Private Roleplay there's no crime in being kind [moxie] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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One day your bird is gonna fly
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![]() ![]() #9778cc The marketplace was a sure fire way for her to run into Roc Itai, he seemed to be patrolling it more and more each day, and everyday it was the same of him shooting her menacing looks. She never stayed long enough for him to actually walk up to her, and the one time that she did, he threatened to have her attacked for loitering. Padme decided from then on it was better to avoid that sort of situation all together. Instead today she'd find herself in the more shaded areas of the mainlands, safely out of the view of any Rocs (hopefully). The sound of birds filling the mid morning air, ear flicked idly as she laid upon a crumbling rock, it appeared to be a torn down slab of temple wall from the intricate carvings and how the moss literally covered every nook and cranny. The crumbling structure itself surrounded a rather large pond. Large elephant ear plants shaded her from the bright rays of the warm sun as a paw dragged back and forth in the water, scaring any fish that swam too close. Pale amber eyes focusing on the ripples left behind, her mind lulling into itself. Moments when she was alone like this it was so easy for her to slip into that little world of her's. There she was safe from everything, it shielded her like a blanket. The sparrow would waste her life away just by dreaming. A loud splash from a fish pulled her back and she blinked once, twice, three times. Her senses jarred for a moment as her eyes rested on someone close by, how long had they been here? "Hello, nice day, right?" The dappled youth began to sit up, pushing the large leaves behind her, a warm smile pulling her lips upward. |
Almost Sparkles
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m o x i e//
That little, conniving, shit sniffing, paper pushing son of a bitch. Who the fuck did he think he was, asking him questions about his family, HIS FAMILY. That little snot blowing asshat knew exactly what those prim and proper elite sons a bitches did to him and his family. He KNEW, because he was practically their servant, he knew because he was part of the problem, HE. FUCKING. KNEW. If it was any more possible for Moxie to be any more agitated, he possibly would have blown up by now. He couldn't very well attack Itai, even though the want and need was causing his jaws to clench, and his eyes to twitch. Not only had the fucking shit stack insult his family, he had the god damn AUDACITY to call him a fucking idiot. The little limp noodle of a wolf had decided to get all scholarly, and intelligent and speak in a way that he thought would confuse the Jay, but Moxie knew every-fucking-thing he had said. He followed every word, he knew every little snippet of vocabulary that bastard flung in his direction. HE was one of the reasons why he hated the elites so much. The entitlement, the obvious self-righteousness, the audacity to look down on others because of the way they looked! (He didn't see the irony in his own thoughts) Moxie hated him, he hated Itai, he hated the elites, he hated every single family line that thought just because they looked better, they were better. What they did to his family, to his bloodline, was inexcusable, it was treason, it was inhumane, it was WRONG. And they didn't see the error in their ways, and it pissed him right off. But they would see, they'd figure out how serious he was about proving them wrong, proving his line was worthy, they belonged, in fact they were even more impressive than even the most brilliant Crystalline. Moxie was so lost in his own vengeance, that a singsong voice tore him violently from them, crest on his head raised in full effect, as his line were famous for, and head feathers framed his face as he looked at this- this- thing. It was so brightly colored, his eyes screamed at him to shut them, but he did not, instead he narrowed them, ears pinned back as far as they could go. "Hello, nice day, right?" "Whats so fucking nice about it?" Moxie hissed back, his lips peeling back into a snarl, "Nice for you maybe, with your bright fucking feathers, and cheery fucking outlook on life. Must be fucking nice." He snorted, spitting onto the ground next to himself. "Who the fuck sent you? Itai? Does that fucking snake need more info on how my family suffered? Does he need more info to feed his grubby shit wiping paws with?" If he was, he wasn't gonna get anything else, he could go investigate the question on whether it was physically possible for him to go fuck himself. |
One day your bird is gonna fly
