The lone sabre | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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December 01, 2018, 09:08:24 PM
(This post was last modified: December 03, 2018, 04:35:34 PM by OzzySabertooth.)
A long time ago When RazorShade was a cub, During a Rainy day. He was Running from A rogue Short faced Bear after seeing it kill his family and ran as fast as he could but felt his lungs burning in panting from running and he suddenly slides down
a dry river. Then he gets back up and continues running from the Short faced bear. He soon hound a hiding spot and he went in and hope that the Bear didnt find him and the bear passed by, running. Then RazorShade comes the hole that was digged and He walks For a while looking for a home, But he Accidently runs into Vines that was covering the enterance of a hidden cave and decided to live there and then days passed by and soon he grew up, Becoming a Full grown Sabre and lived alone and was able to handle of his rivals and enemies. But He has still thinked thinked about the past of what happened in his cubhood. |
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The ice and snow around the silvery she wolf made her feel at home, though she felt the loneliness like an icicle through her heart. Her family was miles and miles away, but she had been determined to go out and find her own way. The stubbornness of her own decision might have been what kept her from returning to her mother’s side, but the fresh scent of adventure was behind every glacier.
The she-wolf found the base of the colliding glaciers, her bright eyes unable to deter her spirit in wanting to reach the top of them. Even with the summer sun the cold of the North was evident in the breeze and the snow that lingered on the earth. The climb would be a challenge, but what was worth having if you did not have to fight for it. She found herself smirking at the slippery path that teased her, and with little more hesitation she started up the almost path. Bloodbird’s journey was just as difficult as she expected for it to unfold. She slipped more times than she wished to remember and as she began to reach the middle once more her front leg erred and her chin was bashed against the hard ice. Bloodbird sucked her breath in at the sting and broken skin. Blood welled up in the superficial wound, but she again regained her footing and completed her mission. All of the North lay sprawled out before her, and she was still and silent in her awe. Her brilliant gaze took in the scenery as she turned to take in all before her. With a triumphant feeling welling in her breast she pulled back her head and howled long into the intense wind that whipped all around her. She had won against the elements.…now. A different smelled filled her nose other than blood, ice and snow. Bloodbird jumped onto a giant 1800 acre spot of grassland, spots of snow, and woodlands. From there she was standing right in front of a large Sabre…Bloodbird nodded her head in respect. “Hello.” |
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Almost Sparkles
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December 02, 2018, 01:30:29 PM
(This post was last modified: December 03, 2018, 04:34:35 PM by OzzySabertooth.)
Razorshade was out of his cave enjoying winter since thats his favorite season each year since it makes him happy. But then he looks at bloodbird in front of him "Hello, What are you doing out here?" he Asked while he sat down in front of bloodbird and was curious About Her since RazorShade was comfortable around wolves that are no threat to him.
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“Hello, What are you doing out here?"
Since she had no real good answer other than walking around, she looked up at the sky. A gust of wind whipped across her face, the sky was darkening. A snow storm was coming, and Bloodbird had been in one before... she didn’t want to caught in one again. “The sky, it’s darkening. I’m looking for shelter, before the storm hits… what about you. What are you doing out here?” It was a stupid question, but it was simple. So it was small talk,she was good at that. In almost any conversation, she would small talk. But it didn’t much matter, as long as she was speaking, weren’t they all just words. She shook her head to rid the thoughts, and turned to the Sabre. “Are they any good places around here for hiding?” She asked quickly. There was a time limit on speaking before the snow covered her pelt. And she didn’t want that. |
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Almost Sparkles
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December 03, 2018, 04:42:23 PM
(This post was last modified: December 04, 2018, 12:04:45 AM by OzzySabertooth.)
He looks sideways Making sure no one was looking at us, But He seemed ok with bloodbirds then he thinks its ok to give Away his secret home "Well, I love winter because it makes me feel happy and comfortable. Since your looking for shelter how about you come with me at my Cave?" He offered even Though was raised not to Trust strangers but He Feels like he can trust her. Even though He was meant to Protect his territory But He wasn't Careful Either She could be a Enemie or a friend But He felt Like He can be trusted With Bloodbird.
