Open Make me a promise that time won't erase us | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The snow began to fall to the earth and piled up into drifts. The wind picked up the snow with its occasional gusts, blowing it sideways. Mischievous as it usually was, one of those gusts sent it into the face of a large creature. A creature of exceptional size with thick sabres jutting out of its mouth. His fur was a mixture of cream and brown hues with white markings in his saddle and chest. He stopped in his tracks, the fins on his head pushed up in shock as he shook his head to get the snow off of his face. His long tail lashed as he plopped on the ground, his useless wings twitching as his paw rubbed the snow out of his face. "You've got to be kidding me!" Ikaika whined as he finally got the snow off of his face. Already, Lyra'eve had gone off on her own and now he was tasked with the job of finding her. She had probably warned him of her plans last night but he couldn't remember what they were as his memory was dubious at best when it came to instructions. Sure, he hadn't been paying attention as he had been thinking of something else and lost in his own world, but she knew that she needed his undivided attention if she wanted to tell him something that mattered - albeit the beast's memory was pick and choose when it came to that. "First my sister leaves me to do gods know what, and now I get snow in my face!" The giant muttered as he licked his paw and smeared it over his face. He was about to get to his feet and looked up. And then a snowflake blew into his eye. "What in the name of Zeus and all the gods and goddesses!" ![]() |
Almost Sparkles
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It had taken Dominix half of the night to carry her. An albino doe. Her body was light, and posed little difficulty to move, even with the great care Dominix took when traversing from the forest to the plains. He didn’t want todamage the fresh kill. He wanted her pristine well beyond the end, and though his added caution took effort, it was minute when considering how little her body weighed.
It was the hunger that posed the most difficulty. His stomach growled and began to eat its self. He wanted to give up. He hadnt eaten in a few weeks, and he was done…he needed to eat. The urge to rip the doe’s freash, warm meat. At the top of a gentle hill, he stopped. The male slowly bent down, and delicately slid Albino doe body off of his shoulders to rest in the grass. Then, he began digging. The night persisted as he did, and, when the moon began sinking back towards the horizon, the hole was deep enough. He began to rip off the legs of the deer, and dropped it in the hole. It had been days since the rain had threatened his home, the weather finally shifting into what Dominix hoped to be better days. Especially with winter just around the corner. But yet, even still, the sky was light and clear. No clouds hovered over the tips of the mountainous peaks and the sun seemed to barely make it through the mountain peaks in the sky. But that was fine for the gray colouered male. As long as there were no more storms, he could deal with the sun cover. |
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Ikaika blinked away the snowflake in his eye and tried to rationalize his situation; to think through it like his parents would. Lyra'eve wasn't lost and she could take care of herself; the siblings didn't need to stay together and were perfectly fine on their own. She was trained in the art of tracking and by no means was the behemoth a difficult creature to find so they wouldn't be seperated. For all he knew, the snow leopard left to hunt or scout and the male should do the same. His only options were to wait here and do nothing or strike out on his own. The giant sabretooth rose to his feet; he had made his decision. The beast scented the air, tasting it in order to find a meal. He sensed nothing that would be considered food and with a soft sigh, he began to hunt. Moving as silently as he was able to, the beast began to look for prey. He wasn't hungry now, but he knew that he would be soon as his size demanded more fuel. After a while of looking for something to hunt, the beast spotted a rabbit in the snow. The titan fell into a crouch as he stalked the rabbit who seemed oblivious to the predator as the wind blew the beast's scent away from the creature. By the time the rabbit noticed the cat, the beast was quick to fall upon his quarry and finish the creature swiftly. The dark and cream brute was about to gulp down his prey when he spotted a murder of crows that were often indicators of a carcass. The beast picked up the rabbit in his jaws and headed in the direction of the circling birds, curious as to what they were circling about for. The beast found the source of the murder to be a wolf tearing apart a deer and dropping the pieces into a hole. It was a smart tactic and the male decided to leave the wolf to whatever he was doing since it didn't look like it was any of his business. Though the giant forgot to watch his step and a twig crunched under his paw. |
Almost Sparkles
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The twig crunched loudly, Dominix’s ear twitch as the sound echoed in his brain. He lifted his head, his eyes widen and alert. His head moved automatically around him. It wasn’t hard to see the big Sabre. In fact, he stuck out like a sore paw when the sun shown through the clouds only for a second. Dominix’s first instinct was to flee, but hunger took over his instincts awhile ago. He lifted his self upward and stumbled forward a little. His face painted with the doe’s thick,hot blood. His eyes met the cats eyes. “Who-“ He burped, and scrunched his face up. “Who are you?” He was drunk… off of the doe’s meat. He snorted and turned back to the doe. Dominix was aware he was being watched by the Sabre. It didn’t much matter as long as the cat wasn’t trying to kill him or take his kill, he was okay. He began ripping apart the doe again, constantly glancing at the Sabre. |
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November 28, 2018, 02:11:36 PM
(This post was last modified: November 28, 2018, 02:12:28 PM by Ikaika.)
Ikaika almost jumped when he heard the crack and his head whipped back to the wolf and dropping the rabbit in the process. He appeared to be more shocked by the stick than the wolf had. His tail flicked back and forth and his wings unfurled, raising in shock as he looked around for a second, looking for who had made the noise before realizing that it was himself. The oversized sabre's eyes went back to the wolf, waiting for the wolf to react, though it seemed like he wouldn't do anything. There was something wrong with the wolf, or at least it seemed like there was. He burped in the middle of asking a question and looked...sick? The giant's head tilted completely to the side as he regarded the wolf with a curious look. It wouldn't be polite if he asked the question in his head, the beast had that much sense. "Uh, I'm Ikaika," the overgrown feline said, sitting down and scratching his head with his paw. His ears pushed forward and his tail was raised to show that he was approachable and friendly. He paused for a second and then asked, "Who are you?" The beast didn't know what to do so he pulled the rabbit closer with his paw. |
Almost Sparkles
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“Uh, I'm Ikaika,Who are you”
He hiccuped and half died because of coughing. He held out a paw, and in doing so almost lost his balance. “T- the names Dominx” He slurred his words and then mumbled them again. His ears perked up a bit, the feelings in his head and stomach eased off. Yibio landed beside his, sqwaked and flew away. Dominix looked down beside him at the bird that was no longer there. “Ugh, you uhhh, Your head twirling around.” Double vision, illusion,and his vision was blurred. His balance began to become more and more unsteady. He looked over at the carcass, he had finally realize that the elk was sick, and the meat wasn’t good. The meat was intoxicated. |