I'm just a poor boy. Nobody loves me. [FINISHED]
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Arnoux he/him
Posts: 7
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All Accounts Posts: 385
(This post was last modified: January 01, 2019, 09:55:05 PM by Arnoux.)

[Image: aetlHPF.png]

       The sun was midway on its journey to the horizon with the bright rays glinting off the sea. The cliffside was treacherous with its height alone making someone dizzy but also the jagged rocks below. The cold winds blew towards the cliff, like it wanted someone to succeed the trek.

       The wind blew against his back as the male traversed the cliffside. He was a broad-shouldered figure with thick, rough fur covering his muscular body. He was a tall figure but was a bit aways from lean or slender being used to describe him. His fox-like ears were alert as he carefully placed each large paw down. His  red feathers - yes, his feathers - were flexing upwards from the top of his head, shoulders, and rump as he moved showing that he was nervous. He had little on his body except for a small satchel that looked like it had been made for someone smaller as he could only fit it over his head and neck.

       Arnoux hoped that he had found the right place, he had followed the directions his mother gave him to the letter. He remembered her telling him about these cliffs though nothing had prepared him for the treacherous sight before him. He wanted to turn around but he had to complete his mother's task, to return home, to return her home to El Dorado. She wanted him to be among her kind though she cautioned him about the prejudice that he would receive. A mongrel and the son of a Chiroptera to boot; he would face challenges everywhere he went. But the hybrid hoped that she had been over-exaggerating but was prepared to face the truth.

       The scents here smelled like his mother's and the Aviari-Dire stopped where it was the strongest, the border. There was no turning back now as he had made it so far. He was apprehensive but took a calming breath to soothe his nerves. He had to do this, it was for his mother. He had already been the talk of the neighborhood with his feathers when he was a pup so this wouldn't be too much of a difference. His mother had spoken of the beautiful, lush jungle that lay within the home of the Aviari and he wanted to see it. And then he let out a howl that sounded exactly like his Fringe Dire father, loud and wild like the Fringe itself. It called for acceptance, of homecoming. And then the brown and white beast sat down and politely waited.

Crocodile He/Him
Posts: 25
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(This post was last modified: December 11, 2018, 12:24:02 AM by Crocodile.)

[Image: 8oP6W8M.png]

    Even if he didn’t want to, Crocodile had to pull his weight in this pack somehow. Crafting and healing were not things he was into. He had never tried because he knew that it wouldn’t work out. Maybe being a fighter, a Jay, would be easy, but he still wanted to be seen as actually doing something, not a just, of the moment, big hero guy. So he had gone with the Lark rank, a simple job that also gave him an excuse not to be seen by others. This was one of the moments, too tired of the large cliques in El Dorado. The lizards all squirmed in his fur as he walked the cliff area, as if wanting him to back off (you’re barely an adult, you need to watch your steps, your paws don’t fit yet).

    In all honesty, Croc had hoped he wouldn’t run across anyone. This place seemed so hidden, who would find it? Him and Ku had been led here by some apparent pack deserter. And yet now some random was calling from the border, wanting to test if they were worth being in the pack. As the boy walked towards the call, he wondered if he should straight up turn them away. They probably weren’t aviari, which seemed to get the members far in this place (at least at the moment. maybe brother would change that). But his eyes widened in some surprise as he came across the stranger, looking at the feathers that resting along their body. Was this the same as Rune, someone who left before? But instead now back in hopes of making some amends?

    As Crocodile approached, his monster eyes looked the boy up and down. They seemed larger than the aviari’s around the area. Full feathers, from what he understood, but just bigger. “Who’re you?” He looked around, as if to see if another feathered wolf would show up. “You leave this place before? Tryin’ ta get back in, or somehow some bird-dog was born outside El Dorado?” He didn’t know much about El Dorado or their history, let alone the civil war. In his mind, this boy must have left during the war and now that things had settled, he had crawled back. Tried to skip the hard times. Of course, he didn’t know he was wrong, and seemed to say he might have been born outside the pack as if it were some easy to see lie. Well, he’d learn some more today.

[Image: fdELObg.png]
Arnoux he/him
Posts: 7
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 385

[Image: mU3RIEH.png]

       Arnoux knew that he was at the right place, though the male that greeted him was not what he expected. There weren't feathers anywhere on his body and he didn't even have the scent of his mother's kind. A closer eye revealed that he was crawling with lizards and it took all of the male's power not to cringe at the sight. Gross, slimey creatures that were only good for consumption. Definitely not good for decoration, or whatever the green wolf was doing with these creatures. Were they his companions of some soty? He really hoped that this was the right place because if it wasn't, then the hybrid was up shit creek without a paddle.

