Private Roleplay lessons in pride | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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the ingenue...
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December 06, 2018, 02:21:27 PM
(This post was last modified: December 06, 2018, 02:38:01 PM by Pearle.)
|«| el dorado |«|
the ingénue; Sparrow It seemed like decades had passed since the monsters had came into their hiding hole and took momma away to her death. Such a beautiful, loving creature, and they’d killed her just as they’d thrown poor sweet Pandion from the pyramid. Savages. The whole lot! And they had the audacity to say that it was the high blooded families that were cruel? Pearle had always politely scoffed the criticisms away as they’d never meant much to her but since the war they’d echoed in her head. How could the low bloods be so confused? So wrong? How… How… How could they have done this? The wounds around her throat and legs were healing up but it seemed the memories didn’t want to heal up or fade away. She still remembered screaming for her momma, and for her brother and hearing the cackles of those dreaded beasts outside their hiding spot. She still remembered the blood curdling snarl of the Jay that came to rescue her caught in the fray. They’d plucked away some of momma’s feathers, but Pearle wouldn’t let them keep them for long. The child cried and wept an awful mess of tears and pleading and the disgruntled Jay returned to the scene to delicately fetch them for the girl. He’d received no thanks from Pearle, she’d been too distraught to offer a bastard much of anything—not that she’d done much more if she’d felt up to it--. The grayscale child had just been happy to have them, and had taken them delicately back to the den where they had lived together for them to remain. Pearle figured it was more honorable for her mother’s feathers to rest in the beautiful home she had built for her children than next to a blood stain and a hole in the ground. Tiny tears dripped each time she thought about that awful scene, running down her fuzzy cheeks and landing with a plop to the dirt below. Today was no different. The aroma of tea leaves and flowers drifted through the air of the den, outside lay a small rabbit carcass that had been caught and left for the girl by the same Jay that had rescued her—he had tried his best to not care she was by herself but with no jokes to crack he’d decided he might at least make sure she was eating--. But Pearle hadn’t touched it, she had no appetite even if she liked the idea of being doted upon. The Crystalline daughter missed her mother a lot today, she wished and begged that it was some dream, that this had been her true Trial and that everything would be well soon. That the Judges would judge her false Trial as they had did her true one and deem her the strongest and most loyal. Then her mother would be returned to her. Their God could do that couldn’t they? Return mother? Pearle sighed heavy and reached out to grab the bundle of her mother’s feathers gently, drawing them into her chest. Eventually she would pick herself up, she was Crystalline, she’d have to… But until that moment, it seemed that momma’s little Peep would just lay with what she had left of her mother, resting silently in the den they had made. It felt empty without the voices of her mother and siblings, but a sound outside brought her back to the present and she felt her whole body tense up. What if it was them again? What if they’d come to finish the job? What if the war wasn’t truly over? Fear caught in her throat and she hunkered down, trying to protect the feather. "H-h-hello?" was all she managed to choke out while trembling like a leaf. |
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M i r i a m
They were all hurt from the war, some worse than others, but still hurt. There were no winners in the conflict, only losers. All lost, none gained. No matter what one family said, the war benefited no one, and it made it all the more aggravating for the Crystalline woman. It still wasn't clear who instigated the war, but Miriam remained convinced it was someone on the other side, those who rose up against the elitists. They were the ones who started this whole mess, and now they were still picking up the pieces. The incident with her uncle, Pandion, hit her hard, but not as hard as losing her beloved ferret, Cyprus. The murder of her companion was unforgivable. If only she knew who did it....
The blue and silver laced woman stepped lightly through the jungle foliage, Kai and Saline riding upon her back as usual. She had just finished her shift at the market and decided to do a bit of preening at a stream. Some quality time alone was a necessity to fit into her schedule. She couldn't go a day without grooming and beautifying herself. It was heresy to even consider doing so! Her appearance had to be in tip-top shape every single day. Someone had to bestow beauty and grace in these lands. On her way to a nearby stream, she caught the scent of a nearby carcass. It was peculiar, because there were no other scents carried with it, at least no fresh ones. Changing direction, she decided to make a detour to the stream and investigate this lone carcass. What fool would waste meat? Miriam glanced out from behind a clump of thick foliage, and saw a rabbit corpse lying abandoned on the ground. She turned her nose up in disgust that someone would just leave it there. Did no one have manners in this jungle?! Leaving a carcass out to rot, stinking up the whole land, PAH! It was revolting and utterly disrespectful. Moving out from her cover, she approached the carcass. Hovering over it, she bent her head down to take a whiff. There was another scent there, much fainter. Someone obviously dropped it off here, but who? Looking around, it was then that she spotted the den sheltered among tea leaves and flowers. There was a muffled sniffling sound coming from within, causing Miriam to perk her ears and twitch her feathers in surprise. The aroma of the plants and carcass masked whatever was hiding in the den, sending the Crystalline on alert. Cautiously, she began to approach the entrance, body tense in case she needed to dodge at a moment's notice. "H-h-hello?" Miriam stopped, another bout of surprise mixed with a newfound confusion painted her face. The voice was meek and feeble, barely choking out the simple word. Feeling like there was nothing to be on edge about, the woman straightened up, relaxing her feathers. Kai and Saline relaxed as well, the latter of which had been coiled up, ready to strike. The former had been cowering in Cyprus' pelt. The woman glanced back at her two companions with a reassuring smile before turning back to the den entrance. "Hello, darling. It is I, Miriam of the Crystalline family." Her voice was leveled and radiating confidence. Whether or not this individual cared what family she was from was of no concern to her. Also, a small lecture was in order. "Why is it that you have left a perfectly good rabbit carcass outside? Surely you were taught that it is bad etiquette to waste food?" |
the ingenue...
