever the fuck that means, hahaha, just sounded smart to say in this moment." The blue female could help but full belly laugh.

It's me, it's me, you've come to take
My duality awakes
By midnight time I could not see,
If I were you or you were me
« profile played by: waka »

Sincate They/Them
Posts: 31
Pronouns: They/Them
Location [IC]: Saboro
Rank [IC]: Sabora
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: sincatetitle_by_lunecy-dc1d33o.png]
Sincate glanced over to the sentry with a wide glance. They weren't surprised they didn't know of the monster lurking, or perhaps Hidalgo just wasn't observant enough. She wasn't there for the little meeting where the black goo splattered against the forest. "If you see any black... slime... Stay clear of it. Something is amiss and I'd rather not loose my best sentry." Despite not realizing the compliments streaming through, there was truth in them as well. Hidalgo had been the most efficient sentry they had. Which is why they were having this discussion.

The silence was filled by the blue sentry though, and Sincate listened intently. The Sabora was good at that. Observance was important. She seemed to have the same thought process. Saboro was dry, especially after the fallout. Things needed to change, and they nodded along with every sentence, agreeing.

"Whoever told you that saying is very wise. Our structure had rotted. It collapsed under the weight and now we are here. In the mountains, far from the jungle and..." Sincate paused, almost calling the volcano Mother. They were at her mercy, but no longer. "In any case, we have a lot of work to do. I'm here to ask for your help."

No one had a one-legged house after all. It needed structure. The foundation was there, but now the main pegs had to be placed in order for the wall to be built. It would take time, Sincate knew this. It wouldn't happen over night. Time would tell if they were to fail or succeed. The Sabora hoped the thorn crown would not poison them as it had former leaders.

"I have noticed your work, Hidalgo and it's impressed me. So you want new brains to pick, then I suggest you pick them. Pick them from recruits to slabs and slabs to sentries." And perhaps more. "You will be the first of the Elites." Sincate turned their head fully this time. "Saborako will be your title. You'll lead the sentries and protect our home. Do what you will to ensure we become as strong as we were. You won't be alone in your seat, but until the rest are filled, I'm allowing you to place people in ranks they deserve. If they're incompetent... well, I'm sure you know what to do." Hidalgo was smart, after all.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: pixel_potion_bullet_by_suzukimikan-d5eqwb7.png]

We have a lot more in common
than you would be calm with
It's like we're the same person,
me and you
We both don't know we can do....

[Image: profilebutton_by_lunecy-dbvc6ca.png] [Image: gallerybutton_by_lunecy-dbvc6bp.png] [Image: pinterestbutton_by_lunecy-dbvc6d5.png]

[-] Likes: Kiri
Hidalgo She
Eras end above us
Posts: 32
Pronouns: She

All Accounts Posts: 843

[Image: __i_can_be_your_shooting_s_t_a_r___by_as...9vj7mt.png]

[Image: rainypuddles___divider_by_crookedantlers-d9ogqzt.gif]

Black slime? The female simply made an amused expression, her mind didn't drift nearly as long on the who's or why's. "Oh, hmm, gross." She said with a snorted chuckle. "Whatever it might be, it hasn't touched the borders, so it must have either come over the mountains or would've already been here before we arrived." The blue sentry would hum with a shrug of her shoulders, it was the only thing that made sense realistically speaking.

Ear twitched and she gave a small nod, very wise and also very dead. The cycle of empires was no different anywhere else, all great things ended and then began again, like an ever turning wheel. Perhaps Saboro would never be what it used to be, but they could all learn from past failings and grow from them. There was hope in that, so when Sincate asked for help, Hidalgo turned with raised brows. "Ohhh??" Bright eyes flickered and that smile began to curl upon her lips. What would you ask of lil ol me?

Ah!Teeth glittered as black lips pulled upward to reveal them in that darkling grin. Well now! Hard work really does pay off, look at that, a promotion and a fancy new rank. "Aw, well ain't that neat!" The woman chirped. "Thank you very much, Sabora. I'm extremely humbled and honored by your choice." A dip of the head and golden gaze would meet blue. "I'll be sure to keep up the good work and make sure our sentries have the same work ethic." Though she could only imagine the backlash from a former co-worker that was now her underling, that's so wild, ha.

"As for when the time comes to pick a co-Saborako, would it be okay if I offered my own suggestions? I have someone on my mind already, but I'd have to test her and she'd reeeeaaaally need to impress me in order to impress both you and the Sabor. I won't bother you with her name just yet, just wanting to know if the option was on the table." Claws would tap lightly against the dirt floor absentmindedly.

It's me, it's me, you've come to take
My duality awakes
By midnight time I could not see,
If I were you or you were me
« profile played by: waka »

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