      The male's speech was rough and it took a second for the Aviari-Dire to realize that the man was talking to him. The language used was rather crude - it was Aviari and not "bird-dog" - and it didn't seem like the refined ways that his mother had attempted to school him in while she was among the Fringe Dires. For a split second, the red-feathered rogue looked a bit miffed but soon responded with an air of refinery that had once belonged to his mother.

      "I am Arnoux, son of the Chiroptera, Jexabel, and of Fringe Dire Bleiz," the golden-eyed male stated. His mother had never been shy to say that word about herself and he knew that he would be judged for her sins. So he might as well get it out of the way now. "I wish to join El Dorado to right my mother's wrongs of forsaking her kind and hope that I will be allowed entry." There was always a chance that he'd be turned away based on his mother's crime and he accepted that possibility a long time ago. "I come bearing the willingness to learn the ways and bring gifts as well." He had managed to make some ornaments with the scant resources and time that he could find in the Fringe. Sure, it wasn't the most amazing creations, but the brown and white bastard hoped that they were good enough.
Crocodile He/Him
Posts: 25
Pronouns: He/Him

All Accounts Posts: 446

[Image: 8oP6W8M.png]

    Part of Crocodile hoped that his appearance made the Aviari question where he was. He wanted to be a weird introduction to El Dorado, maybe for fun, maybe to show that a new person was in power. It would probably come as a shock that Kukulkan was now their Phoenix, their King. Crocodile stood there because of his brother, and wanted to make sure no one challenged him. All of this, though, he wasn’t thinking, he was doing without even knowing. If Croc put some thought into his actions, he might realize but at the moment, it was just something he was doing automatically. But that also didn’t matter much, as his monster eyes rested on the large boy in front of him. It was up to Crocodile to decide if this man was allowed in, and he had never done this before. There was no fear of failure, though. He could judge someone.

    "I am Arnoux, son of the Chiroptera, Jexabel, and of Fringe Dire Bleiz," It took him a moment to make connections between the word ‘Chiroptera’ and where he had heard it. It wasn’t a rank title, he knew, but he had heard it before, mainly on Rune. He made a good assumption on this point, unlike his assumption on Arnoux’s history. "I wish to join El Dorado to right my mother's wrongs of forsaking her kind and hope that I will be allowed entry." Ah, a family man. Crocodile could understand that - after all, it’s why he stuck around in this strange land. But to Crocodile, these were not good enough reasons. El Dorado had a lot of Aviari, and a lot of ranks filled.

    "I come bearing the willingness to learn the ways and bring gifts as well." Crocodile’s eyebrows - or rather the dots on his forehead the represented them - went up in interest. Now, he could probably be bribed. There was also the fact they had crafters, which made this a valid reason to let them in with such a skill. Crocodile sat down. “Show me.” Truthfully, Crocodile would be amazed by almost anything shiny. He would wave his paw towards the ground, signalling to put the items in a pile on the ground. There was almost a calm excitement to him, as much as the held back boy could have.

[Image: fdELObg.png]
Arnoux he/him
Posts: 7
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 385

       It became apparent to Arnoux that the male who was greeting him was not an adult in spite of his size but a boy. It was the reaction to the mentioning of gifts that confirmed it, though that  explained the rough manner of speaking. The gifts were to be given to someone who could judge his craft and not some kid who would just want and not admire the craftsmanship that had been put into the jewelry. The jewelry had been difficult to make in the Fringe with the lack of resources and tools but the male had managed to make the jewelry, though he knew that he could have done better. And who was going to see the hybrid's work? A child.

       But the Aviari-Dire was in no position to make demands, one wrong move and he could jeopardize his entire mission. This was a delicate situation and he had heard stories of what happened to those who made the wrong move when trying to gain acceptance to a pack. The Aviari wouldn't be as harsh as the dires, right? Gods, he hoped not. The male made a quick plan in his head as he knew that there wasn't too much he could do. But if he was anything, he was a quick thinker. The brown and white male had a lot of pride in his creations.

       "I'll give you a sample of my craft," the red-feathered rogue said with a charismatic smile. The boy didn't tell the male to show him all of his wares and with that the male had a bargaining chip. The hybrid pulled out an amber necklace that had been painstakingly polished, shined, and drilled into to make a hole for the string. It was fine craftsmanship though he knew that it wasn't his best. "I would prefer an appraisal to be done by a fellow artist; a trained eye who could help me improve."

       "I would appreciate it if you would summon a pack member who could formally accept my request to join," the golden-eyed jeweler said a moment after he had shown the boy the jewelry. His words were formal and polite, almost as honey-coated as his eyes. The Aviari bastard had already stated his name, reason for being on the borders, and had shown what he could contribute to El Dorado. What other information did the boy need from him?