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December 08, 2018, 01:25:28 PM
(This post was last modified: December 08, 2018, 01:26:10 PM by Pearle.)
|«| el dorado |«|
the ingénue; Sparrow The fear in her throat was starting to choke her, she squeezed her eyes tight. She could be such a lady and such a witty little thing when she wasn’t frightened, but a whole other side of her escaped when she was afraid. Oh how she hated it, detested it, it was an insult to her bloodline and her people as a whole to behave like a little chicken. And yet she had no knowledge of how to override this awful setting that had been installed on her during the war. The silver child tightened her grip on the feathers, eyes wide and still wet with the tears she had been crying previously. Her back claws were digging uncomfortably into the den ground but she couldn’t stop the reaction. There was nowhere to run if they came into the den, nowhere to escape from. Was she a fighter? Was she strong enough to do damage? It was dreadfully unladylike but she knew if she was threatened… that she wasn’t bold enough to fight. Peep let out a shaky breath and listened as a calm voice called in. A Crystalline? Miriam… She recalled the woman, she was a Dove and Magpie. Peep wanted to be a Dove… The Sparrow was about to call back out to the woman when she spoke again, chastising her for leaving food laying. Pearle’s ears pinned back and she looked at her paws, Miriam was right. Of course she was. Pearle should have, at the very least, had the decency to bring the carcass inside away from the entrance where the Jay had left it for her. She was a true lady though and she would own up to her own mistakes. ”I-I a-apologize lady M-miriam, I should have at least brought it in after it was left for me. It was i-inconsiderate and highly inappropriate to leave it laying. ” Pearle was not unfamiliar with chastising herself, in fact sometimes it seemed she did more of that than anyone else ever had. She just… her family had such a high honor that she dare not fail them. ”I allowed my feelings to, to d-distract me from my learned etiquette.” The young lady tried weakly to rise, but was unable to force her legs into motion. Pearle blinked weakly, instead laying her head back down for a moment. She probably should have eaten it when he brought it because now she realized she had needed it. ”I am Pearle. A-also Crystalline. Daughter of Geode and the… l-l-late E-esmeralde.” Her father’s name sounded like a business partner but she was barely even able to choke out her beloved mother’s name. Perhaps some company would be nice and Miriam had good manners to not barge in as many might have—like the Jay often did--. So she would weakly scrabble to rise into a sitting position as she called out to the fellow Crystalline woman, ”I believe a t-touch of company would h-help settle my nerves. If-if you are not busy Lady Miriam. You are welcome to c-come in.” Surely if the woman walked in, she would see Pearle still holding her mother’s feathers and the remnants of tears on her face as she attempted to right herself. She was a lady, it was time to act like one. |
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M i r i a m
”I-I a-apologize lady M-miriam, I should have at least brought it in after it was left for me. It was i-inconsiderate and highly inappropriate to leave it laying. I allowed my feelings to, to d-distract me from my learned etiquette.”