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![]() ![]() #9778cc Instantly she was met with a anger, flinching just a bit at his words and use of profanity. Padme looked bewildered for a moment, confused as to why he was angry, but she attempted to put her best foot forward. Take a deep breath, and smile. "Well, the sun is shining and the fish all seem really hap-" He cut her off in an instant and all the sparrow could do was blink. Feathers? He feathers? The youth turned slightly to look at her plumage, the confusion only seeming to escalate. "Your feathers are really nice too! I don't under-" But once again he drowned her out with his accusations. "No, I! I don't! I!" The situation was quickly becoming overwhelming all for just a little hello? She was tongue tied and fluster, legs trembling as she tried to search for her words. A wiser aviari would've realized this was an obsidian, would've understood that their tempers were fierce, but not Padme. The girl with the sun in her eyes, she step closer when it was smarter to move away. Inching as close as she could get to the smaller male. "I don't know what I did, or what happened." The girl mumbled softly, trying to catch the male's eye with her own. "Could you try to say it again?" Please? Discomfort began to settle in as she thought back on what had just happened, it was beginning to make her feel guilty for no apparent reason. Why? What had she done? She had never met this aviari until today, so?? "I think we got off on the wrong foot, I'm Padme!" She attempted to smile warmly at him, when you don't know what's wrong smile, and it'll make everything better. |
Almost Sparkles
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m o x i e//
Of course the poor girl was fumbling over her words, of course she had no idea the box of monsters she was about to open. The poor girl stood there, trying to make the best out of her situation, but didn't realize she was just making things so much worse for herself. She tried to calm the Obsidian down, smiling, using soft words, and a calm voice. He would commend her for her efforts if he wasn't so busy trying to figure out what her angle was. She didn't have one, we all knew this, but Moxie did not. He assumed the worst in people until they proved him otherwise. It only got worse as the girl advanced. Why, stupid, stupid girl would you advance on such a creature? Taking those steps forward sealed her fate, and that crest on Moxie's head rose to full frame as he watched her advance. The words she spoke were garbage, utter nonsense wading into the void of nothingness. Moxie was no longer listening, he had turned off his hearing as soon as she had begun to advance. And when she smiled- teeth. Teeth was all he saw. Advancing, and teeth. A threat. THREAT. THREAT. THREAT. Ears pinned back in an instant, and he charged the stupid, innocent, unfortunate girl. He charged with the force of a raging bull, and nocked right into her, trying to get some SPACE between them, space so he could analyze the situation before striking again. He lowered his shoulder, and rammed into her at full force. While he was smaller, he was quick, and built like a small tank. It could easily knock her off balance and into the water. Away from him, and give him time to recalculate. A small word of wisdom to those who did not know- a silent Obsidian, is a deadly one. |
One day your bird is gonna fly
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![]() ![]() #9778cc This world wasn't nice, no matter how you sugarcoated it for yourself, no matter how much you wanted to see it differently. It painfully reminded you how stupid your actions could be, even if they were from the heart, even if you meant no ill will. But yet Padme would still try to convince herself otherwise, be kind, Above all else be kind. "I'm a-" The sentence would not be finished. She was always so awful at reading social cues, or else maybe she would have seen this coming during her approach. Moxie would be having nothing to do with her, quickly shoving into her once. It caught her by surprise and she wobbled. Then again, and this time she'd lost her balance, paw crumbling underneath her and she was sure she'd fall back into the water. On reflex alone she reached out, teeth closing around whatever she could grasp (Moxie's back feathers, the ones resting between his shoulder blades), but it was no use, the force alone had nearly knocked the wind out of her, not to mention her paws had already begun to slip and fold. The feathers loosened and gave way, she'd accidentally ripped out 3 or 4. Body hit the water like a cool kiss to the back and she went under for a second. Flailing as she attempted to gain her ground, ripping out the water with a loud fuss as the fish all scattered to the other side of the pond. Wide eyed and bewildered, soaked to the bone, she stood there wading in the pool. Moxie's feathers floating among the lily pads and duckweed. At this point in time it was actually apparent to her that she was crying, her face already wet and looking as if the short plunge nearly drowned her. "You p-pushed me! I.. I don't understand??!" Her voice trembled, shakily with a sob that had yet to come. It was then then that she noticed his feathers, right as she was pulling herself out of the water. "I-I'm sorry, it was an accident, I-I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry." Putting weight on her left front paw caused her to wince in pain and she nearly felt it crumble again under her. Though she still mumbled her apologies as she tried to shake out her fur and feathers. |