OOC: Sorry for the wait! Made some assumptions, please let me know if I need to edit anything!
Crocodile He/Him
Posts: 25
Pronouns: He/Him

All Accounts Posts: 446

[Image: 8oP6W8M.png]

    Crocodile would let this guy think he knew what he was doing. "I'll give you a sample of my craft," Arnoux took out a thin line of amber. Crocodile pulled it close to him (mine), as if to inspect it. His mother had been heavily decorated, apparently from the Old Empire. Crocodile wanted to take after her in that aspect. "I would prefer an appraisal to be done by a fellow artist; a trained eye who could help me improve." Crocodile frowned at the aviari, as he was groping at the necklace and comparing it to his fur. It was meant to be a necklace, but tied around his ankle a few times could work as well. See, I’m an artist, he thought sourly.

    "I would appreciate it if you would summon a pack member who could formally accept my request to join," Now Crocodile made it very apparent he was unhappy with such words. The Lark went to grab the entire satchel, to spill it out in front of them. He wanted to see everything that was inside. He tied the amber around his wrist, making no move to take it off. If Arnoux looked at him in some way, Crocodile’s face and body would just scream that whatever he wanted, he took. To make up for the lack of respect, obviously. Still, Crocodile would find this as a way of forgiveness. He wouldn’t take everything, but he’d take what he liked and consider it even.

    “I decide if ya get into El Dorado.” There was a slight growl to his voice. He’d start to move the crafts around to get a better look. If Arnoux tried to stop him, he’d simple snap at his face, hoping the guy knew better. “Of course ya don’t know what’s happened. After tha civil war, a new guy became Phoenix. My brother is a good Phoenix, I think. That’s why ah can have this job, yeah?” Itai was already in the pack when they came in, already holding a rank and not being an aviari, but he didn’t have to spill that. “Tell me ‘bout tha good stuff.” He’d gesture to the crafts.

[Image: fdELObg.png]
Arnoux he/him
Posts: 7
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 385
(This post was last modified: December 16, 2018, 02:59:49 PM by Arnoux.)

       Arnoux watched the boy bring the necklace forth though it didn't seem like he knew the purpose of it seeing that he immediately tried to use it as a bracelet. 'Figures,' the male thought as he watched with a calm facade. He wanted to get this process over with and was eager to finally bring a part of his mother home. He also wanted to immediately get into the jewelers sect since he had seen examples of the Aviari's craftsmanship via his mother's belongings and had always been curious of how they were made and where they had come from. So maybe he had been a little impatient but the hybrid had been as polite as possible.

       'Son of a bitch!' the Aviari-Dire thought as the youth grabbed his satchel and dumped all of the contents out. All of his hard work that he had planned to show to the craftsmen were strewn on the ground though that wasn't the first thing on the male's mind. Other than the urge to cuff the boy for his rudeness - even though it wasn't his place to - there was something more important on the lightning-eyed male's mind.

       His mother's prayer beads and her feathers were the objects he tried to grab for. The polished amber glinted in the sun with the pieces of obsidian contrasting with the ground. And the monochrome feathers that had also been his mothers, molted feathers he had picked up when he ran from home that he had brought with him to bring his mother home. The jerkass could have his jewelry for all the red-feathered rogue cared but not the most valuable things.

      The only thing that stopped him from grabbing them was the snap of teeth inches away from his skin. All of the golden-eyed males composure went down the drain as his voice teetered on the edge of a grown and a plead. "Those are my mother's" he said, almost close to a exclaiming. The boy examined them before carelessly tossing the belongings back to the male. The disrespect made the brown and white bastard's blood come close to boiling and it took every ounce of control he had not to attack. He reigned in his emotions and added, "The satchel was also hers too, please be gentle with it."

       It took all of the golden-eyed male's composure not to portray any other emotion other than the cool expression that soon returned to his features. His brother was the Phoenix? The male hoped that it was an older brother or someone more mature than this barbarian. The male bit his tongue as he wanted to ask if the boy's brother was the only reason he got this job. But the man would bide his time until retribution or karma came for the boy. The dire-blooded bastard wouldn't let this go.

      "As you can see, I brought a necklace of amber-" the honey-eyed male indicated the amber wrapped around the boy's leg. "- and a bracelet -" the bracelet in question was made for smaller creatures and would be useless to such a large creature. "- and a necklace," the male indicated the shiny piece of metal that looked like a wide tooth that was wrapped in a leather cord. "I brought these mainly as an example of my work as most of my other works were lost in the rockslide," the male's voice faltered on the last word as he remembered what had happened. "Is there a guild for craftsmen or jewelry makers like myself?" the hybrid male asked. "I've always been interested in where they got their materials from and how they shaped them."