Hm, well, at least whoever was hiding in there had the sense to own up to their blunder. It was apparent this one had manners, which won brownie points toward Miriam's approval. However, it was the last thing they said that peeked the woman's interest. Obviously this individual was distraught due to their stuttering and strained voice, but what could have put them in such a state? Naturally, Miriam's curiosity was enticed, but what the girl said next made the Crystalline woman pause. ”I am Pearle. A-also Crystalline. Daughter of Geode and the… l-l-late E-esmeralde.” Those names...she remembered those names. In fact, she remembered the owners of said names, and her feathers began to bristle. A snarl started taking form on her muzzle, but she caught herself. Now was not the time to dwell on past transgressions brought about by those heathens. Right now, there was a young Crystalline that needed her help. "Pearle..." She cooed, letting the girl's name roll off her tongue. "That's a beautiful name. Your mother had good taste." She assumed it was Esmeralde who named her daughter, seeing as Pearle choked up when trying to even say the late woman's name. A maternal instinct started taking hold of Miriam as she let the girl's situation sink in. She wasn't a Dove for nothing, after all. ”I believe a t-touch of company would h-help settle my nerves. If-if you are not busy Lady Miriam. You are welcome to c-come in.” The girl's meek voice alone was enough to tug at the woman's heartstrings. Miriam may be vain and selfish, but not heartless. At least, toward certain individuals (Crystalline mainly) was she not heartless. She happily obliged to the girl's invitation, and just as she was about to step toward the den entrance, she remembered the rabbit carcass. Glancing down at it, she decided it was doing no good wasting away out here. Bending down, she grasped the rabbit in her mouth before making her way to the den. Stepping inside, she let her vision adjust to the dim light. There in the gloom lay the mournful girl, an opalescent feather held in her grasp, tear-stained face glistening in what light managed to find its way into the den. Miriam placed the rabbit in front of Pearle, pink eyes filled with sympathy. She knew all too well what it was like to lose a loved one. It may have been an animal companion, but damnit, he was like a child to her. She would carry him around on her shoulders for the rest of her days. "Oh dear," she began in a soft voice, eyes glancing down at the feather for just a moment. "The war did no one any favors, darling, but it's been moons now since its resolution." Although, there were still lingering wounds from the conflict; wounds that could not be seen. "It's time to continue on with life, dear. I'm sure your mother would want you to succeed instead of wishing for something that you cannot have." Stepping closer, she delicately pushed the rabbit carcass closer to the young girl before lying next to her. "Come, the time of mourning is past. A new dawn rises. It's time to make your mother and family proud." |
the ingenue...
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|«| el dorado |«|
the ingénue; Sparrow On top of her pain was now embarrassment, she’d embarrassed herself by forgetting her manners and worst of all, in front of a Crystalline! Maybe if it was a lower blooded, or the bastard Jay, but a Crystalline woman? And one with the status of Lady Miriam? Thankfully she knew that a proper lady would be willing to forgive the impropriety, most likely. When the older Crystalline woman complimented her name, Peep managed to stutter out, ”Th-thank you Lady Miriam. Mother was… q-quite an exceptional woman.” The compliment barely whispered out. Oh how the tiny girl wished she could live up to her mother’s image, or Lady Miriam’s or.. or well any Crystalline really. Pearle felt her stomach turn in wretched awful knots, if she had not just invited the woman in, she probably would have just curled up in self-loathing. But she had to straighten herself up, she had to, there was no other option but to compose herself. She was a LADY, her little face wrinkled in every manner of agitation and frustration, but Peep eventually lifted herself from her laying position. Soft paws found her mother’s feathers, drawing them up carefully into a delicate pile. The woman was large and sparkling, just as a Crystalline should be. Sometimes Peep wondered why she was so small, she knew that extravagant feathers were often to blame but… still. Many things she could change about herself, but her height was not one and she felt dwarfed by the fully grown Aviari woman even if the size difference wasn’t that drastic. Miriam sat the rabbit down and Pearle muttered a soft ‘thank you’, eying it closely. ”The bastard Jay brings them. He rescued me from the attack…” Her tone was soft and matter of factly, lacking in the typical gratefulness one might expect to possess after having their life saved. But Peep knew that it was Valravn’s duty as a Jay to protect the pack, even if he was a bastard, he was still an Aviari and a Jay, he did his job when others did not. If nothing else, she would not forget that others Jays did not come to save her when the bastard did. If nothing else, he was duty-bound to his tribe. She respected that, the poor awful beast. It was hardly his fault he’d had such a sullied line of breeding. Nevertheless, it often showed. She’d blink her eyes for a moment, allowing Miriam to take the situation in before she spoke. And of course she was right, Pearle knew she was right. Crystallines were always right, it was why they had been advisors in the time before the war. Peep was proud of the prestige of her family, she must do more to honor it. ”I know Lady Miriam. I-I apologize. I had expected to be stronger, and-and to move on and serve my tribe. T-this was more than I… I-I feel so alone, I’ve met other Crystalline’s in passing and meetings but my m-mother, s-s-siblings…. …. I-I think I temporarily, in my heartbreak, forgot I do still have a family.” Blue eyes would turn to the elder Crystalline for a moment. ”I-I have already passed my trial. I think I’d like to be a Dove, Lady Miriam. O-one day I want to be.. a Turul, or a Griffin. Like our ancestors were.” |