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“Well, I love winter because it makes me feel happy and comfortable. Since your looking for shelter how about you come with me at my Cave?".
She smiled, he seemed nice. “Why not. As long as my pelt isn’t covered in snow, I’m fine with what ever!” Bloodbird laughed and let her head fall to the side. She remembered her old cave, it was large and stalagtites hung from the cave ceiling. Her brothers and sisters all shared that cave until they became too big, Bloodbird remembered her first steps outside the cave. The sun shone bright in her eyes as she jumped around. She shook her head slightly to get rid of the thoughts. Although they seemed like wonderful thoughts, every event had dark secrets hidden within them. Bloodbird smiled once more and her ears flopped around. “So, where to?” |
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Almost Sparkles
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"Follow me and you'll see" He sais while He heads back to his cave leading her to it. He looks back and sees that they are leaving a trail of their pawprints, He thinks that he should cover them so that no one can find them to his cave. He then thinks again about the pawprints thinking that bloodbird wouldn't find her way back without them, So then He continues leading her to his cave.
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"Follow me and you'll see"
“Great!” She said, a little too loudly. She begins walking, deep paw prints trail behind her. Bloodbird watched him, her eyes unmoving. She sees him turn his head back towards the prints. She moves out of the way so that he can see but his head mov s back around. She gets his idea. Bloodbird began hoping inside his paw prints, her feet sink into the Sabre’s large print. She begins to laugh under her breath as she remembered her mother’s large prints. When winter set in, she would trail behind her mother and her four siblings. She was the only one that hopped inside her mother’s prints. Bloodbird bounce around in his prints, going back and forth. Her tail whipped around as her body lifted and dropped onto the ground, snow flung into the air and looked as if it were snowing. Her heart raced and laughter escaped her muzzle in loud burst’s. |
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Almost Sparkles
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"Its not far from We should be there any time now" RazorShade said while they walked to his cave And As soon as they arrive Razorshade moves the vines as he enter in the cave and he lay down right in the back of the cave and he start licking, cleaning himself while bloodbird comes to the cave and He looks up at bloodbird as she approachs and He starts to get a little sleepy and then starts to sleep.
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Almost Sparkles
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But Razorshade didnt felt since he isn't tired so then he Chews on a Bone while He waits for bloodbird to arrive then he decides to come out of the den And walk around the snow near his cave since he loves winter. He then climbs a tree looking at the view and then he lays down on a branch as if he was a Jaguar falling asleep.
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December 07, 2018, 11:22:52 AM
(This post was last modified: December 07, 2018, 10:19:39 PM by Bloodbird.)
She began to walk inside, but she stopped when the subre walked back out again. She ran back a couple passes and crunched down, starring at the Sabre. She crept closer. Bloodbird was so close, she jumped at his tail like a pup would his mother. The only thing stoping her and his tail was the stupid tree he had climbed up on. She glared up at him.
“Heyy, that’s not fair.” She said laughing. Bloodbird jumped up at his feet and tail, each time close,but not close enough. She hit the ground one last time before the first couple of snowflakes fell. And by a couple, the really meant thousands. She looked up at the sky, her ears and tail being flung everywhere. Snow kicked up in her face as she began jogging back towards the cave. The vines where like whips, if she wanted to get in she would have to rely on timing. Bloodbird whatched the vines. 1…2…… 3! She jumped in and landed safely on the ground with only a little nick in her left ear. She panted and sigh as she flopped down on the cave ground. Bloodbird twisted her head around to see if the Sabre was coming. |
Hows it going?
Almost Sparkles
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December 08, 2018, 12:27:30 AM
(This post was last modified: December 13, 2018, 08:33:30 AM by OzzySabertooth.)
I come down and come back in the cave then clawswipe a little bit of the vines for bloodbird and I Lay down near her "So Isn't it comfy?" I asked while she Was laying down and I yawned meaning that I am tired so then I fall asleep, I started to snore a little sounding like a big cat be petted.
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Bloodbird watched him as he walked in. The Sabre walked in through the veined with ease, and she watched in amazement.
