Lazy Day (Moxie/Open) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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'I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won I don't care if heaven won't take me back I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe' "speech" | thoughts
Castiel sat quietly on a tree branch that sprawled low over the spring water that lay in a large shimmering mass below him. In the shade from the higher branches, he could see his own reflection in the waters below but that didn't interest him today. There was a calm to the late morning air, but a restlessness deep in him. He'd thought it was hunger early on but that was quickly satiated. Now what? His ears twitched, brilliant blue eyes closing as he breathed deep, focusing on the feel of moss and bark beneath him. What was he being called to do? It wasn't in him to admit boredom... felt too much like laziness. Yes, maybe that's what it was. Laziness. He'd have to find something to do to stamp that out. His gaze drew up to the valley walls, colorful birds flying from tree to tree and his own feathers ruffled. He wished they'd give him that power of flight. A noise behind him caught his attention, drawing it away from the birds. "Who's there?" |
Almost Sparkles
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m o x i e//
He carried the monkey between his jaws loosely, turning his head to gaze behind him every couple steps. Why would there be a need to get your own breakfast when you just just take it from someone else? There was a lot less work involved in that, and it was really hard for him to get caught, especially when that stupid cat was in a deep a sleep as it was. Usually, stealing a meal from a jaguar was not the most intelligent thing to do, but Moxie had become bored, and no one had been around to spar so he decided the next best thing was to go steal a meal from a jaguar. Eventually it would want to spar for it's meal back right? Snickering to himself as he heard the angered roar of the jaguar echo through the forest, he trotted into the stream, washing away his scent for the large cat to track, and made his way towards the cliffs to eat his meal in peace. Travelling away from where he left the jaguar, he found a good spot to hop back up on solid land, and enjoy his earned meal. He enjoyed the view of the water, it was peaceful, serene even, which could potentially even calm his ever angry soul. Placing the monkey on the ground, he licked his chops, about to dig into his well earned breakfast, when some fucking guy had the audacity to ask who the fuck he was. "Who's there?" Moxie snorted, ears pinning back onto his head. "None of your fucking business innit!" The Jay called back, looking around to see where this fucking guy was. And then he found him, dangling in the trees like some numbskull. "The fuck'er you doin' up there? Who the fuck'er you?" Between the branches it was hard to see. Was this guy some Crystalline fucker? Sanguine shithead? Or maybe one of those hippity bippity Opaline hags? Either way, Moxie was sure he wouldn't like this guy. The sooner he knew, the sooner he could tell him to piss off. |
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k a x l a n
"I didn't take your fucking MONKEY." When Kaxlan woke up this morning, she did not have 'argue with a belligerently angry jaguar on her list of things to do, but here she was. The spotted cat swore that it was a sand colored, teal-feathered asshole who was doting off with his meal. She only knew of one other sand colored, teal-feathered asshole in this shitforest. After a painstaking argument with a very angry cat, Kaxlan was off to look for him, crown of feathers displaying her irritation with the succession of events. It wasn't the jag that Moxie had to worry about tracking him, but his beloved sister. Nose to ground, she stopped abruptly at the lake that he dipped into to rid himself of the scent, but his inexorably loud bitching gave her little reason to need his scent any longer. "The fuck'er you doin up there? Who the fuck'er you?" Kaxlan leapt into the pool of water, a splash behind her, as she quickly paddled towards the opposite end of the shore. "MOX, you thieving fuck!" Sopping wet, aside from her head and boastful crown of feathers raging angrily atop her head, she stared wild eyed at Moxie. "Bright idea stealing from a jaguar, Moxie! He thought I'd done it! What're you thinking?" Her temper was doubling over, finding that it wasn't only the jaguar situation that was rattling her bones, but Moxie yelling at fucking no one. "And who the fuck are you YELLING AT? DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO YELL?" |
Almost Sparkles
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'I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won I don't care if heaven won't take me back I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe' "speech" | thoughts
"None of your fucking business innit!" Castiel blinked, unsure of what warranted that kind of language, but the coat colors and feather placement told him everything he needed to know. His shoulders relaxed. Obsidian. Poor things couldn't really help their own outbursts, could they? If it was possible, Cas doubted they tried very hard for it. Best to accept their issues and move along, but the stranger continued. "The fuck'er you doin' up there? Who the fuck'er you?" "Just observing the beauty of nature. I'm Castiel," he replied, in a voice deeper, raspier than his small body would seem natural, "of Sanguine. You're Obsidian, right? What's your name?" Before the stranger could answer another voice came from the jungle. Blue eyes drifted up to the new form that materialized from the shadows, her voice just as loud as the first one as she paddled across to their side of the shore. She was angry, her feathered crest flared. What on earth were they going on about? Cas say up on his perch, watching those below him arguing, the newcomer yelling at the other one about yelling. So. Much. Yelling. "Wait," Castiel said. "I'm sure whatever your issues are, you can come to a calm and reasonable solution." |
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gently pets
Almost Sparkles
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m o x i e//
Moxie rolled his eyes at the strangers words. Of course he was Sanguine, and of course he wanted to know Moxie's name. Why is that whoever he met wanted to know his name? Was it so they could go report their findings to that snake Itai? Probably. Moxie didn't care though, if it came down to it, he could tear Itai to small, insignificant pieces and shove them up Miriams ass. "Ya, I'm Obsidian, so what?" Like he should be impressed that this Castiel should know his lineage. Big fucking whoop. He'd introduce himself to this tree climbing shit, because why not. Everyone was gonna know his name eventually he was sure. Its not like he was quiet. "My name is- " But he was interrupted by a shrieking, shrill call from behind. "MOX, you thieving fuck!" Kaxlan emerged from the water, dripping wet, and angry apparently. "What?" He yelled back, what was she gonna gripe about now? "Bright idea stealing from a jaguar, Moxie! He thought I'd done it! What're you thinking?" He rolled his eyes, and huffed out his nose. "Oh for fucks sake Kaxlan, you can hold your own. Anyway I was fucking hungry and he wasn't fucking eating it. Didn't wanna waste it!!!" They'd trained together as children, and as adults before emigrating back into the pack. Kax was the only other he would trust by his side in a fight, he did not need to worry about her, or watching his back when she was there, but sometimes. She really was a pain in the ass. "And who the fuck are you YELLING AT? DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO YELL?" "YES! BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD HEAR ME OTHERWISE!" He yelled back, "I was talking to this Sanguine tree climber, Castro, or whatever." "Wait, I'm sure whatever your issues are, you can come to a calm and reasonable solution." Head jerked up to the fuck in the tree, ears pinning back onto his head, "Oy, no one asked your opinion, so shut your Sanguine mouth, and mind your own damn business." Besides, Obsidians never, EVER, came to a reasonable solution. Or calm for that matter.. |