OOC: Italics indicates thoughts.
Crocodile He/Him
Posts: 25
Pronouns: He/Him

All Accounts Posts: 446

[Image: 8oP6W8M.png]

    Crocodile wasn’t sure how far he could go. Could he just snap at this guy, tear his face to shreds? For once he was actually thinking. It was too soon since his brother had become Phoenix. Too soon that people associated them together. If Crocodile did something bad, it would possibly reflect on his brother. Could he get away with attacking such a disrespectful Chiroptera bastard? Part of him thought, despite it all, he could get away with it because who in the pack would care about this guy. These aviaris barely liked one another, why would they like some traitor’s kid? But instead when the guy said the beads were his mother’s, he felt some kind of softness (they’re ugly, he mumbled to himself) and a missing for his own mother. They had left without knowing it would be the last time they saw her. He threw the beads back.

    The satchel, he didn’t care about. He simply tossed it to the side, having no use for it. Instead his monster eyes went to the necklace, the actual bracelet too small for him to have any use from. He wasn’t sure why Arnoux would even make it, Crocodile thought with a small raising of his lips. "I brought these mainly as an example of my work as most of my other works were lost in the rockslide," He grabbed the necklace, putting it around his throat. Also mine, he thought. This left the boy with a bracelet to show the other aviaris. Part of him was still angry, some at the way this guy was acting, part at the fact that Crocodile wasn’t sure how he himself could act. He’d have to press the line to find out, but it wouldn’t be worth it right now. "Is there a guild for craftsmen or jewelry makers like myself? I've always been interested in where they got their materials from and how they shaped them."

    He rolled his eyes. “There’s ah rank fer craftin’.” An entire job dedicated to it. He didn’t speak of the collectors, figuring it wasn’t something Arnoux was interested in. “Yer gonna have ta really work. These natural born aviaris, ya see, snobbish an’ up tight.” A grin played on his lips. “Unless yer family is willin’ to claim ya despite being a traitor’s kid and being a bastard, yer gonna struggle.” He shrugged. He wanted to fuck with Arnoux, even if it was slightly true. “If yer willin’ ta struggle to get ya place, then I guess I can let ya in.” He would be taking his chosen items as a price to get in, though. He’d watch and listen to see what Arnoux thought.

[Image: fdELObg.png]
Arnoux he/him
Posts: 7
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 385

[Image: wvT4xNT.png]
       Arnoux wanted to rip this disrespectful bastard's head off but that would end badly if he gave in to that temptation. What he said had been a mere suggestion - and it made sense to him - and now this boy was taking it personally. Well, it was to be expected from a child who freely took from the male's collection and everything else in the male's prized satchel. He thought that any respectable creature would see the wisdom in allowing someone with a trained eye to see the man's craft Wouldn't want some person with trash for skill to claim that he was a skilled jeweler to waltz into the pack? Where was this kid's parents?

       The Aviari-Dire was thankful that the boy didn't take his most prized piece but instead the ones he had little to care about. Might as well take his more shoddy creations and wear it as a trophy; they were less valuable and it was evident that less time had been spent on them. So things may have worked in the male's favor and it would get his name out there if one of El Dorado was wearing something that he made. The bastard's face didn't even shift to show his satisfaction as the boy might take it the wrong way. No need upsetting the child.

       For once the kid was being helpful as he answered the brown and white bastard's question with additional information. The male took the bracelet back and placed it in the satchel along with the other belongings that the boy didn't appropriate. What could be called a smirk graced his face as the boy told him what he would face in the pack. Believe me, chevreau, the moment I set out on my journey here, I was aware of all of the cards stacked against me, the red-feathered rogue said as he pulled the strap of his mother's satchel over his head. So, what's next? A tour? Being brought before the Phoenix? Or leaving me to my own devices?

I apologize for the wait!

Crocodile He/Him
Posts: 25
Pronouns: He/Him

All Accounts Posts: 446

[Image: 8oP6W8M.png]

    ”Believe me, chevreau, the moment I set out on my journey here, I was aware of all of the cards stacked against me,” Crocodile shrugged. The wolf got off easier, probably, because his brother was the Phoenix. For now the two were close, and they would protect each other. Meanwhile, Arnoux had nothing and no one. Croc would find some kind of happiness in watching the aviari struggle with how the families played in this land.

    ”So, what's next? A tour? Being brought before the Phoenix? Or leaving me to my own devices?” He gave a snorty laugh. “Yer not special enough ta see my brother, not enough for me ta drag ya there.” Ku was still rebuilding this place, turning it from Syn Cardrys to El Dorado. “Follow me. Don’t get lost.” He’d barely give Arnoux time before heading towards the tunnels. In silence the Lark would lead the aviari through them, going the ways Rune had shown him the first time he had entered this land. Once they entered the light, Crocodile would turn towards him “Welcome to El Dorado. Go fuckin’ nuts.” He’d wave his paw, signalling him to be off wherever he went. Crocodile would head back into the tunnels.

welcome to el dorado! you don't need to reply~

[Image: fdELObg.png]
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