Almost Sparkles
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m o x i e//
Moxie had always been a ruffian, not quite a bully, but always on the side of gruff and tuff. He had a temper, as most, if not all his bloodline did, and he was sure his was the worst. If Aviari were prone to the Fury, there would be no doubt that the small wolf would have it. But as it stood he did not have the fury, he just had a very short fuse and this girl was just unfortunate enough to have lit it unintentionally. He felt bone hit bone as he crashed with a burning intensity into the taller, prettier, more colorful lady, and for a second euphoria set over him, knowing she'd soon be a sopping wet mess. But as luck would have it, euphoria was replaced suddenly with stabbing knives in his back, and the breath was taken from him from the blinding pain, followed quickly by water crashing over him as Padme fell into the cold water. Moxie looked back to see what the fuck happened. Did she bite him? Did something fall on him? No. Neither of those things were what had caused him pain. As molten eyes locked onto a few empty spaces between his shoulder blades he realized, that bitch had pulled out his feathers. SHE PULLED OUT HIS FEATHERS! Crest flew forward, as he turned slowly back to look at her, dripping and sopping wet as he had previously desired. Eyes faltered for a second to the floating feathers around her, green and tan stood out among the water. He lifted his gaze from them to the frightened girl. "You p-pushed me! I... I don't understand!" Trembling words fell of deaf ears though, his were ringing as he watched his feathers dance around her sopping form in the pond. "I-I'm sorry, it was an accident, I-I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry." The words, sorry, and accident were not resonating with the smaller Aviari. She pulled out his feathers- that was a threat, that was something the elites thought about doing to cure them. She WAS working with Itai. How did they saying go? An eye for an eye? In a flash, Moxie launched himself forward, aiming himself to bite down hard on the girls face, those feathers that resided there needed to be- relocated. |
One day your bird is gonna fly
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![]() ![]() #9778cc Her body heaved with sobs, chest rattling on as if she couldn't breath, the Obsidian's gaze upon her wasn't unnoticed, but her eyes were so watery from the tears that threatened to break free, that when she blinked to look up they peeled down her face. Lips quivered and nose offered little sniffles, but her breathing hitched in her throat when she met his gaze. Anger, fury, a look she had seen many times before, but never with such malice and she knew why (of course she knew why), but also she didn't. Jaws opened to stutter out a sobbing apology, but it'd never come because the first thing she was met with was his brutal charge. He rocketed forward and caught her off guard (the poor girl, she wasn't meant for fighting). The feeling of teeth grazing flesh wasn't apparent at first, and the neither was the pain that followed afterward. It was when his jaws clamped down and applied pressure, did the white hot feeling of pain begin as fur and flesh parted and were ripped open like ribbons. He latched himself onto the right part of her face, where the strands of purple/pink hair were longest, nearly missing her eye. The girl shrieked, the shock of it all finally hitting her system and her legs threatened to buckle on a paw that didn't want anything to do with holding her weight at this moment. The noise caught in her throat, panicking sounds, screams that couldn't find an escape and she was so afraid of pulling away for whatever damage that may cause, but the blood mingled with hair and fur all the same, coated those two little feathers that resided in her cheek fur. Her plea came as gurgled nonsense akin to a prey animal just before the kill, babbled apologies mixed with small cries that grappled her throat. Padme's fear began to set in, that primal instinct of survival, and as all the strength gathered in her body, the dappled girl pulled away with all her might. The pain of separation, more tears to her skin, tresses, and feathers, followed by another scream of her own. One hard yank, and she found herself toppled to the side, but free of him. In that moment she didn't care where he landed, as long as it wasn't near her. Her eyes looking around as if blinded by the shock, and her legs shooting up to scrape around to find purchase like a flailing fish out of water. The few droplets of blood dripping onto the ground, the thrumming of her heartbeat in her ears. Padme's claws gripped the ground, shaking violently as they pulled her up and she forced herself to run, tail between her legs, nearly tripping over herself, but she ran. Tears streaming down her already wet face, stinging the fresh wound. |