Jeez. She thought to herself. How strong is this guy anyway? He had crawled down into slumber a few feet beside her. Although with this storm, there was no way she could ever fall asleep. “Huh.” She sighed to her self and layed her head down beside the Sabre and Bloodbird soon fell into the voidless slumber known as sleep. She hated sleep, no hate was a strong word. She disliked sleep, it brought dreams with it and some seemed sad. That’s what she hated, sad dreams. Those sad dreams were always about her parents each on different from the other. The not so sad ones were annoying. Bloodbird sometimes snarled at them in her sleep. |
Hows it going?
Almost Sparkles
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December 13, 2018, 06:39:36 PM
(This post was last modified: December 13, 2018, 06:40:32 PM by OzzySabertooth.)
Razorshade open one of His eyes Looking at bloodbird after hearing her growl And He twitch His ears trying to go to sleep Then He lick his fur, cleaning myself For a while, He looks at Bloodbird From hearing her growl then He starts to think in his head "I wonder whats bugging her in her sleep could it be a Nightmare?" He asked himself in his head. Then He thinks That He Is part of the nightmare in bloodbirds sleep so then Moves to a farther spot to sleep on.
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(Ooc: sorry to cut this short)
The feel of his fur brushing up against hers as he left was enough to make Bloodbird awake. Her eyes shot open, but she didn’t move. Her tail swished slightly and she looked over at the Sabre. "I wonder whats bugging her in her sleep,could it be a Nightmare?" She grumbled and closed her eyes and she rolled over. Bloodbird’s paws twitched a little and she tucked them in. With this, she was in the voidless sleep. Visions of light flashes sparkled in the didstance. |
Hows it going?
Almost Sparkles
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(Its fine and RazorShade Is a male)
RazorShade Suddenly Looks at Bloodbird and Sees her awake "So your awake already?" He asked While He was at a different spot, But He stilled wondered if Her Nightmare woke her up so then He Tries to fall asleep again so that He would rest |
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December 15, 2018, 04:08:06 PM
(This post was last modified: December 15, 2018, 04:08:26 PM by Bloodbird.)
While she was awake he asked her a question. It was a muffled question but she understood most of wha he said.
"So your awake already?" He asked. “Yes, for now…” And after a few second she fell asleep, although she didn’t fall complete asleep this time. Bloodbird looked over at the Sabre, he was asleep. So she got up quickly and quietly. She looked out into the cave entrance. It wasn’t snowing insanely,she stepped outside and took a big breath in and out. Bloodbird looked around, and a brown object caught her eyes. Rabbit! She dropped into a crouch, and began to stalk up to the prey. The unsuspecting rabbit munched on what little grass was left in this winter season. Bloodbird was a few fox lengths away, her mouth began to water. She growled quietly, and with a big pounce she was on top of her prey. With a quick bite to the neck, the rabbit fell limp and she walked back to the cave were the Sabre slept. |
Hows it going?
Almost Sparkles
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December 15, 2018, 05:49:53 PM
(This post was last modified: December 15, 2018, 10:55:02 PM by OzzySabertooth.)
Razorshade Was still asleep purring while He moved laying on His back on the ground, He felt comfortable Dreaming About Walking Around a cliff and He then layed on His left side of his body and then woke up seeing Bloodbird carrying it in her jaws "I see you got yourself a Meal" He said before he started licking his fur.
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“I see you got yourself a Meal"
She laughed as she set the rabbit down. “Myself? No, no I got this for you. The most valuable lesson my mother taught me, was that others eat before yourself. So-“ Bloodbird used her paw to swipe at the rabbit, causing it to slide towards him. “Enjoy.” A smile appeared on Bloodbird’s face. A smile? Really? She hadn’t smiled in a while now,it felt good to smile. Well whatever. “Oh, I never got your name, I’m Bloodbird, Wanderer of the Neutrals. I apologize for intruding earlier.” Bloodbird sat down acouple fox lengths away from him, her ears perked up and her eyes wide. |
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Almost Sparkles
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"I appreciate the rabbit But I think you should have it since its your kill" He said with what He Thinked "It is nice of what your mother tought you but I think you should Eat first, I'll go get my own" He said as he make it fair for the both of them to eat "And you Are ok I don't mind about you intruding as long as your not a threat and The name is "RazorShade" And its nice to meet you bloodbird".